Were Adam & Eve Jewish?

God promised, by birthright inheritance, that Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, would become a (great) company of nations, and a (single) great nation. Could this be realized without extensive land providing abundant wealth? Aren't great lands implicit in these promises? The promised land of Canaan could never accommodate the birthright promises, therefore it was intended for a different purpose.

The birthright promises were never fulfilled in ancient Israel.
Exactly.......you can't back up your biased opinion by book, chapter and verse.......you continue to present ad hominem BS. There is nothing subjective or hypothetical about reading and comprehending the Word of God. There are

none so blind as those who refuse to see. You seem to enjoy "hypotheticals". Enlighten us..........by answering this question. How could 1 Son of a Carpenter......and 12 close friends grow into a kingdom that encompasses parts of the entire world while becoming the largest Religion on earth with some 4 billion members........IF GOD was not keeping His promises? :dunno: Its a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, you are obligated to present and continue in His truth (Hebrews 10:31)

Again........the scriptures declare your opinion to be WRONG.......you declare that the land promise of God to Abraham and his descendants were never fulfilled ..........yet the book, chapter and verse was presented that declared ALL (everything) WAS FULFILLED in relation to Israel becoming a nation and taking possession of the promised land.

1. God "remembered His promise to Abraham", God promised to give them "Canaan" for their own-- Ex. 6:4-8
2. God told "THE ISRAELITES" to enter and possess the land of promise -- Deut. 1:6-8
3. Joshua takes possession of the land and gives it to ISRAEL -- Joshua 11:23
4. Thus, the Lord gave to ISRAEL ALL THE LAND HE SWORE (promised) TO THEIR FATHERS (ancestors) -- Joshua 21:43-45

THE NATION PROMISE was fulfilled by God while they were still in the land of Egypt. God had told Jacob that would be accomplished while in Egypt. -- Genesis 46:3, "Then, He (God) said, I Am God....the God of your father.....do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for THERE I WILL MAKE YOU INTO A GREAT NATION." The population of the Jews increased greatly -- Ex. 1:7. Their numbers increased like stars, just as God promised -- Deut. 1:9-11. This final promise is still continuing today, the promise to be a blessing to all nations on earth ( its the only promise that will last FOREVER because it does not depend upon man to accomplish it (men never keep their promises)........it continues via the GRACE OF GOD. (until the final judgement) -- Gal. 3:28-29
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Exactly.......you can't back up your biased opinion by book, chapter and verse.......you continue to present ad hominem BS. There is nothing subjective or hypothetical about reading and comprehending the Word of God. There are

none so blind as those who refuse to see. You seem to enjoy "hypotheticals". Enlighten us..........by answering this question. How could 1 Son of a Carpenter......and 12 close friends grow into a kingdom that encompasses parts of the entire world while becoming the largest Religion on earth with some 4 billion members........IF GOD was not keeping His promises? :dunno: Its a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, you are obligated to present and continue in His truth (Hebrews 10:31)

Again........the scriptures declare your opinion to be WRONG.......you declare that the land promise of God to Abraham and his descendants were never fulfilled ..........yet the book, chapter and verse was presented that declared ALL (everything) WAS FULFILLED in relation to Israel becoming a nation and taking possession of the promised land.

1. God "remembered His promise to Abraham", God promised to give them "Canaan" for their own-- Ex. 6:4-8
2. God told "THE ISRAELITES" to enter and possess the land of promise -- Deut. 1:6-8
3. Joshua takes possession of the land and gives it to ISRAEL -- Joshua 11:23
4. Thus, the Lord gave to ISRAEL ALL THE LAND HE SWORE (promised) TO THEIR FATHERS (ancestors) -- Joshua 21:43-45

THE NATION PROMISE was fulfilled by God while they were still in the land of Egypt. God had told Jacob that would be accomplished while in Egypt. -- Genesis 46:3, "Then, He (God) said, I Am God....the God of your father.....do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for THERE I WILL MAKE YOU INTO A GREAT NATION." The population of the Jews increased greatly -- Ex. 1:7. Their numbers increased like stars, just as God promised -- Deut. 1:9-11. This final promise is still continuing today, the promise to be a blessing to all nations on earth ( its the only promise that will last FOREVER because it does not depend upon man to accomplish it (men never keep their promises)........it continues via the GRACE OF GOD. (until the final judgement) -- Gal. 3:28-29
So, you believe that the "great nation" promise made to Manasseh, and the "company of nations" promise made to Ephraim, the sons of Joseph, was fulfilled during the captivity in Egypt?

Here is but one of many similar explanations of the birthright promise. Even a brief bible word study of "the birthright" should convince you that that promise was never fulfilled in ancient Israel.

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Abraham was the first. Remember the covenant and circumcision?
first what? in the mosques he is a MUSLIM and anyone who suggests he drank wine is
a KAFFIR----the OT is a perverse fraud and they change it every tuesday and thursday
All Israelites were under the Law, not just the Jews.
Mr. Nutz ----wattaya talking about. Surada mentioned Abraham when he was living
in Beersheba with his entourage. His grandson----Jacob aka Israel---had not been
born yet
Mr. Nutz ----wattaya talking about. Surada mentioned Abraham when he was living
in Beersheba with his entourage. His grandson----Jacob aka Israel---had not been
born yet
Sorry, I got a little ahead of myself. Of course, Judah wasn't born yet. However, I think Surada was thinking of Abraham not as a Jew by blood but by religion, which would also be wrong.
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Abraham was the great grandfather of the first Jew who was Judah. The lineage is Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel), Judah. Israel was the grandson of Abraham and so the house of Israel did not even start until after Abraham. I believe Judah was the 4th son of Israel, the lineage is Jacob aka Israel, Rueben, Simeon, Levi, then Judah, Judah was the first Jew. He was only one of the 12 sons known as the twelve tribes of Israel. So we have:

Abraham -> Isaac -> Jacob (Israel) -> Rueben
Sorry, I got a little ahead of myself. Of course, Judah wasn't born yet. However, I think Surada was thinking of Abraham not as a Jew by blood but by religion, which would also be wrong.
Abraham was not an Israelite because that came through "Abraham's grandson". Abraham was most certainly not a Jew because that came through his great grandson. Abraham did enter into a "covenant" with God that would eventually lead to the founding of Israel, but Abraham lived some 600 years before Israel was founded.

Why do the Jews then refer to Abraham as their founding father? Because of the promises made to Abram/Abraham by God.........with these promises being passed down through the lineage of Abraham, from Abraham to Isaac, to Jacob who was called Israel. But the facts are the same...........Abraham lived 600 years before the nation of Israel was founded.

It was the demonstration of faith and righteousness toward God by Abraham, is the reason why God has kept His promises to Abraham's lineage. "They (Jews) answered Him (Jesus), Abraham is our father (ancestor). Jesus said to them, If you were Abraham's children, you would do the work of Abraham........" -- John 8:39 Which agrees with Jesus statement in (Matthew 3:9) "God.........can make sons of Abraham from these stones". The Jews were bragging they were special because they were the sons of Abraham, Jesus simply reminded them that Abraham was their father because of his demonstration of faith and righteousness not because of some blood lineage.

Its clear that the Law and the Prophets, which resulted in the creation of the Nation of Biblical Israel with its people's being called Jews...........did not apply backwards through Abraham lineage. The Law did not apply to the ancestors of Moses, "The Lord our God made a covenant with us Horeb. NOT WITH OUR FATHERS (ancestors), did the Lord make this covenant, but with US, who are all of us here alive......today." -- Deut. 5:2-3. Nor did the Law apply to any nation on earth other than Israel (Deut. 4:5-8)

Which proves another thing................being a Jew is not considered a RACE OF PEOPLES because a Jew is a Jew because of his/her faith, not their lineage. Faith/religion is a choice, not a birth right. It takes FAITH to be a Jew by scriptural definition......Moses stated a much in the O.T. while Jesus made the same statement in the N.T. A Jew is a Jew only when they keep the covenant with God, the same applies to Christian's, a Christian is a Christian only as long as he/she honors the faith based covenant founded upon the words of Jesus Christ. A person does not define their faith by birth.........their faith DEFINES THEM through continued righteousness.
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first what? in the mosques he is a MUSLIM and anyone who suggests he drank wine is
a KAFFIR----the OT is a perverse fraud and they change it every tuesday and thursday

Abraham was the first Jew.. remember the covenant of circumcision?
Sorry, I got a little ahead of myself. Of course, Judah wasn't born yet. However, I think Surada was thinking of Abraham not as a Jew by blood but by religion, which would also be wrong.

Abraham was a friend of God.
All Israelites were under the Law, not just the Jews.

The origins of Jewish faith are explained throughout the Torah. According to the text, God first revealed himself to a Hebrew man named Abraham, who became known as the founder of Judaism.

Jews believe that God made a special covenant with Abraham and that he and his descendants were chosen people who would create a great nation.

The origins of Jewish faith are explained throughout the Torah. According to the text, God first revealed himself to a Hebrew man named Abraham, who became known as the founder of Judaism.

Jews believe that God made a special covenant with Abraham and that he and his descendants were chosen people who would create a great nation.
Those descendants were Israelites, of which only one tribe was "Jewish". That the Jews seemed to inherit the mantle of the 'chosen' stems from the separation of the tribes in the days of Rehoboam and Jeroboam, the conquering of the northern kingdom by the Assyrians, and the fact that the center of worship remained with the Jews and Levites in Jerusalem. The sect of the Pharisees later created what became 'Judaism', which the Jews of today still follow. Meanwhile the true worship was removed from them and given to the new covenant church, which arose among the other descendants of Israel, and indeed has become a great nation.
Serious question. At what point did Judaism come into being, as opposed to being a gentile?
The term "Jew" is a short abbreviation for the tribe of Judah who didn't show up on the scene for many generations after the death of Adam and Eve. So, no, I would not consider Adam and Eve "Jews."
The term "Jew" is a short abbreviation for the tribe of Judah who didn't show up on the scene for many generations after the death of Adam and Eve. So, no, I would not consider Adam and Eve "Jews."
the term JEW is derived from the term KINGDOM OF JUDEA ----which is the moniker
attributed to the kingdom which consisted of all of the descendants of Jacob aka ISRAEL
Jacob--named his son JUDAH as king of the whole community----sometimes termed

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