West Virginia Teachers Win !!

Exactly the Teaching Unions are nuisances for that reason as are the majority of transport Unions, and those who strike should be fired, going on strike should be banned they should in the interim be told if they strike they lose their job.
Of course you’re against collective bargaining and let the district control their fates with little to no raises.
The right wing puts little emphasis on education and we’ve seen the results. Donald Trump.

DT: I love my uneducated base.

It’s no secret poorly educated people were more likely to vote for him than the highly educated.

We are seeing who the poorly educated in this thread are, the ones who think 50th and 30th ranked are something great and deserve pay rises :rolleyes-41:

I was privately educated, my entire family throughout history have been privately educated and my kidlets will be privately educated and yes we have always been Anti-Union and Collective Bargaining is a Socialist Concept coined by a British Far Leftist Maniac called Beatrice Webb who was an important member of the Socialist Fabian Society with her Far Leftist Maniac husband Sidney Webb.

Fabian Society - Wikipedia
You are hardly a poster girl for private education.
Says the commie retard.

We again have the same small crowd of Professional Trolls crapping their stuff. Please ignore them and do not feed them.

They are not even worth an eye roll.
That is the tactic though of ALL Unions and it always has been the tactic.

Yes but teachers have the power to create mass chaos, suddenly parents have to scramble to arrange child care during the day. Imagine if air traffic controllers walked out on strike how disruptive that would be...oh wait they did and Reagan fired their ass.

Exactly the Teaching Unions are nuisances for that reason as are the majority of transport Unions, and those who strike should be fired, going on strike should be banned they should in the interim be told if they strike they lose their job.
Of course you’re against collective bargaining and let the district control their fates with little to no raises.
The right wing puts little emphasis on education and we’ve seen the results. Donald Trump.

DT: I love my uneducated base.

It’s no secret poorly educated people were more likely to vote for him than the highly educated.

We are seeing who the poorly educated in this thread are, the ones who think 50th and 30th ranked are something great and deserve pay rises :rolleyes-41:

I was privately educated, my entire family throughout history have been privately educated and my kidlets will be privately educated and yes we have always been Anti-Union and Collective Bargaining is a Socialist Concept coined by a British Far Leftist Maniac called Beatrice Webb who was an important member of the Socialist Fabian Society with her Far Leftist Maniac husband Sidney Webb.

Fabian Society - Wikipedia
.............and those who think there are 51 states.

We already did this Troll Boi and I said I never said America had 51 states, go and Troll another thread already in between picking those pubic hairs out of your mouth or whatever.
Of course you’re against collective bargaining and let the district control their fates with little to no raises.
The right wing puts little emphasis on education and we’ve seen the results. Donald Trump.

DT: I love my uneducated base.

It’s no secret poorly educated people were more likely to vote for him than the highly educated.

We are seeing who the poorly educated in this thread are, the ones who think 50th and 30th ranked are something great and deserve pay rises :rolleyes-41:

I was privately educated, my entire family throughout history have been privately educated and my kidlets will be privately educated and yes we have always been Anti-Union and Collective Bargaining is a Socialist Concept coined by a British Far Leftist Maniac called Beatrice Webb who was an important member of the Socialist Fabian Society with her Far Leftist Maniac husband Sidney Webb.

Fabian Society - Wikipedia
You are hardly a poster girl for private education.
Says the commie retard.

We again have the same small crowd of Professional Trolls crapping their stuff. Please ignore them and do not feed them.

They are not even worth an eye roll.

No they are not.
West Virginia teachers' strike ends as lawmakers accept pay demands

A victory for people power. Hats off to these guys for holding out for a proper deal. You can beat the man if you stick together.
Now tell us the quality of education these teachers are responsible for, Tommy.

45th out of 50.

Should have fired them all and hired non union teachers interested in kids education.
How can one xpect the best teachers to come and work at the next to lowest salary in the nation?

Conservatives hate education and that hate is manifested in the way they regard educators.

Who do you think pays the teachers salaries? Poor school districts can't afford to pay teachers sky high salaries. Teachers in poor districts can expect to be paid what the district can afford, they are free to quit and go teach in some other district or state.
Not paying teachers what they deserve will only bring in less qualified teachers. Then you would slam them for not producing highly successful students.
Rinse spin repeat.
And then they leave....but that's what they want, I guess.
We have a conservative government in the UK and they hate education that they cant make money out of. They hve squeezed school budgets for years now. Mainly so that they can give tax cuts to their rich donors.
Exactly the Teaching Unions are nuisances for that reason as are the majority of transport Unions, and those who strike should be fired, going on strike should be banned they should in the interim be told if they strike they lose their job.
Of course you’re against collective bargaining and let the district control their fates with little to no raises.
The right wing puts little emphasis on education and we’ve seen the results. Donald Trump.

DT: I love my uneducated base.

It’s no secret poorly educated people were more likely to vote for him than the highly educated.

We are seeing who the poorly educated in this thread are, the ones who think 50th and 30th ranked are something great and deserve pay rises :rolleyes-41:

I was privately educated, my entire family throughout history have been privately educated and my kidlets will be privately educated and yes we have always been Anti-Union and Collective Bargaining is a Socialist Concept coined by a British Far Leftist Maniac called Beatrice Webb who was an important member of the Socialist Fabian Society with her Far Leftist Maniac husband Sidney Webb.

Fabian Society - Wikipedia
You are hardly a poster girl for private education.
Says the commie retard.

We again have the same small crowd of Professional Trolls crapping their stuff. Please ignore them and do not feed them.

Indeed we do! The crowd that thinks 30 and up rankings are good, the crowd that ignores the fact that administrators refuse to allow children to be properly disciplined in schools, adding to the poor teaching environment. Then they ignore the administrators who reward mediocrity with "participation trophies" sending a clear message to the best and brightest that being the best you can be, and working your ass off the achieve that, is no longer of any merit.

Then factor in the fact the schools are no longer allowed to teach the same American values that made us one of the best countries in the world! It's hard to say if these posters are just plain stupid (tommy) or doing their best to keep the downward spiral on target for the bottom of the class.
Now tell us the quality of education these teachers are responsible for, Tommy.

45th out of 50.

Should have fired them all and hired non union teachers interested in kids education.
How can one xpect the best teachers to come and work at the next to lowest salary in the nation?

Conservatives hate education and that hate is manifested in the way they regard educators.

Who do you think pays the teachers salaries? Poor school districts can't afford to pay teachers sky high salaries. Teachers in poor districts can expect to be paid what the district can afford, they are free to quit and go teach in some other district or state.
Not paying teachers what they deserve will only bring in less qualified teachers. Then you would slam them for not producing highly successful students.
Rinse spin repeat.
And then they leave....but that's what they want, I guess.
We have a conservative government in the UK and they hate education that they cant make money out of. They hve squeezed school budgets for years now. Mainly so that they can give tax cuts to their rich donors.

They are not Conservative there is not a Right-Winger in your Government, you have a Government of Cuckservatives who are more concerned with Political Correctness and not wanting to offend Transgenders, faggots, Muslims, Africans etc, your Education Secretary is more concerned with allowing the LGBTQ thing in schools as she's a Carpet Muncher herself so why wouldn't she be pushing the Propaganda.

Justine Greening - Wikipedia
Not when your teachers are ranked 51 out of 51. It’s a passport to nowhere.
These teachers are not ranked 51st. They are ranked around 30th and paid around 50th.

Teachers are paid what the local district can afford to pay you moron. If WV teachers don't like it they are free to quit and go teach somewhere else.
I absolutely know that you 100% do not realise the problem with your well thought out philosophy.

You know jack shit that is obvious. I'll show you teacher union extortion...class sizes of only 3, 4, 5 students per class. Districts with 1 non teaching high paid administrator for every 2 teachers.

The teachers union in Oregon forced taxpayers to guarantee them an 8% profit on their pension plan investments. If they lose money in the stock market, or fall short of making 8% taxpayers have to cough up the difference. Stock market crashes, no biggie rape the taxpayers. This was so absurd the state tried to at least build a reserve fund when they made over 8%. So if they made 10% one year hold that 2% in reserve to cover future losses. Nope the teachers union sued and won.

I know that you re borderline imbecilic.

Let me explain what would happen in your La La land.

Poor areas would not be able to afford decent teachers. Their kids would receive a worse education than those in wealthy areas.

This would widen the inequality gap and social cohesion would break down. You would have a shit society where poor people would be denied a shot of the American Dream.

You should invest in your schools and in your teachers. Its what civilised countries do.
What you just described is exactly this administration’s plan that they are currently putting in action.
Trump’s plan to destroy America and put it in the hands of the oil companies/ power elites is manifesting itself by hiring people whose only goal is to destroy the department they are in charge of ie. Zinke, Pruitt, DeVos etc
How can one xpect the best teachers to come and work at the next to lowest salary in the nation?

Conservatives hate education and that hate is manifested in the way they regard educators.

Who do you think pays the teachers salaries? Poor school districts can't afford to pay teachers sky high salaries. Teachers in poor districts can expect to be paid what the district can afford, they are free to quit and go teach in some other district or state.
Not paying teachers what they deserve will only bring in less qualified teachers. Then you would slam them for not producing highly successful students.
Rinse spin repeat.
And then they leave....but that's what they want, I guess.
We have a conservative government in the UK and they hate education that they cant make money out of. They hve squeezed school budgets for years now. Mainly so that they can give tax cuts to their rich donors.

They are not Conservative there is not a Right-Winger in your Government, you have a Government of Cuckservatives who are more concerned with Political Correctness and not wanting to offend Transgenders, faggots, Muslims, Africans etc, your Education Secretary is more concerned with allowing the LGBTQ thing in schools as she's a Carpet Muncher herself so why wouldn't she be pushing the Propaganda.

Justine Greening - Wikipedia
“ faggots”
Did you private school teach you to be a bigot or is that all on your own?
These teachers are not ranked 51st. They are ranked around 30th and paid around 50th.

Teachers are paid what the local district can afford to pay you moron. If WV teachers don't like it they are free to quit and go teach somewhere else.
I absolutely know that you 100% do not realise the problem with your well thought out philosophy.

You know jack shit that is obvious. I'll show you teacher union extortion...class sizes of only 3, 4, 5 students per class. Districts with 1 non teaching high paid administrator for every 2 teachers.

The teachers union in Oregon forced taxpayers to guarantee them an 8% profit on their pension plan investments. If they lose money in the stock market, or fall short of making 8% taxpayers have to cough up the difference. Stock market crashes, no biggie rape the taxpayers. This was so absurd the state tried to at least build a reserve fund when they made over 8%. So if they made 10% one year hold that 2% in reserve to cover future losses. Nope the teachers union sued and won.

I know that you re borderline imbecilic.

Let me explain what would happen in your La La land.

Poor areas would not be able to afford decent teachers. Their kids would receive a worse education than those in wealthy areas.

This would widen the inequality gap and social cohesion would break down. You would have a shit society where poor people would be denied a shot of the American Dream.

You should invest in your schools and in your teachers. Its what civilised countries do.
What you just described is exactly this administration’s plan that they are currently putting in action.
Trump’s plan to destroy America and put it in the hands of the oil companies/ power elites is manifesting itself by hiring people whose only goal is to destroy the department they are in charge of ie. Zinke, Pruitt, DeVos etc
Goebbels lives!
Now tell us the quality of education these teachers are responsible for, Tommy.

45th out of 50.

Should have fired them all and hired non union teachers interested in kids education.
How can one xpect the best teachers to come and work at the next to lowest salary in the nation?

Conservatives hate education and that hate is manifested in the way they regard educators.

Who do you think pays the teachers salaries? Poor school districts can't afford to pay teachers sky high salaries. Teachers in poor districts can expect to be paid what the district can afford, they are free to quit and go teach in some other district or state.
Not paying teachers what they deserve will only bring in less qualified teachers. Then you would slam them for not producing highly successful students.
Rinse spin repeat.
And then they leave....but that's what they want, I guess.
We have a conservative government in the UK and they hate education that they cant make money out of. They hve squeezed school budgets for years now. Mainly so that they can give tax cuts to their rich donors.
Tony Blair destroyed education in the U.K., and you commies are so jealous of people who do better in life than you that you turn into a bunch of screeching pant wetting banshees whenever Grammar schools and private education are mentioned.
You’re a bunch of envious losers who’s sole aim in life is to drag your betters down to your level. But, since you aren’t getting your commie utopia, it ain’t gonna happen, Tammy!

Labour ruined education
TONY BLAIR said his three priorities would be "education, education, education". In that case his decade in Downing Street can also be summed up in three words: fail, fail, fail.
PUBLISHED: 07:19, Wed, Oct 9, 2013

The new report by the OECD revealing British school-leavers have some of the poorest levels of literacy and numeracy in the developed world is absolutely devastating....

...Labour may have spent billions on new school buildings but its failure to ensure that every child had a command of the basics and its readiness to use so-called "grade inflation" to give the impression of improving standards were fatal flaws.

Labour ruined education
These teachers are not ranked 51st. They are ranked around 30th and paid around 50th.

Teachers are paid what the local district can afford to pay you moron. If WV teachers don't like it they are free to quit and go teach somewhere else.
I absolutely know that you 100% do not realise the problem with your well thought out philosophy.

You know jack shit that is obvious. I'll show you teacher union extortion...class sizes of only 3, 4, 5 students per class. Districts with 1 non teaching high paid administrator for every 2 teachers.

The teachers union in Oregon forced taxpayers to guarantee them an 8% profit on their pension plan investments. If they lose money in the stock market, or fall short of making 8% taxpayers have to cough up the difference. Stock market crashes, no biggie rape the taxpayers. This was so absurd the state tried to at least build a reserve fund when they made over 8%. So if they made 10% one year hold that 2% in reserve to cover future losses. Nope the teachers union sued and won.

I know that you re borderline imbecilic.

Let me explain what would happen in your La La land.

Poor areas would not be able to afford decent teachers. Their kids would receive a worse education than those in wealthy areas.

This would widen the inequality gap and social cohesion would break down. You would have a shit society where poor people would be denied a shot of the American Dream.

You should invest in your schools and in your teachers. Its what civilised countries do.
What you just described is exactly this administration’s plan that they are currently putting in action.
Trump’s plan to destroy America and put it in the hands of the oil companies/ power elites is manifesting itself by hiring people whose only goal is to destroy the department they are in charge of ie. Zinke, Pruitt, DeVos etc

The sad thing is that they dont try and hide it. People vote for this shit without having any understanding of what it means for them or their communities.

They are privatising our schools using a version of your charter schools . We now have chief executives of these monsters who earn more than our Prime Minister. Its a perfect shit storm of corporate welfare.
Of course you’re against collective bargaining and let the district control their fates with little to no raises.
The right wing puts little emphasis on education and we’ve seen the results. Donald Trump.

DT: I love my uneducated base.

It’s no secret poorly educated people were more likely to vote for him than the highly educated.

We are seeing who the poorly educated in this thread are, the ones who think 50th and 30th ranked are something great and deserve pay rises :rolleyes-41:

I was privately educated, my entire family throughout history have been privately educated and my kidlets will be privately educated and yes we have always been Anti-Union and Collective Bargaining is a Socialist Concept coined by a British Far Leftist Maniac called Beatrice Webb who was an important member of the Socialist Fabian Society with her Far Leftist Maniac husband Sidney Webb.

Fabian Society - Wikipedia
You are hardly a poster girl for private education.
Says the commie retard.

We again have the same small crowd of Professional Trolls crapping their stuff. Please ignore them and do not feed them.

Indeed we do! The crowd that thinks 30 and up rankings are good, the crowd that ignores the fact that administrators refuse to allow children to be properly disciplined in schools, adding to the poor teaching environment. Then they ignore the administrators who reward mediocrity with "participation trophies" sending a clear message to the best and brightest that being the best you can be, and working your ass off the achieve that, is no longer of any merit.

Then factor in the fact the schools are no longer allowed to teach the same American values that made us one of the best countries in the world! It's hard to say if these posters are just plain stupid (tommy) or doing their best to keep the downward spiral on target for the bottom of the class.
American values?
Conservatives in Texas took Thomas Jefferson out of their textbooks and replaced him with French theologian John Calvin.
How is that “ American values?
We are seeing who the poorly educated in this thread are, the ones who think 50th and 30th ranked are something great and deserve pay rises :rolleyes-41:

I was privately educated, my entire family throughout history have been privately educated and my kidlets will be privately educated and yes we have always been Anti-Union and Collective Bargaining is a Socialist Concept coined by a British Far Leftist Maniac called Beatrice Webb who was an important member of the Socialist Fabian Society with her Far Leftist Maniac husband Sidney Webb.

Fabian Society - Wikipedia
You are hardly a poster girl for private education.
Says the commie retard.

We again have the same small crowd of Professional Trolls crapping their stuff. Please ignore them and do not feed them.

Indeed we do! The crowd that thinks 30 and up rankings are good, the crowd that ignores the fact that administrators refuse to allow children to be properly disciplined in schools, adding to the poor teaching environment. Then they ignore the administrators who reward mediocrity with "participation trophies" sending a clear message to the best and brightest that being the best you can be, and working your ass off the achieve that, is no longer of any merit.

Then factor in the fact the schools are no longer allowed to teach the same American values that made us one of the best countries in the world! It's hard to say if these posters are just plain stupid (tommy) or doing their best to keep the downward spiral on target for the bottom of the class.
American values?
Conservatives in Texas took Thomas Jefferson out of their textbooks and replaced him with French theologian John Calvin.
How is that “ American values?
Deflection and word play, the tools no regressive liberal can live without.
Teachers are paid what the local district can afford to pay you moron. If WV teachers don't like it they are free to quit and go teach somewhere else.
I absolutely know that you 100% do not realise the problem with your well thought out philosophy.

You know jack shit that is obvious. I'll show you teacher union extortion...class sizes of only 3, 4, 5 students per class. Districts with 1 non teaching high paid administrator for every 2 teachers.

The teachers union in Oregon forced taxpayers to guarantee them an 8% profit on their pension plan investments. If they lose money in the stock market, or fall short of making 8% taxpayers have to cough up the difference. Stock market crashes, no biggie rape the taxpayers. This was so absurd the state tried to at least build a reserve fund when they made over 8%. So if they made 10% one year hold that 2% in reserve to cover future losses. Nope the teachers union sued and won.

I know that you re borderline imbecilic.

Let me explain what would happen in your La La land.

Poor areas would not be able to afford decent teachers. Their kids would receive a worse education than those in wealthy areas.

This would widen the inequality gap and social cohesion would break down. You would have a shit society where poor people would be denied a shot of the American Dream.

You should invest in your schools and in your teachers. Its what civilised countries do.
What you just described is exactly this administration’s plan that they are currently putting in action.
Trump’s plan to destroy America and put it in the hands of the oil companies/ power elites is manifesting itself by hiring people whose only goal is to destroy the department they are in charge of ie. Zinke, Pruitt, DeVos etc

The sad thing is that they dont try and hide it. People vote for this shit without having any understanding of what it means for them or their communities.

They are privatising our schools using a version of your charter schools . We now have chief executives of these monsters who earn more than our Prime Minister. Its a perfect shit storm of corporate welfare.

"They are privatising our schools"

Good if they privatise your schools that is the best way to get children away from the Leftist teachers spewing the Political Correctness crap.

Instead of again trashing the American nation you should pay attention to the human shit in your own nation, although the below I expect is the type of thing you would approve of what a pity he was caught he's one of your Muslim pets, you have Madrassas schools in Britain that your Politically Correct Cuckservative Government cannot even monitor because low IQ Leftist Pro-Islamist Propagandists like YOU would call them racist bigots or whatever.


Terrorist 'teacher' who trained 'army of children' to carry out attacks faces jail
Teachers are paid what the local district can afford to pay you moron. If WV teachers don't like it they are free to quit and go teach somewhere else.
I absolutely know that you 100% do not realise the problem with your well thought out philosophy.

You know jack shit that is obvious. I'll show you teacher union extortion...class sizes of only 3, 4, 5 students per class. Districts with 1 non teaching high paid administrator for every 2 teachers.

The teachers union in Oregon forced taxpayers to guarantee them an 8% profit on their pension plan investments. If they lose money in the stock market, or fall short of making 8% taxpayers have to cough up the difference. Stock market crashes, no biggie rape the taxpayers. This was so absurd the state tried to at least build a reserve fund when they made over 8%. So if they made 10% one year hold that 2% in reserve to cover future losses. Nope the teachers union sued and won.

I know that you re borderline imbecilic.

Let me explain what would happen in your La La land.

Poor areas would not be able to afford decent teachers. Their kids would receive a worse education than those in wealthy areas.

This would widen the inequality gap and social cohesion would break down. You would have a shit society where poor people would be denied a shot of the American Dream.

You should invest in your schools and in your teachers. Its what civilised countries do.
What you just described is exactly this administration’s plan that they are currently putting in action.
Trump’s plan to destroy America and put it in the hands of the oil companies/ power elites is manifesting itself by hiring people whose only goal is to destroy the department they are in charge of ie. Zinke, Pruitt, DeVos etc

The sad thing is that they dont try and hide it. People vote for this shit without having any understanding of what it means for them or their communities.

They are privatising our schools using a version of your charter schools . We now have chief executives of these monsters who earn more than our Prime Minister. Its a perfect shit storm of corporate welfare.
No one in the USA gives a shit about your schools. You people are destroying yourselves by your own hand and you deserve it, and then you goofy turds try to tell us what to do! lol! Fools.
Yes but teachers have the power to create mass chaos, suddenly parents have to scramble to arrange child care during the day. Imagine if air traffic controllers walked out on strike how disruptive that would be...oh wait they did and Reagan fired their ass.

Exactly the Teaching Unions are nuisances for that reason as are the majority of transport Unions, and those who strike should be fired, going on strike should be banned they should in the interim be told if they strike they lose their job.
Of course you’re against collective bargaining and let the district control their fates with little to no raises.
The right wing puts little emphasis on education and we’ve seen the results. Donald Trump.

DT: I love my uneducated base.

It’s no secret poorly educated people were more likely to vote for him than the highly educated.

We are seeing who the poorly educated in this thread are, the ones who think 50th and 30th ranked are something great and deserve pay rises :rolleyes-41:

I was privately educated, my entire family throughout history have been privately educated and my kidlets will be privately educated and yes we have always been Anti-Union and Collective Bargaining is a Socialist Concept coined by a British Far Leftist Maniac called Beatrice Webb who was an important member of the Socialist Fabian Society with her Far Leftist Maniac husband Sidney Webb.

Fabian Society - Wikipedia
.............and those who think there are 51 states.

We already did this Troll Boi and I said I never said America had 51 states, go and Troll another thread already in between picking those pubic hairs out of your mouth or whatever.
:lol: The United 51 States.....:lol:
I absolutely know that you 100% do not realise the problem with your well thought out philosophy.

You know jack shit that is obvious. I'll show you teacher union extortion...class sizes of only 3, 4, 5 students per class. Districts with 1 non teaching high paid administrator for every 2 teachers.

The teachers union in Oregon forced taxpayers to guarantee them an 8% profit on their pension plan investments. If they lose money in the stock market, or fall short of making 8% taxpayers have to cough up the difference. Stock market crashes, no biggie rape the taxpayers. This was so absurd the state tried to at least build a reserve fund when they made over 8%. So if they made 10% one year hold that 2% in reserve to cover future losses. Nope the teachers union sued and won.

I know that you re borderline imbecilic.

Let me explain what would happen in your La La land.

Poor areas would not be able to afford decent teachers. Their kids would receive a worse education than those in wealthy areas.

This would widen the inequality gap and social cohesion would break down. You would have a shit society where poor people would be denied a shot of the American Dream.

You should invest in your schools and in your teachers. Its what civilised countries do.
What you just described is exactly this administration’s plan that they are currently putting in action.
Trump’s plan to destroy America and put it in the hands of the oil companies/ power elites is manifesting itself by hiring people whose only goal is to destroy the department they are in charge of ie. Zinke, Pruitt, DeVos etc

The sad thing is that they dont try and hide it. People vote for this shit without having any understanding of what it means for them or their communities.

They are privatising our schools using a version of your charter schools . We now have chief executives of these monsters who earn more than our Prime Minister. Its a perfect shit storm of corporate welfare.
No one in the USA gives a shit about your schools. You people are destroying yourselves by your own hand and you deserve it, and then you goofy turds try to tell us what to do! lol! Fools.

They are upset and angry because The Donald is doing his best to stop unlimited amounts of the Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans from being Imported to you, they are upset and angry because you won't allow the American nation to be turned into a Third World Shit Hole like Haiti or The Congo.
Most schools are filled with radical left Libtards trying to confuse the kids that communism works.
Exactly the Teaching Unions are nuisances for that reason as are the majority of transport Unions, and those who strike should be fired, going on strike should be banned they should in the interim be told if they strike they lose their job.
Of course you’re against collective bargaining and let the district control their fates with little to no raises.
The right wing puts little emphasis on education and we’ve seen the results. Donald Trump.

DT: I love my uneducated base.

It’s no secret poorly educated people were more likely to vote for him than the highly educated.

We are seeing who the poorly educated in this thread are, the ones who think 50th and 30th ranked are something great and deserve pay rises :rolleyes-41:

I was privately educated, my entire family throughout history have been privately educated and my kidlets will be privately educated and yes we have always been Anti-Union and Collective Bargaining is a Socialist Concept coined by a British Far Leftist Maniac called Beatrice Webb who was an important member of the Socialist Fabian Society with her Far Leftist Maniac husband Sidney Webb.

Fabian Society - Wikipedia
.............and those who think there are 51 states.

We already did this Troll Boi and I said I never said America had 51 states, go and Troll another thread already in between picking those pubic hairs out of your mouth or whatever.
:lol: The United 51 States.....:lol:

For the low IQ Professional Troll Boi, my post which he knows I did not say America has 51 States but because he is a Professional Troll Boi Trolling is all he does and because he is low IQ he keeps posting the same shit over and over again. Keep digging Troll Boi Bode, keep digging....:badgrin:

Post # 30:

West Virginia Teachers Win !!

Screen Shot:

Of course you’re against collective bargaining and let the district control their fates with little to no raises.
The right wing puts little emphasis on education and we’ve seen the results. Donald Trump.

DT: I love my uneducated base.

It’s no secret poorly educated people were more likely to vote for him than the highly educated.

We are seeing who the poorly educated in this thread are, the ones who think 50th and 30th ranked are something great and deserve pay rises :rolleyes-41:

I was privately educated, my entire family throughout history have been privately educated and my kidlets will be privately educated and yes we have always been Anti-Union and Collective Bargaining is a Socialist Concept coined by a British Far Leftist Maniac called Beatrice Webb who was an important member of the Socialist Fabian Society with her Far Leftist Maniac husband Sidney Webb.

Fabian Society - Wikipedia
.............and those who think there are 51 states.

We already did this Troll Boi and I said I never said America had 51 states, go and Troll another thread already in between picking those pubic hairs out of your mouth or whatever.
:lol: The United 51 States.....:lol:

For the low IQ Professional Troll Boi, my post which he knows I did not say America has 51 States but because he is a Professional Troll Boi Trolling is all he does and because he is low IQ he keeps posting the same shit over and over again. Keep digging Troll Boi, keep digging....

Post # 30:

West Virginia Teachers Win !!

Screen Shot:

She's like Watson to Holmes.

Watson: No shit Sherlock!
Holmes: Dig deeper Watson!

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