"We're Rounding the Curve!!!!" for real this time...

US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
the so called dot com boom helped billy look good......
Whatever. That is the so fucking typical and only response any republican ever has to come back with In response to Bill Clinton’s prosperity. Fuck that. For example he didn’t take his surplus and use it to invade Iraq. No that was a republican. And McCain wanted to go to war with Iran. Obama didn’t.

Bill Clinton didn’t fuck up the 90s. Bush fucked up the 2000s.
even if a dipshit like you would have looked good if you were president in the 90's bobo.......
Bush fucked up the 2000s. It wouldn’t have been a bad decade if gore was president.
ok what does that have to do with the 90's?....
The 90's could have been fucked up too if Clinton listened to Republicans and invaded Iraq. They soooo wanted him to do it so they could blame it all on him.

He could have passed tax breaks we didn't need.

Clinton put environmental and worker protections in NAFTA. That made a difference. Bush removed those protections and 700,000 great high paying manufacturing jobs went overseas.

It wasn't just the dot com boom. Manufacturing was great in the 90's too. So good Ford employees (my dad) got record profit sharing in 1996, 97, 98 and 99. Bush came in a fucked it all up. 9-11 didn't help but more damaging to the economy are the laws that Bush put in place after 9-11.
Instead he and Barney Frank removed restrictions on all kinds of home loans so lots of people with no jobs could buy houses! You libbers are comical.
Yea yea the old Barney Frank response. Yea, Bush wasn't to blame, Barney Frank was. Anyone but Bush.
Like I always say to you lemmings, da troof hurts!
Plus Slick Willie did nothing to Bin Laden after the Cole bombing another great move by Bluedresstain.
Bush didn't take out Bin Ladin. Obama did.
Right, when he was a harmless old man watching videos of himself on tv. Who was president when he blew up the Cole, it wasn't Bush
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
the so called dot com boom helped billy look good......
Whatever. That is the so fucking typical and only response any republican ever has to come back with In response to Bill Clinton’s prosperity. Fuck that. For example he didn’t take his surplus and use it to invade Iraq. No that was a republican. And McCain wanted to go to war with Iran. Obama didn’t.

Bill Clinton didn’t fuck up the 90s. Bush fucked up the 2000s.
even if a dipshit like you would have looked good if you were president in the 90's bobo.......
Bush fucked up the 2000s. It wouldn’t have been a bad decade if gore was president.
ok what does that have to do with the 90's?....
The 90's could have been fucked up too if Clinton listened to Republicans and invaded Iraq. They soooo wanted him to do it so they could blame it all on him.

He could have passed tax breaks we didn't need.

Clinton put environmental and worker protections in NAFTA. That made a difference. Bush removed those protections and 700,000 great high paying manufacturing jobs went overseas.

It wasn't just the dot com boom. Manufacturing was great in the 90's too. So good Ford employees (my dad) got record profit sharing in 1996, 97, 98 and 99. Bush came in a fucked it all up. 9-11 didn't help but more damaging to the economy are the laws that Bush put in place after 9-11.
you just sound like a democrat bobo.....
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
All advances we have made fighting COVID are because of Trump actions. Biden hasn't done or suggested one effin thing that will help. He's an ignoramus.
Those are just empty words on a page with no factual basis, you fuckin idiots think if you type it it will come true...
If I type the world is flat, or the sky is orange that doesn't make it true...

FACT, Trump was caught on tape telling Woodward that covid was extremely deadly and highly contagious, BUT he did absolutely nothing to prepare for covid in the beginning.
FACT, Trump told the world "This is nothing" "It will all go away" Knowing that was a lie
FACT, Trump held repeated super-spreader events rallies, parties, holiday parties etc WITH no mask wearing
FACT, Trump repeatedly mocked people for wearing masks including mocking Biden for wearing "the biggest mask on earth" in the debate...
FACT, Trump said "We're rounding the curve" repeatedly in the fall and cases continued to skyrocket
FACT, Trump had no plan at all to distribute large quantities of vaccine rapidly

FACT: Biden did the complete opposite of that and that is why cases are dropping fast
Biden has endorsed mask wearing from the beginning
Biden is not having super-spreader events
Biden is using all resources in the government to rapidly distribute the vaccine
Biden is winning...

You can type Biden "Biden hasn't done or suggested one effin thing that will help." but that is just a meaningless empty statement, with no factual basis. You have no credibility
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
The life of a republican is making pathetic excuses like a little bitch. All you do is make excuses as to why all the great success under democrats is luck, and why all the many multiple failures of the GOP and Bush and Trump are somehow not their fault.
It's always somebody else's fault with you people. It's always coincidence that the democrats have better results. Little bitch excuses, that is the entire existence of a republican.

Enjoy Biden’s new Roaring 20's another Bill Clinton Golden Age
LOL!! Not even two weeks in office and the left is taking credit for the vaccines and the drop in new cases.

What a joke the OP is. Lying coxucker. You know who got the vaccines developed in record time.
Biden had been planning for this Middle last year and was ready to go day 1.

Just the fact trump isn’t hosting super spreaders rallies has helped.

No he hasn't.
Even without trump helping with a smooth transition biden got it done. He knew what he would do the day trump announced he himself developed a vaccine.

All Biden did was what Trump did.

Biden can't control a pandemic and neither can any other POTUS. Just because he's POTUS doesn't mean shit. As I said. He did what Trump did.
Biden did the complete opposite of Trump.

Biden promoted and mandated mask wearing, Trump politicized mask wearing, and criticized people for wearing masks.
Biden promoted social distancing, Trump held repeated super-spreader events, rallies, white house parties etc
Trump had absolutely no plan to distribute the vaccine Biden has a thorough and comprehesove plan to use all resources available to distribute the vaccine ASAP.

Clearly you are living under a rock, more likely listening to fake fox news and alex Jones, and all the other GOP fake news media

Clearly you are a biased idiot. Trump pushed for masks because that's what the CDC and Fauci pushed for.

What a under the rock idiot you are.

Trump pushed for masks????? Huh?

Trump politicized masks wearing. Trump held repeated supr-spreader events. That is why covid cases had a steady increase under Trump all throughout the fall. Biden has done the opposite and promoted mask wearing and surprise surprise, covid cases are dropping fast...

You live in a fantasy land void of facts.

Yes he did. He followed what the CDC and Fauci said and they were both big on masks. Though anyone with a working brain cell knows masks don't do shit.

The only masks that do work are the really expensive ones that most people won't buy. The regular masks has to wide of a weave to be effective.
Seeing how Trump held super-spreader events where almost nobody had masks, the facts don't support anything you say.
Basically you made up lies to try and cover for Trump's total failure.

Nothing you say has any factual basis at all.
Seeing how-- pig-lousy-- held super-spreader events, in chinatown of all places, nothing to do with AMERICA where almost nobody had masks, the facts don't support anything you say.
Basically you made up lies to try and cover for the demonRATS total failure.
Nothing you say has any factual basis at all.
All advances we have made fighting COVID are because of Trump actions. Biden hasn't done or suggested one effin thing that will help. He's an ignoramus.
Those are just empty words on a page with no factual basis, you fuckin idiots think if you type it it will come true...
If I type the world is flat, or the sky is orange that doesn't make it true...

FACT, Trump was caught on tape telling Woodward that covid was extremely deadly and highly contagious, BUT he did absolutely nothing to prepare for covid in the beginning.
FACT, Trump told the world "This is nothing" "It will all go away" Knowing that was a lie
FACT, Trump held repeated super-spreader events rallies, parties, holiday parties etc WITH no mask wearing
FACT, Trump repeatedly mocked people for wearing masks including mocking Biden for wearing "the biggest mask on earth" in the debate...
FACT, Trump said "We're rounding the curve" repeatedly in the fall and cases continued to skyrocket
FACT, Trump had no plan at all to distribute large quantities of vaccine rapidly

FACT: Biden did the complete opposite of that and that is why cases are dropping fast
Biden has endorsed mask wearing from the beginning
Biden is not having super-spreader events
Biden is using all resources in the government to rapidly distribute the vaccine
Biden is winning...

You can type Biden "Biden hasn't done or suggested one effin thing that will help." but that is just a meaningless empty statement, with no factual basis. You have no credibility
fact is, you seem to be some kindergarten retard that needs to be led by the hand, and told what to believe...LIES
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
The life of a republican is making pathetic excuses like a little bitch. All you do is make excuses as to why all the great success under democrats is luck, and why all the many multiple failures of the GOP and Bush and Trump are somehow not their fault.
It's always somebody else's fault with you people. It's always coincidence that the democrats have better results. Little bitch excuses, that is the entire existence of a republican.

Enjoy Biden’s new Roaring 20's another Bill Clinton Golden Age
Since you were apparently oblivious or weren't paying any attention during Bubba's time, I'll tell you. The .com revolution was under way and the economy was going very well. Combine that with a Republican Congress interested in holding Bubba's feet to the fiscal fire and a president willing to triangulate against his own party and you have a recipe for economic success.

Or did you just automatically go D president good, R president bad?

And tell us again what economic policies Quid Pro is going to implement that will result in a roaring economy? You know, like the one we had before the pandemic hit?
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
The life of a republican is making pathetic excuses like a little bitch. All you do is make excuses as to why all the great success under democrats is luck, and why all the many multiple failures of the GOP and Bush and Trump are somehow not their fault.
It's always somebody else's fault with you people. It's always coincidence that the democrats have better results. Little bitch excuses, that is the entire existence of a republican.

Enjoy Biden’s new Roaring 20's another Bill Clinton Golden Age
The life of a demonRAT is making pathetic excuses like a little bitch. All you do is make excuses as to why all the great success under TRUMP is luck, and why all the many multiple failures of the demonRATs and barrag-o are somehow not their fault.
It's always somebody else's fault with you people. It's always coincidence that the republicans have better results. Little bitch excuses, and LIES, that is the entire existence of a demonRAT
LOL!! Not even two weeks in office and the left is taking credit for the vaccines and the drop in new cases.

What a joke the OP is. Lying coxucker. You know who got the vaccines developed in record time.
Biden had been planning for this Middle last year and was ready to go day 1.

Just the fact trump isn’t hosting super spreaders rallies has helped.

No he hasn't.
Even without trump helping with a smooth transition biden got it done. He knew what he would do the day trump announced he himself developed a vaccine.

All Biden did was what Trump did.

Biden can't control a pandemic and neither can any other POTUS. Just because he's POTUS doesn't mean shit. As I said. He did what Trump did.
Biden did the complete opposite of Trump.

Biden promoted and mandated mask wearing, Trump politicized mask wearing, and criticized people for wearing masks.
Biden promoted social distancing, Trump held repeated super-spreader events, rallies, white house parties etc
Trump had absolutely no plan to distribute the vaccine Biden has a thorough and comprehesove plan to use all resources available to distribute the vaccine ASAP.

Clearly you are living under a rock, more likely listening to fake fox news and alex Jones, and all the other GOP fake news media

All lies.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

*looks at france*

I hate to break this to you bud but that's not how this works

Europe has proven that

Much more likely it's random chance you fucking retards.

"trust the science" says the guy who doesn't understand what correlation not causation is....

Florida has had no lock downs and filled with old people. They're fine
Europe has proven that having serious restrictions helps.
LOL!! Not even two weeks in office and the left is taking credit for the vaccines and the drop in new cases.

What a joke the OP is. Lying coxucker. You know who got the vaccines developed in record time.
Biden had been planning for this Middle last year and was ready to go day 1.

Just the fact trump isn’t hosting super spreaders rallies has helped.

No he hasn't.
Even without trump helping with a smooth transition biden got it done. He knew what he would do the day trump announced he himself developed a vaccine.

All Biden did was what Trump did.

Biden can't control a pandemic and neither can any other POTUS. Just because he's POTUS doesn't mean shit. As I said. He did what Trump did.
Biden did the complete opposite of Trump.

Biden promoted and mandated mask wearing, Trump politicized mask wearing, and criticized people for wearing masks.
Biden promoted social distancing, Trump held repeated super-spreader events, rallies, white house parties etc
Trump had absolutely no plan to distribute the vaccine Biden has a thorough and comprehesove plan to use all resources available to distribute the vaccine ASAP.

Clearly you are living under a rock, more likely listening to fake fox news and alex Jones, and all the other GOP fake news media

All lies.
Great response !!!!
Thatt's your big rebuttal!!!!

I love watching you little bitch Trumpers squirm and flail. Trump is another Bush, a total failure. Bush and Trump, 2 failed presidents that left office in shame and disgrace, with the country in crisis, and record low approval ratings.
LOL!! Not even two weeks in office and the left is taking credit for the vaccines and the drop in new cases.

What a joke the OP is. Lying coxucker. You know who got the vaccines developed in record time.
Biden had been planning for this Middle last year and was ready to go day 1.

Just the fact trump isn’t hosting super spreaders rallies has helped.

No he hasn't.
Even without trump helping with a smooth transition biden got it done. He knew what he would do the day trump announced he himself developed a vaccine.

All Biden did was what Trump did.

Biden can't control a pandemic and neither can any other POTUS. Just because he's POTUS doesn't mean shit. As I said. He did what Trump did.
Biden did the complete opposite of Trump.

Biden promoted and mandated mask wearing, Trump politicized mask wearing, and criticized people for wearing masks.
Biden promoted social distancing, Trump held repeated super-spreader events, rallies, white house parties etc
Trump had absolutely no plan to distribute the vaccine Biden has a thorough and comprehesove plan to use all resources available to distribute the vaccine ASAP.

Clearly you are living under a rock, more likely listening to fake fox news and alex Jones, and all the other GOP fake news media

All lies.
Great response !!!!
Thatt's your big rebuttal!!!!

I love watching you little bitch Trumpers squirm and flail. Trump is another Bush, a total failure. Bush and Trump, 2 failed presidents that left office in shame and disgrace, with the country in crisis, and record low approval ratings.

LMAO You'd better get ready for Biden's term. He's already kicked every American tax payer in the teeth and when his EO's come to pass he will be one very unpopular failed POTUS.

We'll all just sit back and watch you try to defend your boy. I'll enjoy every minute of it and so will many others.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how effective that is... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Now who woulda thunk?
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
The life of a republican is making pathetic excuses like a little bitch. All you do is make excuses as to why all the great success under democrats is luck, and why all the many multiple failures of the GOP and Bush and Trump are somehow not their fault.
It's always somebody else's fault with you people. It's always coincidence that the democrats have better results. Little bitch excuses, that is the entire existence of a republican.

Enjoy Biden’s new Roaring 20's another Bill Clinton Golden Age
Since you were apparently oblivious or weren't paying any attention during Bubba's time, I'll tell you. The .com revolution was under way and the economy was going very well. Combine that with a Republican Congress interested in holding Bubba's feet to the fiscal fire and a president willing to triangulate against his own party and you have a recipe for economic success.

Or did you just automatically go D president good, R president bad?

And tell us again what economic policies Quid Pro is going to implement that will result in a roaring economy? You know, like the one we had before the pandemic hit?
You prove my point perfectly.

How come all the successful presidents are dems? How come all the failed presidents are repubslicans?

If Clinton was so lucky, then why did Bush fail so badly, so epically bad?? Follow that up with Trump who couldn't even handle the response to a pandemic. Trump is leaving office a failed president, with failed results just like Bush...

Have fun enjoying the next 4 years, Biden's new roaring 20s. We are entering another Bill Clinton Golden Age

How come all the successful presidents are democrats?? You are going to need to make up some new excuses for Biden's roaring 20s.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
The life of a republican is making pathetic excuses like a little bitch. All you do is make excuses as to why all the great success under democrats is luck, and why all the many multiple failures of the GOP and Bush and Trump are somehow not their fault.
It's always somebody else's fault with you people. It's always coincidence that the democrats have better results. Little bitch excuses, that is the entire existence of a republican.

Enjoy Biden’s new Roaring 20's another Bill Clinton Golden Age
Since you were apparently oblivious or weren't paying any attention during Bubba's time, I'll tell you. The .com revolution was under way and the economy was going very well. Combine that with a Republican Congress interested in holding Bubba's feet to the fiscal fire and a president willing to triangulate against his own party and you have a recipe for economic success.

Or did you just automatically go D president good, R president bad?

And tell us again what economic policies Quid Pro is going to implement that will result in a roaring economy? You know, like the one we had before the pandemic hit?
You prove my point perfectly.

How come all the successful presidents are dems? How come all the failed presidents are repubslicans?

If Clinton was so lucky, then why did Bush fail so badly, so epically bad?? Follow that up with Trump who couldn't even handle the response to a pandemic. Trump is leaving office a failed president, with failed results just like Bush...

Have fun enjoying the next 4 years, Biden's new roaring 20s. We are entering another Bill Clinton Golden Age

How come all the successful presidents are democrats?? You are going to need to make up some new excuses for Biden's roaring 20s.
You didn't tell us what policies Quid Pro is going to implement. Bad form and all, old chap. You're at the surface level without digging deeper to see what was actually going on, and until you do that, you're stuck at D president good, R president bad.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
The life of a republican is making pathetic excuses like a little bitch. All you do is make excuses as to why all the great success under democrats is luck, and why all the many multiple failures of the GOP and Bush and Trump are somehow not their fault.
It's always somebody else's fault with you people. It's always coincidence that the democrats have better results. Little bitch excuses, that is the entire existence of a republican.

Enjoy Biden’s new Roaring 20's another Bill Clinton Golden Age
Since you were apparently oblivious or weren't paying any attention during Bubba's time, I'll tell you. The .com revolution was under way and the economy was going very well. Combine that with a Republican Congress interested in holding Bubba's feet to the fiscal fire and a president willing to triangulate against his own party and you have a recipe for economic success.

Or did you just automatically go D president good, R president bad?

And tell us again what economic policies Quid Pro is going to implement that will result in a roaring economy? You know, like the one we had before the pandemic hit?
You prove my point perfectly.

How come all the successful presidents are dems? How come all the failed presidents are repubslicans?

If Clinton was so lucky, then why did Bush fail so badly, so epically bad?? Follow that up with Trump who couldn't even handle the response to a pandemic. Trump is leaving office a failed president, with failed results just like Bush...

Have fun enjoying the next 4 years, Biden's new roaring 20s. We are entering another Bill Clinton Golden Age

How come all the successful presidents are democrats?? You are going to need to make up some new excuses for Biden's roaring 20s.

OMG You actually believe that shit you posted.

You are in for one big surprise if you believe that shit you posted. Roaring 20's?? LMAO it will be more like the Great Depression.

Guess you haven't looked at all of Biden's EO's?? You really should. I'm sure you will find them extremely defendable. Better get your defense set up cause man are you going to need it.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
The life of a republican is making pathetic excuses like a little bitch. All you do is make excuses as to why all the great success under democrats is luck, and why all the many multiple failures of the GOP and Bush and Trump are somehow not their fault.
It's always somebody else's fault with you people. It's always coincidence that the democrats have better results. Little bitch excuses, that is the entire existence of a republican.

Enjoy Biden’s new Roaring 20's another Bill Clinton Golden Age
Since you were apparently oblivious or weren't paying any attention during Bubba's time, I'll tell you. The .com revolution was under way and the economy was going very well. Combine that with a Republican Congress interested in holding Bubba's feet to the fiscal fire and a president willing to triangulate against his own party and you have a recipe for economic success.

Or did you just automatically go D president good, R president bad?

And tell us again what economic policies Quid Pro is going to implement that will result in a roaring economy? You know, like the one we had before the pandemic hit?
You prove my point perfectly.

How come all the successful presidents are dems? How come all the failed presidents are repubslicans?

If Clinton was so lucky, then why did Bush fail so badly, so epically bad?? Follow that up with Trump who couldn't even handle the response to a pandemic. Trump is leaving office a failed president, with failed results just like Bush...

Have fun enjoying the next 4 years, Biden's new roaring 20s. We are entering another Bill Clinton Golden Age

How come all the successful presidents are democrats?? You are going to need to make up some new excuses for Biden's roaring 20s.
You didn't tell us what policies Quid Pro is going to implement. Bad form and all, old chap. You're at the surface level without digging deeper to see what was actually going on, and until you do that, you're stuck at D president good, R president bad.

You bet he didn't look at Biden's EO's. If he had he wouldn't be calling his term the Roaring 20's. He'd be calling in Second Great Depression.

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