Were there laws broken When Trump Jr. Met the Russian lawyer?

If it's "of value", you have to report that to the FEC.
Can you find an FEC form that has a line for "Information donated, value of"

Because if no such form exists, that would seem to indicate your claim is wrong.

You won't find a line on a 1040 for income from crime either. But when Al Capone left his bootleggng and extortion income off his 1040, he went to prison for tax evasion.
You seem to have this habit of making huge leaps to rationalize your silly beliefs.
You start out with saying that you know Donald Trump is a criminal and then you build a case of guilt with nonexistent evidence and even use other non-related types of crimes as proof of guilt.
Federal election laws.
Federal Election Laws were NOT broken, as pointed out when the specific laws were already posted (with links).

According to those laws it is illegal for a candidate or member of the campaign to receive information from a foreign agent and use that information against a political opponent.

According to the Russian Lawyer, Trump Jr, and witnesses at the meeting NO INFORMATION WAS EVER PASSED, AND NO INFORMATION WAS EVER USED AGAINST HILLARY.

That means NO CRIME committed, especially election law.

Another snowflake false narrative shot to hell...

According to those laws it is illegal for a candidate or member of the campaign to receive information from a foreign agent and use that information against a political opponent.

Can you post or link to the law(s) that say that?
He pulled that out of his ass there is no such law in the US or Canada or in any other British Commonwealth based law system like it.
Actually I did post the link to that already...but since no information was passed that law was not broken.

Opinion | Can it be a crime to do opposition research by asking foreigners for information?

(You guys don't know how to use Google, do you?)
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The Obama DOJ set the Russian lawyer up as bait so they could have an excuse to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trumps. This was pure unadulterated entrapment.
Obama hasn't been President for 6 months, so what does that have to do with the Trump family meeting with Russians to subvert the US election?
/---- Please ask your Special Ed teacher to explain a timeline so you can correct your post. TIA (Hint: the so called meetings were before the 2016 election.)
Were laws broken, when Donny Junior met with a Russian lawyer?


Special Counsel Robert Mueller will give us those answers during the course of his investigation.

Ditto for whether or not laws were broken when various members of the Trump Inner Circle lied about such meetings.

The post-meeting lying seems to hold some genuine promise for prosecutors.

Again... Special Counsel Robert Mueller will supply those answers.

Gotta love a country where even the richest, most arrogant oligarchs eventually are forced to fear and bow before The Law of the Land.

One of the perqs of being a Nation of Laws, and not a nation of men.
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You wish ! It is precisely Obama shit that you have been fucking for 8 years and now we'll make you eat it !
Listen you fucking lunatic, no matter how butt hurt you get, Obama was not in that meeting with Kushner and Don Jr.
Were laws broken, when Donny Junior met with a Russian lawyer?


Special Counsel Robert Mueller will give us those answers during the course of his investigation.

Ditto for whether or not laws were broken when various members of the Trump Inner Circle lied about such meetings.

The post-meeting lying seems to hold some genuine promise for prosecutors.

Again... Special Counsel Robert Mueller will supply those answers.

Gotta love a country where even the richest, most arrogant oligarchs eventually are forced to fear and bow before The Law of the Land.

One of the perqs of being a Nation of Laws, and not a nation of men.
I hope you are right.
Federal election laws.
Federal Election Laws were NOT broken, as pointed out when the specific laws were already posted (with links).

According to those laws it is illegal for a candidate or member of the campaign to receive information from a foreign agent and use that information against a political opponent.

According to the Russian Lawyer, Trump Jr, and witnesses at the meeting NO INFORMATION WAS EVER PASSED, AND NO INFORMATION WAS EVER USED AGAINST HILLARY.

That means NO CRIME committed, especially election law.

Another snowflake false narrative shot to hell...

According to those laws it is illegal for a candidate or member of the campaign to receive information from a foreign agent and use that information against a political opponent.

Can you post or link to the law(s) that say that?
He pulled that out of his ass there is no such law in the US or Canada or in any other British Commonwealth based law system like it.
Actually I did post the link to that already...but since no information was passed that law was not broken.

Opinion | Can it be a crime to do opposition research by asking foreigners for information?

(You guys don't know how to use Google, do you?)
they do know how to bitch at you when you do and your sources that contradict their lifestyle.
Were laws broken, when Donny Junior met with a Russian lawyer?


Special Counsel Robert Mueller will give us those answers during the course of his investigation.

Ditto for whether or not laws were broken when various members of the Trump Inner Circle lied about such meetings.

The post-meeting lying seems to hold some genuine promise for prosecutors.

Again... Special Counsel Robert Mueller will supply those answers.

Gotta love a country where even the richest, most arrogant oligarchs eventually are forced to fear and bow before The Law of the Land.

One of the perqs of being a Nation of Laws, and not a nation of men.

obama has a lot of practice bowing anyway. we're set.
Were laws broken, when Donny Junior met with a Russian lawyer?


Special Counsel Robert Mueller will give us those answers during the course of his investigation.

Ditto for whether or not laws were broken when various members of the Trump Inner Circle lied about such meetings.

The post-meeting lying seems to hold some genuine promise for prosecutors.

Again... Special Counsel Robert Mueller will supply those answers.

Gotta love a country where even the richest, most arrogant oligarchs eventually are forced to fear and bow before The Law of the Land.

One of the perqs of being a Nation of Laws, and not a nation of men.
/---- What about when Hildabeast met with Putin? Any fake outrage over that?
Need to ask Obama and Loretta Lynch!
This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that enabled the newest and most intriguing figure in the Russia-Trump investigation to enter the country without a visa.
Later, a series of events between an intermediary for the attorney and the Trump campaign ultimately led to the controversy surrounding the president's eldest son.

[Now here is the really interesting point regarding possible law breaking by Lynch.]
The Moscow lawyer had been turned down for a visa to enter the U.S. lawfully but then was granted special immigration parole by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch for the limited purpose of helping a company owned by Russian businessman Denis Katsyv, her client, defend itself against a Justice Department asset forfeiture case in federal court in New York City.

During a court hearing in early January 2016 as Veselnitskaya’s permission to stay in the country was about to expire, federal prosecutors described how rare the grant of parole immigration was as Veselnitskaya pleaded for more time to remain in the United States.

Exclusive: DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump team

Now WHERE is all the MSM mania regarding this? Were there LAWS broken? Where was the
frenzy with ABC/CBS/NBC cabal leading off the evening news regarding the Obama administration
laxness regarding this "Russian" INFLUENCE on American Policy!!!!!!

View attachment 138556
You think based on what you said above that the Russian attorney might be in some trouble for doing more than just defending her client? She hightailed it back to Russia, but I wonder how soon it will be before she comes back?

Of course the DOJ is going to allow a company's attorney to come here to represent it, especially when it is a DOJ case on the table. You don't deny the company its representation.

You guys are desperate to "blame" a Democrat for Jr.'s actions, but it ain't gonna fly this time. Jr. stepped in it and he did it all himself. Admitted it too.

Pure Projection.

The DOJ helped her into the country.....gave her a front-row seat during a congressional hearing 5 days after she pulled this stunt as a reward....and you see no collusion by the Obama Administration.

Let's get real here: Donald Jr is guilty of one thing.....doing his own opposition-research. He should have done it the sneaky way and paid someone to do it for him like Democrats do. This is yet another example of the left criminalizing normal activities during political campaigns.

This is Obama and Hillary's bread and butter. This is what they do. (Although Obama took it to another level and used the NSA to spy on Trump) Yet you have the gall to say op- research is wrong. Without opposition-research no campaign could compete in an election, especially due to the media being so biased in favor of the left.

You want to take away every tool the opposition has and then criticize them for not knowing their shit, then look the other way while Democrats collude with our media and numerous foreign governments as well as the United Nations.:dunno: This is the worst sort of corruption imaginable yet you can't see it.

Pretty damned pathetic if you ask me.
gave her a front-row seat during a congressional hearing 5 days after she pulled this stunt as a reward.
That's what "lobbyists" do. I'm not saying that lifting the sanctions behind the adoption ban isn't her thing. It has been pretty widely reported that it is. However, that doesn't make the reason for her visa extension any less valid, either. No matter how long you whine about it.
Need to ask Obama and Loretta Lynch!
This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that enabled the newest and most intriguing figure in the Russia-Trump investigation to enter the country without a visa.
Later, a series of events between an intermediary for the attorney and the Trump campaign ultimately led to the controversy surrounding the president's eldest son.

[Now here is the really interesting point regarding possible law breaking by Lynch.]
The Moscow lawyer had been turned down for a visa to enter the U.S. lawfully but then was granted special immigration parole by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch for the limited purpose of helping a company owned by Russian businessman Denis Katsyv, her client, defend itself against a Justice Department asset forfeiture case in federal court in New York City.

During a court hearing in early January 2016 as Veselnitskaya’s permission to stay in the country was about to expire, federal prosecutors described how rare the grant of parole immigration was as Veselnitskaya pleaded for more time to remain in the United States.

Exclusive: DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump team

Now WHERE is all the MSM mania regarding this? Were there LAWS broken? Where was the
frenzy with ABC/CBS/NBC cabal leading off the evening news regarding the Obama administration
laxness regarding this "Russian" INFLUENCE on American Policy!!!!!!

View attachment 138556
You think based on what you said above that the Russian attorney might be in some trouble for doing more than just defending her client? She hightailed it back to Russia, but I wonder how soon it will be before she comes back?

Of course the DOJ is going to allow a company's attorney to come here to represent it, especially when it is a DOJ case on the table. You don't deny the company its representation.

You guys are desperate to "blame" a Democrat for Jr.'s actions, but it ain't gonna fly this time. Jr. stepped in it and he did it all himself. Admitted it too.

Pure Projection.

The DOJ helped her into the country.....gave her a front-row seat during a congressional hearing 5 days after she pulled this stunt as a reward....and you see no collusion by the Obama Administration.

Let's get real here: Donald Jr is guilty of one thing.....doing his own opposition-research. He should have done it the sneaky way and paid someone to do it for him like Democrats do. This is yet another example of the left criminalizing normal activities during political campaigns.

This is Obama and Hillary's bread and butter. This is what they do. (Although Obama took it to another level and used the NSA to spy on Trump) Yet you have the gall to say op- research is wrong. Without opposition-research no campaign could compete in an election, especially due to the media being so biased in favor of the left.

You want to take away every tool the opposition has and then criticize them for not knowing their shit, then look the other way while Democrats collude with our media and numerous foreign governments as well as the United Nations.:dunno: This is the worst sort of corruption imaginable yet you can't see it.

Pretty damned pathetic if you ask me.
gave her a front-row seat during a congressional hearing 5 days after she pulled this stunt as a reward.
That's what "lobbyists" do. I'm not saying that lifting the sanctions behind the adoption ban isn't her thing. It has been pretty widely reported that it is. However, that doesn't make the reason for her visa extension any less valid, either. No matter how long you whine about it.

No one is whining about it. She was given as a non-Russian government, Russian citizen the visa extension. OK.. I agree.
The issue then is what makes Trump Jr. a criminal for meeting with a Non-Russian government, Russian citizen? Was there any collusion to interfere with the election at that point? Was there any discussion of altering a single American's vote that would have been cast and then with the assistance of official Russian cyber folks, that
vote along with millions of others cast for Hillary would have been changed?
The answer to the above is there is no issue.
Trump Jr meet with a non-Russian government, Russian citizen. Initially to find any potential information that the person had that was helpful in Trump's election.
There was NEVER EVER any discussion as to how to manipulate the vote i.e. CHANGING a cast election ballot from Hillary to Trump.
There never was any discussion of any information regarding any information that might be helpful in ALTERING American voters' perceptions of Hillary.

So again... WHERE is the beef? As Hillary said... "this is a nothing burger" which by the way WAS NOT her invention any more then Al Gore invented the internet.
Originally often seen written as "nothingburger" — was likely first popularized in the early 1950s by a Hollywood gossip columnist named Louella Parsons to describe a person or idea that's essentially a whole lot of, well, nothing. Since then it has been used by writers here and there. Notably, Cosmopolitan editor Helen Gurley Brown used the term in print in the '60s and '70s. Since then it has been used by writers here and there. Notably, Cosmopolitan editor Helen Gurley Brown used the term in print in the '60s and '70s. Where did the term 'nothing burger' actually originate?
Need to ask Obama and Loretta Lynch!
This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that enabled the newest and most intriguing figure in the Russia-Trump investigation to enter the country without a visa.
Later, a series of events between an intermediary for the attorney and the Trump campaign ultimately led to the controversy surrounding the president's eldest son.

[Now here is the really interesting point regarding possible law breaking by Lynch.]
The Moscow lawyer had been turned down for a visa to enter the U.S. lawfully but then was granted special immigration parole by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch for the limited purpose of helping a company owned by Russian businessman Denis Katsyv, her client, defend itself against a Justice Department asset forfeiture case in federal court in New York City.

During a court hearing in early January 2016 as Veselnitskaya’s permission to stay in the country was about to expire, federal prosecutors described how rare the grant of parole immigration was as Veselnitskaya pleaded for more time to remain in the United States.

Exclusive: DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump team

Now WHERE is all the MSM mania regarding this? Were there LAWS broken? Where was the
frenzy with ABC/CBS/NBC cabal leading off the evening news regarding the Obama administration
laxness regarding this "Russian" INFLUENCE on American Policy!!!!!!

View attachment 138556
You think based on what you said above that the Russian attorney might be in some trouble for doing more than just defending her client? She hightailed it back to Russia, but I wonder how soon it will be before she comes back?

Of course the DOJ is going to allow a company's attorney to come here to represent it, especially when it is a DOJ case on the table. You don't deny the company its representation.

You guys are desperate to "blame" a Democrat for Jr.'s actions, but it ain't gonna fly this time. Jr. stepped in it and he did it all himself. Admitted it too.

Pure Projection.

The DOJ helped her into the country.....gave her a front-row seat during a congressional hearing 5 days after she pulled this stunt as a reward....and you see no collusion by the Obama Administration.

Let's get real here: Donald Jr is guilty of one thing.....doing his own opposition-research. He should have done it the sneaky way and paid someone to do it for him like Democrats do. This is yet another example of the left criminalizing normal activities during political campaigns.

This is Obama and Hillary's bread and butter. This is what they do. (Although Obama took it to another level and used the NSA to spy on Trump) Yet you have the gall to say op- research is wrong. Without opposition-research no campaign could compete in an election, especially due to the media being so biased in favor of the left.

You want to take away every tool the opposition has and then criticize them for not knowing their shit, then look the other way while Democrats collude with our media and numerous foreign governments as well as the United Nations.:dunno: This is the worst sort of corruption imaginable yet you can't see it.

Pretty damned pathetic if you ask me.
gave her a front-row seat during a congressional hearing 5 days after she pulled this stunt as a reward.
That's what "lobbyists" do. I'm not saying that lifting the sanctions behind the adoption ban isn't her thing. It has been pretty widely reported that it is. However, that doesn't make the reason for her visa extension any less valid, either. No matter how long you whine about it.
If you can explain why she was so important to the Obama Administration to deserve that place of honor then maybe you can explain how she ended up in the office of the son of the Republican frontrunner. Perhaps she was a reason Obama needed to present a case in the FISA court and start legally spying on Trump.
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The Obama DOJ set the Russian lawyer up as bait so they could have an excuse to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trumps. This was pure unadulterated entrapment.
Obama hasn't been President for 6 months, so what does that have to do with the Trump family meeting with Russians to subvert the US election?
/---- Please ask your Special Ed teacher to explain a timeline so you can correct your post. TIA (Hint: the so called meetings were before the 2016 election.)
View attachment 138706
With a Russian intelligence officer attending the meetings?
The Obama DOJ set the Russian lawyer up as bait so they could have an excuse to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trumps. This was pure unadulterated entrapment.
Obama hasn't been President for 6 months, so what does that have to do with the Trump family meeting with Russians to subvert the US election?
/---- Please ask your Special Ed teacher to explain a timeline so you can correct your post. TIA (Hint: the so called meetings were before the 2016 election.)
View attachment 138706
With a Russian intelligence officer attending the meetings?

Now for the "REST of the STORY"!!!

Veselnitskaya told NBC that she was accompanied by one other man, but she would not identify him. NBC is withholding his identity.
So we have NBC being told there was another man.
"NBC is withholding his identity."
There are several indications that the fifth person in the meeting was Rinat Akhmetshin, a Russian-born lobbyist accused of having ties to Soviet military intelligence who has been working to overturn the Magnitsky Act since at least last year.
"Several indications" Speculations.
"a Russian-born lobbyist accused of having ties to Soviet military intelligence" Never identified as a "Russian intelligence Officer"! Speculation!

A Soviet military officer-turned-lobbyist attended the Donald Trump Jr. meeting — and 'there is only one person who fits that profile'

Guesses. Indications. "ties".... where is the hard real facts and not guesses. Again the biased MSM presenting stories that are then expanded to guesses,speculations.
The Obama DOJ set the Russian lawyer up as bait so they could have an excuse to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trumps. This was pure unadulterated entrapment.
Obama hasn't been President for 6 months, so what does that have to do with the Trump family meeting with Russians to subvert the US election?
/---- Please ask your Special Ed teacher to explain a timeline so you can correct your post. TIA (Hint: the so called meetings were before the 2016 election.)
View attachment 138706
With a Russian intelligence officer attending the meetings?

Now for the "REST of the STORY"!!!

Veselnitskaya told NBC that she was accompanied by one other man, but she would not identify him. NBC is withholding his identity.
So we have NBC being told there was another man.
"NBC is withholding his identity."
There are several indications that the fifth person in the meeting was Rinat Akhmetshin, a Russian-born lobbyist accused of having ties to Soviet military intelligence who has been working to overturn the Magnitsky Act since at least last year.
"Several indications" Speculations.
"a Russian-born lobbyist accused of having ties to Soviet military intelligence" Never identified as a "Russian intelligence Officer"! Speculation!

A Soviet military officer-turned-lobbyist attended the Donald Trump Jr. meeting — and 'there is only one person who fits that profile'

Guesses. Indications. "ties".... where is the hard real facts and not guesses. Again the biased MSM presenting stories that are then expanded to guesses,speculations.
this is the best you can do? how long have your handlers been working on this, and your reply is the best they can come up with?
Maybe we wouldn't have this problem if Trump had told the truth in the first place.
The Obama DOJ set the Russian lawyer up as bait so they could have an excuse to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trumps. This was pure unadulterated entrapment.
Obama hasn't been President for 6 months, so what does that have to do with the Trump family meeting with Russians to subvert the US election?
/---- Please ask your Special Ed teacher to explain a timeline so you can correct your post. TIA (Hint: the so called meetings were before the 2016 election.)
View attachment 138706
With a Russian intelligence officer attending the meetings?
With a Russian intelligence officer attending the meetings?
They did not need one in that meeting because they knew from past experience that Obama's lap dogs would leak it....which is way more effective if they had
It sure worked their way when Comey leaked that phony Russian dossier and the Obama DOJ & AG followed up with leaking the names of American citizens smeared by the Russian operatives who made certain the FBI noticed who's numbers they were dialing
The Obama DOJ set the Russian lawyer up as bait so they could have an excuse to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Trumps. This was pure unadulterated entrapment.
Obama hasn't been President for 6 months, so what does that have to do with the Trump family meeting with Russians to subvert the US election?
/---- Please ask your Special Ed teacher to explain a timeline so you can correct your post. TIA (Hint: the so called meetings were before the 2016 election.)
View attachment 138706
With a Russian intelligence officer attending the meetings?
With a Russian intelligence officer attending the meetings?
They did not need one in that meeting because they knew from past experience that Obama's lap dogs would leak it....which is way more effective if they had
It sure worked their way when Comey leaked that phony Russian dossier and the Obama DOJ & AG followed up with leaking the names of American citizens smeared by the Russian operatives who made certain the FBI noticed who's numbers they were dialing
Is this another attempt at a pathetic excuse for one trump lie after another?
You wish ! It is precisely Obama shit that you have been fucking for 8 years and now we'll make you eat it !
Listen you fucking lunatic, no matter how butt hurt you get, Obama was not in that meeting with Kushner and Don Jr.
We all know where Obama was:

While this was going on

U.S. Ambassador, Chris Stevens, is carried out of the consulate after an attack on September 11, 2012. AFP / Stringer / Getty Images

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