West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Could Disintegrate Within Decades

Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly

and this story is almost three years old. They knew nothing of the enormous cavity now found under Thwaites within the WAIS.[Giant hole in Antarctic's Thwaites Glacier: "Disturbing" discovery as a giant hole was found under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier - CBS News] WAIS movement rate has recently been characterized as "explosive" Potentially 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 and rise continuing through the following century at one foot per decade.

There's a good chance your children will see major coastal cities abandoned in their lifetime. But you keep on fighting to keep the coal business alive and your good friends in the oil industry pocketing their billions and billions.
I will..I don't live near the coast
Are you calling me a liar?

The WAIS disintegration became a foregone conclusion when it was discovered that the base of the sheet was separating from bedrock below; that ocean water had begun to float the ice sheet off its base. Most of the WAIS bedrock is below sea level due to the weight of the ice sitting on it. But that disintegration was expected to take many centuries. Now it seen to be taking place at a much more rapid pace.

So, your accusation is bullshit. And the next time you call me a liar, it would be awfully marine-like for you to have some proof.
just build the buildings inland....what's the problem??
it's not like people won't be able to get to higher terrain
Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly

and this story is almost three years old. They knew nothing of the enormous cavity now found under Thwaites within the WAIS.[Giant hole in Antarctic's Thwaites Glacier: "Disturbing" discovery as a giant hole was found under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier - CBS News] WAIS movement rate has recently been characterized as "explosive" Potentially 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 and rise continuing through the following century at one foot per decade.

There's a good chance your children will see major coastal cities abandoned in their lifetime. But you keep on fighting to keep the coal business alive and your good friends in the oil industry pocketing their billions and billions.


Time for a root canal.

The last time I saw a sea level rise budget come close to being balanced was was done around 2010 when the big drop occurred.

One example from 2011:

Leuliette, E.W., and J.K. Willis. 2011. Balancing the sea level budget.

With several improvements, recent analyses of the sea level rise budget found closure at the 0.2 mm yr–1 level

Another from 2018:

Global sea-level budget 1993–presentWCRP Global Sea Level Budget Group
If we consider the ensemble mean trends for the GMSL, thermosteric and ocean mass components given in Sects. 2.2, 2.3 and 2.9 over 2005–present, we find agreement (within error bars) between the observed GMSL (3.5±0.2 mm yr−1) and the sum of Argo-based thermosteric plus GRACE-based ocean mass (3.6±0.4 mm yr−1)

I'm not certain where you got the idea that the sea level rise budget was out of whack.
it's not like people won't be able to get to higher terrain

So you're offering to shelter a Bengali family in your house?


And that's the general problem. Refugees by the millions can't just pack up and move to someone else's land.
...fK no--fk them--tough shit I'm not taking anyone in and by the way that's STUPID--I'm INLAND --very far!!! they don't need to come this far
...if I got hit by an earthquake/tornado no one would give a shit
tough shit
You don't think people would help you? I think you'd be disappointed there.
Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly

and this story is almost three years old. They knew nothing of the enormous cavity now found under Thwaites within the WAIS.[Giant hole in Antarctic's Thwaites Glacier: "Disturbing" discovery as a giant hole was found under Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier - CBS News] WAIS movement rate has recently been characterized as "explosive" Potentially 12 feet of sea level rise by 2100 and rise continuing through the following century at one foot per decade.

There's a good chance your children will see major coastal cities abandoned in their lifetime. But you keep on fighting to keep the coal business alive and your good friends in the oil industry pocketing their billions and billions.

Yet another failed model...how many climate models must fail before you realize that they have it wrong?...absolutely wrong....the models are based on a terribly flawed model of energy moving through the atmosphere...a model in which the earth is able to warm itself with its own radiation...a model that has experienced predictive failure after predictive failure after predictive failure...
NOTHING associated with "Global Warming" (or whatever the Leftists want to call it this week) will happen so rapidly that we humans will be unable to timely react. The seas may rise, and some land will be covered with water. Some of Florida, maybe. Some South Pacific islands. But New York City and Boston will somehow be protected, as will Venice, Italy, New Orleans, and so on.

How fucking stupid do you have to be in order to ignore the fact that the Human Race has adapted to a thousand different varieties of "Climate Change" in its history, and still thrived?

Because this is happening a thousand times faster than anything we have ever faced before and a thousand times as many people will be affected by it.

More bullshit claims pulled out of your ass...
You get taken in by this bullshit claims we have all seen the evidence that your organizations LIE about what they are saying they have been caught time and again.
Are you saying NASA is lying and there is not a huge cavity under the glacier?

If so, it would be interesting to see your evidence.

Any idea how old it is? Any idea of its long term behavior? Any idea at all or is hysterical handwaving all you have?
I will add this to my collection. Yours is the 23rd denier post suggesting someone commit suicide. How morally elevated of you all.

That is a far cry from your suggestion that skeptics simply be killed...interesting that you still can't differentiate between demonstrating the courage of your convictions, and simply killing another person...flawed liberal thinking on parade..
Marine Ice Sheet Collapse Potentially Under Way for the Thwaites Glacier Basin, West Antarctica

Antarctic Collapse
The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is particularly vulnerable to ocean warming-induced collapse. The Thwaites Glacier of West Antarctica is one of the largest WAIS regional contributors to sea level rise, and has been considered to be potentially unstable for many years. Joughin et al. (p. 735) used a combination of a numerical model and observations of its recent geometry and movement to investigate the stability of the Thwaites Glacier. The glacier has already entered the early stages of collapse, and rapid and irreversible collapse is likely in the next 200 to 1000 years.

Resting atop a deep marine basin, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet has long been considered prone to instability. Using a numerical model, we investigated the sensitivity of Thwaites Glacier to ocean melt and whether its unstable retreat is already under way. Our model reproduces observed losses when forced with ocean melt comparable to estimates. Simulated losses are moderate (<0.25 mm per year at sea level) over the 21st century but generally increase thereafter. Except possibly for the lowest-melt scenario, the simulations indicate that early-stage collapse has begun. Less certain is the time scale, with the onset of rapid (>1 mm per year of sea-level rise) collapse in the different simulations within the range of 200 to 900 years.

More bullshit that is good enough to fool you and set you to waving your hands hysterically... Here..have a look at Thwaites Glacier.. Thwaites glacier is a speck on the continent of antarctica.....is there any pseudoscience that doesn't fool you and send you off into hysterical handwaving fits?


And if the scale of that isn't enough to demonstrate what a hysterical hand waving ninny you are, try this

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So you're offering to shelter a Bengali family in your house?

They don't have hills in India?

First, you might want to note that Bangladesh and India are not the same country.

Second, in Bangladesh, they essentially don't have hills. Most of the nation is flood plain. And if the ocean busts through an area even once and salts the earth, the farmland is dead, and the population has to move.
It appears that you accept that Thwaites may collapse catastrophically. That's a step forward. Now you need to wake up to the fact that the contention is not only Thwaites will collapse, it is the entire West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
It appears that you accept that Thwaites may collapse catastrophically. That's a step forward. Now you need to wake up to the fact that the contention is not only Thwaites will collapse, it is the entire West Antarctic Ice Sheet.
The melt is due to volcanic activity beneath the ice...what do you propose we do about it other than adapt? If it collapses, then it has been in the works since the Holocene optimum...it has nothing whatsoever to do with us, or our activities...
It has to do with warming ocean waters having undermined the icesheet, whose bottom is below sea level and pushed the grounding line back. Those ocean waters were warmed by the greenhouse effect acting on GHGs added to the atmosphere by human activities.
You've got several things going on there. Overall, the shelves have been crumbling. However, those remaining intact have been growing in area. That is primarily due to the acceleration of the glaciers ashore pushing more and more ice out off the coast. Temperatures ashore and in the sea have been rising. Given all that, I would not extrapolate from this one location to the entire coast of Antarctica. It might, but I wouldn't bet on it with the cards you have in your hand right now.
you mean while Australia was at 120 degree F, the ice in Antarctica was growing. some things don't get any better than that. hmmmmmmmm you lied crick!!
It has to do with warming ocean waters having undermined the icesheet, whose bottom is below sea level and pushed the grounding line back. Those ocean waters were warmed by the greenhouse effect acting on GHGs added to the atmosphere by human activities.

Sorry skid mark..it is due to volcanic activity... the fact is that the west antarctic rift system may well be the largest active volcanic systems on earth....so far ore than 90 volcanoes have been detected. The very idea that what bit of regional warming the earth has seen in the past 100 years could have any statistical effect greater than zero on antarctica is laughable and the fact that you buy into it is just one more piece of unimpeachable evidence that you are very easily fooled.


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