Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss


05 SEP 2018 AT 15:50 ET

a scathing editorial in the New York Times denouncing his own boss.

In the editorial, the unnamed official describes themselves as a member of “The Resistance,” despite the fact that they are working inside Trump’s White House.

The official says that they — and many other members inside the Trump White House — see it as their job “to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”

The official adds that they “would know” because “I am one of them.”

The official goes on to document the reasons that they have to stop Trump from behaving in ways that damage the United States.

The root of the problem is the president’s amorality,” they write. “Anyone who works with him knows he is not moored to any discernible first principles that guide his decision making.”

The official says that they are proud of the work they’ve done within the White House to enact tax cuts, regulatory rollbacks and increased military spending — but they say that “these successes have come despite — not because of — the president’s leadership style, which is impetuous, adversarial, petty and ineffective.”

The official even says that Trump’s own administration has had to work very hard to prevent the president from capitulating to the Russian government, as the official says that Trump has been opposed to taking any actions to punish Russia f

Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss
Do you always take the testimony of Anonymous cowards as fact?

Of course..that's what anti-American scumbags do. They lie, they spread any lie that they come across, and they do whatever they can to perpetuate lies that will undermine our liberty, our constitution, and our people.
None of the "secret contacts" had ANYTHING to do with the election, Skylar! Mueller used the threat of prosecution to try and get them to turn on Trump.

So why didn't the Obama Justice Department use the threat of prosecution to get those involved in the Clinton email scandal to turn on Hillary? Did you want to explain them giving out immunity to all of those people who lied to investigators earlier? Did you want to explain what it was that the Justice Department got in return for those get out of jail free cards?
You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.

Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!

Dude, your word is shit. You're going to need to factually establish your allegations before any conversation. As I've witnessed flagrantly lying and misquoting people to make an argument.

Remember when you insisted that Obama said that Hillary had been careless but didn't break any law? And then used that 'quote' as the basis of your argument that Comey had said the exact same thing?

But you lied about the Obama 'quote'. Obama didn't say that Hillary didn't break the law. But instead, that she never endangered national security. You literally made up an imaginary quote to back your argument.

So you'll need to factually establish your claims now. As nothing you say can be trusted.

So you have no response to my question as to why Hillary's people got immunity from prosecution after lying to Federal investigators but didn't provide anything to prosecutors in return...so you declare that my "word is shit" and refuse to answer? You're almost as big a joke as the investigations INTO Hillary Clinton!
Ha idiot, create a thread.
Would you answer my question why so many of Hillary's underlings were granted immunity, WTP? Should be easy to do...yet Skylar ran from that question like he was Superman and it was made of Kryptonite!
None of the "secret contacts" had ANYTHING to do with the election, Skylar! Mueller used the threat of prosecution to try and get them to turn on Trump.

So why didn't the Obama Justice Department use the threat of prosecution to get those involved in the Clinton email scandal to turn on Hillary? Did you want to explain them giving out immunity to all of those people who lied to investigators earlier? Did you want to explain what it was that the Justice Department got in return for those get out of jail free cards?
You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.

Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!

Dude, your word is shit. You're going to need to factually establish your allegations before any conversation. As I've witnessed flagrantly lying and misquoting people to make an argument.

Remember when you insisted that Obama said that Hillary had been careless but didn't break any law? And then used that 'quote' as the basis of your argument that Comey had said the exact same thing?

But you lied about the Obama 'quote'. Obama didn't say that Hillary didn't break the law. But instead, that she never endangered national security. You literally made up an imaginary quote to back your argument.

So you'll need to factually establish your claims now. As nothing you say can be trusted.

So you have no response to my question as to why Hillary's people got immunity from prosecution after lying to Federal investigators but didn't provide anything to prosecutors in return...so you declare that my "word is shit" and refuse to answer? You're almost as big a joke as the investigations INTO Hillary Clinton!
Ha idiot, create a thread.

Already been there done that on those issues, Skippy; now run along and choke on a dick somewhere, because you lost this troll campaign in your first post, moron, and we now know you're too stupid to know when to run away with your tail between your legs.
You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.

Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!

Dude, your word is shit. You're going to need to factually establish your allegations before any conversation. As I've witnessed flagrantly lying and misquoting people to make an argument.

Remember when you insisted that Obama said that Hillary had been careless but didn't break any law? And then used that 'quote' as the basis of your argument that Comey had said the exact same thing?

But you lied about the Obama 'quote'. Obama didn't say that Hillary didn't break the law. But instead, that she never endangered national security. You literally made up an imaginary quote to back your argument.

So you'll need to factually establish your claims now. As nothing you say can be trusted.

So you have no response to my question as to why Hillary's people got immunity from prosecution after lying to Federal investigators but didn't provide anything to prosecutors in return...so you declare that my "word is shit" and refuse to answer? You're almost as big a joke as the investigations INTO Hillary Clinton!
Ha idiot, create a thread.
Would you answer my question why so many of Hillary's underlings were granted immunity, WTP? Should be easy to do...yet Skylar ran from that question like he was Superman and it was made of Kryptonite!

they're just low info puppets; they have no memory capable of even remembering what you're talking about from one post to the next. Probably just somebody's socks, mindlessly babbling away.
It's not a theory, and there are no "both ways." Trump hired and fired them didn't he? That isn't me having it "both ways." That is Trump and who he hired.
Cat got your typewriter Picaro?

Trying to cover up for being too much of moron to know what Death Angel said?

No need to panic; your fellow tards don't get it , either, so you're safe, and they will still let you hang out with them and lick their feet n stuff.
At this point, with your cowardly non explanation, I'm not too sure you do either?

lol lol lol you don't even know what he said. Go to school with Rosie O Donnell ?
And so, are you too scared to clarify for us, since you said I didn't get it? Working around the edges like a good little coward are we?

Now it my fault you're a moron??? lol lol lol typical Snowflake.
A coward who cannot back up his own bs and lies with the made up, "we don't get it line." lol! You Trump apologists are a trip.

More mentally ill, diseased faggotry?
Why don't you head on over to the homophobic section. You can spread your off topic cowardly hate over there.

Gee , it tosses out a fake word as well as fake hews. You think you faggots scare people?
You still never answered my question coward?

Lol triggered another Angry Faggot into stark raving stupidity again. Third one this week.
I've often wondered if people with your kind of homophobic insanity and hate, actually has a soul?
Wow.... What a sentence of left wing bigot trigger words....
Cat got your typewriter Picaro?

Trying to cover up for being too much of moron to know what Death Angel said?

No need to panic; your fellow tards don't get it , either, so you're safe, and they will still let you hang out with them and lick their feet n stuff.
At this point, with your cowardly non explanation, I'm not too sure you do either?

And so, are you too scared to clarify for us, since you said I didn't get it? Working around the edges like a good little coward are we?

Now it my fault you're a moron??? lol lol lol typical Snowflake.
A coward who cannot back up his own bs and lies with the made up, "we don't get it line." lol! You Trump apologists are a trip.

Why don't you head on over to the homophobic section. You can spread your off topic cowardly hate over there.

Gee , it tosses out a fake word as well as fake hews. You think you faggots scare people?
You still never answered my question coward?

Lol triggered another Angry Faggot into stark raving stupidity again. Third one this week.
I've often wondered if people with your kind of homophobic insanity and hate, actually has a soul?
Wow.... What a sentence of left wing bigot trigger words....

They really can't take what they dish out, even when there is a mob of these diseased animals all biting the ankles of one poster.
Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!

Dude, your word is shit. You're going to need to factually establish your allegations before any conversation. As I've witnessed flagrantly lying and misquoting people to make an argument.

Remember when you insisted that Obama said that Hillary had been careless but didn't break any law? And then used that 'quote' as the basis of your argument that Comey had said the exact same thing?

But you lied about the Obama 'quote'. Obama didn't say that Hillary didn't break the law. But instead, that she never endangered national security. You literally made up an imaginary quote to back your argument.

So you'll need to factually establish your claims now. As nothing you say can be trusted.

So you have no response to my question as to why Hillary's people got immunity from prosecution after lying to Federal investigators but didn't provide anything to prosecutors in return...so you declare that my "word is shit" and refuse to answer? You're almost as big a joke as the investigations INTO Hillary Clinton!
Ha idiot, create a thread.
Would you answer my question why so many of Hillary's underlings were granted immunity, WTP? Should be easy to do...yet Skylar ran from that question like he was Superman and it was made of Kryptonite!

they're just low info puppets; they have no memory capable of even remembering what you're talking about from one post to the next. Probably just somebody's socks, mindlessly babbling away.

You know what...I honestly don't think they realize that the Clinton "investigation" was the blatant sham that it was! I think they get their news from CNN and The New York Times and this is all new to them because it was never exposed for what it was.

There were two campaigns for the Presidency...Trump on the GOP side...and Clinton on the Democratic side.

The Trump campaign has been under a microscope for over two years so far and they've found no evidence of collusion with the Russian government to influence our election!

The Clinton campaign on the other hand colluded with Fusion GPS and Richard Steele to put out a series of "dossiers" to smear her opponent right before the election and hid the payment of the money to do that through a "cut out" legal firm to hide it's origin!

The Obama Administration used it's influence at the Justice Department and the FBI to whitewash the investigation into Clinton's email scandal. Barack Obama solemnly declared that he knew nothing about Clinton's use of a private email account to conduct official business which is rather amusing since he was sending her emails at that account! I guess he thought that since he used an alias that nobody would see through that blatant lie.

Obama's Attorney General held a private meeting with Bill Clinton...the husband of the person being investigated for a crime...hiding that meeting from the public and claiming when it was discovered that it was totally innocent because Clinton spent the entire time talking about his grandchildren. Anyone who believes THAT is congenitally brain dead!

Then Loretta Lynch's Justice Department started handing out immunity from prosecution deals to Clinton Staffers like Christmas bonuses at the company Christmas party! Immunity deals in return for nothing! Then Lynch doesn't recuse herself from making the decision on whether to prosecute Clinton...she does something completely unusual! She lets Comey decide whether or not to prosecute! For those of you that don't grasp the issue there...the FBI is an investigative branch. They investigate cases and then present their findings to the Justice Department and the prosecutors THERE make the call whether to bring charges! The FBI does NOT decide whether or not to bring a case to trial!

Then there is the use the Steele "dossiers" to obtain wire taps on people connected to the Trump campaign...withholding from FISA court judges information about who paid for those documents! That's an unheard of abuse of power by the Obama Administration but then why should anyone be shocked that they would do something like THAT when they had already demonstrated a willingness to weaponize the IRS against their political opponents!
Dude, your word is shit. You're going to need to factually establish your allegations before any conversation. As I've witnessed flagrantly lying and misquoting people to make an argument.

Remember when you insisted that Obama said that Hillary had been careless but didn't break any law? And then used that 'quote' as the basis of your argument that Comey had said the exact same thing?

But you lied about the Obama 'quote'. Obama didn't say that Hillary didn't break the law. But instead, that she never endangered national security. You literally made up an imaginary quote to back your argument.

So you'll need to factually establish your claims now. As nothing you say can be trusted.

So you have no response to my question as to why Hillary's people got immunity from prosecution after lying to Federal investigators but didn't provide anything to prosecutors in return...so you declare that my "word is shit" and refuse to answer? You're almost as big a joke as the investigations INTO Hillary Clinton!
Ha idiot, create a thread.
Would you answer my question why so many of Hillary's underlings were granted immunity, WTP? Should be easy to do...yet Skylar ran from that question like he was Superman and it was made of Kryptonite!

they're just low info puppets; they have no memory capable of even remembering what you're talking about from one post to the next. Probably just somebody's socks, mindlessly babbling away.

You know what...I honestly don't think they realize that the Clinton "investigation" was the blatant sham that it was! I think they get their news from CNN and The New York Times and this is all new to them because it was never exposed for what it was.

There were two campaigns for the Presidency...Trump on the GOP side...and Clinton on the Democratic side.

The Trump campaign has been under a microscope for over two years so far and they've found no evidence of collusion with the Russian government to influence our election!
The Trump Tower meeting was/is a proven conspiracy. Cambridge Analytica was/is a proven conspiracy. The Sam Patten money from Russia was/is a proven conspiracy. hehill.com/regulation/court-battles/404552-new-witness-cooperating-in-manafort-case

The Clinton campaign on the other hand colluded with Fusion GPS and Richard Steele to put out a series of "dossiers" to smear her opponent right before the election and hid the payment of the money to do that through a "cut out" legal firm to hide it's origin!
Now, let’s see if this material backs up Nunes’s claim: “Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russians to get dirt on Trump to feed it to the FBI to open up an investigation into the other campaign.”

Based on the available evidence, this claim quickly falls apart.

The Clinton campaign, via a law firm, did seek “dirt” on Trump and Russia. Steele did rely on Russian sources, supposedly contacts mined from his years as a spy. Steele did actively seek to draw attention to what he had found, though virtually no reporters wrote about his allegations before the election because they could not confirm them. And the FBI did use Steele’s reports to help obtain a court order allowing surveillance of a Trump associate — but that was after Page had quit the campaign.

For some, that may seem like a lot of smoke. But it’s a huge leap to say Clinton colluded with Russians to do this. Instead, you have (a) the campaign hiring (b) a research firm that hired (c) a researcher who spoke (d) to Russian sources. Steele, for his part, has suggested he tried to alert reporters and the FBI because he was appalled by what he had discovered. The closest connection to Clinton is the fact that Steele gave to the FBI material written by Clinton associates, but it’s unclear what the FBI did with that memo.

Meanwhile, there is little dispute over the finding by U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia developed a clear preference for Trump — and that Russian entities hacked into Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign accounts to obtain emails that were then leaked to undermine her campaign. It certainly would have been a sophisticated game of three-dimensional chess for Russia to simultaneously seek to undermine Clinton’s campaign while supplying her with information to spur an investigation of Russian activities on behalf of Trump.

Finally, the Nunes memo disclosed that the FBI opened a counterintelligence operation in July 2016 because of allegations concerning another Trump adviser, George Papadopoulos. But Papadopoulos was never mentioned in any of Steele’s reports. He came to the attention of the FBI because he had told an Australian diplomat that the Russians had obtained thousands of Clinton’s emails. He has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and is cooperating with the special counsel.

Jack Langer, spokesman for the House Intelligence Committee, did not respond to queries about Nunes’s statement on the Hewitt show. But earlier in the week, we asked him why Nunes had said Papadopoulos “never even had met with the president” when Trump himself on March 31, 2016, had circulated on social media a photo of the two men together during a meeting of Trump’s foreign-policy advisers.

“Yes, there’s a photo of more than a dozen people sitting around a conference table, including Papadopoulos and Trump,” Langer replied. “But that does not make clear whether the two men knew each other at all.”

Presumably the same could be said for Clinton and Steele — especially since there is no known photo of the two together, let alone a known meeting.

The Pinocchio Test
Was the dossier used to gin up media attention to Russia-Trump ties and bolster an existing FBI investigation? Perhaps. That’s certainly a question worth exploring.

But the media needed little prodding to investigate when candidate Trump appeared unexpectedly solicitous of Russian President Vladimir Putin as Russian-linked entities leaked emails stolen by Russian hackers in the middle of a campaign. Meanwhile, the initial FBI counterintelligence probe was prompted not by Steele’s reporting but by the loose lips of a Trump campaign staffer.

Finally, there is no evidence that Clinton was involved in Steele’s reports or worked with Russian entities to feed information to Steele. That’s where Nunes’s claim goes off the rails — and why he earns Four Pinocchios.

Four Pinocchios

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The Clinton campaign, via a law firm, did seek “dirt” on Trump and Russia. Steele did rely on Russian sources, supposedly contacts mined from his years as a spy. Steele did actively seek to draw attention to what he had found, though virtually no reporters wrote about his allegations before the election because they could not confirm them. And the FBI did use Steele’s reports to help obtain a court order allowing surveillance of a Trump associate — but that was after Page had quit the campaign.

For some, that may seem like a lot of smoke. But it’s a huge leap to say Clinton colluded with Russians to do this. Instead, you have (a) the campaign hiring (b) a research firm that hired (c) a researcher who spoke (d) to Russian sources. Steele, for his part, has suggested he tried to alert reporters and the FBI because he was appalled by what he had discovered. The closest connection to Clinton is the fact that Steele gave to the FBI material written by Clinton associates, but it’s unclear what the FBI did with that memo.

Meanwhile, there is little dispute over the finding by U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia developed a clear preference for Trump — and that Russian entities hacked into Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign accounts to obtain emails that were then leaked to undermine her campaign. It certainly would have been a sophisticated game of three-dimensional chess for Russia to simultaneously seek to undermine Clinton’s campaign while supplying her with information to spur an investigation of Russian activities on behalf of Trump.

Finally, the Nunes memo disclosed that the FBI opened a counterintelligence operation in July 2016 because of allegations concerning another Trump adviser, George Papadopoulos. But Papadopoulos was never mentioned in any of Steele’s reports. He came to the attention of the FBI because he had told an Australian diplomat that the Russians had obtained thousands of Clinton’s emails. He has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and is cooperating with the special counsel.

Jack Langer, spokesman for the House Intelligence Committee, did not respond to queries about Nunes’s statement on the Hewitt show. But earlier in the week, we asked him why Nunes had said Papadopoulos “never even had met with the president” when Trump himself on March 31, 2016, had circulated on social media a photo of the two men together during a meeting of Trump’s foreign-policy advisers.

The Obama Administration used it's influence at the Justice Department and the FBI to whitewash the investigation into Clinton's email scandal.
Without confirmed proof, you are lying.
Barack Obama solemnly declared that he knew nothing about Clinton's use of a private email account to conduct official business which is rather amusing since he was sending her emails at that account!
This has to be the dumbest comment of the day. Do you think people are that stupid not to pick up on that hat trick? Lol!
I guess he thought that since he used an alias that nobody would see through that blatant lie.
What alias?

Obama's Attorney General held a private meeting with Bill Clinton...the husband of the person being investigated for a crime...hiding that meeting from the public and claiming when it was discovered that it was totally innocent because Clinton spent the entire time talking about his grandchildren. Anyone who believes THAT is congenitally brain dead!
And if anyone believed you, they'd have to be retarded, because no one to this day has ever proven that was a planned meeting. More lies!

quote] Then Loretta Lynch's Justice Department started handing out immunity from prosecution deals to Clinton Staffers like Christmas bonuses at the company Christmas party! Immunity deals in return for nothing! Then Lynch doesn't recuse herself from making the decision on whether to prosecute Clinton...she does something completely unusual! She lets Comey decide whether or not to prosecute! For those of you that don't grasp the issue there...the FBI is an investigative branch. They investigate cases and then present their findings to the Justice Department and the prosecutors THERE make the call whether to bring charges! The FBI does NOT decide whether or not to bring a case to trial!
Prosecute her for what?

Then there is the use the Steele "dossiers" to obtain wire taps on people connected to the Trump campaign...withholding from FISA court judges information about who paid for those documents! That's an unheard of abuse of power by the Obama Administration but then why should anyone be shocked that they would do something like THAT when they had already demonstrated a willingness to weaponize the IRS against their political opponents!
Wow, you are living proof that we will run out of rocks before we run out of idiots. To this day, there is no documented evidence that the "dossier was used to wire tap people connected to the Trump campaign. That is a total lie, and you cannot prove otherwise. You are pathological liar.
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Trying to cover up for being too much of moron to know what Death Angel said?

No need to panic; your fellow tards don't get it , either, so you're safe, and they will still let you hang out with them and lick their feet n stuff.
At this point, with your cowardly non explanation, I'm not too sure you do either?

Now it my fault you're a moron??? lol lol lol typical Snowflake.
A coward who cannot back up his own bs and lies with the made up, "we don't get it line." lol! You Trump apologists are a trip.

Gee , it tosses out a fake word as well as fake hews. You think you faggots scare people?
You still never answered my question coward?

Lol triggered another Angry Faggot into stark raving stupidity again. Third one this week.
I've often wondered if people with your kind of homophobic insanity and hate, actually has a soul?
Wow.... What a sentence of left wing bigot trigger words....

They really can't take what they dish out, even when there is a mob of these diseased animals all biting the ankles of one poster.
It's easy to pick on a coward such as yourself, who can't answer questions.
None of the "secret contacts" had ANYTHING to do with the election, Skylar! Mueller used the threat of prosecution to try and get them to turn on Trump.

So why didn't the Obama Justice Department use the threat of prosecution to get those involved in the Clinton email scandal to turn on Hillary? Did you want to explain them giving out immunity to all of those people who lied to investigators earlier? Did you want to explain what it was that the Justice Department got in return for those get out of jail free cards?
You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.

Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!
Ha coward, look at this; Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss
Do you know what that is?

More of the same pathetic bullshit that the mainstream media has been pumping out about Trump since he beat Hillary? The New York Times is a partisan rag. It's editorial page is farce and it's reporting isn't much better.

These does have made a daily exercise out of GET TRUMP for four years now. Four years! What? Like the public hasn't noticed the level of hate?:aug08_031::aug08_031:. Duh....its become a religious movement and we all know how that goes over with Americans.:deal:. Trump got blistered daily for two years....most folks said "meh". We know that.

This idea that they are doing more damage....:cul2::cul2::hello77:
Trump has gone after himself with the mountain of criminal liability he has. What he did, he did it to himself. Now it is time for the rule of law to start working for us. Because Trump does not.
They lied to the FBI....about secret contacts between the Trump team and Russians. Which you laughably insist have 'nothing to do' with an investigation collusion between the Trump team and the Russians.

Good luck with that.

None of the "secret contacts" had ANYTHING to do with the election, Skylar! Mueller used the threat of prosecution to try and get them to turn on Trump.

So why didn't the Obama Justice Department use the threat of prosecution to get those involved in the Clinton email scandal to turn on Hillary? Did you want to explain them giving out immunity to all of those people who lied to investigators earlier? Did you want to explain what it was that the Justice Department got in return for those get out of jail free cards?
You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.

Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!
Ha coward, look at this; Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss
Do you know what that is?

More of the same pathetic bullshit that the mainstream media has been pumping out about Trump since he beat Hillary? The New York Times is a partisan rag. It's editorial page is farce and it's reporting isn't much better.
It's the main stream law enforcement that is on to Trump now. And boy does he have a cocktail full of criminal liability.
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You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.

Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!

Dude, your word is shit. You're going to need to factually establish your allegations before any conversation. As I've witnessed flagrantly lying and misquoting people to make an argument.

Remember when you insisted that Obama said that Hillary had been careless but didn't break any law? And then used that 'quote' as the basis of your argument that Comey had said the exact same thing?

But you lied about the Obama 'quote'. Obama didn't say that Hillary didn't break the law. But instead, that she never endangered national security. You literally made up an imaginary quote to back your argument.

So you'll need to factually establish your claims now. As nothing you say can be trusted.

So you have no response to my question as to why Hillary's people got immunity from prosecution after lying to Federal investigators but didn't provide anything to prosecutors in return...so you declare that my "word is shit" and refuse to answer? You're almost as big a joke as the investigations INTO Hillary Clinton!
Ha idiot, create a thread.
Would you answer my question why so many of Hillary's underlings were granted immunity, WTP? Should be easy to do...yet Skylar ran from that question like he was Superman and it was made of Kryptonite!
Again coward, create a thread
Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!

Dude, your word is shit. You're going to need to factually establish your allegations before any conversation. As I've witnessed flagrantly lying and misquoting people to make an argument.

Remember when you insisted that Obama said that Hillary had been careless but didn't break any law? And then used that 'quote' as the basis of your argument that Comey had said the exact same thing?

But you lied about the Obama 'quote'. Obama didn't say that Hillary didn't break the law. But instead, that she never endangered national security. You literally made up an imaginary quote to back your argument.

So you'll need to factually establish your claims now. As nothing you say can be trusted.

So you have no response to my question as to why Hillary's people got immunity from prosecution after lying to Federal investigators but didn't provide anything to prosecutors in return...so you declare that my "word is shit" and refuse to answer? You're almost as big a joke as the investigations INTO Hillary Clinton!
Ha idiot, create a thread.
Would you answer my question why so many of Hillary's underlings were granted immunity, WTP? Should be easy to do...yet Skylar ran from that question like he was Superman and it was made of Kryptonite!
Again coward, create a thread

Another thread where you can't answer simple questions put to you? Skylar can't answer my question either but he had the good sense to tuck tail and run. You're still here looking like someone who doesn't have a clue what took place with Clinton and her emails!
None of the "secret contacts" had ANYTHING to do with the election, Skylar! Mueller used the threat of prosecution to try and get them to turn on Trump.

So why didn't the Obama Justice Department use the threat of prosecution to get those involved in the Clinton email scandal to turn on Hillary? Did you want to explain them giving out immunity to all of those people who lied to investigators earlier? Did you want to explain what it was that the Justice Department got in return for those get out of jail free cards?
You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.

Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!
Ha coward, look at this; Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss
Do you know what that is?

More of the same pathetic bullshit that the mainstream media has been pumping out about Trump since he beat Hillary? The New York Times is a partisan rag. It's editorial page is farce and it's reporting isn't much better.
It's the main stream law enforcement that is on to Trump now. And boy does he have a cocktail full of criminal liability.
Really? What main stream law enforcement body has stated their intent to arrest him or investigate him..and for what?

You must have an anonymous high level administration official in your pocket. And I just thought you were playing with yourself!
None of the "secret contacts" had ANYTHING to do with the election, Skylar! Mueller used the threat of prosecution to try and get them to turn on Trump.

So why didn't the Obama Justice Department use the threat of prosecution to get those involved in the Clinton email scandal to turn on Hillary? Did you want to explain them giving out immunity to all of those people who lied to investigators earlier? Did you want to explain what it was that the Justice Department got in return for those get out of jail free cards?
You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.

Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!
Ha coward, look at this; Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss
Do you know what that is?

More of the same pathetic bullshit that the mainstream media has been pumping out about Trump since he beat Hillary? The New York Times is a partisan rag. It's editorial page is farce and it's reporting isn't much better.
It's the main stream law enforcement that is on to Trump now. And boy does he have a cocktail full of criminal liability.

Oh, main stream law enforcement is "on to" Trump now? I hate to break this to you, Sparky but law enforcement has been stating all along that they have found no evidence of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia! None! Nada! Zip! Zero! What part of that concept can't you grasp?

Trump has "criminal liability"? For what? Oh wait...you're one of those guys who thinks if you throw big words around...people will think you know something about the topic at hand? So what kind of "criminal liability does Trump have? I await your answer with baited breath! (eye roll)
Crickets. Imagine that.
Main stream law enforcement...pffft lolollool what a fucking moron.

You're a coward who has to deflect to Clinton. That is so pitiful.

Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!
Ha coward, look at this; Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss
Do you know what that is?

More of the same pathetic bullshit that the mainstream media has been pumping out about Trump since he beat Hillary? The New York Times is a partisan rag. It's editorial page is farce and it's reporting isn't much better.
It's the main stream law enforcement that is on to Trump now. And boy does he have a cocktail full of criminal liability.

Oh, main stream law enforcement is "on to" Trump now? I hate to break this to you, Sparky but law enforcement has been stating all along that they have found no evidence of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia! None! Nada! Zip! Zero! What part of that concept can't you grasp?

Trump has "criminal liability"? For what? Oh wait...you're one of those guys who thinks if you throw big words around...people will think you know something about the topic at hand? So what kind of "criminal liability does Trump have? I await your answer with baited breath! (eye roll)
That has been posted so many times, even Helen Keller would have known what it was by now.

Oh the denial! It's choking the stupidity out of them for all to see.

And by the way, I put explanation to this post for which you cowardly ignored.
You know what...I honestly don't think they realize that the Clinton "investigation" was the blatant sham that it was! I think they get their news from CNN and The New York Times and this is all new to them because it was never exposed for what it was.

There were two campaigns for the Presidency...Trump on the GOP side...and Clinton on the Democratic side.

The Trump campaign has been under a microscope for over two years so far and they've found no evidence of collusion with the Russian government to influence our election!

The Clinton campaign on the other hand colluded with Fusion GPS and Richard Steele to put out a series of "dossiers" to smear her opponent right before the election and hid the payment of the money to do that through a "cut out" legal firm to hide it's origin!

The Obama Administration used it's influence at the Justice Department and the FBI to whitewash the investigation into Clinton's email scandal. Barack Obama solemnly declared that he knew nothing about Clinton's use of a private email account to conduct official business which is rather amusing since he was sending her emails at that account! I guess he thought that since he used an alias that nobody would see through that blatant lie.

Obama's Attorney General held a private meeting with Bill Clinton...the husband of the person being investigated for a crime...hiding that meeting from the public and claiming when it was discovered that it was totally innocent because Clinton spent the entire time talking about his grandchildren. Anyone who believes THAT is congenitally brain dead!

Then Loretta Lynch's Justice Department started handing out immunity from prosecution deals to Clinton Staffers like Christmas bonuses at the company Christmas party! Immunity deals in return for nothing! Then Lynch doesn't recuse herself from making the decision on whether to prosecute Clinton...she does something completely unusual! She lets Comey decide whether or not to prosecute! For those of you that don't grasp the issue there...the FBI is an investigative branch. They investigate cases and then present their findings to the Justice Department and the prosecutors THERE make the call whether to bring charges! The FBI does NOT decide whether or not to bring a case to trial!

Then there is the use the Steele "dossiers" to obtain wire taps on people connected to the Trump campaign...withholding from FISA court judges information about who paid for those documents! That's an unheard of abuse of power by the Obama Administration but then why should anyone be shocked that they would do something like THAT when they had already demonstrated a willingness to weaponize the IRS against their political opponents!

Just to put context into your off topic Hillary nonsense, my response rebutted yours, and you dropped the ball by saying nothing in your defense. Still want to talk about Hillary now?
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Dude, your word is shit. You're going to need to factually establish your allegations before any conversation. As I've witnessed flagrantly lying and misquoting people to make an argument.

Remember when you insisted that Obama said that Hillary had been careless but didn't break any law? And then used that 'quote' as the basis of your argument that Comey had said the exact same thing?

But you lied about the Obama 'quote'. Obama didn't say that Hillary didn't break the law. But instead, that she never endangered national security. You literally made up an imaginary quote to back your argument.

So you'll need to factually establish your claims now. As nothing you say can be trusted.

So you have no response to my question as to why Hillary's people got immunity from prosecution after lying to Federal investigators but didn't provide anything to prosecutors in return...so you declare that my "word is shit" and refuse to answer? You're almost as big a joke as the investigations INTO Hillary Clinton!
Ha idiot, create a thread.
Would you answer my question why so many of Hillary's underlings were granted immunity, WTP? Should be easy to do...yet Skylar ran from that question like he was Superman and it was made of Kryptonite!
Again coward, create a thread

Another thread where you can't answer simple questions put to you? Skylar can't answer my question either but he had the good sense to tuck tail and run. You're still here looking like someone who doesn't have a clue what took place with Clinton and her emails!
I'm ready to go over it word for word. If you can't intelligently counter these facts, with facts of your own, from a reputable source, you are either a coward, a liar for not backing up your side of this story, or you are too ignorant to know? I'm putting my money on all three. Now, get busy. Analysis | Did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians to get ‘dirt’ on Trump to feed it to the FBI?
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Wait...it's a "deflection" to point out that there has been totally different types of "investigations" into the two people that were running for office in the same election? Did you just claim that?

I'm still waiting for any of you to explain why people involved in the Clinton email scandal who blatantly lied to the FBI were subsequently given immunity from prosecution when they didn't reciprocate with testimony about the things they lied about! What kind of prosecutor does THAT? The answer OBVIOUSLY is one who isn't trying to get to the bottom of a scandal but rather cover one up!
Ha coward, look at this; Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss
Do you know what that is?

More of the same pathetic bullshit that the mainstream media has been pumping out about Trump since he beat Hillary? The New York Times is a partisan rag. It's editorial page is farce and it's reporting isn't much better.
It's the main stream law enforcement that is on to Trump now. And boy does he have a cocktail full of criminal liability.

Oh, main stream law enforcement is "on to" Trump now? I hate to break this to you, Sparky but law enforcement has been stating all along that they have found no evidence of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia! None! Nada! Zip! Zero! What part of that concept can't you grasp?

Trump has "criminal liability"? For what? Oh wait...you're one of those guys who thinks if you throw big words around...people will think you know something about the topic at hand? So what kind of "criminal liability does Trump have? I await your answer with baited breath! (eye roll)
That has been posted so many times, even Helen Keller would have known what it was by now.

Oh the denial! It's choking the stupidity out of them for all to see.

And by the way, I put explanation to this post for which you cowardly ignored.
You know what...I honestly don't think they realize that the Clinton "investigation" was the blatant sham that it was! I think they get their news from CNN and The New York Times and this is all new to them because it was never exposed for what it was.

There were two campaigns for the Presidency...Trump on the GOP side...and Clinton on the Democratic side.

The Trump campaign has been under a microscope for over two years so far and they've found no evidence of collusion with the Russian government to influence our election!

The Clinton campaign on the other hand colluded with Fusion GPS and Richard Steele to put out a series of "dossiers" to smear her opponent right before the election and hid the payment of the money to do that through a "cut out" legal firm to hide it's origin!

The Obama Administration used it's influence at the Justice Department and the FBI to whitewash the investigation into Clinton's email scandal. Barack Obama solemnly declared that he knew nothing about Clinton's use of a private email account to conduct official business which is rather amusing since he was sending her emails at that account! I guess he thought that since he used an alias that nobody would see through that blatant lie.

Obama's Attorney General held a private meeting with Bill Clinton...the husband of the person being investigated for a crime...hiding that meeting from the public and claiming when it was discovered that it was totally innocent because Clinton spent the entire time talking about his grandchildren. Anyone who believes THAT is congenitally brain dead!

Then Loretta Lynch's Justice Department started handing out immunity from prosecution deals to Clinton Staffers like Christmas bonuses at the company Christmas party! Immunity deals in return for nothing! Then Lynch doesn't recuse herself from making the decision on whether to prosecute Clinton...she does something completely unusual! She lets Comey decide whether or not to prosecute! For those of you that don't grasp the issue there...the FBI is an investigative branch. They investigate cases and then present their findings to the Justice Department and the prosecutors THERE make the call whether to bring charges! The FBI does NOT decide whether or not to bring a case to trial!

Then there is the use the Steele "dossiers" to obtain wire taps on people connected to the Trump campaign...withholding from FISA court judges information about who paid for those documents! That's an unheard of abuse of power by the Obama Administration but then why should anyone be shocked that they would do something like THAT when they had already demonstrated a willingness to weaponize the IRS against their political opponents!

Just to put context into your off topic Hillary nonsense, my response rebutted yours, and you dropped the ball by saying nothing in your defense. Still want to talk about Hillary now?

Start a new thread constitutes a "rebuttal"? You haven't had a real response to what I pointed out about all of the sleazy things that Hillary Clinton and the Obama White House did in this past election, WTP! You then finished painted yourself into the corner by claiming that "main stream law enforcement" has "criminal liability" on Trump now! Two different people have asked what criminal liability it is that you're talking about and you ignored both the questions because let's face it...you're just pulling things out of your nether regions in this string without a clue what you're talking about! So did you want to tell us all what criminal liability you think your imaginary "main stream law enforcement" (whatever THAT is!) has on Trump?
So you have no response to my question as to why Hillary's people got immunity from prosecution after lying to Federal investigators but didn't provide anything to prosecutors in return...so you declare that my "word is shit" and refuse to answer? You're almost as big a joke as the investigations INTO Hillary Clinton!
Ha idiot, create a thread.
Would you answer my question why so many of Hillary's underlings were granted immunity, WTP? Should be easy to do...yet Skylar ran from that question like he was Superman and it was made of Kryptonite!
Again coward, create a thread

Another thread where you can't answer simple questions put to you? Skylar can't answer my question either but he had the good sense to tuck tail and run. You're still here looking like someone who doesn't have a clue what took place with Clinton and her emails!
I'm ready to go over it word for word. If you can't intelligently counter these facts, with facts of your own, from a reputable source, you are either a coward, a liar for not backing up your side of this story, or you are too ignorant to know? I'm putting my money on all three. Now, get busy. Analysis | Did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians to get ‘dirt’ on Trump to feed it to the FBI?

You're going to start with an article written last Feb. defending Clinton? People in the media were still trying to pretend that the dossiers were real back then, WTP and that they weren't nothing more than a political hatchet job paid for by the Clinton campaign to smear Donald Trump right before the election.

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