"We're Rounding the Curve!!!!" for real this time...

The numbers are falling because millions have been infected. It's not due to anything the illegitimate fraud is doing.

The numbers are falling because Biden isn't holding superspreader events and politicizing mask wearing.

Funny how wearing a mask and social distancing can be so fucking effective !!!!

Check the stats idiot. Show me that MORE people socially distance or wear masks than before. They don't, in fact less people are complying as this continues.
US daily covid cases peaked 2 days after Trump left office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

You are spreading disinformation which is 100% dangerous. Welcome to ignore.
You claimed to have me on ignore about 20 posts ago.

Funny how mask wearing, social distancing, and not having superspreader events can be so fucking effective.

Who knew that would work! What a break through, wear a fucking mask!!!!
LOL!! Not even two weeks in office and the left is taking credit for the vaccines and the drop in new cases.

What a joke the OP is. Lying coxucker. You know who got the vaccines developed in record time.
Biden had been planning for this Middle last year and was ready to go day 1.

Just the fact trump isn’t hosting super spreaders rallies has helped.

He admitted he had no plan! LOL!!
Also they're more rationally using PCR tests going to much lower cycles.

So you would expect cases to drop because you're not using tests with nearly the same sensitivity.

Labs were going asd high as 35 with a 3% culture rate, which means a huge amount of those were false positives.

That would also cause a change, although we don't have good data on what cycles labs are using. We do know everyone now accepts 35 is fucking stupid,.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
Biden is running Obama's playbook. He has his people around him telling him what to do.
His jibber jabber about "green energy" being a panacea for the planet and the economy is absurd.
Obama already made that movie. It was a flop. Grow up, dingbat.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

*looks at france*

I hate to break this to you bud but that's not how this works

Europe has proven that

Much more likely it's random chance you fucking retards.

"trust the science" says the guy who doesn't understand what correlation not causation is....

Florida has had no lock downs and filled with old people. They're fine
Hey coward. I notice you didn’t reply defending the American taliban guy. And most republicans on usmb said we should have put a bullet in his head. I didn’t see you disagreeing with them. That tells me you only care about that american boy in Yemen because it was Obama who killed him in an air strike on terrorists. Fucking hypocrite
US daily covid cases peaked 2 days after Trump left office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

You are spreading disinformation which is 100% dangerous. Welcome to ignore.
You’re completely brainwashed. You will only listen to right wing propogand a. Got it.
Listen up, fuckwit. The South African COVID-strain is in the US. That strain is forcing changes to be made to the vaccines.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

*looks at france*

I hate to break this to you bud but that's not how this works

Europe has proven that

Much more likely it's random chance you fucking retards.

"trust the science" says the guy who doesn't understand what correlation not causation is....

Florida has had no lock downs and filled with old people. They're fine
Hey coward. I notice you didn’t reply defending the American taliban guy. And most republicans on usmb said we should have put a bullet in his head. I didn’t see you disagreeing with them. That tells me you only care about that american boy in Yemen because it was Obama who killed him in an air strike on terrorists. Fucking hypocrite

Yes i did

The state accused him of doing more than talking

You retard. I don't know why you wouldn't have gone to the old thread to hear me call you an idiot there. But here we are.

Lindh was moving money around and accused of helping people train in explosives. The 16 year old did none of that.

Maybe try not to be such a vapid ****
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
US daily covid cases peaked 2 days after Trump left office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

You are spreading disinformation which is 100% dangerous. Welcome to ignore.
You’re completely brainwashed. You will only listen to right wing propogand a. Got it.
Listen up, fuckwit. The South African COVID-strain is in the US. That strain is forcing changes to be made to the vaccines.
Trump better get back in the lab then.
The numbers are falling because millions have been infected. It's not due to anything the illegitimate fraud is doing.

The numbers are falling because Biden isn't holding superspreader events and politicizing mask wearing.

Funny how wearing a mask and social distancing can be so fucking effective !!!!
WA has been locked down and masking for three months. Cases still spiking. Can you say spiteful, democrat, incompetent governor--Jay Inslee? Bingo!
US daily covid cases peaked 2 days after Trump left office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

You are spreading disinformation which is 100% dangerous. Welcome to ignore.
You’re completely brainwashed. You will only listen to right wing propogand a. Got it.
Listen up ,fuckwit. The South African COVID-strain is in the US. That strain is forcing changes to be made to the vaccines.
Huh what does that even mean???

Enjoy Biden's America the new Roaring 20s!!!

With the virus gone, the economy will explode, all thanks to Biden. America is going to new heights under Biden.
Covid, elections, all the same. If you can't win, just move the goal posts. Voting exceeds 100% in some districts, the new Covid test is less sensitive, so less positives.
Voting never exceeded 100% in any district and that is a total lie that only retarded Q ANON sheep believe.
US daily covid cases peaked 2 days after Trump left office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

You are spreading disinformation which is 100% dangerous. Welcome to ignore.
You’re completely brainwashed. You will only listen to right wing propogand a. Got it.
Listen up, The South African COVID-strain is in the US. That strain is forcing changes to be made to the vaccines.
Trump better get back in the lab then.
Pull your head out of your ass. I am a liberal ya fuckin' hack.
US daily covid cases peaked 2 days after Trump left office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

You are spreading disinformation which is 100% dangerous. Welcome to ignore.
What disinformation?
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.

The Gingrich economy roared!!

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