lol lol lol good point. these sicko deviants just can't ever be taken seriously. Following the last Fake News Story o the Week, one of their faggot media rags suddenly has an 'Anonymous Writer of an Editorial!!!!' poop up, and we're supposed to be worried about this stupid innuendo bullshit scam of theirs.

Their outing of their general stupidity and incompetence just makes me more and more relieved Trump won, not less, and he's jut appointed his second Supreme Court nominee, also a great relief in view of what these low life fake news vermin wanted in the White House making those appointments.
It's a fake news story? Really? What evidence do you have that it is fake?

What evidence? Ah, the two plus years of stories put out by the main stream media that turned out to be based on nothing? Russian collusion that doesn't exist? Phony "dossiers" paid for by liberals to smear their political opponents? At this point why would anyone with half a brain believe ANYTHING that the liberal media is putting out? It's obvious that they have a "The end justifies the means!" mentality that makes it OK to run stories based on rumors and innuendo!

To be quite blunt...they have no credibility!

Oh, Trump has already admitted to collusion. After lying for months about his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative in Trump Tower, Trump admitted that the purpose of that meeting was to receive information on Hillary.

This *after* his campaign was informed that the information came from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump. The same Russian government that was attacking the United States in an effort to support Trump.

That's collusion.

With Trump lying about the meeting repeatedly, fraudulently insisting it was about 'adoption'. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for his son that pushed the same fake 'adoption' story. With Trump then trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Nothing an innocent man would do.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting with the Russians, this time with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

Sessions had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after lying twice before contacts about (wait for it)....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's Foreign policy advisor plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (wait for it).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (say it with me!).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians.

And that's just what we know. Papodopolous, Flynn, Comey, Gates, McGahn and many others have given statements to Mueller. None of which we know yet. Making your claim of what evidence Mueller has on Trump a statement of blatant ignorance. As you don't know what Mueller has until he releases his report.

What we *do* know clearly establishes Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government. And that Trump lied to try to cover that collusion up.
Too bad none of this is true.

All of its true. Shall we go through Trump's own tweets on the matter? Don Jr's emails? The Trump teams court filings where they admit that Trump dictated Jr.'s statement....after denying the president had anything to do with it? The guilty pleas from both Flynn and Papodapolous for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia? The Spanish authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin?

Lets look at it all together.

The degree of naked, desperate denial necessary to be a Trump supporter at this point is silly.

add to that; Papodapolous' & Sessions' stories contradict so, one of them is lying.
Papodapolous has already pleaded guilty & Sessions is still AG.
IMO Sessions is still AG because he has dirt on Trump & that is why Sessions is still AG.
This story has not ended yet folks.

AFA Trump's base of support: They could care less if Trump is in fact guilty of anything.
Just as long as Trump stays in office, Trump's base of support would not care if he started WWIII.
lol lol lol good point. these sicko deviants just can't ever be taken seriously. Following the last Fake News Story o the Week, one of their faggot media rags suddenly has an 'Anonymous Writer of an Editorial!!!!' poop up, and we're supposed to be worried about this stupid innuendo bullshit scam of theirs.

Their outing of their general stupidity and incompetence just makes me more and more relieved Trump won, not less, and he's jut appointed his second Supreme Court nominee, also a great relief in view of what these low life fake news vermin wanted in the White House making those appointments.
It's a fake news story? Really? What evidence do you have that it is fake?

What evidence? Ah, the two plus years of stories put out by the main stream media that turned out to be based on nothing? Russian collusion that doesn't exist? Phony "dossiers" paid for by liberals to smear their political opponents? At this point why would anyone with half a brain believe ANYTHING that the liberal media is putting out? It's obvious that they have a "The end justifies the means!" mentality that makes it OK to run stories based on rumors and innuendo!

To be quite blunt...they have no credibility!

Oh, Trump has already admitted to collusion. After lying for months about his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative in Trump Tower, Trump admitted that the purpose of that meeting was to receive information on Hillary.

This *after* his campaign was informed that the information came from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump. The same Russian government that was attacking the United States in an effort to support Trump.

That's collusion.

With Trump lying about the meeting repeatedly, fraudulently insisting it was about 'adoption'. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for his son that pushed the same fake 'adoption' story. With Trump then trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Nothing an innocent man would do.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting with the Russians, this time with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

Sessions had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after lying twice before contacts about (wait for it)....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's Foreign policy advisor plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (wait for it).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (say it with me!).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians.

And that's just what we know. Papodopolous, Flynn, Comey, Gates, McGahn and many others have given statements to Mueller. None of which we know yet. Making your claim of what evidence Mueller has on Trump a statement of blatant ignorance. As you don't know what Mueller has until he releases his report.

What we *do* know clearly establishes Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government. And that Trump lied to try to cover that collusion up.
Too bad none of this is true.

All of its true. Shall we go through Trump's own tweets on the matter? Don Jr's emails? The Trump teams court filings where they admit that Trump dictated Jr.'s statement....after denying the president had anything to do with it? The guilty pleas from both Flynn and Papodapolous for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia? The Spanish authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin?

Lets look at it all together.

The degree of naked, desperate denial necessary to be a Trump supporter at this point is silly.

Amazing how the Mueller team will go after Flynn and Papadopolous for lying to the FBI about things that have ZERO to do with collusion in the last election...but the Obama Justice Department gave immunity to Clinton staffers who had lied to FBI investigators about the email scandal! Cheryl Mills was given immunity? In exchange for what? Heather Samuelson was given immunity? In exchange for what? John Bentel was given immunity? Brian Pagliano was given immunity? Again...in exchange for what? Immunity is typically given in return for testimony by one criminal against another. So what did the Obama Justice Department receive in return to granting immunity to all of the people in the know about Hillary Clinton's email set up? Absolutely NOTHING! Yet they handed out "get out of jail free cards" to people who had lied to Congressional investigators? But you on the left don't see the blatant double standard being employed here? Really? Or is it that you don't care?
Last edited:
It's a fake news story? Really? What evidence do you have that it is fake?

What evidence? Ah, the two plus years of stories put out by the main stream media that turned out to be based on nothing? Russian collusion that doesn't exist? Phony "dossiers" paid for by liberals to smear their political opponents? At this point why would anyone with half a brain believe ANYTHING that the liberal media is putting out? It's obvious that they have a "The end justifies the means!" mentality that makes it OK to run stories based on rumors and innuendo!

To be quite blunt...they have no credibility!

Oh, Trump has already admitted to collusion. After lying for months about his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative in Trump Tower, Trump admitted that the purpose of that meeting was to receive information on Hillary.

This *after* his campaign was informed that the information came from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump. The same Russian government that was attacking the United States in an effort to support Trump.

That's collusion.

With Trump lying about the meeting repeatedly, fraudulently insisting it was about 'adoption'. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for his son that pushed the same fake 'adoption' story. With Trump then trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Nothing an innocent man would do.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting with the Russians, this time with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

Sessions had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after lying twice before contacts about (wait for it)....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's Foreign policy advisor plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (wait for it).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (say it with me!).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians.

And that's just what we know. Papodopolous, Flynn, Comey, Gates, McGahn and many others have given statements to Mueller. None of which we know yet. Making your claim of what evidence Mueller has on Trump a statement of blatant ignorance. As you don't know what Mueller has until he releases his report.

What we *do* know clearly establishes Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government. And that Trump lied to try to cover that collusion up.
Too bad none of this is true.

All of its true. Shall we go through Trump's own tweets on the matter? Don Jr's emails? The Trump teams court filings where they admit that Trump dictated Jr.'s statement....after denying the president had anything to do with it? The guilty pleas from both Flynn and Papodapolous for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia? The Spanish authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin?

Lets look at it all together.

The degree of naked, desperate denial necessary to be a Trump supporter at this point is silly.

Amazing how the Mueller team will go after Flynn and Papadopolous for lying to the FBI about things that have ZERO to do with collusion in the last election...but the Obama Justice Department gave immunity to Clinton staffers who had lied to FBI investigators about the email scandal! Cheryl Mills was given immunity? In exchange for what? Heather Samuelson was given immunity? In exchange for what?

They lied to the FBI....about secret contacts between the Trump team and Russians. Which you laughably insist have 'nothing to do' with an investigation about collusion between the Trump team and the Russians.

Good luck with that.
Last edited:
What evidence? Ah, the two plus years of stories put out by the main stream media that turned out to be based on nothing? Russian collusion that doesn't exist? Phony "dossiers" paid for by liberals to smear their political opponents? At this point why would anyone with half a brain believe ANYTHING that the liberal media is putting out? It's obvious that they have a "The end justifies the means!" mentality that makes it OK to run stories based on rumors and innuendo!

To be quite blunt...they have no credibility!

Oh, Trump has already admitted to collusion. After lying for months about his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative in Trump Tower, Trump admitted that the purpose of that meeting was to receive information on Hillary.

This *after* his campaign was informed that the information came from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump. The same Russian government that was attacking the United States in an effort to support Trump.

That's collusion.

With Trump lying about the meeting repeatedly, fraudulently insisting it was about 'adoption'. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for his son that pushed the same fake 'adoption' story. With Trump then trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Nothing an innocent man would do.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting with the Russians, this time with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

Sessions had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after lying twice before contacts about (wait for it)....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's Foreign policy advisor plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (wait for it).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (say it with me!).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians.

And that's just what we know. Papodopolous, Flynn, Comey, Gates, McGahn and many others have given statements to Mueller. None of which we know yet. Making your claim of what evidence Mueller has on Trump a statement of blatant ignorance. As you don't know what Mueller has until he releases his report.

What we *do* know clearly establishes Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government. And that Trump lied to try to cover that collusion up.
Too bad none of this is true.

All of its true. Shall we go through Trump's own tweets on the matter? Don Jr's emails? The Trump teams court filings where they admit that Trump dictated Jr.'s statement....after denying the president had anything to do with it? The guilty pleas from both Flynn and Papodapolous for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia? The Spanish authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin?

Lets look at it all together.

The degree of naked, desperate denial necessary to be a Trump supporter at this point is silly.

Amazing how the Mueller team will go after Flynn and Papadopolous for lying to the FBI about things that have ZERO to do with collusion in the last election...but the Obama Justice Department gave immunity to Clinton staffers who had lied to FBI investigators about the email scandal! Cheryl Mills was given immunity? In exchange for what? Heather Samuelson was given immunity? In exchange for what?

They lied to the FBI....about secret contacts between the Trump team and Russians. Which you laughably insist have 'nothing to do' with an investigation collusion between the Trump team and the Russians.

Good luck with that.

None of the "secret contacts" had ANYTHING to do with the election, Skylar! Mueller used the threat of prosecution to try and get them to turn on Trump.

So why didn't the Obama Justice Department use the threat of prosecution to get those involved in the Clinton email scandal to turn on Hillary? Did you want to explain them giving out immunity to all of those people who lied to investigators earlier? Did you want to explain what it was that the Justice Department got in return for those get out of jail free cards?
Oh, Trump has already admitted to collusion. After lying for months about his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative in Trump Tower, Trump admitted that the purpose of that meeting was to receive information on Hillary.

This *after* his campaign was informed that the information came from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump. The same Russian government that was attacking the United States in an effort to support Trump.

That's collusion.

With Trump lying about the meeting repeatedly, fraudulently insisting it was about 'adoption'. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for his son that pushed the same fake 'adoption' story. With Trump then trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Nothing an innocent man would do.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting with the Russians, this time with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

Sessions had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after lying twice before contacts about (wait for it)....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's Foreign policy advisor plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (wait for it).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (say it with me!).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians.

And that's just what we know. Papodopolous, Flynn, Comey, Gates, McGahn and many others have given statements to Mueller. None of which we know yet. Making your claim of what evidence Mueller has on Trump a statement of blatant ignorance. As you don't know what Mueller has until he releases his report.

What we *do* know clearly establishes Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government. And that Trump lied to try to cover that collusion up.
Too bad none of this is true.

All of its true. Shall we go through Trump's own tweets on the matter? Don Jr's emails? The Trump teams court filings where they admit that Trump dictated Jr.'s statement....after denying the president had anything to do with it? The guilty pleas from both Flynn and Papodapolous for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia? The Spanish authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin?

Lets look at it all together.

The degree of naked, desperate denial necessary to be a Trump supporter at this point is silly.

Amazing how the Mueller team will go after Flynn and Papadopolous for lying to the FBI about things that have ZERO to do with collusion in the last election...but the Obama Justice Department gave immunity to Clinton staffers who had lied to FBI investigators about the email scandal! Cheryl Mills was given immunity? In exchange for what? Heather Samuelson was given immunity? In exchange for what?

They lied to the FBI....about secret contacts between the Trump team and Russians. Which you laughably insist have 'nothing to do' with an investigation collusion between the Trump team and the Russians.

Good luck with that.

None of the "secret contacts" had ANYTHING to do with the election, Skylar!

Read us Papodolous' statement to Mueller on the purpose of the meeting.

Not the imaginary bullshit that you make up, like our last conversation. But the *actual* statement that Paopodolous gave Mueller. And Flynn's statement to Mueller.

With links.
  • Thanks
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It's a fake news story? Really? What evidence do you have that it is fake?

What evidence? Ah, the two plus years of stories put out by the main stream media that turned out to be based on nothing? Russian collusion that doesn't exist? Phony "dossiers" paid for by liberals to smear their political opponents? At this point why would anyone with half a brain believe ANYTHING that the liberal media is putting out? It's obvious that they have a "The end justifies the means!" mentality that makes it OK to run stories based on rumors and innuendo!

To be quite blunt...they have no credibility!

Oh, Trump has already admitted to collusion. After lying for months about his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative in Trump Tower, Trump admitted that the purpose of that meeting was to receive information on Hillary.

This *after* his campaign was informed that the information came from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump. The same Russian government that was attacking the United States in an effort to support Trump.

That's collusion.

With Trump lying about the meeting repeatedly, fraudulently insisting it was about 'adoption'. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for his son that pushed the same fake 'adoption' story. With Trump then trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Nothing an innocent man would do.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting with the Russians, this time with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

Sessions had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after lying twice before contacts about (wait for it)....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's Foreign policy advisor plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (wait for it).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (say it with me!).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians.

And that's just what we know. Papodopolous, Flynn, Comey, Gates, McGahn and many others have given statements to Mueller. None of which we know yet. Making your claim of what evidence Mueller has on Trump a statement of blatant ignorance. As you don't know what Mueller has until he releases his report.

What we *do* know clearly establishes Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government. And that Trump lied to try to cover that collusion up.
Too bad none of this is true.

All of its true. Shall we go through Trump's own tweets on the matter? Don Jr's emails? The Trump teams court filings where they admit that Trump dictated Jr.'s statement....after denying the president had anything to do with it? The guilty pleas from both Flynn and Papodapolous for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia? The Spanish authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin?

Lets look at it all together.

The degree of naked, desperate denial necessary to be a Trump supporter at this point is silly.

Amazing how the Mueller team will go after Flynn and Papadopolous for lying to the FBI about things that have ZERO to do with collusion in the last election...but the Obama Justice Department gave immunity to Clinton staffers who had lied to FBI investigators about the email scandal! Cheryl Mills was given immunity? In exchange for what? Heather Samuelson was given immunity? In exchange for what? John Bentel was given immunity? Brian Pagliano was given immunity? Again...in exchange for what? Immunity is typically given in return for testimony by one criminal against another. So what did the Obama Justice Department receive in return to granting immunity to all of the people in the know about Hillary Clinton's email set up? Absolutely NOTHING! Yet they handed out "get out of jail free cards" to people who had lied to Congressional investigators? But you on the left don't see the blatant double standard being employed here? Really? Or is it that you don't care?
Boss, what are you smoking? Papadopolous told the Australians about the Russia connection and the dirt they supposedly had on Clinton; How the Russia Inquiry Began: A Campaign Aide, Drinks and Talk of Political Dirt

You people really are out to lunch.
Oh, Trump has already admitted to collusion. After lying for months about his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative in Trump Tower, Trump admitted that the purpose of that meeting was to receive information on Hillary.

This *after* his campaign was informed that the information came from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump. The same Russian government that was attacking the United States in an effort to support Trump.

That's collusion.

With Trump lying about the meeting repeatedly, fraudulently insisting it was about 'adoption'. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for his son that pushed the same fake 'adoption' story. With Trump then trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Nothing an innocent man would do.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting with the Russians, this time with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

Sessions had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after lying twice before contacts about (wait for it)....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's Foreign policy advisor plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (wait for it).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (say it with me!).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians.

And that's just what we know. Papodopolous, Flynn, Comey, Gates, McGahn and many others have given statements to Mueller. None of which we know yet. Making your claim of what evidence Mueller has on Trump a statement of blatant ignorance. As you don't know what Mueller has until he releases his report.

What we *do* know clearly establishes Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government. And that Trump lied to try to cover that collusion up.
Too bad none of this is true.

All of its true. Shall we go through Trump's own tweets on the matter? Don Jr's emails? The Trump teams court filings where they admit that Trump dictated Jr.'s statement....after denying the president had anything to do with it? The guilty pleas from both Flynn and Papodapolous for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia? The Spanish authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin?

Lets look at it all together.

The degree of naked, desperate denial necessary to be a Trump supporter at this point is silly.

Amazing how the Mueller team will go after Flynn and Papadopolous for lying to the FBI about things that have ZERO to do with collusion in the last election...but the Obama Justice Department gave immunity to Clinton staffers who had lied to FBI investigators about the email scandal! Cheryl Mills was given immunity? In exchange for what? Heather Samuelson was given immunity? In exchange for what?

They lied to the FBI....about secret contacts between the Trump team and Russians. Which you laughably insist have 'nothing to do' with an investigation collusion between the Trump team and the Russians.

Good luck with that.

None of the "secret contacts" had ANYTHING to do with the election, Skylar! Mueller used the threat of prosecution to try and get them to turn on Trump.

So why didn't the Obama Justice Department use the threat of prosecution to get those involved in the Clinton email scandal to turn on Hillary? Did you want to explain them giving out immunity to all of those people who lied to investigators earlier? Did you want to explain what it was that the Justice Department got in return for those get out of jail free cards?
You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.
lol lol lol good point. these sicko deviants just can't ever be taken seriously. Following the last Fake News Story o the Week, one of their faggot media rags suddenly has an 'Anonymous Writer of an Editorial!!!!' poop up, and we're supposed to be worried about this stupid innuendo bullshit scam of theirs.

Their outing of their general stupidity and incompetence just makes me more and more relieved Trump won, not less, and he's jut appointed his second Supreme Court nominee, also a great relief in view of what these low life fake news vermin wanted in the White House making those appointments.
It's a fake news story? Really? What evidence do you have that it is fake?

What evidence? Ah, the two plus years of stories put out by the main stream media that turned out to be based on nothing? Russian collusion that doesn't exist? Phony "dossiers" paid for by liberals to smear their political opponents? At this point why would anyone with half a brain believe ANYTHING that the liberal media is putting out? It's obvious that they have a "The end justifies the means!" mentality that makes it OK to run stories based on rumors and innuendo!

To be quite blunt...they have no credibility!

Oh, Trump has already admitted to collusion. After lying for months about his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative in Trump Tower, Trump admitted that the purpose of that meeting was to receive information on Hillary.

This *after* his campaign was informed that the information came from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump. The same Russian government that was attacking the United States in an effort to support Trump.

That's collusion.

With Trump lying about the meeting repeatedly, fraudulently insisting it was about 'adoption'. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for his son that pushed the same fake 'adoption' story. With Trump then trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Nothing an innocent man would do.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting with the Russians, this time with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

Sessions had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after lying twice before contacts about (wait for it)....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's Foreign policy advisor plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (wait for it).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (say it with me!).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians.

And that's just what we know. Papodopolous, Flynn, Comey, Gates, McGahn and many others have given statements to Mueller. None of which we know yet. Making your claim of what evidence Mueller has on Trump a statement of blatant ignorance. As you don't know what Mueller has until he releases his report.

What we *do* know clearly establishes Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government. And that Trump lied to try to cover that collusion up.
Too bad none of this is true.

All of its true. Shall we go through Trump's own tweets on the matter? Don Jr's emails? The Trump teams court filings where they admit that Trump dictated Jr.'s statement....after denying the president had anything to do with it? The guilty pleas from both Flynn and Papodapolous for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia? The Spanish authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin?

Lets look at it all together.

The degree of naked, desperate denial necessary to be a Trump supporter at this point is silly.
Heads are still exploding like a chicken with the head cut off. Every time they turn to make believe scandals, or Hillary, or Obama deflections, they are left lost in the wilderness. Their insane desperation to change the narrative is a reflection of their failures to protect Trump from the ongoing deep seated legal liability he is facing on so many fronts. He did this to himself, and his Sheep continue doing what they do, to themselves. Which is to make total fools of themselves by changing the narrative from the one that never goes away. Because the law, the Constitution, and the truth won't allow it. They act like desperate co-conspirators right along with Trump.
It's a fake news story? Really? What evidence do you have that it is fake?

What evidence? Ah, the two plus years of stories put out by the main stream media that turned out to be based on nothing? Russian collusion that doesn't exist? Phony "dossiers" paid for by liberals to smear their political opponents? At this point why would anyone with half a brain believe ANYTHING that the liberal media is putting out? It's obvious that they have a "The end justifies the means!" mentality that makes it OK to run stories based on rumors and innuendo!

To be quite blunt...they have no credibility!

Oh, Trump has already admitted to collusion. After lying for months about his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative in Trump Tower, Trump admitted that the purpose of that meeting was to receive information on Hillary.

This *after* his campaign was informed that the information came from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump. The same Russian government that was attacking the United States in an effort to support Trump.

That's collusion.

With Trump lying about the meeting repeatedly, fraudulently insisting it was about 'adoption'. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for his son that pushed the same fake 'adoption' story. With Trump then trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Nothing an innocent man would do.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting with the Russians, this time with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

Sessions had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after lying twice before contacts about (wait for it)....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's Foreign policy advisor plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (wait for it).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (say it with me!).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians.

And that's just what we know. Papodopolous, Flynn, Comey, Gates, McGahn and many others have given statements to Mueller. None of which we know yet. Making your claim of what evidence Mueller has on Trump a statement of blatant ignorance. As you don't know what Mueller has until he releases his report.

What we *do* know clearly establishes Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government. And that Trump lied to try to cover that collusion up.
Too bad none of this is true.

All of its true. Shall we go through Trump's own tweets on the matter? Don Jr's emails? The Trump teams court filings where they admit that Trump dictated Jr.'s statement....after denying the president had anything to do with it? The guilty pleas from both Flynn and Papodapolous for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia? The Spanish authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin?

Lets look at it all together.

The degree of naked, desperate denial necessary to be a Trump supporter at this point is silly.
Heads are still exploding like a chicken with the head cut off. Every time they turn to make believe scandals, or Hillary, or Obama deflections, they are left lost in the wilderness. Their insane desperation to change the narrative is a reflection of their failures to protect Trump from the ongoing deep seated legal liability he is facing on so many fronts. He did this to himself, and his Sheep continue doing what they do, to themselves. Which is to make total fools of themselves by changing the narrative from the one that never goes away. Because the law, the Constitution, and the truth won't allow it. They act like desperate co-conspirators right along with Trump.

What they are doing is just amping their Obama conspiracies. They're literally on their 5th iteration of their 'BIGGER THAN WATERGATE' hysteria.

With claims about their latest fake scandal more dramatic and sensational than the last. I think number 5 is being called the 'biggest polilical scandal in US history!'

I assume by the time fake scandal number 6 or 7 comes around, it will have Intergalactic implication and somehow have effected the Big Bang.
What evidence? Ah, the two plus years of stories put out by the main stream media that turned out to be based on nothing? Russian collusion that doesn't exist? Phony "dossiers" paid for by liberals to smear their political opponents? At this point why would anyone with half a brain believe ANYTHING that the liberal media is putting out? It's obvious that they have a "The end justifies the means!" mentality that makes it OK to run stories based on rumors and innuendo!

To be quite blunt...they have no credibility!

Oh, Trump has already admitted to collusion. After lying for months about his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative in Trump Tower, Trump admitted that the purpose of that meeting was to receive information on Hillary.

This *after* his campaign was informed that the information came from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump. The same Russian government that was attacking the United States in an effort to support Trump.

That's collusion.

With Trump lying about the meeting repeatedly, fraudulently insisting it was about 'adoption'. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for his son that pushed the same fake 'adoption' story. With Trump then trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Nothing an innocent man would do.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting with the Russians, this time with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

Sessions had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after lying twice before contacts about (wait for it)....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's Foreign policy advisor plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (wait for it).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (say it with me!).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians.

And that's just what we know. Papodopolous, Flynn, Comey, Gates, McGahn and many others have given statements to Mueller. None of which we know yet. Making your claim of what evidence Mueller has on Trump a statement of blatant ignorance. As you don't know what Mueller has until he releases his report.

What we *do* know clearly establishes Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government. And that Trump lied to try to cover that collusion up.
Too bad none of this is true.

All of its true. Shall we go through Trump's own tweets on the matter? Don Jr's emails? The Trump teams court filings where they admit that Trump dictated Jr.'s statement....after denying the president had anything to do with it? The guilty pleas from both Flynn and Papodapolous for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia? The Spanish authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin?

Lets look at it all together.

The degree of naked, desperate denial necessary to be a Trump supporter at this point is silly.
Heads are still exploding like a chicken with the head cut off. Every time they turn to make believe scandals, or Hillary, or Obama deflections, they are left lost in the wilderness. Their insane desperation to change the narrative is a reflection of their failures to protect Trump from the ongoing deep seated legal liability he is facing on so many fronts. He did this to himself, and his Sheep continue doing what they do, to themselves. Which is to make total fools of themselves by changing the narrative from the one that never goes away. Because the law, the Constitution, and the truth won't allow it. They act like desperate co-conspirators right along with Trump.

What they are doing is just amping their Obama conspiracies. They're literally on their 5th iteration of their 'BIGGER THAN WATERGATE' hysteria.

With claims about their latest fake scandal more dramatic and sensational than the last. I think number 5 is being called the 'biggest polilical scandal in US history!'

I assume by the time fake scandal number 6 or 7 comes around, it will have Intergalactic implication and somehow have effected the Big Bang.
They behave like third or fourth graders, thinking they can use these ridiculous distractions as shields to protect someone from criminal liability. It's not going to work. Multiple indictments and convictions would have been enough for any real adults. But not these grade school numb skulls.
Too bad none of this is true.

All of its true. Shall we go through Trump's own tweets on the matter? Don Jr's emails? The Trump teams court filings where they admit that Trump dictated Jr.'s statement....after denying the president had anything to do with it? The guilty pleas from both Flynn and Papodapolous for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia? The Spanish authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin?

Lets look at it all together.

The degree of naked, desperate denial necessary to be a Trump supporter at this point is silly.

Amazing how the Mueller team will go after Flynn and Papadopolous for lying to the FBI about things that have ZERO to do with collusion in the last election...but the Obama Justice Department gave immunity to Clinton staffers who had lied to FBI investigators about the email scandal! Cheryl Mills was given immunity? In exchange for what? Heather Samuelson was given immunity? In exchange for what?

They lied to the FBI....about secret contacts between the Trump team and Russians. Which you laughably insist have 'nothing to do' with an investigation collusion between the Trump team and the Russians.

Good luck with that.

None of the "secret contacts" had ANYTHING to do with the election, Skylar! Mueller used the threat of prosecution to try and get them to turn on Trump.

So why didn't the Obama Justice Department use the threat of prosecution to get those involved in the Clinton email scandal to turn on Hillary? Did you want to explain them giving out immunity to all of those people who lied to investigators earlier? Did you want to explain what it was that the Justice Department got in return for those get out of jail free cards?
You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.

Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!
All of its true. Shall we go through Trump's own tweets on the matter? Don Jr's emails? The Trump teams court filings where they admit that Trump dictated Jr.'s statement....after denying the president had anything to do with it? The guilty pleas from both Flynn and Papodapolous for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia? The Spanish authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin?

Lets look at it all together.

The degree of naked, desperate denial necessary to be a Trump supporter at this point is silly.

Amazing how the Mueller team will go after Flynn and Papadopolous for lying to the FBI about things that have ZERO to do with collusion in the last election...but the Obama Justice Department gave immunity to Clinton staffers who had lied to FBI investigators about the email scandal! Cheryl Mills was given immunity? In exchange for what? Heather Samuelson was given immunity? In exchange for what?

They lied to the FBI....about secret contacts between the Trump team and Russians. Which you laughably insist have 'nothing to do' with an investigation collusion between the Trump team and the Russians.

Good luck with that.

None of the "secret contacts" had ANYTHING to do with the election, Skylar! Mueller used the threat of prosecution to try and get them to turn on Trump.

So why didn't the Obama Justice Department use the threat of prosecution to get those involved in the Clinton email scandal to turn on Hillary? Did you want to explain them giving out immunity to all of those people who lied to investigators earlier? Did you want to explain what it was that the Justice Department got in return for those get out of jail free cards?
You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.

Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!

Dude, your word is shit. You're going to need to factually establish your allegations before any conversation. As I've witnessed flagrantly lying and misquoting people to make an argument.

Remember when you insisted that Obama said that Hillary had been careless but didn't break any law? And then used that 'quote' as the basis of your argument that Comey had said the exact same thing?

But you lied about the Obama 'quote'. Obama didn't say that Hillary didn't break the law. But instead, that she never endangered national security. You literally made up an imaginary quote to back your argument.

So you'll need to factually establish your claims now. As nothing you say can be trusted.
  • Thanks
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All of its true. Shall we go through Trump's own tweets on the matter? Don Jr's emails? The Trump teams court filings where they admit that Trump dictated Jr.'s statement....after denying the president had anything to do with it? The guilty pleas from both Flynn and Papodapolous for lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia? The Spanish authorities turning over wiretaps of Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin?

Lets look at it all together.

The degree of naked, desperate denial necessary to be a Trump supporter at this point is silly.

Amazing how the Mueller team will go after Flynn and Papadopolous for lying to the FBI about things that have ZERO to do with collusion in the last election...but the Obama Justice Department gave immunity to Clinton staffers who had lied to FBI investigators about the email scandal! Cheryl Mills was given immunity? In exchange for what? Heather Samuelson was given immunity? In exchange for what?

They lied to the FBI....about secret contacts between the Trump team and Russians. Which you laughably insist have 'nothing to do' with an investigation collusion between the Trump team and the Russians.

Good luck with that.

None of the "secret contacts" had ANYTHING to do with the election, Skylar! Mueller used the threat of prosecution to try and get them to turn on Trump.

So why didn't the Obama Justice Department use the threat of prosecution to get those involved in the Clinton email scandal to turn on Hillary? Did you want to explain them giving out immunity to all of those people who lied to investigators earlier? Did you want to explain what it was that the Justice Department got in return for those get out of jail free cards?
You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.

Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!
Ha coward, look at this; Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss
Do you know what that is?
Amazing how the Mueller team will go after Flynn and Papadopolous for lying to the FBI about things that have ZERO to do with collusion in the last election...but the Obama Justice Department gave immunity to Clinton staffers who had lied to FBI investigators about the email scandal! Cheryl Mills was given immunity? In exchange for what? Heather Samuelson was given immunity? In exchange for what?

They lied to the FBI....about secret contacts between the Trump team and Russians. Which you laughably insist have 'nothing to do' with an investigation collusion between the Trump team and the Russians.

Good luck with that.

None of the "secret contacts" had ANYTHING to do with the election, Skylar! Mueller used the threat of prosecution to try and get them to turn on Trump.

So why didn't the Obama Justice Department use the threat of prosecution to get those involved in the Clinton email scandal to turn on Hillary? Did you want to explain them giving out immunity to all of those people who lied to investigators earlier? Did you want to explain what it was that the Justice Department got in return for those get out of jail free cards?
You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.

Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!
Ha coward, look at this; Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss
Do you know what that is?

More of the same pathetic bullshit that the mainstream media has been pumping out about Trump since he beat Hillary? The New York Times is a partisan rag. It's editorial page is farce and it's reporting isn't much better.
Amazing how the Mueller team will go after Flynn and Papadopolous for lying to the FBI about things that have ZERO to do with collusion in the last election...but the Obama Justice Department gave immunity to Clinton staffers who had lied to FBI investigators about the email scandal! Cheryl Mills was given immunity? In exchange for what? Heather Samuelson was given immunity? In exchange for what?

They lied to the FBI....about secret contacts between the Trump team and Russians. Which you laughably insist have 'nothing to do' with an investigation collusion between the Trump team and the Russians.

Good luck with that.

None of the "secret contacts" had ANYTHING to do with the election, Skylar! Mueller used the threat of prosecution to try and get them to turn on Trump.

So why didn't the Obama Justice Department use the threat of prosecution to get those involved in the Clinton email scandal to turn on Hillary? Did you want to explain them giving out immunity to all of those people who lied to investigators earlier? Did you want to explain what it was that the Justice Department got in return for those get out of jail free cards?
You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.

Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!

Dude, your word is shit. You're going to need to factually establish your allegations before any conversation. As I've witnessed flagrantly lying and misquoting people to make an argument.

Remember when you insisted that Obama said that Hillary had been careless but didn't break any law? And then used that 'quote' as the basis of your argument that Comey had said the exact same thing?

But you lied about the Obama 'quote'. Obama didn't say that Hillary didn't break the law. But instead, that she never endangered national security. You literally made up an imaginary quote to back your argument.

So you'll need to factually establish your claims now. As nothing you say can be trusted.

So you have no response to my question as to why Hillary's people got immunity from prosecution after lying to Federal investigators but didn't provide anything to prosecutors in return...so you declare that my "word is shit" and refuse to answer? You're almost as big a joke as the investigations INTO Hillary Clinton!
They lied to the FBI....about secret contacts between the Trump team and Russians. Which you laughably insist have 'nothing to do' with an investigation collusion between the Trump team and the Russians.

Good luck with that.

None of the "secret contacts" had ANYTHING to do with the election, Skylar! Mueller used the threat of prosecution to try and get them to turn on Trump.

So why didn't the Obama Justice Department use the threat of prosecution to get those involved in the Clinton email scandal to turn on Hillary? Did you want to explain them giving out immunity to all of those people who lied to investigators earlier? Did you want to explain what it was that the Justice Department got in return for those get out of jail free cards?
You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.

Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!

Dude, your word is shit. You're going to need to factually establish your allegations before any conversation. As I've witnessed flagrantly lying and misquoting people to make an argument.

Remember when you insisted that Obama said that Hillary had been careless but didn't break any law? And then used that 'quote' as the basis of your argument that Comey had said the exact same thing?

But you lied about the Obama 'quote'. Obama didn't say that Hillary didn't break the law. But instead, that she never endangered national security. You literally made up an imaginary quote to back your argument.

So you'll need to factually establish your claims now. As nothing you say can be trusted.

So you have no response to my question as to why Hillary's people got immunity from prosecution after lying to Federal investigators but didn't provide anything to prosecutors in return...so you declare that my "word is shit" and refuse to answer? You're almost as big a joke as the investigations INTO Hillary Clinton!
Ha idiot, create a thread.
They lied to the FBI....about secret contacts between the Trump team and Russians. Which you laughably insist have 'nothing to do' with an investigation collusion between the Trump team and the Russians.

Good luck with that.

None of the "secret contacts" had ANYTHING to do with the election, Skylar! Mueller used the threat of prosecution to try and get them to turn on Trump.

So why didn't the Obama Justice Department use the threat of prosecution to get those involved in the Clinton email scandal to turn on Hillary? Did you want to explain them giving out immunity to all of those people who lied to investigators earlier? Did you want to explain what it was that the Justice Department got in return for those get out of jail free cards?
You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.

Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!
Ha coward, look at this; Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss
Do you know what that is?

More of the same pathetic bullshit that the mainstream media has been pumping out about Trump since he beat Hillary? The New York Times is a partisan rag. It's editorial page is farce and it's reporting isn't much better.

These does have made a daily exercise out of GET TRUMP for four years now. Four years! What? Like the public hasn't noticed the level of hate?:aug08_031::aug08_031:. Duh....its become a religious movement and we all know how that goes over with Americans.:deal:. Trump got blistered daily for two years....most folks said "meh". We know that.

This idea that they are doing more damage....:cul2::cul2::hello77:

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