Were Adam & Eve Jewish?

Judah and Israel were never reunited regardless of what your Rabbi tells you.
Read it again-----your anglican pig invented a history to be adapt to the needs
of the wife murdering pig---Henry VIII and the scum called "crusaders"
Read it again-----your anglican pig invented a history to be adapt to the needs
of the wife murdering pig---Henry VIII and the scum called "crusaders"
The topic is the reuniting of Israel and Judah, not Henry VIII's cruelty. Unfortunately, the Jews have trouble with the writings of Ezekiel, especially chapter 37.
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The topic is the reuniting of Israel and Judah, not Henry VIII's cruelty. Unfortunately, the Jews have trouble with the writings of Ezekiel.
Henry VIII founded anglicanism -------all decent people have problems with anglican
(episcopalian) Bullshit. Anglicans kiss the ass of Oliver Cromwell----mass murdering pig
... you have no clue about the teachings of biblical history.

from the beginning what one reads is their own discretion and how it is read - dick. what is written and by whom. forgeries and fallacies of the desert religions.

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

and what jesus taught ...

Then God said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

the natural heavenly prescribed religion of antiquity spoken not read granted a&e for their journey by their request to determine their own destiny and if successful to return w/ judgement for remission to paradise to live ever happily for as long as time prevails.

seldom is there a page read of any desert document that is not strewn with forgeries and fallacies and most often than not for the purpose to persecute and victimize the innocent.

remove the false 10 commandments used to impersonate the heavens or live in torment w/ moses or those that wrote in their name till their crime is brought to justice.
from the beginning what one reads is their own discretion and how it is read - dick. what is written and by whom. forgeries and fallacies of the desert religions.

and what jesus taught ...

the natural heavenly prescribed religion of antiquity spoken not read granted a&e for their journey by their request to determine their own destiny and if successful to return w/ judgement for remission to paradise to live ever happily for as long as time prevails.

seldom is there a page read of any desert document that is not strewn with forgeries and fallacies and most often than not for the purpose to persecute and victimize the innocent.

remove the false 10 commandments used to impersonate the heavens or live in torment w/ moses or those that wrote in their name till their crime is brought to justice.
Keep in mind----1) you are reading a translation. 2) the term "jesus taught" is pure
conjecture AND in Greek based on that which the EMPEROR of the holy roman Empire
wanted written. It is silly to interpret by parsing word by word in translations of
what might have been "said"
Henry VIII founded anglicanism -------all decent people have problems with anglican
(episcopalian) Bullshit. Anglicans kiss the ass of Oliver Cromwell----mass murdering pig
OH gee---Surada disagrees. I have often wondered what the Episcopalian take
on Oliver Cromwell is. I grew up in an Episcopalian founded town----also having
a founding core population of Presbyterians Methodists and whatevah. Based on
its early very RESTRICTED status----it might just as well have "restricted" catholics.
The very first THEOLOGICAL fight I witnessed ~age 6 was between protestant
sally and catholic lenore. Sally said "YOU PRAY TO MARY" ---in a kinda nasty
accusatory tone. I was mystified
Read it again-----your anglican pig invented a history to be adapt to the needs
of the wife murdering pig---Henry VIII and the scum called "crusaders"
Surada disagrees ???? I wonder to what she disagrees. Muslims
I had known well use the word "crusader" with almost as much disdain
as they use the word JOOOOO
from the beginning what one reads is their own discretion and how it is read - dick. what is written and by whom. forgeries and fallacies of the desert religions.

and what jesus taught ...

the natural heavenly prescribed religion of antiquity spoken not read granted a&e for their journey by their request to determine their own destiny and if successful to return w/ judgement for remission to paradise to live ever happily for as long as time prevails.

seldom is there a page read of any desert document that is not strewn with forgeries and fallacies and most often than not for the purpose to persecute and victimize the innocent.

remove the false 10 commandments used to impersonate the heavens or live in torment w/ moses or those that wrote in their name till their crime is brought to justice.
So, the real skinny is an 'oral tradition'? Sounds awfully Jewish to me.
Keep in mind----1) you are reading a translation. 2) the term "jesus taught" is pure
conjecture AND in Greek based on that which the EMPEROR of the holy roman Empire
wanted written. It is silly to interpret by parsing word by word in translations of
what might have been "said"

the christian bible was concluded in the late 4th century after nearly a 100 years of negotiations - without a preserved archive of a single document used to write their book - or the initial book itself.

and written by the crucifiers themselves in regards to their false messiah religion of servitude and denial - than the true 1st century events by those involved of liberation theology, self determination culminating in the crucifixion of a single individual as the untimely conclusion to the heavenly enactments.
the christian bible was concluded in the late 4th century after nearly a 100 years of negotiations - without a preserved archive of a single document used to write their book - or the initial book itself.

and written by the crucifiers themselves in regards to their false messiah religion of servitude and denial - than the true 1st century events by those involved of liberation theology, self determination culminating in the crucifixion of a single individual as the untimely conclusion to the heavenly enactments.
oh----how do you know?
Abraham was the first Jew.. remember the covenant of circumcision?
The covenant of Circumcision is a WORK that demonstrates faith.....simply because Abraham demonstrated faith toward the God of creation does not make him a Jew......as the nation from which the term originated, "Israel" did not exist until 600 years after Abraham demonstrated his covenant of Faith to the God of Creation. The covenant of Abraham is totally distinct from the Law and the Prophets..i.e, the Covenant of Moses. There have been more than 1 covenants between man and God as recorded in the Holy Scriptures.

The point being made.........Covenants are contract/promises made between 2 contracting individuals. Historically speaking: There was a covenant between Adam/Eve and God.......God promised to tend to all the physical needs of His created humans under the condition of the only law that bound man to the covenant, "Thy shall not eat from the tree of knowledge........for you will surely die..." -- Genesis 2:17

There was the Covenant of the Flood or the covenant of Noah. "I will establish My Covenant with you (Noah)........." -- Genesis 6:18, 9:12-13. Next we find God establishing the covenant of Abraham, this covenant or promises made between God and man was 3 fold in purpose and duration. 1. God promised to make the descendants of Abraham into a great nation (Gen. 12:1-3, Gen. 15:18.....this promise was called a covenant by God) 2. God kept His promise of Land (Joshua 21:43-45). 3. The promise was to be an eternal or everlasting promise.........under the condition that God's covenants were obeyed .....the covenant of promise was bound to the conditions of obeying the Laws of God (Ex. 24:7,8).

The Covenant of the Jews/Isralites was called the Law and the Prophets.....and came some 600 years removed from the father of the covenants promises ....Abraham. As pointed out earlier, this covenant was between those living in the generation of Moses only and was not applicable to any ancestors or any other nation than Israel (Deut. 4: 5-8, Deut. 5:1-3. This is where the term Gentile originated, which literally means......any nation other than Israel.

Today, man has entered into a New Testament Covenant between God and mankind.......the covenant of the last days, or the last and final covenant between God and man. (Acts 2). Today the covenant of the circumcision is of the heart not of the flesh. (Romans 2:29) God has made all who will come to the knowledge of the Truth.......descendants of Abraham or the seeds of Abraham, by Faith in Christ Jesus. (Gal. 3:28-29). God has offered the blessings of Abraham to all the nations of the world. (Matthew 18:18-20). There is no longer Gentile and Jew........only Christians as the 2 have become one in the bound of marriage between mankind and Jesus Christ........we are the brides of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 11:2, Rev. 21:9). Under the Law, the Jews were the only nation husbanded by God (Jer. 3:31-34).....but that Wall of separation between God and All nations has been torn down by the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:14-17)
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