We've Got the Richest Pres and the Best Looking First Lady in History

Michelle is not amused...

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My ex wife was a KC Chiefs Cheerleader in her 20s. Hot as fuck. Thank God she's gone now. Beauty is often followed by other traits that are not attractive.
All meaningless attributes
Neither is meaningless in the real world. Success and beauty are very real attributes, which of course is why they are so coveted. Whether they are harbingers of success is another matter.
I am neither rich nor a beauty model and I am still successful. They are meaningless attributes.
I don't doubt you are either. What I don't get is your point.. Beauty and success are the very measures of success. Whether it is ideal or correct is a matter of opinion certainly.

I find your comment meaningless in a very real sense. But as I said, neither means success as president. Still, it is not a bad start.
We've Got the Richest Pres and the Best Looking First Lady in History
I've seen her naked. And I've seen her making out naked with another woman.

This mail order hooker brings real class to the White House. I bet the first assignment her john is giving her today is to piss on the bed the Obamas slept in.
We've Got the Richest Pres and the Best Looking First Lady in History
I've seen her naked. And I've seen her making out naked with another woman.

This mail order hooker brings real class to the White House. I bet the first assignment her john is giving her today is to piss on the bed the Obamas slept in.
Gawd, I hope Trump changed the linens, mattresses and fumigated at least. I wouldn't have even moved to the Clinton WH without have doing so.

So what Fenton? I don't even open the link? Who better to improve the economy? The CEO of Exxon or the homeless guy standing in line at the shelter? No need to answer. I'll take that as a yes.

Recycled swamp rats and Goldman Sachs, same as it ever was, same as it would have been with Hilary. Just a new hope and change ruse, watch. Looking forward to the first season of Reality America.
Right, all tope achievers in their fields. Obama, on the other hand, chose his VP and Secretaries of State for political reasons and not because of their their abilities or records of achievement.

Gosh darn it ! That is what I tried to say. Very good post..........I quit again.

Goldman Sachs, Obama's primary contributor. Hilary obviously in Goldman Sachs' pocket. Trump's already got 5 Goldman Sachs higher ups in his white house. Cling to your partisanshit bub, gonna be a terrific reality show.
Baron Trump has got to be careful. There are going to be a vagillion number of ladies that will target him for baby making and money taking.

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