Were Blacks Enslaved Because Of The Color Of Their Skin?


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
Were blacks enslaved because of the color of their skin, or were there some other reasons?
Were blacks enslaved because of the color of their skin, or were there some other reasons?

According to many here, at one time all races were enslaved. Maybe your question should be "Why is anyone enslaved?"
They looked and acted like savages. And I'm sure the profit margins were killer! I mean seriously,how much would it really take to buy off the enemy of your new slave?
A few beads and baubles?
Were blacks enslaved because of the color of their skin, or were there some other reasons?

The color of thier skin allowed easier rationalization of thier slave condition. What lead to the enslavement was the lack of technological sophistication on the African Continent and the existing system of slave raiding found in some of the regional areas.
Were blacks enslaved because of the color of their skin, or were there some other reasons?

Blacks were enslaved because they were uncivilized, according to American standards, and were sold into slavery by the men who stole them from Africa. According to Frederick Douglas, they should have been left in Africa. We are enslaving them to this day, through government entitlement programs and their resentment of the "crackers" is being played out all over America in every illegal way.
Were blacks enslaved because of the color of their skin, or were there some other reasons?

Blacks were enslaved because they were uncivilized, according to American standards, and were sold into slavery by the men who stole them from Africa. According to Frederick Douglas, they should have been left in Africa. We are enslaving them to this day, through government entitlement programs and their resentment of the "crackers" is being played out all over America in every illegal way.

Are you insane? What was civilized about what white Europeans (later "white Americans") did to the Native Americans? Greedy white men, usually landowners, needed massive cheap labor to work their sugar, cotton, and tobacco crops...and they first tried to enslave Indians, and criminal whites, but found it to be fruitless....so they needed 'hardier stock", so they sought out Africans...ambushed and stole them, shackled from their shores, and loaded them, inhumanely onto ship after ship after ship, in deplorable conditions.....half of the Africans shipped, died at sea from disease, malnutrition and maltreatment. Some jumped overboard and drowned or were devoured by sharks rather than to be enslaved...honorable, if you ask me.
And you stupid bitch....more white people are on welfare more than any other group.
You are enslaved and enslaving no one. Who the fuck do you think you are, you low life scummy bitch? How dare you?

About AquaAthena
A free-spirited, strongly libertarian- leaning conservative *ocean* lover with an independent nature. Stir in a friendly, happy and single female, with a positive attitude and open mind with an interest in politics and *VOILA`*!!
Pacific Northwest in body; **Texas** in spirit
Romance, music, art and animals.
Retail art sales. *UPDATE* After opting out of the reps system for 7 months and one week, I decided to opt back in , June 7th, 2013, as USMB has become a place where I feel good, being.

Are you serious? You are posting a soft porn picture of some bitch (not you), and are soliciting "action" (single female, open mind) in a political debate forum, online. How low. You might as well have posted on Craigslist. You're a prostitute. Plain and simple. No one is stupid or confused. And you have the nerve to demean and demonize black people. You low bitch. Scum bucket.
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The race pimps and dimocrats have turned Dr. King's dream into a friggin' nightmare.

Be interesting when all is said and done today how many times speakers used the terms responsibility and accountability.
FFS, Africans were enslaved in many places long after feudalism the world over. They were fundamentally disorganized and easy prey for anyone who desired. They in fact enslaved each other.

Skin color is a bunch of bullshit.
Were blacks enslaved because of the color of their skin, or were there some other reasons?

According to many here, at one time all races were enslaved. Maybe your question should be "Why is anyone enslaved?"

No numbnutz that is according to history. The Indians held them, the Asians, Europeans, ARABS, Muslims and of course the AFRICANS held them. In fact there is still slavery in Africa.

The reason slavery stated in America is because Spanish Florida and the Spanish Caribbean, Central American and South America (including Portugese Brazil) introduced it to America. In fact only 6% of slave brought to America during the 1600s-1700s went to North America territory. Most went to the Caribbean and Latin American territories. Spain stated got into the African slave trade because of their proximity to Africa. At the time most African tribes enslaved other tribesman that they conquered via war. The Arab North were their first customers. Eventually it became profitable to sell to Europeans, esp the Spanish and Portugese who relied on slavery in the Latin American colonies. Eventually it was introduced to the British Colony in America.

Make no mistake the Arabs of Northern Africa pioneered Black African slavery. They introduced it to the Spanish and Portugese, then to the British colonies in America. The slave trade wasn't run by Americans though. First the African tribesman captured the Africans from other tribes, then they sold them to the Dutch, Spanish, Portugese and ARABS who then sold them mostly to the Caribbean and Central and Latin America, but also to the American colonies.

In fact the importation of slaves was outlawed in 1807, so the Americans needed to rely on foreigners for the importation of slaves.

The Europeans N

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