Westboro Baptist National Anthem


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
For anyone anticipating a friendly visit from the Westboro Baptists
to your fine city, here is the "official theme song" that all citizens
are invited to join in singing. Very LOUDLY please! To let the
WB know how welcome they are wherever they bless us with their presence:

"God Hates America"

God hates America,
Fat lazy slobs!
While we split hairs
Over welfare,
Slaves in Asia
Are taking our jobs!

From the handouts,
To the bailouts,
Leaving us in greater debt
God hates America
And all our Vets!
God hates America
And all our Vets!

God hates America,
Land of the lost!
While we protest
Certain Baptists
States are sued
To remove every Cross!

Religious freedom
Is for Heathens
If you're Muslim
You're a Putz!

God hates America
Cuz we've gone nuts!
God hates America
Cuz we've gone nuts!

SERIOUS NOTE: If you have any FAVORITE photos
to illustrate this song
please post here. It can be funny signs, or bad photos
of the craziness in America, whatever creative ideas you have for a collage.

We can make a video as a gift to the WB
from USMB Friends, and circulate that to promote nonprofits that help our Veterans.
Where funds raised can go to great American causes to
restore our country's historic sites, landmarks and housing for disabled
and recovering veterans, especially families
harassed by the WB protestors. Thank you!

Emily Nghiem 713-820-5130
Eastboro Center for Restorative Justice
Why give Westboro any attention at all when the church nationally and internationally has stated this church isn't representing the Gospel of Jesus Christ? That they have no affiliation with any national christian group. Nothing. Why focus on the one church in America that doesn't represent the gospel.

You realise that when the focus is on them it is a very unfair portrayal of American Christians?
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For anyone anticipating a friendly visit from the Westboro Baptists
to your fine city, here is the "official theme song" that all citizens
are invited to join in singing. Very LOUDLY please! To let the
WB know how welcome they are wherever they bless us with their presence:

"God Hates America"

God hates America,
Fat lazy slobs!
While we split hairs
Over welfare,
Slaves in Asia
Are taking our jobs!

From the handouts,
To the bailouts,
Leaving us in greater debt
God hates America
And all our Vets!
God hates America
And all our Vets!

God hates America,
Land of the lost!
While we protest
Certain Baptists
States are sued
To remove every Cross!

Religious freedom
Is for Heathens
If you're Muslim
You're a Putz!

God hates America
Cuz we've gone nuts!
God hates America
Cuz we've gone nuts!

SERIOUS NOTE: If you have any FAVORITE photos
to illustrate this song
please post here. It can be funny signs, or bad photos
of the craziness in America, whatever creative ideas you have for a collage.

We can make a video as a gift to the WB
from USMB Friends, and circulate that to promote nonprofits that help our Veterans.
Where funds raised can go to great American causes to
restore our country's historic sites, landmarks and housing for disabled
and recovering veterans, especially families
harassed by the WB protestors. Thank you!

Emily Nghiem 713-820-5130
Eastboro Center for Restorative Justice

Founder: Fred Phelps (b. 1929) became pastor of Westboro Baptist church in 1955. Ordained in the Southern Baptist denomination in 1947, married to Margie Phelps
The westboro Baptist Christian church just says what the other churches are thinking, the other fundamentalist Christian churches say basically the same thing about gays and others, but put it in more "reasonable" sounding tone:eusa_whistle:
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Night and day, Polkow. Night and day. Westboro is not even a vague resemblence of the christian churches of America. Very unfair.

Also you state that Westboro is just acting out and speaking what the rest of the churches are "thinking"? How would they know what churches across America think? Are they mind readers? Your reasoning makes no sense whatsoever. Again Westboro is not even a vague resemblence of the average american Church.
Night and day, Polkow. Night and day. Westboro is not even a vague resemblence of the christian churches of America. Very unfair.

Also you state that Westboro is just acting out and speaking what the rest of the churches are "thinking"? How would they know what churches across America think? Are they mind readers? Your reasoning makes no sense whatsoever. Again Westboro is not even a vague resemblence of the average american Church.

The true face of Christianity IS the face of Westboro Baptist Church. The true face of Christianity is the radical face, the Fundamentalist face, the Religious Right. It is not the ecumenical, the Charismatic, or the “country club” groups. The Bible may say to love your neighbors, but it also clearly says that God will bring his vengeance upon those that disobey God’s law (even in the New Testament). It clearly says, in the New Testament, that women are to be cattle, that slavery is all right, that tax evasion is acceptable for Christians, that the faithful should sell everything they have and give it all to the church, that families should hate one another if everyone in the family is not a true believer, that you should not wear any jewelry made of gold or silver, that you should beat down every door and tell everyone you see that they are going to burn in Hell if they do not repent, that all Christians should live in Socialistic communes, and that the only reason to get married is if you can’t restrain yourself from having sex. It clearly says in the New Testament that the Old Testament law has not passed away, and every jot and tittle is still in effect. It clearly echoes Westboro Baptist’s battle cry, that “God Hates Fags,” and never once does it talk about accepting them or loving the sinner but hating the sin, as many churches like to claim.:eusa_whistle:

The True Face of Christianity | Walking Away
Night and day, Polkow. Night and day. Westboro is not even a vague resemblence of the christian churches of America. Very unfair.

Also you state that Westboro is just acting out and speaking what the rest of the churches are "thinking"? How would they know what churches across America think? Are they mind readers? Your reasoning makes no sense whatsoever. Again Westboro is not even a vague resemblence of the average american Church.

The true face of Christianity IS the face of Westboro Baptist Church. The true face of Christianity is the radical face, the Fundamentalist face, the Religious Right. It is not the ecumenical, the Charismatic, or the “country club” groups. The Bible may say to love your neighbors, but it also clearly says that God will bring his vengeance upon those that disobey God’s law (even in the New Testament). It clearly says, in the New Testament, that women are to be cattle, that slavery is all right, that tax evasion is acceptable for Christians, that the faithful should sell everything they have and give it all to the church, that families should hate one another if everyone in the family is not a true believer, that you should not wear any jewelry made of gold or silver, that you should beat down every door and tell everyone you see that they are going to burn in Hell if they do not repent, that all Christians should live in Socialistic communes, and that the only reason to get married is if you can’t restrain yourself from having sex. It clearly says in the New Testament that the Old Testament law has not passed away, and every jot and tittle is still in effect. It clearly echoes Westboro Baptist’s battle cry, that “God Hates Fags,” and never once does it talk about accepting them or loving the sinner but hating the sin, as many churches like to claim.:eusa_whistle:

The True Face of Christianity | Walking Away


Dear TP: Really? Do you realize you are leaving out the Christian Left who helped found and shape this country? Do you NOT count the Quakers as fellow Christians, like William Penn and his famous case of jury nullification? Or the abolitionists, from Dolly Madison who was the balance to her husband James Madison a plantation slave owner, to fellow Christians and Pastors who stood with Dr. King to unify people of all backgrounds around the Civil Rights movement so it wasn't just a Black issue but was heard and recognized worldwide.

Maybe you should talk with the liberal Christians today who are criticized for coddling criminals by pushing for abolition of the death penalty and for immigration reforms seen as enabling criminals and poor to be rewarded for breaking laws.

Are you not counting these people as Christian?
What are they then? False Christians? Including those who believe in Christian values, yet respect Constitutional laws that give you and others freedom to exercise and express your views?

Funny, if you believe those who are forgiving are NOT true Christian, then does this mean you SHARE the views of the Religious right?
So which way is it? Are you saying they are wrong, but then you are agreeing with them?

How can it be both things?

Trying to understand,
are you defending the unforgiving Religious Right because you are speaking as one of them?

Yours truly,

If you believe in a Vengeful God that is Old Testament, and YES it is full of warnings of the tragic wars and genocide caused by living by the letter of the law, corrupting it with greed for power and invoking Retributive Justice, where you live by the sword you die by it.

The whole point of Christianity is to move into the New Testament which is
Restorative Justice in Christ Jesus, so instead of killing people and relations with
unforgiveness and hate, then we RESTORE good faith relations with love of truth, justice
and peace. THAT is the meaning and message of Christianity. Do you believe in this part of the Bible or not?

Do you reallly believe your interpretation as "enslavement, judgment and punishment" leads to eternal life and salvation for all humanity? Can you please explain how this works then?

The only thing I've seen that leads to the peace and justice, the healing grace and harmony that brings COMFORT which the Holy Spirit represents and heavenly peace on earth
is FORGIVENESS in order to make corrections and restitution in GOOD FAITH.

All that you talk about sounds like bad faith to me, NO faith in forgiveness which Jesus Christ represents as the ultimate sacrifice for all humanity to break the cycle of retribution.

Your interpretation sounds like more retribution!
Do you really believe there is salvation in that?

Please explain your views and how you think this will get humanity any closer to God. I think you have explained the path to hell, so what is your explanation of the path to heaven?
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Night and day, Polkow. Night and day. Westboro is not even a vague resemblence of the christian churches of America. Very unfair.

Also you state that Westboro is just acting out and speaking what the rest of the churches are "thinking"? How would they know what churches across America think? Are they mind readers? Your reasoning makes no sense whatsoever. Again Westboro is not even a vague resemblence of the average american Church.

Well, maybe the member of the group who publicly came out and apologized.
And maybe the purpose of the WB is to teach people forgiveness, to answer persecution with love and mercy, to be bigger than that, and rise above.

At least they have united people on both the left and right to come forward in support of military families and others targeted for picketing. So indirectly they still send the msg that if we remain divided, then we can be targeted and exploited. But where we unite, then we can overcome together. God is still using them until we get the higher message of how to answer and correct injustice with loving forgiveness and wisdom and compassion that, with gentle grace, are more powerful a force for change than hatred, negative energy and anger.
Why on earth would anyone want to give attention to these animals? You play right into their hands with shit like this.

Hi GMU: there are plenty of groups that have figured this out. Like student groups using the protests to do positive things like set up tables to do fundraising drives for charity outreach.

My idea was to have everyone surround and sing to them and "celebrate" with them.
Sort of like reverse psychology, and "drown them out" with their own tune.

The point is to kill the hatred with kindness, to answer anger and fear with love and creativity, and demonstrate why the positive energy is more powerful in solving problems.

I like the students' idea for fundraising at these events, and would like to see the focus on helping veteran families. There are plenty of issues with vet fraud, suicide prevention, sexual assault and harassment, PTSD recovery, disability/health care assistance to be addressed.

Lots more can be done to turn this around, and focus on the good that can come from it!

Here is one of my favorite charities that teaches the power of kindness is greater:
Rachel's Challenge

I will try to find links or photos to creative counterprotests that I believe send the right msg.
John 3:16-17
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Matthew 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

James 5:16
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed

John 12:47
And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.

It clearly says in the New Testament that the Old Testament law has not passed away, and every jot and tittle is still in effect.

Hi T_Polkow:
I hope you and I can reach agreement on this point above.
Where both you and I will be held to every word we speak by the law.

So if you believe in Retributive Justice
and if you reject the Restorative Justice with Mercy which Christ brings,
then you subject yourself to Retribution. If this is your choice, God respects that and so must I.

Likewise, those who choose the path of Restorative Justice receive that also.

And of course, there are all levels of hypocrisy in between.
Where people CLAIM the path of Justice with Mercy yet invoke judgment on others,
and wonder why they are treated the same.

I am guessing that the people you condemn for promoting "tolerance for homosexuality"
are the hypocrites who do not tolerate objections to their views.

However, there are also Christians and Constitutionalists who tolerate BOTH the Views "for and against"
gay marriage and tolerance for homosexuality etc. So these are NOT hypocrites.
There is BOTH adherence to the laws, AND there is forgiveness for breaches.

I believe there is both.

Do you believe in both? Or do you really choose Retribution only?
Which do you want for yourself and others equally?

Because that is God's law.
That which we forgive unto others is forgiven unto us.
Where you and I hold others to account, we are held to account to the same degree, by our own words.

The Golden Rule of Reciprocity is given in every religion as a universal truth.

What Jesus gave us differently was the New Commandment in John 13:34
that we love one another as HE loves us, which is God's UNCONDITIONAL love.

So this goes a step beyond just loving our neighbors as ourselves.
but to love one another with God's love, with divine grace and forgiveness offered freely without condition without being earned, not our own human love that is limited with
biases and conditions.

so you can choose

you can choose retribution and conditional love and be under that as well

or you can choose salvation through unconditional love and divine grace that
not only heals and corrects past wrongs but prevents them from repeating

either way, God's laws are fulfilled to the letter, you are right!

You WILL get the justice you give
either retributive
or restorative.

Given these two choices, I don't know any human being who doesn't want to be FREE under restorative justice. So this is why I believe in universal salvation, that eventually we all make the choice to be free from the cycles of suffering by retribution. You and me included.
The human conscience is designed to seek peace and happiness over suffering and pain. So even by trial and error, even pure selfish desire, we will eventually choose the path to peace.

If you believe the necessary corrections to fulfill God's laws can be made more effectively
the "old way" by preaching condemnation and punishment, remember you are under the same.
If you believe as I do that corrections and restitution to fulfill God's laws can be made with love
under the "new way" of "restorative justice" then you are welcome to join the club.

May God's loving grace and wisdom be upon you while you consider
which path you want to preach and teach while these corrections are being made.
God's laws are going to be fulfilled either way, so you can either suffer through it and make it hell on earth for yourself and others,
or you can forgive and enjoy the process of mutual corrections and make it heaven on earth.
John 3:16-17
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Matthew 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

James 5:16
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed

John 12:47
And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.
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It's tough to have a sense of humor about Christianity. People take it way seriously .... thank god there are no cartoons (-:

But one of the amusing recurrent themes of the new testament is Jesus as the Fool. The guy who wanders through society, seemingly breaking taboo after taboo, while illustrating other's sins of idolotry, greed, gluttony, selfishness, etc....
Night and day, Polkow. Night and day. Westboro is not even a vague resemblence of the christian churches of America. Very unfair.

Also you state that Westboro is just acting out and speaking what the rest of the churches are "thinking"? How would they know what churches across America think? Are they mind readers? Your reasoning makes no sense whatsoever. Again Westboro is not even a vague resemblence of the average american Church.

The true face of Christianity IS the face of Westboro Baptist Church. The true face of Christianity is the radical face, the Fundamentalist face, the Religious Right. It is not the ecumenical, the Charismatic, or the “country club” groups. The Bible may say to love your neighbors, but it also clearly says that God will bring his vengeance upon those that disobey God’s law (even in the New Testament). It clearly says, in the New Testament, that women are to be cattle, that slavery is all right, that tax evasion is acceptable for Christians, that the faithful should sell everything they have and give it all to the church, that families should hate one another if everyone in the family is not a true believer, that you should not wear any jewelry made of gold or silver, that you should beat down every door and tell everyone you see that they are going to burn in Hell if they do not repent, that all Christians should live in Socialistic communes, and that the only reason to get married is if you can’t restrain yourself from having sex. It clearly says in the New Testament that the Old Testament law has not passed away, and every jot and tittle is still in effect. It clearly echoes Westboro Baptist’s battle cry, that “God Hates Fags,” and never once does it talk about accepting them or loving the sinner but hating the sin, as many churches like to claim.:eusa_whistle:

The True Face of Christianity | Walking Away


Dear TP: Really? Do you realize you are leaving out the Christian Left who helped found and shape this country? Do you NOT count the Quakers as fellow Christians, like William Penn and his famous case of jury nullification? Or the abolitionists, from Dolly Madison who was the balance to her husband James Madison a plantation slave owner, to fellow Christians and Pastors who stood with Dr. King to unify people of all backgrounds around the Civil Rights movement so it wasn't just a Black issue but was heard and recognized worldwide.

Maybe you should talk with the liberal Christians today who are criticized for coddling criminals by pushing for abolition of the death penalty and for immigration reforms seen as enabling criminals and poor to be rewarded for breaking laws.

Are you not counting these people as Christian?
What are they then? False Christians? Including those who believe in Christian values, yet respect Constitutional laws that give you and others freedom to exercise and express your views?

Funny, if you believe those who are forgiving are NOT true Christian, then does this mean you SHARE the views of the Religious right?
So which way is it? Are you saying they are wrong, but then you are agreeing with them?

How can it be both things?

Trying to understand,
are you defending the unforgiving Religious Right because you are speaking as one of them?

Yours truly,

If you believe in a Vengeful God that is Old Testament, and YES it is full of warnings of the tragic wars and genocide caused by living by the letter of the law, corrupting it with greed for power and invoking Retributive Justice, where you live by the sword you die by it.

The whole point of Christianity is to move into the New Testament which is
Restorative Justice in Christ Jesus, so instead of killing people and relations with
unforgiveness and hate, then we RESTORE good faith relations with love of truth, justice
and peace. THAT is the meaning and message of Christianity. Do you believe in this part of the Bible or not?

Do you reallly believe your interpretation as "enslavement, judgment and punishment" leads to eternal life and salvation for all humanity? Can you please explain how this works then?

The only thing I've seen that leads to the peace and justice, the healing grace and harmony that brings COMFORT which the Holy Spirit represents and heavenly peace on earth
is FORGIVENESS in order to make corrections and restitution in GOOD FAITH.

All that you talk about sounds like bad faith to me, NO faith in forgiveness which Jesus Christ represents as the ultimate sacrifice for all humanity to break the cycle of retribution.

Your interpretation sounds like more retribution!
Do you really believe there is salvation in that?

Please explain your views and how you think this will get humanity any closer to God. I think you have explained the path to hell, so what is your explanation of the path to heaven?

"Your interpretation sounds like more retribution!
Do you really believe there is salvation in that?"

Salvation? Why do you christers assume that everyone thinks or believes in someone to "save" you.

"Please explain your views and how you think this will get humanity any closer to God. I think you have explained the path to hell, so what is your explanation of the path to heaven?"

Closer to whose god? I am Assuming the christer god which is one of many a thousands of pagan man gods invented since the dawn of history

You say the xtain left then dive right in like a fundy with heaven and hell nonsense
Any Wonder we we Jews laugh at you morons , liberal conservative xtains, all the same idiotic nonsense

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John 3:16-17
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Matthew 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

James 5:16
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed

John 12:47
And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.

It clearly says in the New Testament that the Old Testament law has not passed away, and every jot and tittle is still in effect.

Hi T_Polkow:
I hope you and I can reach agreement on this point above.
Where both you and I will be held to every word we speak by the law.

So if you believe in Retributive Justice
and if you reject the Restorative Justice with Mercy which Christ brings,
then you subject yourself to Retribution. If this is your choice, God respects that and so must I.

Likewise, those who choose the path of Restorative Justice receive that also.

And of course, there are all levels of hypocrisy in between.
Where people CLAIM the path of Justice with Mercy yet invoke judgment on others,
and wonder why they are treated the same.

I am guessing that the people you condemn for promoting "tolerance for homosexuality"
are the hypocrites who do not tolerate objections to their views.

However, there are also Christians and Constitutionalists who tolerate BOTH the Views "for and against"
gay marriage and tolerance for homosexuality etc. So these are NOT hypocrites.
There is BOTH adherence to the laws, AND there is forgiveness for breaches.

I believe there is both.

Do you believe in both? Or do you really choose Retribution only?
Which do you want for yourself and others equally?

Because that is God's law.
That which we forgive unto others is forgiven unto us.
Where you and I hold others to account, we are held to account to the same degree, by our own words.

The Golden Rule of Reciprocity is given in every religion as a universal truth.

What Jesus gave us differently was the New Commandment in John 13:34
that we love one another as HE loves us, which is God's UNCONDITIONAL love.

So this goes a step beyond just loving our neighbors as ourselves.
but to love one another with God's love, with divine grace and forgiveness offered freely without condition without being earned, not our own human love that is limited with
biases and conditions.

so you can choose

you can choose retribution and conditional love and be under that as well

or you can choose salvation through unconditional love and divine grace that
not only heals and corrects past wrongs but prevents them from repeating

either way, God's laws are fulfilled to the letter, you are right!

You WILL get the justice you give
either retributive
or restorative.

Given these two choices, I don't know any human being who doesn't want to be FREE under restorative justice. So this is why I believe in universal salvation, that eventually we all make the choice to be free from the cycles of suffering by retribution. You and me included.
The human conscience is designed to seek peace and happiness over suffering and pain. So even by trial and error, even pure selfish desire, we will eventually choose the path to peace.

If you believe the necessary corrections to fulfill God's laws can be made more effectively
the "old way" by preaching condemnation and punishment, remember you are under the same.
If you believe as I do that corrections and restitution to fulfill God's laws can be made with love
under the "new way" of "restorative justice" then you are welcome to join the club.

May God's loving grace and wisdom be upon you while you consider
which path you want to preach and teach while these corrections are being made.
God's laws are going to be fulfilled either way, so you can either suffer through it and make it hell on earth for yourself and others,
or you can forgive and enjoy the process of mutual corrections and make it heaven on earth.
John 3:16-17
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Matthew 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

James 5:16
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed

John 12:47
And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.

I just love it when you bottom feeding goyim quote your christer buy bull to me!! :laugh2::laugh2::cuckoo:


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I just love it when you bottom feeding goyim quote your christer buy bull to me!! :laugh2::laugh2::cuckoo:

I'm sorry TP, since you cited interpretations of the Bible, I answered with the same.

I am actually a Constitutionalist who believes Christ Jesus fulfills the natural laws
as the spirit of Restorative Justice.

So if you'd rather, we can discuss justice and truth in terms of Constitutional
and natural laws and experiences. I was only using the Bible if that was your
language, but if it isn't what you believe, we can use whatever you do believe in.


P.S. the Bible isn't my first language either.
So if you thought I was speaking as someone brought up that way,
I take it as a compliment that I sound like a native speaker when I'm not.
I was brought up by Buddhist parents, and still believe in an end to all suffering.
I believe that the spiritual process of forgiveness and healing that Christ Jesus
represents in the Bible IS THE SAME process that Buddha foretold would
happen for all humanity. The difference is that Buddha and Constitutional laws
address the Gentiles under natural laws, and the Bible has the Scriptural
laws for Jews/Christians/Muslim believers. So either way, both paths are
fulfilled and the point is to bring peace or salvation from suffering for
all humanity, and we are all interconnected in one spiritual process collectively.

so you take your pick. whatever language you use, even secular
which is how I was brought up and prefer anyway, is fine. we can
still discuss the same issues and reach whatever conclusions we find we agree.


Thanks TP no harm or offense meant at all, sorry!

Yours truly, Emily
Salvation? Why do you christers assume that everyone thinks or believes in someone to "save" you.


Closer to whose god? I am Assuming the christer god which is one of many a thousands of pagan man gods invented since the dawn of history

You say the xtain left then dive right in like a fundy with heaven and hell nonsense
Any Wonder we we Jews laugh at you morons , liberal conservative xtains, all the same idiotic nonsense

Actually, not all Christians understand or bleieve in Universal Salvation as I do.
so no, we are not the same, as I have never found any two people who are the same or had the same views.
have you?

As for salvation, since you don't get the Christian way of explaining it,
the Buddhists explain it as enlightenment, of letting go of all false
attachment to false desire, false perception/thinking/beliefs etc.
and receiving clear undertanding and wisdom.

Are you okay with that instead of calling it salvation?

Both ways bring "salvation from suffering"

What Jesus represents is the divine forgiveness that breaks the
vicious cycle of retribution from the past repeating over and over.
You can call this sin, suffering, karma, whatever
that is carried from one generation to the next.

By forgiveness, then we break free from the past.
We detach as even Buddha taught as the way of peace
to detach from material conditions on our minds that affect our whole world.

So the reason Christians teach to pray in Jesus Name
is that humans can only forgive so far, and then there are things
we cannot forgive or have trouble forgiving. So at some point,
like in the AA prayers, people recognize the need for higher help
to forgive and let go. And that's what Jesus represents is
God's divine intervention so the mind and spirit can
"miraculously" forgive what our wills cannot. We can
want to forgive and change, but cannot always do so on our own.

So that is why people turn to Christ for salvation
when this point comes in life of letting go
and recieving forgivness on a higher level.

It's when we reach a wall and cannot let go
and find peace on our own.

Everyone has a limit because we all have conditions
and are not so perfect as God or Jesus to love everyone equally.
We are going to have biases, favorites and people we refuse to deal with.
So because we are not perfect in loving all people equally,
at some point, we have to let go and let God's love flow through
us in order to love all our neighbors which means to care for all souls.

When everyone does this, then all the world has peace and salvation from suffering.
Both the Buddhists and the Christians teach that this will happen.

I believe the divine forgiveness and grace
which Christ Jesus represents IS the
part of the spiritual process where all humanity
joins in receiving this and letting go so we are all set free spiritually.
and then, together, we can also do al th work in the world
to create heaven on earth physically so there is no more suffering
that we can prevent.

are you okay with that?
or what do you believe is going on with people and the world?
how do you describe the process going on?
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Ic this is just a hate christians thread. Some people are just too shallow

I see it as, some people's wounds are so deep,
they hide them behind these walls. using negativity
to chase off anyone who would ask to look deeper.

just too painful or fearful for some people not ready for change.
too much trouble than it's worth.

I realized a while back
with everyone putting up walls, hey, I can run around
completely free. and people already have barriers to keep
distance between them and me, so why do I need to keep barriers.

I found out people who judge others
fear being judged so they do pre-emptive striikes
rejecting others first

there's also this weird game called barking the
loudest to bully the other people down
trying to be the top dog in the pecking order or pack

sometimes people who bark the loudest
are really the most insecure and using that to keep people out of their space
who knows what deeper thoughts or ideas are kept closed in behind that facade
Restaurants Respond to Theatergoers' New Passion for Blood

Restaurateurs throughout America are noticing that there is one thing their patrons crave more than anything after a matinee at Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ:" blood. "No Christian orders their steaks well done no more," remarked Trixie Turnstyle, waitress at Outback Steak House. "In fact, most folks ask us not to cook it all, so that all the blood from their prime rib can pool on the plate and be slurped up in an ecstatic frenzy while the rest of the table screams Jesus' name." Many restaurants are being asked to leave the skin on meats so that the diner can flail and lacerate the hide for 90-minutes with their steak knives.
There is so much blood being splattered around Sizzler these days, the chain, popular with evangelicals, went through 1,134 lobster bibs yesterday without serving a single lobster. "We have really made a killing since we changed the name of the drink from Bloody Mary to Bloody Jesus!" squealed Dave Dial, bartender at a Marietta Georgia TGIFridays. "We now serve it with a nine-inch nail instead of a stick of celery. And offer two kinds: Type O (well brand) and Type A (premium). Folks are really getting off on letting it drip down the side of their mouths."

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