Were Adam & Eve Jewish?

You believe it was inspired so that would explain all the errors...Christian "scholarship" is not useful when understanding Judaic texts.
I don't think there are significant differences in the literal translations. It's in the interpretations that the differences are profound.
The KJV has some errors but was translated from the Hebrew for the Christian people of Britian and Europe. I believe it was inspired by God for that purpose. The import of that translation on civilization is so profound that Jewish scholarship on the matter is insignificant.
O gee----DA FATHER in the trinity model decided to trick the gentiles with
I don't think there are significant differences in the literal translations. It's in the interpretations that the differences are profound.
the translations are prone to misinterpretation and those misinterpretations
have actually been FOSTERED
Yes, that's true.
Suradie disagrees-----??? well----I made only two points---
1) persons of a religion that seeks to supplant Judaism persecute jews,
to wit, Islam and Christianity
2) Sunnis in Pakistan kill Shiites
I wonder with which point she disagrees
Another example of those who wish to supplant---Iranian shiites
persecute ZOROASTRIANS. Zoroastrians and Jews get along well in
HINDU INDIA ---to wit the erstwhile Bombay---now MUMBAI. They
got to that Port city by boat as refugees from GUESS WHO
I agree that for the most part your Judaism isn't an issue.
Yes, that's true.

I agree that for the most part your Judaism isn't an issue.
your response makes no sense. "your judaism is
not an issue" ----where and when and with whom?
Do you know the details of Justinian and Canon law and
your response makes no sense. "your judaism is
not an issue" ----where and when and with whom?
Do you know the details of Justinian and Canon law and
Slow class.
Most people don't care. Judaism isn't a problem unless you make it so.
Most people don't care. Judaism isn't a problem unless you make it so.
"Most people" is a meaningless allusion. Policy and law is
not made by "most people" MOST PEOPLE are led by
ascribed culture and rulers. especially people for whom
the TRUTH is hammered into clerical interpretation of "scriptural
writings" in honor of imperialist rulers.
You are getting very close to standard islamo-nazi memes
"Most people" is a meaningless allusion. Policy and law is
not made by "most people" MOST PEOPLE are led by
ascribed culture and rulers. especially people for whom
the TRUTH is hammered into clerical interpretation of "scriptural
writings" in honor of imperialist rulers.
You are getting very close to standard islamo-nazi memes
In my experience Judaism isn't an issue.
In my experience Judaism isn't an issue.
Your experience? My impression of you is that you have
virtually no experience. You have lived as a NEEDED guest in
closed societies and have FANCIED yourself as a result of having
been in lots of closed societies VERY COSMOPOLITAN.
A prosperous "business lady" from a prosperous christian
family in Atlanda Georgia and an Aramco Guest in Saudi
arabia is not an EXPERIENCED PERSON.
Your experience? My impression of you is that you have
virtually no experience. You have lived as a NEEDED guest in
closed societies and have FANCIED yourself as a result of having
been in lots of closed societies VERY COSMOPOLITAN.
A prosperous "business lady" from a prosperous christian
family in Atlanda Georgia and an Aramco Guest in Saudi
arabia is not an EXPERIENCED PERSON.
My family is educated and hardworking. We appreciate all sorts of people.
My family is educated and hardworking. We appreciate all sorts of people.
you have described your family---descended from West India
Company elites that progressed into the very elite OIL BUSINESS.
Of course you are educated----were you brought up as a british
girl you would be able to ride horses and speak French fluently.
Princess Elizabeth who morphed into Queen Elizabeth II ---was
also well educated and hard working-----but she was smart enough
to know that she lacked EXPERIENCE, ROFLMAO @
"we appreciate all sort of people"----of course---I am absolutely
certain that you would conduct yourself CORRECTLY in a Hindu
Temple-----and---were you a DEBUTANTE---would have done a
very graceful curtsy
you have described your family---descended from West India
Company elites that progressed into the very elite OIL BUSINESS.
Of course you are educated----were you brought up as a british
girl you would be able to ride horses and speak French fluently.
Princess Elizabeth who morphed into Queen Elizabeth II ---was
also well educated and hard working-----but she was smart enough
to know that she lacked EXPERIENCE, ROFLMAO @
"we appreciate all sort of people"----of course---I am absolutely
certain that you would conduct yourself CORRECTLY in a Hindu
Temple-----and---were you a DEBUTANTE---would have done a
very graceful curtsy
Nope. I wasn't a debutante. I can also drive a tractor...and when I was young I could work circles around a lot of people. One grandfather was a farmer. The other was an accountant and shopkeeper..

We were never the elitist you envision. An oil camp is full of scientists and rough and tumble drillers.
Nope. I wasn't a debutante. I can also drive a tractor...and when I was young I could work circles around a lot of people. One grandfather was a farmer. The other was an accountant and shopkeeper..

We were never the elitist you envision. An oil camp is full of scientists and rough and tumble drillers.
Princess Elizabeth could fix the motors of Jeeps as a volunteer during
World War II. I can drive a tractor----because I am very experienced in
using a STANDARD SHIFT which is all one needs to drive a tractor----
I never considered that ability an indication of WORLDLY. Accountant
and shopkeeper is still genteel and "farmer" in the Southern part of
the USA does not mean----A PERSON WHO PULLS A PLOW. Your
claim to EXPERIENCED still alludes me-----you, certainly, have no
concept of the life and times and ethos of JESUS. As to the
SOCIAL systems in which you claim EXPERTISE---even people who
were born and lived in such places have ASSURED ME that they
are utterly closed societies in which THE PATELS have no idea what
THE QUERESHIS are doing. All they know is they don't like each
other much. The Iranian ----well that is a really glorious example
of utterly fractionated
Nope. I wasn't a debutante. I can also drive a tractor...and when I was young I could work circles around a lot of people. One grandfather was a farmer. The other was an accountant and shopkeeper..

We were never the elitist you envision. An oil camp is full of scientists and rough and tumble drillers.
for the record----the PLANTATION "Tara" was full of slaves and animals giving birth,
men who knew how to shoe a horse------but all Melanie could do is be kind to
all people and drop dead young. Jackie Kennedy thought that she was HARDWORKING
Like tossing the Azazel goat over a cliff? ;)
Mr Nutz----be careful. The linking of utterly unassociated
issues indicates a serious malady. The descriptive term for the
phenomenon is LOOSENING OF ASSOCIATIONS---it is typically
for the record----the PLANTATION "Tara" was full of slaves and animals giving birth,
men who knew how to shoe a horse------but all Melanie could do is be kind to
all people and drop dead young. Jackie Kennedy thought that she was HARDWORKING
Hardworking and Jews don't often appear in the same sentence. Jews generally eschew physical labor.

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