Were Adam & Eve Jewish?

first what? in the mosques he is a MUSLIM and anyone who suggests he drank wine is
a KAFFIR----the OT is a perverse fraud and they change it every tuesday and thursday
Suradie disagrees----she also admitted that she was never in a mosque. I was--
by invitation. For a KHUTBAH JUMAAT (friday sermon) go to a mosque in the USA
friday late morning
the term JEW is derived from the term KINGDOM OF JUDEA ----which is the moniker
attributed to the kingdom which consisted of all of the descendants of Jacob aka ISRAEL
Jacob--named his son JUDAH as king of the whole community----sometimes termed
Not entirely correct. The Kingdom of Israel (10 northern tribes) and the Kingdom of Judah (2 southern tribes) split during the historical times of the Books of Kings & Chronicles.

Hebrews chapter 8 substantiates the fact that Judah and Israel two, separate and distinct groups (albeit closely related).
the term JEW is derived from the term KINGDOM OF JUDEA ----which is the moniker
attributed to the kingdom which consisted of all of the descendants of Jacob aka ISRAEL
Jacob--named his son JUDAH as king of the whole community----sometimes termed
The House of David's rule over the Jews ended with the death of Zedekiah and his sons. However, Zedekiah's daughter was taken to Britain where she married a descendant of Judah and produced a royal line that ruled over "the house of Israel" (the 'other' tribes) from that day forward. King Charles II now sits on that throne.
David's rule over the Jews ended with the death of Zedekiah and his sons. However, Zedekiah's daughter was taken to Britain where she married a descendant of Judah and produced a royal line that ruled over "the house of Israel" (the 'other' tribes) from that day forward. King Charles II now sits on that throne.
oh gee Mr nutz is an anglican--(aka Episcopalian)----a cult invented by a king who wanted
to murder his wives so he could marry other wives not that he needed to be married to
DO THE NASTY----he wanted legal heirs. Unfortunately---some of the founders of the USA were also Episcopalians which is why slavery persisted so long and so barbaric (according to the Roman model) in the USA George Washington was an anglican----famous in the town of my childhood----in which he hung out before crossing the Delaware to murder german
mercenaries ON CHRISTMAS EVE--no less. The anglican tradition was so strong in that town
that it was completely "restricted" (no jews or blacks or orientals etc ) until after world War II
when selling off the dairy farm land became VERY PROFITABLE ----
I'm just quoting the dictionary.
not a source----you should have learned that in the 5th grade in public grammar school.
Kaffir is an arabic world. Its root is "to conceal" Kaffiirin (plural of Kaffir) conceal the
TRUTH of the kharahan and the very divine special status of muhummad
Not entirely correct. The Kingdom of Israel (10 northern tribes) and the Kingdom of Judah (2 southern tribes) split during the historical times of the Books of Kings & Chronicles.

Hebrews chapter 8 substantiates the fact that Judah and Israel two, separate and distinct groups (albeit closely related).
right---and they later MERGED into THE KINGDOM OF JUDAH ---the nation that
the Roman invaders called JUDEA over which one "KING" ruled. During the Roman
occupation---the "King" was an appointed Roman Lackey---HEROD. HOWEVER even
on the splitting of the "kingdoms" ----the people of the land of Judah and the land of
Israel---were never actually DISTINCT---there was just disputed rule AT THE TOP
right---and they later MERGED into THE KINGDOM OF JUDAH ---the nation that
the Roman invaders called JUDEA over which one "KING" ruled. During the Roman
occupation---the "King" was an appointed Roman Lackey---HEROD. HOWEVER even
on the splitting of the "kingdoms" ----the people of the land of Judah and the land of
Israel---were never actually DISTINCT---there was just disputed rule AT THE TOP
Not exactly. The 10 northern tribes had been "divorced" by God and were taken into the Assyrian captivity lock-stock-and-barrel. They were removed from their lands and were transported into the areas of what we currently know as Iran and Iraq. They lost their identity (as Israelites) and later migrated into various areas of what we know as Europe today.

The 2 southern tribes of Judah were taken captive by the Babylonians and were later released and allowed to remain in the Mideast and were allowed to rebuild the city of Jerusalem. They were later known as "Jews" and/or Judeans. Paul refers to himself as a Jew of the tribe of Benjamin. Benjamin and Judah were the 2 southern tribes.

Hebrews 8:8, "For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:"

The New Testament considers Israel and Judah as two, different groups.
Suradie disagrees----she also admitted that she was never in a mosque. I was--
by invitation. For a KHUTBAH JUMAAT (friday sermon) go to a mosque in the USA
friday late morning

I have been in several famous mosques... not in some racist backwater burg in the US.
not a source----you should have learned that in the 5th grade in public grammar school.
Kaffir is an arabic world. Its root is "to conceal" Kaffiirin (plural of Kaffir) conceal the
TRUTH of the kharahan and the very divine special status of muhummad

It's a bit early in the day for you to be pushing your ignorant hatreds isn't it?
Not exactly. The 10 northern tribes had been "divorced" by God and were taken into the Assyrian captivity lock-stock-and-barrel. They were removed from their lands and were transported into the areas of what we currently know as Iran and Iraq. They lost their identity (as Israelites) and later migrated into various areas of what we know as Europe today.

The 2 southern tribes of Judah were taken captive by the Babylonians and were later released and allowed to remain in the Mideast and were allowed to rebuild the city of Jerusalem. They were later known as "Jews" and/or Judeans. Paul refers to himself as a Jew of the tribe of Benjamin. Benjamin and Judah were the 2 southern tribes.

Hebrews 8:8, "For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:"

The New Testament considers Israel and Judah as two, different groups.
Judah, Levi, and Benjamin.
right---and they later MERGED into THE KINGDOM OF JUDAH ---the nation that
the Roman invaders called JUDEA over which one "KING" ruled. During the Roman
occupation---the "King" was an appointed Roman Lackey---HEROD. HOWEVER even
on the splitting of the "kingdoms" ----the people of the land of Judah and the land of
Israel---were never actually DISTINCT---there was just disputed rule AT THE TOP
A few from the Northern kingdom came to Jerusalum for the feasts, but eventually returned to Samaria. The two kingdoms were definitely distinct and actually went to war against each other.
I have been in several famous mosques... not in some racist backwater burg in the US.
racist backwater----the mosque I attended hosted a famous islamic scholar ---it was a big
excitement amongst the shiite muslims of New York City. The jerk addressed mostly shiites from south east asia but his accent was more arabic than PAKI/INDIAN. The racist backwater in which I spent my childhood was founded by anglican racists pre revolutionary war---
we were FULL of "daughters of the american revolution" ---it was not MANHATTAN.
Vistiing a mosque museum style is not the same as listening to a bonafide KHUTBAH JUMAAT BY A REAL MUSLIM PREACHER ----it was so nauseating that I took deep breaths to avoid
vomiting on the carpet
A few from the Northern kingdom came to Jerusalum for the feasts, but eventually returned to Samaria. The two kingdoms were definitely distinct and actually went to war against each other.
utterly wrong-----but who am I to argue with a jelly bean bitch?
oh gee Mr nutz is an anglican--(aka Episcopalian)----a cult invented by a king who wanted
to murder his wives so he could marry other wives not that he needed to be married to
DO THE NASTY----he wanted legal heirs. Unfortunately---some of the founders of the USA were also Episcopalians which is why slavery persisted so long and so barbaric (according to the Roman model) in the USA George Washington was an anglican----famous in the town of my childhood----in which he hung out before crossing the Delaware to murder german
mercenaries ON CHRISTMAS EVE--no less. The anglican tradition was so strong in that town
that it was completely "restricted" (no jews or blacks or orientals etc ) until after world War II
when selling off the dairy farm land became VERY PROFITABLE ----
Henry VIII was not in the succession of Kings from the line of David. In his day the true throne was in Scotland.

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