Were the Founding Fathers ...today....to write the Bill of Rights...

Yes they would, and geres why... the Foundung Fathers would ve utterly disgusted with the Government we have today and would be seeking its overthrow just like they did in 1775. You need guns for thst.
You can't beat the US military with nothing but semi automatics. Would you all PLEASE wake up and smell the coffee?
The Cong did a fair job, and ISIS hasn't been beaten yet.
The Cong were supported by communist USSR. Who, I wonder, will get behind you revolutionaries? It would be interesting to see who backs the destruction of the first democracy in the modern world.

Very,very interesting,OldLady . After the cold war was over an American General was supposed to have asked a Russian General if the Russians ever thought of invading the U.S. The Russian's answer was, "We considered it because we could have beaten your Army. However, we dismissed the idea because we could not have beaten the millions of your citizens with their guns."

My questions is this: What is the reason that Liberal Progressive Democrat Pukes continuously demand we turn in our guns and have strict gun control? Any logical reason?

Your turn to come back with an idiotically stupid reason, Go for it!
It is simply to slow down the high rate with which civilians are murdering other civilians with guns.
Yes they would, and geres why... the Foundung Fathers would ve utterly disgusted with the Government we have today and would be seeking its overthrow just like they did in 1775. You need guns for thst.
You can't beat the US military with nothing but semi automatics. Would you all PLEASE wake up and smell the coffee?

The US Military was defeated in Vietnam. Yes, the North Vietnamese had support from the Russians, but the Russians did not invent the Pungi pit. The enemy would fight with whatever they had, old French bolt action rifles, bows and arrows, or sharpened stakes of wood.

We believed that technology was the king, and we were wrong. We entered Afghanistan with the same arrogance. This time, our technology would win. This time, we would be smarter. This time, we would get the people on our side. This time is turning out to be exactly like the last several times.

So letā€™s consider that technology. You say you canā€™t defeat it with semi-automatic rifles. Somewhat true, as far as it goes. But how does that technology work? It isnā€™t magic. It needs parts, and it needs fuel. A lot of fuel. Helicopters burn fuel by the ton. Jets burn even more. Tanks, trucks, and even drones burn a lot of fuel. All of that fuel is shipped in. Trucks, trains, even pipelines. Those are called lines of communication. Itā€™s a fancy phrase for line of supply.

Britain and America had the most powerful fleets in the world when the Second World War started, and they were nearly defeated by a handful of Submarines which were able to come perilously close to strangling Britain. Churchill said the battle of the Atlantic, the U Boats, were the only thing that truly frightened him. That was the one thing that could have won the war for the Germans.

Supplies is the vulnerable tail that wags the military dog. As an example of how some people just donā€™t get that, Iā€™ll use 9-11.

The Terrorists were determined to attack symbols of America. A brilliant blow against the hated West. Yet, they were idiots. There were a lot more targets that would have had a far more devastating impact. Attacking four refineries would have crippled our economy. Attacking the Hoover Dam would have crippled the South West power and water for a decade, or more.

Instead, we got lucky. The Terrorists attacked symbols. We were stung, even hurt a little. But we did not suffer a terrible blow.

Donā€™t worry, this lesson has yet to be learned by those who wonā€™t study History. We were fortunate that the Terrorists consider it a plus to be ignorant of anything but the Koran. If they had studied History, they would have learned that the biggest mistake the Japanese made during Pearl Harbor was not attacking the oil tanks and repair docks. Without those, the ships in Pearl Harbor would have been stranded for want of fuel for months. With those, we were able to get the submarines and carrier task forces out and fighting. The nearest Oil for the fleet if the tanks had been damaged would have been in San Diego, some three thousand miles away, with almost no tankers to move it.

Truckers have to carry the fuel to the Military. If the pipelines are damaged, and I think we can agree they would be during a civil war, then the only source of fuel would be trucks, or rail. Rail is easy to upset, and trucks are even easier. All the pretty and awesome technology would be stationary, unable to move for want of a ton of fuel.

Napoleon said that an army marched on itā€™s stomach. Today, that Army floats on a sea of diesel fuel. Without that fuel, the army doesnā€™t move. Youā€™ve taken highly trained aircrews, and turned them into poorly trained infantry. Youā€™ve taken experienced tankers, and turned them into inexperienced infantry. Your drone pilots, become poor excuses for guards.
I hope you're on my side. You think like a General.
Yes they would, and geres why... the Foundung Fathers would ve utterly disgusted
I can't believe I'm actually having this discussion with people who seem to be otherwise sensible. None of you actually believe an armed uprising against our government would be successful? As someone hinted, only if the unrest were so overwhelming that the military turned against the sitting government as well.
We had a Civil War once, with one side backed by gentlemen who believed they were right but didn't have the manufacturing and financial ability to combat the standing government. Look up who won.
You clearly have not learned from history.
I think they would have second thoughts on freedom of speech by the press.
Also, they wouldn't allow foreigners to buy an interest in our media and use it as a tool against Americans.

"True"....that freedom of speech just got 58 people murdered in Las Vegas, correct?
I think they would have second thoughts on freedom of speech by the press.
Also, they wouldn't allow foreigners to buy an interest in our media and use it as a tool against Americans.

"True"....that freedom of speech just got 58 people murdered in Las Vegas, correct?
"True"....that freedom of speech just got 58 people murdered in Las Vegas, correct?

Like to see your reasoning
The 2A was extremely important to the Founders. They made that very clear in all their writings.

For one to ask this question, merely exposes oneself as an idiot and a brainwashed leftist dupe.

Funny how leftists do that with regularity, and don't even know it.

How "true"......arming every american sure as hell stopped the War of 1812, correct?
It was written incredibly clearly, and were you better educated you would understand that fact. It was so well written that despite decades of effort to undermine it, and claim it means other than what it truly does, it is still here preventing progressives from turning this country into yet another charnel house.

Well, moron, it is a bit puzzling why the FF chose to use the word "militia" in that 2A instead of simply and openly stating every American.......of course, there was that bothersome factor of all those black slaves.....LOL
The Cong were supported by communist USSR. Who, I wonder, will get behind you revolutionaries? It would be interesting to see who backs the destruction of the first democracy in the modern world.

Well, my dear, without firing a shot, Putin seems to want to back these morons.
I think they would have second thoughts on freedom of speech by the press.
Also, they wouldn't allow foreigners to buy an interest in our media and use it as a tool against Americans.

"True"....that freedom of speech just got 58 people murdered in Las Vegas, correct?
"True"....that freedom of speech just got 58 people murdered in Las Vegas, correct?

Like to see your reasoning

Nat is bereft of reason.
It was written incredibly clearly, and were you better educated you would understand that fact. It was so well written that despite decades of effort to undermine it, and claim it means other than what it truly does, it is still here preventing progressives from turning this country into yet another charnel house.

Well, moron, it is a bit puzzling why the FF chose to use the word "militia" in that 2A instead of simply and openly stating every American.......of course, there was that bothersome factor of all those black slaves.....LOL

What's 'puzzling', is you focusing on the word militia, and ignoring the rest of the Amendment.

What part of "the right of the people to keep and bear arms," do you not understand?
What's 'puzzling', is you focusing on the word militia, and ignoring the rest of the Amendment.

What part of "the right of the people to keep and bear arms," do you not understand?

Well, fuck head.....can you explain WHY the FF didn't just state "everyone" should own a gun rather than including that pesky term "militia"???
Knowing what we now know about technology AND many Americans' propensities toward violence, would the Founding Fathers include the 2nd amendment as part of our Constitution?

Or would the wording of such a poorly written and unclear statement be more specific about guns' ownership?
There's nothing unclear about it, Jake
The founders laid down a good foundation, it's leftists that have perverted parts of it, every time.
And yet it is the Right that has been consistently wrong at every turn of history. Slavery, environmental exploitation, labor rib, women's rights, Gay rights, civil rights.

Whenhas the Right been right?
Conservatives have also been wrong about economic policy, voting rights, and public education.

At least conservatives are consistent at being wrong.
The 2A was extremely important to the Founders. They made that very clear in all their writings.

For one to ask this question, merely exposes oneself as an idiot and a brainwashed leftist dupe.

Funny how leftists do that with regularity, and don't even know it.

How "true"......arming every american sure as hell stopped the War of 1812, correct?
When the settlement that became our town marched out to meet the British, only two of the men had guns. The rest brought staves and pitchforks and axes. Guns were expensive. I don't think as many people owned them as might be believed.
What's 'puzzling', is you focusing on the word militia, and ignoring the rest of the Amendment.

What part of "the right of the people to keep and bear arms," do you not understand?

Well, fuck head.....can you explain WHY the FF didn't just state "everyone" should own a gun rather than including that pesky term "militia"???

why didn't they just say 'the right of the militia to keep and bear arms', instead of giving the right to ALL the people?
The Founding Fathers would have added a give a Commie a helicopter ride Amendment
Yes they would, and geres why... the Foundung Fathers would ve utterly disgusted with the Government we have today and would be seeking its overthrow just like they did in 1775. You need guns for thst.
You can't beat the US military with nothing but semi automatics. Would you all PLEASE wake up and smell the coffee?
The Cong did a fair job, and ISIS hasn't been beaten yet.
The Cong were supported by communist USSR. Who, I wonder, will get behind you revolutionaries? It would be interesting to see who backs the destruction of the first democracy in the modern world.

Very,very interesting,OldLady . After the cold war was over an American General was supposed to have asked a Russian General if the Russians ever thought of invading the U.S. The Russian's answer was, "We considered it because we could have beaten your Army. However, we dismissed the idea because we could not have beaten the millions of your citizens with their guns."

My questions is this: What is the reason that Liberal Progressive Democrat Pukes continuously demand we turn in our guns and have strict gun control? Any logical reason?

Your turn to come back with an idiotically stupid reason, Go for it!
It is simply to slow down the high rate with which civilians are murdering other civilians with guns.
Why doesn't the left protest against Chicago's death rate or the other murder cities, all protected by the left? Your illogical rage is against law abiding gun owners and not against the murderers.
What's 'puzzling', is you focusing on the word militia, and ignoring the rest of the Amendment.

What part of "the right of the people to keep and bear arms," do you not understand?

Well, fuck head.....can you explain WHY the FF didn't just state "everyone" should own a gun rather than including that pesky term "militia"???
Personally, I think the FF wrote it fuzzy because there was as much heated debate about it then as there is today. They kicked that can down the road, as well.

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