West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Could Disintegrate Within Decades

How deep in denial must one be to construct an interpretation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics that violates damn near every other law of physics just so you can use it to reject the concept of greenhouse warming?

There is no reason anyone should be engaging with you in any discussion involving basic science. You are a troll and absolutely, positively nothing more.
How deep in denial must one be to construct an interpretation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics that violates damn near every other law of physics just so you can use it to reject the concept of greenhouse warming?

There is no reason anyone should be engaging with you in any discussion involving basic science. You are a troll and absolutely, positively nothing more.
Even after all the proof that volcanic activity has caused the ice melt.

Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly

and this story is almost three years old. They knew nothing of the enormous cavity now found under Thwaites within the WAIS.[Giant hole in Antarctic's Thwaites Glacier: "Disturbing" discovery as a giant hole was found under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier - CBS News] WAIS movement rate has recently been characterized as "explosive" Potentially 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 and rise continuing through the following century at one foot per decade.

There's a good chance your children will see major coastal cities abandoned in their lifetime. But you keep on fighting to keep the coal business alive and your good friends in the oil industry pocketing their billions and billions.
Hopefully this climate model is wrong. Otherwise this could be a real tragedy for the whole world.
Anyways I tend to be optimistic about climate change. Maybe our technology could solve the problem in the future (if the coutries of the entire planet are willing to do that...) :)
Being optimistic is fine. But you want to make certain that you remain objective about real world threats. Humans are pretty poor at accurate threat assessment. People often fear things with minute odds of occurrence but take little thought to walking in front of a bus. The West Antarctic Ice Sheet IS going to disintegrate. The question is when and how quickly. The initial estimates concluded that it would take a couple of centuries - still not a good thing given the magnitude of the sea level rise. But the process of its disintegration is one with a significant amount of chaos - unpredictable factors and responses.

I would not buy property with an elevation of less than 10 meters.
A non-moron would note that there's no sign of elevated temperatures in the oceans immediately over those volcanoes. Hence, they're not melting any ice. Their heat output is so comparatively tiny, it doesn't even register in the ocean environment.

Let's run some numbers.

Latent heat of melting for water = 334 kJ/Kg

Mass of ice melting = 219 E12 kg/year

That makes 73 E15 kJ/year energy being used to melt ice.

The volcanic output of the whole planet was estimated at 5E13 kJ/year for 2001.

Satellite tots up volcanic heat : Nature News

So, the Antarctic ice melt alone would require 1400 times the global volcanic heat output of a "quiet" volcanic year.

Now, a large volcano will release much more heat, but it would be impossible to miss such eruptions. According to SSDD's theory, there would have to be dozens of Mt St. Helens scale eruptions going off every year under the ice, suddenly starting just a few decades ago, but we've never been able to detect them. Being that's a nonsensical theory, everyone laughs at it.

Sooooo, you're telling us that 120PPM of CO2 generates at least 73E15kJ/year.

This should be a piece of cake to show us the lab work, right?

Did you notice that the hairball's source was issued in 2004? Three years before volcanic activity under Antarctica became a topic of real interest? How deep in denial must one be to ignore information published in 2018 and rely on information published in 2004 in order to maintain the narrative in one's mind?

I didn't notice. Thank you.

I'm still waiting for him to show us how atmospheric CO2 generates that heat...maybe cold CO2 fusion?
How deep in denial must one be to construct an interpretation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics that violates damn near every other law of physics just so you can use it to reject the concept of greenhouse warming?

Second Law of Thermodynamics: It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Which part of that have I "constructed" or otherwise altered? I agree with every word of that statement...you on the other hand don't so it is you and yours who have constructed some alternate version of the second law that allows energy to move spontaneously from cool objects to warm objects.

And do tell skidmark....what other laws of physics does that statement violate?
Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly

and this story is almost three years old. They knew nothing of the enormous cavity now found under Thwaites within the WAIS.[Giant hole in Antarctic's Thwaites Glacier: "Disturbing" discovery as a giant hole was found under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier - CBS News] WAIS movement rate has recently been characterized as "explosive" Potentially 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 and rise continuing through the following century at one foot per decade.

There's a good chance your children will see major coastal cities abandoned in their lifetime. But you keep on fighting to keep the coal business alive and your good friends in the oil industry pocketing their billions and billions.
Hopefully this climate model is wrong. Otherwise this could be a real tragedy for the whole world.
Anyways I tend to be optimistic about climate change. Maybe our technology could solve the problem in the future (if the coutries of the entire planet are willing to do that...) :)

Have you seen any observed, measured evidence that suggests that there IS a problem? There is not the first piece of observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...if natural variability is a problem, then adaptation is the only solution whether it be towards warmer or cooler.
Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly

and this story is almost three years old. They knew nothing of the enormous cavity now found under Thwaites within the WAIS.[Giant hole in Antarctic's Thwaites Glacier: "Disturbing" discovery as a giant hole was found under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier - CBS News] WAIS movement rate has recently been characterized as "explosive" Potentially 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 and rise continuing through the following century at one foot per decade.

There's a good chance your children will see major coastal cities abandoned in their lifetime. But you keep on fighting to keep the coal business alive and your good friends in the oil industry pocketing their billions and billions.
They dissapeared already. Didn't you hear?

Even after all the proof that volcanic activity has caused the ice melt.

There is no "proof" that volcanoes have caused the ice melt.

Active volcanoes under the ice and you still hold on to the idea that CO2 is causing the problem? How much more stupid can you get?
and he claims it isn't warm above the active volcanoes. not warm. there's fire but no heat. hmmmmmm
Even after all the proof that volcanic activity has caused the ice melt.

There is no "proof" that volcanoes have caused the ice melt.

Active volcanoes under the ice and you still hold on to the idea that CO2 is causing the problem? How much more stupid can you get?
and he claims it isn't warm above the active volcanoes. not warm. there's fire but no heat. hmmmmmm

Must be CO2 down there beaming the heat back into the volcano
Must be warm seawater melting the grounding line further and further back.
Must be warm seawater melting the grounding line further and further back.

So you believe CO2 is melting the ice from below rather than volcanic heat... That doesn't surprise me in the slightest...you are exactly that stupid...I don't suppose the warmer water under the sea ice could be due to the run off from the water melting due to contact with magma and the super heated steam that results...that couldn't be a possibility, could it?
You think you're going to find steam at the bottom of the Antarctic ice sheet? Every day and in every way, you display your ignorance over and over and over again.

I am certain some amount of ice is being melted by geothermal heat somewhere. But the WAIS is being destabilized by ocean water warmed by AGW.

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