Were there laws broken When Trump Jr. Met the Russian lawyer?

Wholy F how stupid does one have to be to conjure up an analogy like "That's like the guy who hired a hit man to kill his wife. But the hitman turned out to be an undercover police officer. Of course, nobody was killed, but he was convicted of first degree attempted murder."

So tell us who was the "hitman" or the "undercover cop" and who Trump jr "attempted to murder" in your weird wally-world.

Actually you just pointed out a scenario where the so called "under cover policeman" would have been a russian lawyer pretending to be a "hitman".; offering to waste Clinton but turned out to be an undercover cop working for the DNC but had nothing to deliver that could have politically offed the Clinton bitch other than making sure she was seen as a "russian operative" coming and going on the Trump Tower lobby cam as incriminating "evidence"
So who is the "collusion" criminal here?

Who is gulty of collusion? The person trying to purchase what he believes to be criminal services (the murder of somebody).

The same has happend when a person bought fake cocaine from an undercover police officer.

Remember, attempting to commit what you think is a crime, provides the mens rea, or criminal mind / criminal intent, necessary to convict.
According to those laws it is illegal for a candidate or member of the campaign to receive information from a foreign agent and use that information against a political opponent.

Can you post or link to the law(s) that say that?
He pulled that out of his ass there is no such law in the US or Canada or in any other British Commonwealth based law system like it.

11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510).
You're talking apples and oranges.
You're claiming that this is about murder and it's really about finding out dirt on your political opponent..

The source is important. Coming from secret kremlin files obtained via theft, bribery, blackmail or espionage. As Trump said "Russia if you're listening, I hope you can find the 30,000 Clinton emails"

Knowing the only way the kremlin could obtain them, was by hacking or theft.
You don't seem to understand.....that was just a story they allegedly came up with to get in the door.
It never happened.
You can't arrest someone for listening to nothing.

To use your silly analogy....you can't be arrested for buying cocaine if nobody had any cocaine or any money to buy it with.

You can't even be arrested for talking about buying cocaine.
In this case they didn't even do that.

If you try to rob a 7-11 and they have no money did you commit a crime?
If you try to rob a 7-11 and they have no money did you commit a crime
Did you have a root canal with a roto-rooter that went right up into your shit brain?
It is an offense when somebody hires a person who has no business to enter the US. and show up at the Trump Tower so that her employer can file a false (information) "robbery" complaint even though this "7-11 store" had no money to be "robbed".
Up to that point its a tort; but after Trump was sworn in... it became high treason using it in an attempt to undermine his administration
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According to those laws it is illegal for a candidate or member of the campaign to receive information from a foreign agent and use that information against a political opponent.

Can you post or link to the law(s) that say that?
He pulled that out of his ass there is no such law in the US or Canada or in any other British Commonwealth based law system like it.

11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510).

How is info a contribution?
According to those laws it is illegal for a candidate or member of the campaign to receive information from a foreign agent and use that information against a political opponent.

Can you post or link to the law(s) that say that?
He pulled that out of his ass there is no such law in the US or Canada or in any other British Commonwealth based law system like it.

11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510).

How is info a contribution?
It is not This idiot quoted you 11 CFR 110.20 which is:
Prohibited Contributions
  • What type of contribution it is (gift of money, in-kind contribution, loan and so on);
  • Whether it is solicited; and
  • How it is ultimately used (such as for advertising, office supplies or independent expenditures13).
He has been totally brainwashed by watching all these "contributions" by CNN "contributors" contributing "information"
Images for CNN contributors
How is info a contribution?

Or anything else of value.

If I "contribute" information to a political campaign, how does the politician report the value of my contribution on the FEC paperwork?
Good faith estimation Ex by how much it would have cost for them to hire somebody to get the same information.. Example a NASCAR driver put a Bush bumper sticker on his race car. Since manufacturers pay race car owners $500 to $5,000 to put their decal on their car, the bumper sticker was a political contribution equal to the value of a decal. And the driver was fined for exceeding the $2,500 contribution limit.
It is not This idiot quoted you 11 CFR 110.20 which is:
Prohibited Contributions

Actually it's: 110.20 Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36U.S.C. 510).

with the definition of donation being.

(e)Donation. For purposes of part 300, donationmeans a payment, gift, subscription, loan, advance, deposit, or anything of value given to a person, but does not include contributions.
How is info a contribution?

Or anything else of value.

If I "contribute" information to a political campaign, how does the politician report the value of my contribution on the FEC paperwork?
If I "contribute" information to a political campaign, how does the politician report the value of my contribution on the FEC paperwork?
If your name were Natalia Veselnitskaya then the value the hacks of the DNC should report would be how much it cost their donation slush fund which probably included the ticket from Moscow to New York but unfortunately involved a stop and failing to clear security at Heathrow; leaving a trail that can be back-tracked (soon)
Need to ask Obama and Loretta Lynch!
This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that enabled the newest and most intriguing figure in the Russia-Trump investigation to enter the country without a visa.
Later, a series of events between an intermediary for the attorney and the Trump campaign ultimately led to the controversy surrounding the president's eldest son.

[Now here is the really interesting point regarding possible law breaking by Lynch.]
The Moscow lawyer had been turned down for a visa to enter the U.S. lawfully but then was granted special immigration parole by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch for the limited purpose of helping a company owned by Russian businessman Denis Katsyv, her client, defend itself against a Justice Department asset forfeiture case in federal court in New York City.

During a court hearing in early January 2016 as Veselnitskaya’s permission to stay in the country was about to expire, federal prosecutors described how rare the grant of parole immigration was as Veselnitskaya pleaded for more time to remain in the United States.

Exclusive: DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump team

Now WHERE is all the MSM mania regarding this? Were there LAWS broken? Where was the
frenzy with ABC/CBS/NBC cabal leading off the evening news regarding the Obama administration
laxness regarding this "Russian" INFLUENCE on American Policy!!!!!!

View attachment 138556
Yes, laws were broken, you un-American piece of shit.

This is not about Obama.

Fuck you with your Obama bullshit!
How is info a contribution?

Or anything else of value.

If I "contribute" information to a political campaign, how does the politician report the value of my contribution on the FEC paperwork?
Good faith estimation Ex by how much it would have cost for them to hire somebody to get the same information.. Example a NASCAR driver put a Bush bumper sticker on his race car. Since manufacturers pay race car owners $500 to $5,000 to put their decal on their car, the bumper sticker was a political contribution equal to the value of a decal. And the driver was fined for exceeding the $2,500 contribution limit.

Good faith estimation Ex by how much it would have cost for them to hire somebody to get the same information..

Do you have an example of an FEC disclosure form that has a line item for "information, value of"?

Example a NASCAR driver put a Bush bumper sticker on his race car.

That's advertising, not information.
If I "contribute" information to a political campaign, how does the politician report the value of my contribution on the FEC paperwork?

Actually it would be if you "donate" information to a political campaign.

Since the information comes under anything of value.
If I "contribute" information to a political campaign, how does the politician report the value of my contribution on the FEC paperwork?

Actually it would be if you "donate" information to a political campaign.

Since the information comes under anything of value.

Since the information comes under anything of value.

If it's "of value", you have to report that to the FEC.
Can you find an FEC form that has a line for "Information donated, value of"

Because if no such form exists, that would seem to indicate your claim is wrong.
Example a NASCAR driver put a Bush bumper sticker on his race car.

That's advertising, not information.
It was ruled to be a political contribution

But back to the prohibition by foreigners.

(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections.
A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.

They can't imply they will provide a thing of value either. So when the russian lawyer implied she had kremlin intelligence on Clinton, it was a violation of election law. Even if she didn't have such information. It was implied, which is all it takes.
If it's "of value", you have to report that to the FEC.
Can you find an FEC form that has a line for "Information donated, value of"

Because if no such form exists, that would seem to indicate your claim is wrong.

You won't find a line on a 1040 for income from crime either. But when Al Capone left his bootleggng and extortion income off his 1040, he went to prison for tax evasion.
Heather H. Hunt, Chief
FARA Registration Unit
Counterintelligence and Export Control Section
National Security Division
U.S Department of Justice
15 July 2016
Dear Ms. Hunt,
Complaint regarding the violation of US Lobbying Laws by the Human Rights
Accountability Global Initiative Foundation and others by Hermitage Capital
Management (“Hermitage”)
Further to our recent call, on information and belief, we write to set out in more detail several
violations of US lobbying laws by lobbyists and entities acting under the direction/control/influence of the Russian Government.
Executive Summary
There is an ongoing lobbying campaign to repeal the Magnitsky Act (the“Campaign”) and rewrite the history of the Magnitsky story. This campaign has been conducted by the following entities
Prevezon Holdings Limited (“Prevezon”) -a Russian owned Cyprus registered company
The Human Rights Accountability Global Initiative Foundation (“HRAGIF”) -a Delaware NGO created on 18 February 2016.to assist them in the Campaign, based on information and belief, the following
people have been hired to lobby on their behalf: Rinat Akhmetshin– Russian national living in Washington D.C.
Robert Arakelian Chris Cooper –CEO Potomac Square Group
Glenn Simpson -SNS Global and Fusion GPS
In its registration forms that were filed on 11, 16 and 20 June 2016, HRAGIF
states that its current and anticipated specific lobbying issues are“foreignadoption issues.”
This statement is false.It has been confirmed that Rinat Akhmetshin has been lobbying to attack the Magnitsky Act

Need to ask Obama and Loretta Lynch!
This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that enabled the newest and most intriguing figure in the Russia-Trump investigation to enter the country without a visa.
Later, a series of events between an intermediary for the attorney and the Trump campaign ultimately led to the controversy surrounding the president's eldest son.

[Now here is the really interesting point regarding possible law breaking by Lynch.]
The Moscow lawyer had been turned down for a visa to enter the U.S. lawfully but then was granted special immigration parole by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch for the limited purpose of helping a company owned by Russian businessman Denis Katsyv, her client, defend itself against a Justice Department asset forfeiture case in federal court in New York City.

During a court hearing in early January 2016 as Veselnitskaya’s permission to stay in the country was about to expire, federal prosecutors described how rare the grant of parole immigration was as Veselnitskaya pleaded for more time to remain in the United States.

Exclusive: DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump team

Now WHERE is all the MSM mania regarding this? Were there LAWS broken? Where was the
frenzy with ABC/CBS/NBC cabal leading off the evening news regarding the Obama administration
laxness regarding this "Russian" INFLUENCE on American Policy!!!!!!

View attachment 138556
Yes, laws were broken, you un-American piece of shit.

This is not about Obama.

Fuck you with your Obama bullshit!
This is not about Obama. Fuck you with your Obama bullshit!
You wish ! It is precisely Obama shit that you have been fucking for 8 years and now we'll make you eat it !
So then by the liberals standards of reportable and criminal items, all of the information about (Trump) having hookers pissing on the bed by the same group of people after having been cobbled up by the kremlin AND given to AND USED BY the dimsits IS criminal . ALSO any of the admitted actions done at the behest of the clinton campaign by a foreign country were illegal too AND we have all kinds of evidence of that since every government official in the country has already admitted it. When are we going to have their trial
You're talking apples and oranges.
You're claiming that this is about murder and it's really about finding out dirt on your political opponent..

The source is important. Coming from secret kremlin files obtained via theft, bribery, blackmail or espionage. As Trump said "Russia if you're listening, I hope you can find the 30,000 Clinton emails"

Knowing the only way the kremlin could obtain them, was by hacking or theft.
You don't seem to understand.....that was just a story they allegedly came up with to get in the door.
It never happened.
You can't arrest someone for listening to nothing.

To use your silly analogy....you can't be arrested for buying cocaine if nobody had any cocaine or any money to buy it with.

You can't even be arrested for talking about buying cocaine.
In this case they didn't even do that.

If you try to rob a 7-11 and they have no money did you commit a crime?
If you try to rob a 7-11 and they have no money did you commit a crime
Did you have a root canal with a roto-rooter that went right up into your shit brain?
It is an offense when somebody hires a person who has no business to enter the US. and show up at the Trump Tower so that her employer can file a false (information) "robbery" complaint even though this "7-11 store" had no money to be "robbed".
Up to that point its a tort; but after Trump was sworn in... it became high treason using it in an attempt to undermine his administration
This is more a case that you tried to buy a slushy and 7-11's slushy machine was broke.

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