WH Backing Away from Obama Youth Indoctrination Attempt

So, the Boi King's latest attempt to control the hearts and minds didn't go as expected.

That's a shame.
So, the Boi King's latest attempt to control the hearts and minds didn't go as expected.

That's a shame.

Ah yes, it was so much easier to talk of leadership vs actually having to engage in leadership...
Unfortunately the Public Schools in our country became Liberal Democrat indoctrination camps a long time ago. The Liberal Teacher Unions control the curriculum. It goes very deep and all the way up to our Universities. It's especially true in our Universities. The Left Wing radicals have completely overrun our Universities at this point. If you oppose these Left Wing radical teachers,you simply Fail the course. The poor kids have no choice but to sit there and accept their Leftist indoctrination. It really is very sad. Now we have a president creating his "Obama Youth" by way of our Public Schools. I have to say i'm just not very surprised by this. If you can do it just take your kids out of these failing Indoctrination Camps and put them in Private Schools. That's the only option left at this point unfortunately.
This is not a fucking card game. What the fuck have you people been asking of the black community for decades? You have been asking them to get their values straight right?

Along comes a brillient black president who tries to do just that and more and you ridicule him and pretend that kids should not respect the president because ...... well...... he isnt from your party.

Bush spoke to schoolkids to, did it make you mad then?


I wonder why?

It's not a card game yet you played the race card.Mentioning race is not forbideen in this country. to call any mention of race "the race card" is reducing it to a fucking card game

And I haven't been asking anything from the black community.Sure, you have never in your life found fault in the balck community. BTW I was not just talking to you.

Brilliant? According to whose standards? I have nothing against Obama personally, but his politics suck and I'm not about to get railroaded into leaving my grandkids with trillions of dollars in debt, have my grandmother's health rationed, just so the "brilliant" president can appease his left wing base and achieve his socialistic agenda. There is rationing of health care in the private system right now, why do you think medicare exsists? If nothing is done to fix the suituation your kids will owe even more and they will have no health care they can afford. It just amazes me that your team seems to have no problems spending trillions to kill people but refuse to spend any money to save lies. You are buying into the right wing lies about the program so wether you think you are or not you are a tool of the right wing lies.

Typical left wing loser, point at Bush as if two wrongs make a right.

its you who are losing you baffoon, your political aims are reaching their death nell.

Seems you are pretty consistent in perception:

"* People under 30 -- long a key element of his support -- give him no better than break-even ratings, with 41 percent approving and 41 percent disapproving of the job he's doing, according to Zogby.

* Only 75 percent of Democrats, who formerly have supported Obama strongly, now approve of his performance in office. Zogby reports that this represents a slide of more than 10 points over the summer.

* Even among blacks, only 74 percent approve of the job he's doing (also a drop of more than 10 points).

* Hispanics, who voted for him by a margin of more than 40 points, now break even (36-36) when rating his performance.

Independents, the key swing group in our politics, now deliver a sharply negative 37-50 verdict on Obama's job performance. The elderly also give him negative ratings by 42-51.

This poll-implosion leaves Obama with few good options.

Unfortunately the Public Schools in our country became Liberal Democrat indoctrination camps a long time ago. The Liberal Teacher Unions control the curriculum. It goes very deep and all the way up to our Universities. It's especially true in our Universities. The Left Wing radicals have completely overrun our Universities at this point. If you oppose these Left Wing radical teachers,you simply Fail the course. The poor kids have no choice but to sit there and accept their Leftist indoctrination. It really is very sad. Now we have a president creating his "Obama Youth" by way of our Public Schools. I have to say i'm just not very surprised by this. If you can do it just take your kids out of these failing Indoctrination Camps and put them in Private Schools. That's the only option left at this point unfortunately.

You mean along these lines:

"It is not an education when a mid-term exam contains a required essay on the topic “Explain Why President Bush Is A War Criminal,” as did a criminology exam at the University of Northern Colorado, in 2003."
White House Withdraws Call for Students to 'Help' Obama

President Obama's plan to speak to the nation's schoolchildren in a video address next week erupted into controversy as critics claimed he was trying to indoctrinate America's kids.


Thursday, September 03, 2009

The Obama administration is rethinking its course recommendations for students ahead of President Obama's address to the the nation's schoolchildren next week, rewriting its suggestions to teachers for student assignments on how to "help the president."

White House aides said the language was supposed to be a inspirational, pro-education message to America's youths, but its unintended consequences were evident.

White House Withdraws Call for Students to 'Help' Obama - Political News - FOXNews.com

Caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Obama admits he was attempting to use youth to assist him and starts to walk away slowly.

The very first thing on our "to Do" list when we win it all back is to fire all the Czars and Close the Department of Indoctrinatization (aka" Dept of Education). Education is up to the parents through the states and communities, not the Fed

The most liberal senator ever with a background in Marxism via his radical mother, his preacher of 20 years, his college professors, his terrorists acquaintances, who becomes the POTUS, has 36 or so czars, some who are self-admitted communists, has Castro-loving Dems surrounding him wants to 'give a speech' to all public school students in the U.S., accompanied with 'educational material' . . . . and they didn't see the unintended consequences while in the planning stage???? Dear God.

Well said!
He was going to use his popularity to get kids to "help the president" by doing their homework and studying hard you fools.

Think of the impact in majority black areas?

You turned an attempt to get the black community fired up about education as well as imspiring kids of all colors in this nation to value education.

Your hate is killing this country, please just say no to hate
You just do not know what the hell you are talking about.
You really don't understand: that's not what he cares about.

How silly of me........I forgot he was the antichrist. :cuckoo:
C'mon K, there seems to be some fishy stuff regarding this...I don't tend to be keen on this whole "address" either.

Now, if it was going to be like that one poster said, I'd send a letter of kudos (hand-written myself!) to Obama!

Oscar, just poking fun at the folks with ODS who went on and on about BDS back in the day. My take is similar to Neal Boortz's view. Let's hear what he has to say and THEN decide how to respond rahter than assume the antichrist is up to some evil devious plot. Boortz says that if Obama's address to the kids is to study hard and do well in school and to challenge them, he will be the first one on the radio to praise him for exhorting students to do the right thing with their education. If not, he will be at the head of the class criticizing him. Bottom line, let's see what all the hub-bub is about before we start raising cane. Won't everyone look extremely knee jerk reactive if all it does is tell kids to do well in school? But then, that is how the other 5,000 radio talk show hosts operate and therefore the sheeple parrot it.
How silly of me........I forgot he was the antichrist. :cuckoo:
C'mon K, there seems to be some fishy stuff regarding this...I don't tend to be keen on this whole "address" either.

Now, if it was going to be like that one poster said, I'd send a letter of kudos (hand-written myself!) to Obama!

Oscar, just poking fun at the folks with ODS who went on and on about BDS back in the day. My take is similar to Neal Boortz's view. Let's hear what he has to say and THEN decide how to respond rahter than assume the antichrist is up to some evil devious plot. Boortz says that if Obama's address to the kids is to study hard and do well in school and to challenge them, he will be the first one on the radio to praise him for exhorting students to do the right thing with their education. If not, he will be at the head of the class criticizing him. Bottom line, let's see what all the hub-bub is about before we start raising cane. Won't everyone look extremely knee jerk reactive if all it does is tell kids to do well in school? But then, that is how the other 5,000 radio talk show hosts operate and therefore the sheeple parrot it.

We saw the actual "lesson plan" disseminated by the Dept. of Ed.

It was clear this was far beyond simply "Stay in school".

Open yer eyes boyo before you walk right off the ledge...
C'mon K, there seems to be some fishy stuff regarding this...I don't tend to be keen on this whole "address" either.

Now, if it was going to be like that one poster said, I'd send a letter of kudos (hand-written myself!) to Obama!

Oscar, just poking fun at the folks with ODS who went on and on about BDS back in the day. My take is similar to Neal Boortz's view. Let's hear what he has to say and THEN decide how to respond rahter than assume the antichrist is up to some evil devious plot. Boortz says that if Obama's address to the kids is to study hard and do well in school and to challenge them, he will be the first one on the radio to praise him for exhorting students to do the right thing with their education. If not, he will be at the head of the class criticizing him. Bottom line, let's see what all the hub-bub is about before we start raising cane. Won't everyone look extremely knee jerk reactive if all it does is tell kids to do well in school? But then, that is how the other 5,000 radio talk show hosts operate and therefore the sheeple parrot it.

We saw the actual "lesson plan" disseminated by the Dept. of Ed.

It was clear this was far beyond simply "Stay in school".

Open yer eyes boyo before you walk right off the ledge...
It was clearly political and encouraging th e children to back him politically.
This is not a fucking card game. What the fuck have you people been asking of the black community for decades? You have been asking them to get their values straight right?

Along comes a brillient black president who tries to do just that and more and you ridicule him and pretend that kids should not respect the president because ...... well...... he isnt from your party.

Bush spoke to schoolkids to, did it make you mad then?


I wonder why?

It's not a card game yet you played the race card.Mentioning race is not forbideen in this country. to call any mention of race "the race card" is reducing it to a fucking card game

And I haven't been asking anything from the black community.Sure, you have never in your life found fault in the balck community. BTW I was not just talking to you.

Brilliant? According to whose standards? I have nothing against Obama personally, but his politics suck and I'm not about to get railroaded into leaving my grandkids with trillions of dollars in debt, have my grandmother's health rationed, just so the "brilliant" president can appease his left wing base and achieve his socialistic agenda. There is rationing of health care in the private system right now, why do you think medicare exsists? If nothing is done to fix the suituation your kids will owe even more and they will have no health care they can afford. It just amazes me that your team seems to have no problems spending trillions to kill people but refuse to spend any money to save lies. You are buying into the right wing lies about the program so wether you think you are or not you are a tool of the right wing lies.

Typical left wing loser, point at Bush as if two wrongs make a right.

its you who are losing you baffoon, your political aims are reaching their death nell.

Why mention race at all? The topic was about Obama speaking to school children.

The rationing that's happening now is not on the scale that it would be if Obama has his way. Dumbass!

Prove that this current proposal will save lives and money.

My political aims? I'm not the one whose popularity is dropping in the polls on a daily basis.
My kid's teacher got back to me and my daughter will not be in class when the speech is shown and if they do the 'what can I do for you Barry' activities. She's annoyed. Too bad.
"Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country."1961
"Hey kids, heres what you can do for Obama" 2009
All I can say is that the histrionics over this particular event make me a bit scared for the child that would come home and announce he saw the President's speech in school and what he said, and have his intolerant ignorant parents start some sort of tirade.
All I can say is that the histrionics over this particular event make me a bit scared for the child that would come home and announce he saw the President's speech in school and what he said, and have his intolerant ignorant parents start some sort of tirade.
Obamacare has a program for that.
For your fear ,and for the parents re-education.
My kid's teacher got back to me and my daughter will not be in class when the speech is shown and if they do the 'what can I do for you Barry' activities. She's annoyed. Too bad.

Of course she is annoyed. She has to go back to school and admit that her parents are right wing lunatics
This is your socialist POTUS and his minions feeling the American population out...they try to sneak things by us for their new Hitler utopia, and when someone notices something, they all back off...
("Shitt!...Barry!...I think they caught on to this one...better re-phrase and back off a little")...
They will keep this up in Washington until the people have no other choice than to use force to get them out of power...IMHO, this move is not too far down the road...
"Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of our longing to perfect the American Union. They came through you but not from you and though they are with you yet they belong not to you, they are Obama's Chillun" -- Kahlil Gibran as updated in 2009 for life in what used to be known as America
1. Stay in school
2. Respect yourself
3. Respect your teachers
4. Set goals for yourself
5. Study and work hard

No wonder so many republicans are keeping their children home. They don't want them to be indoctrinated
Great now he may not go on TV and tell kids to study hard and stay in school.

You people are such brick brains

If you read the OP before you post, you save yourself a lot of embarrassment.

The WH is admitting that they were going far beyond "Stay in school and Study hard"

"The Obama administration is rethinking its course recommendations for students ahead of President Obama's address to the the nation's schoolchildren next week, rewriting its suggestions to teachers for student assignments on how to "help the president.""

Are Libruls THAT Fucking stupid that they need the President to tell them what to do in school?

Just FYI - Truthmatters doesn't actual read anyone's posts... He just spouts off at the mouth with something... You know, the typical liberal...

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