‘We’re Going To See A Lot Of Deaths’: Covid Leaves Mississippi Hospitals At Brink Of Failure

another troll thread from trollboy Dana.notice how the shill never has any threads that speak of how the vaccine is whats dangerous.
Ivermectin is a buck a day, and has had longitudinal studies done on it. . . we already know it is safe for the long term. Clincal studies have already shown it to be safe and effective.

There has been multiple studies done on the harms of masks on children's psychological development, and no longitudinal studies have been done on these "vaccines."

If you don't understand the agenda, you are not using critical thought.

I challenge you to find any source of these Covid, "vaccines," that does not have ties to Big Pharma, the WEF, Davos, etc. You can't.

Everyone that watches Fox, CNN, MSNBC, or the big three, will inevitably be seeing sponsorship from the interlocking directorate and their agenda.
My aunt had covid,she was severly depressed like i had never seen her before in my life. Then I found a doctor that prescribed Ivermectim in all states and she is back to her normal self again.there has never been a a case where someone who had covid and took ivermectim did not come out of it all fine and dandy afterwards.
It's simple. If any of the sick are Joe Biden's illegals, wheel them out to the alley.

Is this like the Florida emergency where they added three days together and reported it as one day? Or is this like New Mexico where the statistics were just made up?
Why dont those dumbasses take the vax, mask up and stop depending on the government to bail them out?
Do you really want me to tell you what group and why they haven't taken basic precautions as they personally need? A hint for you, is that there will be fewer dems around next year to vote or is often the case to cheat in the elections.
Any video uploads of the alleged crowded emergency rooms? And what exactly do emergency rooms do with Fauci Flu victims that can't be done at home? One would assume after a year and a half Fauci Flu facilities could have been constructed. But then again, with Sleepy Joe and zog fully in place, materials are getting expensive and stuff.
Got to do a lot of digging to find out the real issue. It's not the "beds"--it's a labor shortage, same as everywhere.

"Honestly, the real challenge is NOT the physical beds – hospital beds or ICU beds. The challenge is our hospitals may not have an adequate number of health care professionals (docs, nurses, respiratory therapists, etc.) to staff those beds," Reeves wrote on Facebook.

“Unfortunately, I’ve been advised hospitals throughout Mississippi have lost nearly 2,000 nurses over the last year,” he added. “There is a labor shortage in most industries throughout America today and health care is no different.”

And here, you can see that over a THREE WEEK PERIOD, the entire state had 388 patients in ICU. Is that ideal? Not even close. But remember, this is over a three week period. Hardly what they're making it.

Now, if you dare, ask why the media is hyping this to the extreme.

The situation in Mississippi is getting very, very bad. I don't see it getting better since most in that state aren't vaccinated, don't wear masks and don't social distance. They keep going to large gatherings in doors.

They are putting their hospitals in jeopardy of failing. Which I won't be surprised when they do start failing in a week or so.

I won't be surprised if Texas and Florida follow in their footsteps. Their hospitals are near the brink of failure too.

I hope they're wrong about a lot of deaths.

Great job conservatives.

It's called Biden's failure. He was handed a covid situation that was under control. Then he let over a million illegals in and bused them all over our country. You loons were against everything Trump suggested, even though he was right. You and your party have blood on your hands.

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