Wernher Von Braun


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
This guy was fascinating. Was a NAZI, a rocket scientist, worked for the US, worked with Walt Disney, director of the Marshall Space Flight Center, and his group of rocket engineers turned into NASA.
Considering the science stuff of his bio, look at his gravestone.

That verse reads : The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
If you dont know what the "firmament" means : vast solid dome, created by God on the second day of creation, which divides the primal “waters” into upper and lower portions
From what I recall, people that take this literally, think space is all bullshit, and they think outside the firmament, is just water.

Before you say it, I do not believe in the Abrahamic God. I find the 7 days of creation to be inconsistent with basic science. So I do not believe in a firmament, or a flat earth. But for THAT GUY to have THAT verse on gravestone? Its crazy lol.
more like, do unto others as you would have them do unto you shall be the whole of the law.

those barbaric laws are under an old covenant of a vengeful demiurge.
You can say that now.
Apollo would not have succeeded without him

He did have Nazi baggage though
I think he cared more about his rockets than Nazi ideology. But he was willing to use Jewish slave labor to build them.
I don’t think he had a choice either way
Apollo would not have succeeded without him

He did have Nazi baggage though
I think he cared more about his rockets than Nazi ideology. But he was willing to use Jewish slave labor to build them.
I don’t think he had a choice either way
we always have a choice.

the anti-free will people just want to blame their evil on something else.
Anybody have a comment on the irony of his gravestone?
This guy was fascinating. Was a NAZI, a rocket scientist, worked for the US, worked with Walt Disney, director of the Marshall Space Flight Center, and his group of rocket engineers turned into NASA.
Considering the science stuff of his bio, look at his gravestone.
View attachment 835734
That verse reads : The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
If you dont know what the "firmament" means : vast solid dome, created by God on the second day of creation, which divides the primal “waters” into upper and lower portions
From what I recall, people that take this literally, think space is all bullshit, and they think outside the firmament, is just water.

Before you say it, I do not believe in the Abrahamic God. I find the 7 days of creation to be inconsistent with basic science. So I do not believe in a firmament, or a flat earth. But for THAT GUY to have THAT verse on gravestone? Its crazy lol.
Maybe it was not his choice. Maybe in the end he was crazy.
Apollo would not have succeeded without him

He did have Nazi baggage though
I think he cared more about his rockets than Nazi ideology. But he was willing to use Jewish slave labor to build them.
I don’t think he had a choice either way
The question begs, why did a former Nazi have the writings of a Jewish man on his grave stone?

Something is not adding up.
Maybe it was not his choice. Maybe in the end he was crazy.
Later in life, he joined an Episcopal congregation,[107] and became increasingly religious.[112] He publicly spoke and wrote about the complementarity of science and religion, the afterlife of the soul, and his belief in God.[113][114] He stated, "Through science man strives to learn more of the mysteries of creation. Through religion he seeks to know the Creator."[115] He was interviewed by the Assemblies of God pastor C. M. Ward and stated that "The farther we probe into space, the greater my faith."[116] In addition, he met privately with evangelist Billy Graham and with the civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.[117]
Anybody have a comment on the irony of his gravestone?
We are all tested in life. Perhaps many times. We may fall into cliques in say employment and do what everyone else does. Even if we are a little uncomfortable in doing it. we have people uprising in our nation over authoritarians who have power over them. Only now they take it out on property and others. Only the judicial and law enforcement authoritarian can reduce the simmering pot that is over boiling with the goading from authoritarian extremists. And predictably they are staying within their cliques.
Later in life, he joined an Episcopal congregation,[107] and became increasingly religious.[112] He publicly spoke and wrote about the complementarity of science and religion, the afterlife of the soul, and his belief in God.[113][114] He stated, "Through science man strives to learn more of the mysteries of creation. Through religion he seeks to know the Creator."[115] He was interviewed by the Assemblies of God pastor C. M. Ward and stated that "The farther we probe into space, the greater my faith."[116] In addition, he met privately with evangelist Billy Graham and with the civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.[117]
Would you assess him to be a true convert or just someone trying to cover for his past?
This guy was fascinating. Was a NAZI, a rocket scientist, worked for the US, worked with Walt Disney, director of the Marshall Space Flight Center, and his group of rocket engineers turned into NASA.
Considering the science stuff of his bio, look at his gravestone.
View attachment 835734
That verse reads : The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
If you dont know what the "firmament" means : vast solid dome, created by God on the second day of creation, which divides the primal “waters” into upper and lower portions
From what I recall, people that take this literally, think space is all bullshit, and they think outside the firmament, is just water.

Before you say it, I do not believe in the Abrahamic God. I find the 7 days of creation to be inconsistent with basic science. So I do not believe in a firmament, or a flat earth. But for THAT GUY to have THAT verse on gravestone? Its crazy lol.
1) The Bible has gone through numerous translations before the English version arose....There's no telling how the meanings of its passages have changed, just through the vicissitudes of translation.

2) A lot of its stories are deeply couched in metaphor and quasi-poetic speak...You'd have to be a little nutty to believe that the "seven days" are literal...."Waters" is more than likely the only way that people who had no concept of space could describe the universe they saw above their heads.
1) The Bible has gone through numerous translations before the English version arose....There's no telling how the meanings of its passages have changed, just through the vicissitudes of translation.

2) A lot of its stories are deeply couched in metaphor and quasi-poetic speak...You'd have to be a little nutty to believe that the "seven days" are literal...."Waters" is more than likely the only way that people who had no concept of space could describe the universe they saw above their heads.
Ancient rabbinical texts show that the 7 day creation period were not accepted as 7 literal days. This was pre-modern science, so they had no reason to come to this conclusion because of science.

Instead, they came to this conclusion based on their expertise in Hebrew and passed down information.

The King James Version that was written much later, however, missed this entirely.
"Waters" is more than likely the only way that people who had no concept of space could describe the universe they saw above their heads.
I just find it fascinating thats actually on his grave, and his entire life was based on space.
You know i like discussing wild shit like this lol

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