West Viginia offers Virginia counties a new home ?

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
WV Offers Secession To Virginia 2A Sanctuaries As Civil War Nears

Jim Satney January 15, 2020

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In Virginia, gun rights and the Second Amendment are increasingly under fire. Now that Democrats control the legislative process, communities throughout Virginia are at risk of losing the Second Amendment. Now, neighboring West Virginia wants to summon an old strategy that neutralized Richmond’s power in 1863 by offering to allow Virginia’s Second Amendment sanctuaries to secede.

HCR 8 seeks to model itself after the 1863 strategy that allowed Virginia Republicans the opportunity to free themselves from Virginia Democrats. This is how West Virginia became a state.

That year, the people felt that “the government at Richmond” didn’t have their best interest at heart. And wouldn’t you know it, they still don’t. With over 100 Virginia governments fighting egregious Democrat gun control laws alongside the NRA, West Virginia Delegates are offering to allow these counties to become a part of West Virginia. By default, the proposal states, their gun rights will be protected.

Here’s the exact verbiage from HCR 8.
Its gettin crazy
Read it all


His interesting spin on stuff.

Antifa and false flags are what the people need to watch out for


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