Westboro is "Radical Christianity" and I'm not offended or afraid to say it

Westboro Church.

Disgusting worthless RADICAL CHRISTIANITY.

And I'm not offended by the term. Heck...I love it. It separates whacko Christians from moderate Christians like me. I appreciate the distinction.

So...why are the leftists so scared to say Radical Islam????

But...then again....Muslims apparently will snap from moderate to deranged killer at the slightest offense....like a cartoon or drawing or seeing men kiss.....or....just a video (right Hillary???).

So...maybe they don't belong living in a free but often offensive society like America. Because Westboro....as disgusting and filthy as they are....aren't gunning down gays by the dozens.
When did Westboro switch from exercising their disgusting free speech to KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE?

Don't fall for the liberal bullshit. There is no need to point at other Americans to justify discussing the pigs active in radical Islamic terrorism.

Other Americans? Muslims who have committed no crime other than being Muslim fit into that category.
Reread my post. This time PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT I SAID.
Then fuck off.

I did, you willfully ignore my point. On a side note why are you not blaming men for all the violence in this country....or world for that matter?

Grampa is an ex-con, which makes his bigotry even more sad.

Not surprising.
Westboro Church.

Disgusting worthless RADICAL CHRISTIANITY.

And I'm not offended by the term. Heck...I love it. It separates whacko Christians from moderate Christians like me. I appreciate the distinction.

So...why are the leftists so scared to say Radical Islam????

But...then again....Muslims apparently will snap from moderate to deranged killer at the slightest offense....like a cartoon or drawing or seeing men kiss.....or....just a video (right Hillary???).

So...maybe they don't belong living in a free but often offensive society like America. Because Westboro....as disgusting and filthy as they are....aren't gunning down gays by the dozens.

Are you willing to say that Baptists in America should be scrutinized more intrusively by law enforcement because of the Westboro Baptists?
You're an idiot. What is the death toll via Westboro?

Fucking emotionally disturbed libtards

What's the death toll among Muslims who haven't killed anyone?
My post has nothing to do with them. What is Westboros TOTAL DEATH TOLL?

So desperate to point at whitey & Christians. Shame the op fell for the bait like a sucker
Westboro Church.

Disgusting worthless RADICAL CHRISTIANITY.

And I'm not offended by the term. Heck...I love it. It separates whacko Christians from moderate Christians like me. I appreciate the distinction.

So...why are the leftists so scared to say Radical Islam????

But...then again....Muslims apparently will snap from moderate to deranged killer at the slightest offense....like a cartoon or drawing or seeing men kiss.....or....just a video (right Hillary???).

So...maybe they don't belong living in a free but often offensive society like America. Because Westboro....as disgusting and filthy as they are....aren't gunning down gays by the dozens.
When did Westboro switch from exercising their disgusting free speech to KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE?

Don't fall for the liberal bullshit. There is no need to point at other Americans to justify discussing the pigs active in radical Islamic terrorism.

Other Americans? Muslims who have committed no crime other than being Muslim fit into that category.
Reread my post. This time PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT I SAID.
Then fuck off.

I did, you willfully ignore my point. On a side note why are you not blaming men for all the violence in this country....or world for that matter?

Grampa is an ex-con, which makes his bigotry even more sad.
You clearly have no understanding of what real bigotry or racism is. Not a surprise considering you're a liberal. Your kind are easily misled & confused.
You know, go back to 1995. Tim McVeigh, the conservative terrorist, was associated with rightwing militias.

After his bombing, the Clinton administration thought that those rightwing militas might deserve some closer scrutiny.

You know who then threw the fits? The same rightwing crowd that is now demanding closer scrutiny of Muslim-Americans.

It's always different when it's YOUR guys...
You know, go back to 1995. Tim McVeigh, the conservative terrorist, was associated with rightwing militias.

After his bombing, the Clinton administration thought that those rightwing militas might deserve some closer scrutiny.

You know who then threw the fits? The same rightwing crowd that is now demanding closer scrutiny of Muslim-Americans.

It's always different when it's YOUR guys...
I am not a Christian and I certainly don't belong to a militia. I don't even own a gun.

So how is it "my guys"? Are you perhaps FOCUSING ON RACE? Cause it sure as fuck isn't ideology.
Westboro Church.

Disgusting worthless RADICAL CHRISTIANITY.

And I'm not offended by the term. Heck...I love it. It separates whacko Christians from moderate Christians like me. I appreciate the distinction.

So...why are the leftists so scared to say Radical Islam????

But...then again....Muslims apparently will snap from moderate to deranged killer at the slightest offense....like a cartoon or drawing or seeing men kiss.....or....just a video (right Hillary???).

So...maybe they don't belong living in a free but often offensive society like America. Because Westboro....as disgusting and filthy as they are....aren't gunning down gays by the dozens.

Are you willing to say that Baptists in America should be scrutinized more intrusively by law enforcement because of the Westboro Baptists?

Nope. How many people have Baptists killed?

On the other hand, Abortion Doctors kill millions of babies each year. Do we allow closer scrutiny of medical Doctors?

Make up your mind. Your equivocation makes no sense.
The attitudes of Westboro are disgusting and not only represent Christianity as practiced by a tiny minority, but also Islam as practiced by a large majority.

So what? Do we haul these fools to prison because we don't like what they say? Should we start the Gulag system?
Westboro Church.

Disgusting worthless RADICAL CHRISTIANITY.

And I'm not offended by the term. Heck...I love it. It separates whacko Christians from moderate Christians like me. I appreciate the distinction.

So...why are the leftists so scared to say Radical Islam????

But...then again....Muslims apparently will snap from moderate to deranged killer at the slightest offense....like a cartoon or drawing or seeing men kiss.....or....just a video (right Hillary???).

So...maybe they don't belong living in a free but often offensive society like America. Because Westboro....as disgusting and filthy as they are....aren't gunning down gays by the dozens.

Are you willing to say that Baptists in America should be scrutinized more intrusively by law enforcement because of the Westboro Baptists?

Nope. How many people have Baptists killed?

On the other hand, Abortion Doctors kill millions of babies each year. Do we allow closer scrutiny of medical Doctors?

Make up your mind. Your equivocation makes no sense.

Shut up.
Yeah, that's what I thought. You liberals have to look into the mirror and realize that you have met the enemy - and the enemy is YOU.
Westboro Church.

Disgusting worthless RADICAL CHRISTIANITY.

And I'm not offended by the term. Heck...I love it. It separates whacko Christians from moderate Christians like me. I appreciate the distinction.

So...why are the leftists so scared to say Radical Islam????

But...then again....Muslims apparently will snap from moderate to deranged killer at the slightest offense....like a cartoon or drawing or seeing men kiss.....or....just a video (right Hillary???).

So...maybe they don't belong living in a free but often offensive society like America. Because Westboro....as disgusting and filthy as they are....aren't gunning down gays by the dozens.

Are you willing to say that Baptists in America should be scrutinized more intrusively by law enforcement because of the Westboro Baptists?
You're an idiot. What is the death toll via Westboro?

Fucking emotionally disturbed libtards

What's the death toll among Muslims who haven't killed anyone?
My post has nothing to do with them. What is Westboros TOTAL DEATH TOLL?

So desperate to point at whitey & Christians. Shame the op fell for the bait like a sucker

Also, how many Christians believe the nonsense?

Not many... which still doesn't stop the liberal false equivalencies.
You know, go back to 1995. Tim McVeigh, the conservative terrorist, was associated with rightwing militias.

After his bombing, the Clinton administration thought that those rightwing militas might deserve some closer scrutiny.

You know who then threw the fits? The same rightwing crowd that is now demanding closer scrutiny of Muslim-Americans.

It's always different when it's YOUR guys...
I am not a Christian and I certainly don't belong to a militia. I don't even own a gun.

So how is it "my guys"? Are you perhaps FOCUSING ON RACE? Cause it sure as fuck isn't ideology.

Ask Wayne Pierre, whose infamous 'jackbooted thugs' reference was to the government's desire to look into rightwing militias,

and which led to this:

Yeah, that's what I thought. You liberals have to look into the mirror and realize that you have met the enemy - and the enemy is YOU.

A clown that doesn't know that abortion is legal should find something other to do than to attempt to debate political issues.
Westboro Church.

Disgusting worthless RADICAL CHRISTIANITY.

And I'm not offended by the term. Heck...I love it. It separates whacko Christians from moderate Christians like me. I appreciate the distinction.

So...why are the leftists so scared to say Radical Islam????

But...then again....Muslims apparently will snap from moderate to deranged killer at the slightest offense....like a cartoon or drawing or seeing men kiss.....or....just a video (right Hillary???).

So...maybe they don't belong living in a free but often offensive society like America. Because Westboro....as disgusting and filthy as they are....aren't gunning down gays by the dozens.

Are you willing to say that Baptists in America should be scrutinized more intrusively by law enforcement because of the Westboro Baptists?
You're an idiot. What is the death toll via Westboro?

Fucking emotionally disturbed libtards

What's the death toll among Muslims who haven't killed anyone?
My post has nothing to do with them. What is Westboros TOTAL DEATH TOLL?

So desperate to point at whitey & Christians. Shame the op fell for the bait like a sucker

Also, how many Christians believe the nonsense?

Not many... which still doesn't stop the liberal false equivalencies.

What's the difference between an innocent Muslim and an innocent Christian?
Westboro Church.

Disgusting worthless RADICAL CHRISTIANITY.

And I'm not offended by the term. Heck...I love it. It separates whacko Christians from moderate Christians like me. I appreciate the distinction.

So...why are the leftists so scared to say Radical Islam????

But...then again....Muslims apparently will snap from moderate to deranged killer at the slightest offense....like a cartoon or drawing or seeing men kiss.....or....just a video (right Hillary???).

So...maybe they don't belong living in a free but often offensive society like America. Because Westboro....as disgusting and filthy as they are....aren't gunning down gays by the dozens.

Are you willing to say that Baptists in America should be scrutinized more intrusively by law enforcement because of the Westboro Baptists?

Sure. If intel shows Westboro types are widespread AND prone 5o violence. Are they?
Westboro Church.

Disgusting worthless RADICAL CHRISTIANITY.

And I'm not offended by the term. Heck...I love it. It separates whacko Christians from moderate Christians like me. I appreciate the distinction.

So...why are the leftists so scared to say Radical Islam????

But...then again....Muslims apparently will snap from moderate to deranged killer at the slightest offense....like a cartoon or drawing or seeing men kiss.....or....just a video (right Hillary???).

So...maybe they don't belong living in a free but often offensive society like America. Because Westboro....as disgusting and filthy as they are....aren't gunning down gays by the dozens.
When did Westboro switch from exercising their disgusting free speech to KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE?

Don't fall for the liberal bullshit. There is no need to point at other Americans to justify discussing the pigs active in radical Islamic terrorism.

They didn't of course. That's my point. Even the small fraction of radical Christians aren't violent. Islam is.
Are you willing to say that Baptists in America should be scrutinized more intrusively by law enforcement because of the Westboro Baptists?
You're an idiot. What is the death toll via Westboro?

Fucking emotionally disturbed libtards

What's the death toll among Muslims who haven't killed anyone?
My post has nothing to do with them. What is Westboros TOTAL DEATH TOLL?

So desperate to point at whitey & Christians. Shame the op fell for the bait like a sucker

Also, how many Christians believe the nonsense?

Not many... which still doesn't stop the liberal false equivalencies.

What's the difference between an innocent Muslim and an innocent Christian?

Muslims are planning?
Are you willing to say that Baptists in America should be scrutinized more intrusively by law enforcement because of the Westboro Baptists?
You're an idiot. What is the death toll via Westboro?

Fucking emotionally disturbed libtards

What's the death toll among Muslims who haven't killed anyone?
My post has nothing to do with them. What is Westboros TOTAL DEATH TOLL?

So desperate to point at whitey & Christians. Shame the op fell for the bait like a sucker

Also, how many Christians believe the nonsense?

Not many... which still doesn't stop the liberal false equivalencies.

What's the difference between an innocent Muslim and an innocent Christian?

The difference is, there are many more innocent Christians. In fact, in many muslim nations the punishment for being gay is DEATH. It would be very difficult to find a Christian with this view, if such even exists. The difference is also that, in muslim nations the average IQ is 80. It spells a disaster to import them.

Yes, I know... you are dumb.
Westboro is one family of lawyers. They have developed a remarkably successful scam. They invade public spaces, are obnoxious and sue those who deny them their rights. They are no more Christian than Godzilla. Religion is only the tool that they use to get them into court.
Yeah, that's what I thought. You liberals have to look into the mirror and realize that you have met the enemy - and the enemy is YOU.

A clown that doesn't know that abortion is legal should find something other to do than to attempt to debate political issues.

And a clown that doesn't know that guns are legal should find something other to do than to attempt to debate political issues.
Westboro Church.

Disgusting worthless RADICAL CHRISTIANITY.

And I'm not offended by the term. Heck...I love it. It separates whacko Christians from moderate Christians like me. I appreciate the distinction.

So...why are the leftists so scared to say Radical Islam????

But...then again....Muslims apparently will snap from moderate to deranged killer at the slightest offense....like a cartoon or drawing or seeing men kiss.....or....just a video (right Hillary???).

So...maybe they don't belong living in a free but often offensive society like America. Because Westboro....as disgusting and filthy as they are....aren't gunning down gays by the dozens.

Are you willing to say that Baptists in America should be scrutinized more intrusively by law enforcement because of the Westboro Baptists?

Sure. If intel shows Westboro types are widespread AND prone 5o violence. Are they?

Those people are the scum of the earth. However, to the best of my knowledge, they have never once engaged in violence.

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