WH LAWYER cooperating "extensively" with MUELLER for 9mos. (calls Trump "King Kong")

he has been cooperating, voluntarily...

but he was told to do so, by Trump's lawyer's advice or previous lawyers, Tye Cobb etc, because they believed Trump had been telling the truth to them and he was innocent of collusion/conspiring with the Russians, and by McGahn cooperating.... it would help the investigation in to Trump collusion and obstruction end sooner...

and his lawyers probably would not have given permission without Mr. T's permission.

Actually... word is that in Mueller looking into the firing of Comey and the attempts to fire him as part of his obstruction of justice investigation, people told McGahn that Trump was going to tell Mueller he was only following McGahn's advice to do so, thus throwing McGahn under the bus. So now McGahn decided to cooperate to save his ass and not get in trouble for lying to Mueller and saying something that was different than what Trump says.
If true. So cooperation represents what malfeasance by anyone? I would contend it would be a pretty big piece of evidence in favor of Trump.

John Dean, NIXON'S White House Counsel, thinks McGahn was smart to cover his ass cause he thinks TRUMP could well make McGahn the/a FALL GUY!

"While Trump maintains that he OK’d the meetings, Dean believes that McGahn’s enthusiasm may be “self-preservation.”

“I think there is good reason for McGahn to believe that Trump would throw him under the bus, since Trump throws almost everyone under the bus,” Dean told Slate. today. “I don’t think it is a reach to have that in your consciousness. And the [New York Times] article does say that he and his lawyer, once they were told to go talk to the special counsel, indeed did so, and were relieved to be able to do so, to explain McGahn’s position and involvement in these things.”

Dean says that “self-preservation is a real motive” and that he spoke to the press for the first time when he decided he would “not be the scapegoat, and they were making a mistake if they were suiting me up for that.”
If Mueller has the goods, and Congress won't act, the voters will in 2018 and 2020 and in all the states.

Now you Trumpers, you keep looking backward to 2016: good, good.

If mewler had the goods he would have leaked them months ago. You TDS sufferers are nothing if not entertaining.
Mueller will be telling you very shortly, oodles. And you will cry tears of shame.
They have no shame. Isn't that obvious? They will simply say Mueller is lying. No matter what. It will have to be really bad before the Republicans in the Congress will do anything about it, either. I am losing heart. Even if Mueller does find that Trump is a crook or even (and this would surprise me) that he colluded with Russia, nothing will happen and Trump will be allowed to continue on his merry way. Hopefully he would not be reelected in 2020, but I do not believe any longer that Trump will be held accountable IF he is found to have done anything wrong.

So what will the far left do when Mueller does not find any collusion and does not recommend that Trump will be removed from office?

Mueller will NOT recommend that Trump be removed from office. He has neither the power or the authority to do that. Only Congress can impeach a President and that is their decision to make.

Mueller will write a report outlining his evidence and findings. It is up to Congress to decide if he is to be impeached.
If Mueller has the goods, and Congress won't act, the voters will in 2018 and 2020 and in all the states.

Now you Trumpers, you keep looking backward to 2016: good, good.

If mewler had the goods he would have leaked them months ago. You TDS sufferers are nothing if not entertaining.

Mueller has leaked NOTHING. His investigation is air tight. There’s not a hint of what he’s about to do until the indictments drop.
If Mueller has the goods, and Congress won't act, the voters will in 2018 and 2020 and in all the states.

Now you Trumpers, you keep looking backward to 2016: good, good.

If mewler had the goods he would have leaked them months ago. You TDS sufferers are nothing if not entertaining.

Mueller has leaked NOTHING. His investigation is air tight. There’s not a hint of what he’s about to do until the indictments drop.

Bullcrap. There has been a bunch of them...How astonishing (not) that he doesn't want to have hearings on them. Are you ever correct about anything?

Mueller's office opposes hearing on leaks

A series of anonymously sourced news accounts about special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation don’t amount to evidence of illegal grand jury leaks and could have come from defense attorneys or others outside the investigation, prosecutors said in a court filing on Monday.

Mueller’s team is also urging a federal judge in Virginia to turn down a request from Paul Manafort, a former Trump campaign chairman, to hold a hearing in which witnesses could be summoned to testify about the alleged leaks.

Mueller's office opposes hearing on leaks
he has been cooperating, voluntarily...

but he was told to do so, by Trump's lawyer's advice or previous lawyers, Tye Cobb etc, because they believed Trump had been telling the truth to them and he was innocent of collusion/conspiring with the Russians, and by McGahn cooperating.... it would help the investigation in to Trump collusion and obstruction end sooner...

and his lawyers probably would not have given permission without Mr. T's permission.

Actually... word is that in Mueller looking into the firing of Comey and the attempts to fire him as part of his obstruction of justice investigation, people told McGahn that Trump was going to tell Mueller he was only following McGahn's advice to do so, thus throwing McGahn under the bus. So now McGahn decided to cooperate to save his ass and not get in trouble for lying to Mueller and saying something that was different than what Trump says.

I can’t see how saying something different from Trump would get you into trouble because Trump has no credibility whatsoever.

The ever changing story so far.

First he bragged about being friends with Putin. “I know Putin.” Then he not only denied knowing Putin. He denied knowing ANY Russians.

First it was “no collusion”.

Now it’s “collusion isn’t illegal”.

First it was Junior met with a Russian lawyer about adoptions. No collusion.

Now it’s Junior met with Russian government agents to get dirt on Hillary but that’s not illegal.

It really doesn’t matter whether what the White Counsel says. It should line up with one of Trumps stories. And if it doesn’t, who would and a smart educated man believe? The guy who lies to the American public 7 times a day and thinks he can’t be indicted? Or the guy who knows he’ll be disbarred and go to jail if he’s caught in a lie?
he has been cooperating, voluntarily...

but he was told to do so, by Trump's lawyer's advice or previous lawyers, Tye Cobb etc, because they believed Trump had been telling the truth to them and he was innocent of collusion/conspiring with the Russians, and by McGahn cooperating.... it would help the investigation in to Trump collusion and obstruction end sooner...

and his lawyers probably would not have given permission without Mr. T's permission.

Actually... word is that in Mueller looking into the firing of Comey and the attempts to fire him as part of his obstruction of justice investigation, people told McGahn that Trump was going to tell Mueller he was only following McGahn's advice to do so, thus throwing McGahn under the bus. So now McGahn decided to cooperate to save his ass and not get in trouble for lying to Mueller and saying something that was different than what Trump says.

I can’t see how saying something different from Trump would get you into trouble because Trump has no credibility whatsoever.

The ever changing story so far.

First he bragged about being friends with Putin. “I know Putin.” Then he not only denied knowing Putin. He denied knowing ANY Russians.

First it was “no collusion”.

Now it’s “collusion isn’t illegal”.

First it was Junior met with a Russian lawyer about adoptions. No collusion.

Now it’s Junior met with Russian government agents to get dirt on Hillary but that’s not illegal.

It really doesn’t matter whether what the White Counsel says. It should line up with one of Trumps stories. And if it doesn’t, who would and a smart educated man believe? The guy who lies to the American public 7 times a day and thinks he can’t be indicted? Or the guy who knows he’ll be disbarred and go to jail if he’s caught in a lie?

Well because normally in criminal justice it is the person that tells their story first that is more often believed...

And with Trump, Republicans in Congress will back Trump no matter what he says, and would be more than willing to let McGahn go down for something before Trump.
Remember, DON MCGAHN works for the office the PRESIDENT. Not Trump. HE KNOWS what his job is, even if TRUMP HASN'T figured this out. Apparently refers to TRUMP as King Kong given his "fits of rage".

Hold on folks this about to be a bumpier ride!!!!!

"Trump and McGahn have a complicated, mutually beneficial
but ultimately
terrible relationship -- so bad McGahn calls
Trump "King Kong" behind his back."

White House counsel McGahn has spent the past nine months sharing private Trump information with Mueller investigators: report


18 AUG 2018 AT 14:04 ET


White House counsel Don McGahn. Image via screengrab.

White House counsel Donald F. McGahn II has “cooperated extensively” with special counsel Robert Mueller, The New York Times reported Saturday.

McGahn has spent over 30 hours in voluntary interviews with special counsel investigators over the last nine months.

The White House counsel reportedly shared information that investigators would not have otherwise learned.

“For a lawyer to share so much with investigators scrutinizing his client is unusual,”
The Times explained. “Lawyers are rarely so open with investigators, not only because they are advocating on behalf of their clients but also because their conversations with clients are potentially shielded by attorney-client privilege, and in the case of presidents, executive privilege.”

The story was based on interviews with a “dozen current and former White House officials and others briefed on the matter....

Delightfully funny if true.
I grew up with a flaming narcissist. It's true. The tantrums are EPIC.
If Mueller has the goods, and Congress won't act, the voters will in 2018 and 2020 and in all the states.

Now you Trumpers, you keep looking backward to 2016: good, good.

If mewler had the goods he would have leaked them months ago. You TDS sufferers are nothing if not entertaining.
Would any good investigator tie things up without interviewing the man at the center of the campaign being investigated? As long as there is still talk of interviewing Trump, there will be no finishing.
If Mueller has the goods, and Congress won't act, the voters will in 2018 and 2020 and in all the states.

Now you Trumpers, you keep looking backward to 2016: good, good.

If mewler had the goods he would have leaked them months ago. You TDS sufferers are nothing if not entertaining.

Mueller has leaked NOTHING. His investigation is air tight. There’s not a hint of what he’s about to do until the indictments drop.

Bullcrap. There has been a bunch of them...How astonishing (not) that he doesn't want to have hearings on them. Are you ever correct about anything?

Mueller's office opposes hearing on leaks

A series of anonymously sourced news accounts about special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation don’t amount to evidence of illegal grand jury leaks and could have come from defense attorneys or others outside the investigation, prosecutors said in a court filing on Monday.

Mueller’s team is also urging a federal judge in Virginia to turn down a request from Paul Manafort, a former Trump campaign chairman, to hold a hearing in which witnesses could be summoned to testify about the alleged leaks.

Mueller's office opposes hearing on leaks
The leaks lead back to them.........that is why..........Of course they don't want to go after the leakers.......they would be after themselves. LOL
The supposed "leaks" are but last second, last chance grasps at meaningless straws, for Manafort.
This is another one of those stories that has been turned around, in hopes of convincing others there is something there, rather than showing the White House has nothing to hide, thus why they agreed to his cooperating with Mueller.
This is another one of those stories that has been turned around, in hopes of convincing others there is something there, rather than showing the White House has nothing to hide, thus why they agreed to his cooperating with Mueller.
IKR? When I heard this, I said So What? because we have known for months (nine to be exact) that the WH staff were cooperating fully with the Mueller investigation and that the Mueller team was interviewing all kinds of folks from there. It wasn't at all surprising (to me, anyway) that McGahn was among them.

It isn't actually a "leak," anyway, is it? Wasn't the information publicly released? And media that is starved for any "news" on the Mueller investigation jumped all over it, but it means exactly nothing, one way or the other.

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