We're All CVS Employees Now

your Dr records those numbers anyway right?

So do you claim those numbers are then sent with you name attached to someone so they can use then against you?

And no one should be able to see them unless you freely give permission.

No fucking government hack has any right to my personal medical information. period.

Quite the crack reporter. Unfortunately, it looks like Scoop Thornton couldn't be troubled to actually open the Federal HIT Strategic Plan, the document he claims shows "Obamacare will require an EHR for all Americans." If he had, he might've noticed that it, you know, doesn't.

The 2014 thing is a reference to a Bush-era goal, one he set in 2004 when he first created a czar for the federal health information technology agenda via executive order.

("Well, first you set a goal. Within ten years, every American must have a personal electronic medical record. That's a good goal for the country to achieve," said George W. Bush in 2004)

That doesn't mean there was any sort of mandate under Bush, nor is there one under Obama. Instead, there's grant money available to doctors and hospitals who want to make the jump from paper.

This bunk about personal health information being turned over to or tracked by the federal government is, of course, nonsense. Get better at evaluating sources.

Quite the crack reporter. Unfortunately, it looks like Scoop Thornton couldn't be troubled to actually open the Federal HIT Strategic Plan, the document he claims shows "Obamacare will require an EHR for all Americans." If he had, he might've noticed that it, you know, doesn't.

The 2014 thing is a reference to a Bush-era goal, one he set in 2004 when he first created a czar for the federal health information technology agenda via executive order.

("Well, first you set a goal. Within ten years, every American must have a personal electronic medical record. That's a good goal for the country to achieve," said George W. Bush in 2004)

That doesn't mean there was any sort of mandate under Bush, nor is there one under Obama. Instead, there's grant money available to doctors and hospitals who want to make the jump from paper.

This bunk about personal health information being turned over to or tracked by the federal government is, of course, nonsense. Get better at evaluating sources.

I'm already very good at that, which is why I reject everything you, a paid message board propagandist for the administration, say.

The law, now at over 20,000 pages, is still being written as we speak, by unelected and unaccountable goons behind the scenes.

It was not "passed" as much as imposed, and for a law of this magnitude and oppression over our lives that is unprecedented in American history. Only because of the demise of honest journalism in America in 2008, and the advent of the low information voter and lapdog media, has this occurred.

But it's not over. This unconstitutional, job-killing/privacy-invading law will be repealed. Despite the efforts of all the Useful Idiots and Regime proxies like you!

BTW, I'm not against electronic medical records per se. Just against them being federally-based and open to the IRS, HHS and other untrustworthy/political entities to view and abuse, Comrade.
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Starting in 2014, per the dictates of the federal government, your doctor must record your body mass index (BMI), which measures whether you are overweight, each time he or she treats you and turn it over to the government via your electronic health record, which every patient is required to have.


Your BMI will then be tracked by the Health and Human Services Department, the agency rolling out ObamaCare, and a bevy of other state and federal agencies.


True & True, you LIAR.

BTW, you never answered how much you're being paid to deflect on message boards for the administration...

Paranoia running wild!!:eusa_whistle:
If CVS is a self funded healthcare group then yes they have the right to evaluate all medical claims on their employees health status.
If CVS is a self funded healthcare group then yes they have the right to evaluate all medical claims on their employees health status.

No one denies that. Do they have the right to evaluate employees who haven't made a claim?
They shouldn't be allowed to do this but if the masses don't make a stand and fight for their rights, who else is going to?
They shouldn't be allowed to do this but if the masses don't make a stand and fight for their rights, who else is going to?

The entire ACA shouldn't have been crammed down our throats with lies and legislatives tricks either.

The majority of the public still opposes it, and the majority want all or part of it repealed.

No Repub administration would have forced such a massive law, with all it's implications on our lives and economy, onto the nation with ZERO bi-partisan support, and against the majority public will.

ONLY libs have the dictator gene. ONLY libs want to make the federal gov't the focus of our lives, against the founding principles of this nation.

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