Were there laws broken When Trump Jr. Met the Russian lawyer?

Well since nothing of value was exchanged before, during, or after the meeting your point is moot.

That's like the guy who hired a hit man to kill his wife. But the hitman turned out to be an undercover police officer. Of course, nobody was killed, but he was convicted of first degree attempted murder.

Trying to commit a crime, is a crime.

A Florida jury on Friday convicted a woman of hiring a hit man to kill her new husband

With the conviction on solicitation to commit first-degree murder, she could face up to 30 years in prison.

Florida woman found guilty of hiring hit man to kill her husband
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I am actually amazed he is as clean as he is. Probably one of the cleanest politicians we've had in office. And I've come to that conclusion due to their having to make up crap all the time.
You won't find anything either...........EVER. That said, perhaps liberals are dumb enough to come up with something new.
Well since nothing of value was exchanged before, during, or after the meeting your point is moot.

That's like the guy who hired a hit man to kill his wife. But the hitman turned out to be an undercover police officer. Of course, nobody was killed, but he was convicted of first degree attempted murder.

Trying to commit a crime, is a crime.
No......what happened is this woman was said to have something that wasn't true and the meeting was stopped because they found out it was a scam.
It's called bait and switch.
Truth is Loretta Lynch made sure she stayed in America without a visa and somehow an opposition research group working for the Fucking DNC made sure she got an appointment to see Donald Trump Jr. Once she started talking in Russian they decided it was a total waste of fucking time and ended the meeting.
I think the DNC thought it was some kind of fucking joke and said....well, if the rest of our lies fall through we can always bring this stupidity up and push it in the press.
No......what happened is this woman was said to have something that wasn't true and the meeting was stopped because they found out it was a scam.
It's called bait and switch..

No different from someone claiming to be a nigerian prince. If you enter into a illegal act based on his royal status, that he isn't a prince doesn't change the attempt to commit a crime.

Attempted murder is still murder. Attempted violation of election laws, is still violation of election laws.

The woman tried to claim she was innocent because nothing happened to her husband. She was convicted and faces 30 years in prison.
Well since nothing of value was exchanged before, during, or after the meeting your point is moot.

That's like the guy who hired a hit man to kill his wife. But the hitman turned out to be an undercover police officer. Of course, nobody was killed, but he was convicted of first degree attempted murder.

Trying to commit a crime, is a crime.
No......what happened is this woman was said to have something that wasn't true and the meeting was stopped because they found out it was a scam.
It's called bait and switch.
Truth is Loretta Lynch made sure she stayed in America without a visa and somehow an opposition research group working for the Fucking DNC made sure she got an appointment to see Donald Trump Jr. Once she started talking in Russian they decided it was a total waste of fucking time and ended the meeting.
I think the DNC thought it was some kind of fucking joke and said....well, if the rest of our lies fall through we can always bring this stupidity up and push it in the press.

It's more like:

We have information Clinton hired a hit man to kill Bill.

That and we know murder is illegal. What statutes etc. can you cite demonstrating Jr. broke the law?
No......what happened is this woman was said to have something that wasn't true and the meeting was stopped because they found out it was a scam.
It's called bait and switch..

No different from someone claiming to be a nigerian prince. If you enter into a illegal act based on his royal status, that he isn't a prince doesn't change the attempt to commit a crime.

Attempted murder is still murder. Attempted violation of election laws, is still violation of election laws.

The woman tried to claim she was innocent because nothing happened to her husband. She was convicted and faces 30 years in prison.
You're talking apples and oranges.
You're claiming that this is about murder and it's really about finding out dirt on your political opponent.
There is no law against that regardless of the source.
If there was Obama and Hillary would both be in jail right now.
Federal election laws.
Federal Election Laws were NOT broken, as pointed out when the specific laws were already posted (with links).

According to those laws it is illegal for a candidate or member of the campaign to receive information from a foreign agent and use that information against a political opponent.

According to the Russian Lawyer, Trump Jr, and witnesses at the meeting NO INFORMATION WAS EVER PASSED, AND NO INFORMATION WAS EVER USED AGAINST HILLARY.

That means NO CRIME committed, especially election law.

Another snowflake false narrative shot to hell...
I agree that no evidence has been found... I wouldn't say that they book can be closed. Your assertion is based on statements by the accused... the lawyer and Don jr who was then caught lying about his account of the meeting. Not the most credible of sources. The lies draw suspicion dont you think?

And yet....there isn't any crime here....at all.....

But please...I hope they keep it up...it will help Trump to stay on the right side of the issues.....they have now attacked his family....that is a good thing...
I never said there was a crime. I said they lied and can't be trusted. Keep kicking the can though
What's the law about sedition and treason?
Treason is if anyone passed on restricted information or material which is covered by the secrecy act to a foreign government.
noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
And it's the dementocrats who are trying to overthrow the sovereign government of the United States
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
What was the aid and comfort Trump or Trump jr gave to an enemy of the US ?
And where are these witnesses? All we got are fake news using "unnamed sources" except for that ex FBI director who got fired by Trump when it was pretty clear that he used a fake Russian dossier to undermine the POTUS.
There sure was material aid by Clinton and the Obama admin to several enemies of the United States who turned around and made some very generous contributions to the Clinton foundation
And as far as numerous Hollywood celebrities are concerned some called for the death of the President as overtly as can be and there were more than 2 witnesses when they did !
And while we are at it.; isn't law enforcement a part of the government and it is treason to call for the murder of police officers or give comfort or aid to those who advocate it...like Obama did with Black Lifes Matter reps ?
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You're talking apples and oranges.
You're claiming that this is about murder and it's really about finding out dirt on your political opponent..

The source is important. Coming from secret kremlin files obtained via theft, bribery, blackmail or espionage. As Trump said "Russia if you're listening, I hope you can find the 30,000 Clinton emails"

Knowing the only way the kremlin could obtain them, was by hacking or theft.
You're talking apples and oranges.
You're claiming that this is about murder and it's really about finding out dirt on your political opponent..

The source is important. Coming from secret kremlin files obtained via theft, bribery, blackmail or espionage. As Trump said "Russia if you're listening, I hope you can find the 30,000 Clinton emails"

Knowing the only way the kremlin could obtain them, was by hacking or theft.
You don't seem to understand.....that was just a story they allegedly came up with to get in the door.
It never happened.
You can't arrest someone for listening to nothing.

To use your silly analogy....you can't be arrested for buying cocaine if nobody had any cocaine or any money to buy it with.

You can't even be arrested for talking about buying cocaine.
In this case they didn't even do that.
You're talking apples and oranges.
You're claiming that this is about murder and it's really about finding out dirt on your political opponent..

The source is important. Coming from secret kremlin files obtained via theft, bribery, blackmail or espionage. As Trump said "Russia if you're listening, I hope you can find the 30,000 Clinton emails"

Knowing the only way the kremlin could obtain them, was by hacking or theft.
Trump said "Russia if you're listening, I hope you can find the 30,000 Clinton emails"
Knowing the only way the kremlin could obtain them, was by hacking or theft.

Because that's the only way which was left after the Clinton bitch and her staff used bleachbit and hammers to get rid of these emmails after they had been subpoenaed by Congress to hand them over.
All Trump did was in effect to ask the Russians to return what was US Government property
Would it be illegal if he asked them to return the Uranium she looted from the US Uranium reserves?
Or demanding that Iran returns the cash she and Obama gave to Iran?
Or that a hijacked Navy Patrol boat. property of the US Gov is returned?
If Comey's memos are Government property then so are these 30 000 emails the Russians are supposed to have.
By the way Wikileaks has stuff which was a lot harder to get than these emails which were on a mom and pop shop server and did not need "The Russians" to get it...in all cases it came from a whistle blower who was a US citizen...Like the one who worked for the Dementocrats and wound up dead as a "mugging victim" who still had his Rolex and wallet!
DNC Staffer Shot, Killed in Northwest DC
When asked if he was implying that Rich was a source for WikiLeaks, which on July 22 released thousands of emails from DNC accounts — centering around Clinton, her campaign and the DNC's treatment of Sen. Bernie Sanders — Assange cryptically responded.
“We don’t comment on our sources,” he said. “We have to understand how high the stakes are on the case.”
If I have to choose who to believe. that lying Clinton bitch and the rest of the dementocrats or Assange I put my money on Assange any day !
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Take a look at the known facts of this "botched robbery"...the part that got my attention was:
The Profiling Project Seth Rich Report | Offender Profiling | Victimology
: Southwest corner of the intersection of Flagler and W St. NW, at 2134 Flagler Place, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. A quiet neighborhood known as Bloomingdale, with narrow streets and a demographics mixed with long-time residents and those seeking to get ahead of the areas gentrification. With large trees blocking much of the street-lighting, the area has some dark areas in the nighttime
The crime scene was very organized to the point of being sanitized. This would indicate careful planning control of the entry to and exit from the crime scene as well as in-depth understanding of law-enforcement investigative processes
Though the report notes “apparent gunshot wound(s) to the back” the report states that the homicide was “Gun involved” and that the weapon was a “handgun."

My take:
The police has not released what kind of handgun . If it was a revolver then there would be no casings at the crime scene but there is more to it than that
The offender had already accepted that the use of a firearm was an option, indicating that offender had either previously killed, or a significant amount of preparation had gone into planning for this kill.
on July 10, 2016, the offender could successfully remain unrecorded in approaching, engaging and withdrawing from the crime-scene. Offender brought a most likely unregistered firearm to the crime-scene, utilized the firearm and most likely carried the firearm away from the crime-scene with them post-commission. This is a bold behavior in D.C., which has some of the strictest gun laws in the country

As if the offender who had a gun would not pull it out when he robs somebody. In this case there was at first a struggle...then after the victim broke free and ran away; was shot twice from behind and nothing was taken.
Sounds more like a botched abduction than a botched robbery.
We shall see because :
"What we found is there actually is possibly another surveillance camera that may have been missed in the initial investigation so we have turned that over to the police," Zhang said.

The reward for solving Rich's murder is now up to $250,000.....and not a single $ came from the DNC
You're talking apples and oranges.
You're claiming that this is about murder and it's really about finding out dirt on your political opponent..

The source is important. Coming from secret kremlin files obtained via theft, bribery, blackmail or espionage. As Trump said "Russia if you're listening, I hope you can find the 30,000 Clinton emails"

Knowing the only way the kremlin could obtain them, was by hacking or theft.
You don't seem to understand.....that was just a story they allegedly came up with to get in the door.
It never happened.
You can't arrest someone for listening to nothing.

To use your silly analogy....you can't be arrested for buying cocaine if nobody had any cocaine or any money to buy it with.

You can't even be arrested for talking about buying cocaine.
In this case they didn't even do that.

If you try to rob a 7-11 and they have no money did you commit a crime?
Need to ask Obama and Loretta Lynch!
This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that enabled the newest and most intriguing figure in the Russia-Trump investigation to enter the country without a visa.
Later, a series of events between an intermediary for the attorney and the Trump campaign ultimately led to the controversy surrounding the president's eldest son.

[Now here is the really interesting point regarding possible law breaking by Lynch.]
The Moscow lawyer had been turned down for a visa to enter the U.S. lawfully but then was granted special immigration parole by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch for the limited purpose of helping a company owned by Russian businessman Denis Katsyv, her client, defend itself against a Justice Department asset forfeiture case in federal court in New York City.

During a court hearing in early January 2016 as Veselnitskaya’s permission to stay in the country was about to expire, federal prosecutors described how rare the grant of parole immigration was as Veselnitskaya pleaded for more time to remain in the United States.

Exclusive: DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump team

Now WHERE is all the MSM mania regarding this? Were there LAWS broken? Where was the
frenzy with ABC/CBS/NBC cabal leading off the evening news regarding the Obama administration
laxness regarding this "Russian" INFLUENCE on American Policy!!!!!!

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You think based on what you said above that the Russian attorney might be in some trouble for doing more than just defending her client? She hightailed it back to Russia, but I wonder how soon it will be before she comes back?

Of course the DOJ is going to allow a company's attorney to come here to represent it, especially when it is a DOJ case on the table. You don't deny the company its representation.

You guys are desperate to "blame" a Democrat for Jr.'s actions, but it ain't gonna fly this time. Jr. stepped in it and he did it all himself. Admitted it too.

Stepped in what? She was a private citizen of Russia. She didn't share anything. She had a different agenda.
There are millions of Russian immigrants in USA, each day each one of them meets with a number of people. Liberals need to start investigating all of them. May be that will keep them busy for a quite while and let Trump do his job.
Figure the odds.
We're talking Trump, so the odds of there being something underhanded going on are pretty good.
Thank you Comrad.
Funny coming from the side that's kissing Russia's ass. :laugh2:

No fair, only liberals can kiss Russia's ass, eh comrade?
Federal election laws.
Federal Election Laws were NOT broken, as pointed out when the specific laws were already posted (with links).

According to those laws it is illegal for a candidate or member of the campaign to receive information from a foreign agent and use that information against a political opponent.

According to the Russian Lawyer, Trump Jr, and witnesses at the meeting NO INFORMATION WAS EVER PASSED, AND NO INFORMATION WAS EVER USED AGAINST HILLARY.

That means NO CRIME committed, especially election law.

Another snowflake false narrative shot to hell...

According to those laws it is illegal for a candidate or member of the campaign to receive information from a foreign agent and use that information against a political opponent.

Can you post or link to the law(s) that say that?
To use your silly analogy....you can't be arrested for buying cocaine if nobody had any cocaine or any money to buy it with.

Man nabbed after buying fake cocaine from police

A Muskegon County man who bought more than 2 pounds of fake cocaine from undercover officers outside a Culver’s restaurant is facing a felony charge that could put him behind bars for 20 years.

Undercover investigators arranged a meeting with Hairston Monday evening outside Culver’s restaurant on 54th Street SW in Wyoming. Police, posing as drug dealers, arranged to sell Hairston 2.2 pounds of cocaine.

“Hairston did not know he was receiving imitation cocaine,’’ DEA Agent Chris Watkins wrote in the criminal complaint.

KANET officers watched as Hairston took possession of a plastic bag containing one kilogram of imitation cocaine and place it inside a white 2009 Cadillac Escalade, Watkins wrote.

Soon after, the Escalade was stopped at 54th Street and Clay Avenue SW. The imitation cocaine was found hidden inside a compartment near the driver’s rear wheel well, court records show.
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Well since nothing of value was exchanged before, during, or after the meeting your point is moot.

That's like the guy who hired a hit man to kill his wife. But the hitman turned out to be an undercover police officer. Of course, nobody was killed, but he was convicted of first degree attempted murder.

Trying to commit a crime, is a crime.

A Florida jury on Friday convicted a woman of hiring a hit man to kill her new husband

With the conviction on solicitation to commit first-degree murder, she could face up to 30 years in prison.

Florida woman found guilty of hiring hit man to kill her husband

Wholy F how stupid does one have to be to conjure up an analogy like "That's like the guy who hired a hit man to kill his wife. But the hitman turned out to be an undercover police officer. Of course, nobody was killed, but he was convicted of first degree attempted murder."
So tell us who was the "hitman" or the "undercover cop" and who Trump jr "attempted to murder" in your weird wally-world.
Actually you just pointed out a scenario where the so called "under cover policeman" would have been a russian lawyer pretending to be a "hitman".; offering to waste Clinton but turned out to be an undercover cop working for the DNC but had nothing to deliver that could have politically offed the Clinton bitch other than making sure she was seen as a "russian operative" coming and going on the Trump Tower lobby cam as incriminating "evidence"
So who is the "collusion" criminal here?
The British tabloid guy was the useful idiot who set up the meeting hoping he could get an exclusive scoop on a scandal and the Obama AG made sure the "Russian Hit woman" could make it to New York and show up strolling into the Trump tower even though she was held by the British Security Forces in London and had no visa to board a US bound airliner. She was not going to New York to defend a client that was a ruse because that case was settled out of court.
There is no way to conceal forever who arranged her release after she was arrested at Heathrow airport once the Obama appointees have been fired in the Intel agencies and replaced by people who actually do their job Starting with the FBI right down to every career civil serpent who filed tax exemptions for the $$$ they funneled into the political party they are still working for.
What a fucking corrupt system ! From top bottom...the top strike that; it's been beheaded by the electorate Trump will do the rest no matter what kind of desperate tactics the Dems use to obstruct justice,
Federal election laws.
Federal Election Laws were NOT broken, as pointed out when the specific laws were already posted (with links).

According to those laws it is illegal for a candidate or member of the campaign to receive information from a foreign agent and use that information against a political opponent.

According to the Russian Lawyer, Trump Jr, and witnesses at the meeting NO INFORMATION WAS EVER PASSED, AND NO INFORMATION WAS EVER USED AGAINST HILLARY.

That means NO CRIME committed, especially election law.

Another snowflake false narrative shot to hell...

According to those laws it is illegal for a candidate or member of the campaign to receive information from a foreign agent and use that information against a political opponent.

Can you post or link to the law(s) that say that?
He pulled that out of his ass there is no such law in the US or Canada or in any other British Commonwealth based law system like it.

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