WTP, you are beyond help and reason.

Maybe one day the same will happen to a POTUS you vote for (Leftards are busy setting bad precedents here) and you’ll have an epiphany and understand how dangerous and anti democratic this deranged behaviour is.
I don’t really have anything more to add on this matter as it is clearly falling on the deaf ears of the severely TDS afflicted.

It’s really sad that the fact that Trump was elected fairly and squarely means nothing to you because of your personal animosity and dislike.
It’s very damning that you have no problem whatsoever crapping over all the people who did vote for him in a free and fair election.
But that’s leftards for you. SMH.

TDS is now an official disease, and these faggots already have weakened immune systems, so it's now epidemic and incurable.
WTP, you are beyond help and reason.

Maybe one day the same will happen to a POTUS you vote for (Leftards are busy setting bad precedents here) and you’ll have an epiphany and understand how dangerous and anti democratic this deranged behaviour is.
I don’t really have anything more to add on this matter as it is clearly falling on the deaf ears of the severely TDS afflicted.

It’s really sad that the fact that Trump was elected fairly and squarely means nothing to you because of your personal animosity and dislike.
It’s very damning that you have no problem whatsoever crapping over all the people who did vote for him in a free and fair election.
But that’s leftards for you. SMH.
I wouldn't be that stupid to vote for a criminal who has mentally ill tendencies to run the highest office in the land, and was not legitimately elected.

In Trump's case, you have not countered any of the claims with counter rebuttals. That said, we can conclude that none exist. Therefore, he is holding that office illegally.

Hahaha mentally ill fake news spammers claims it woudn't vote for another mentally ill loon; tht's rich. and it claims Trump wasn't 'legally elected'. Bad news for the loon, though: It wasn't Trump who had to suddenly drop ballot recount in Michigan after making all kinds of Big Noises of 'rooting out voter fraud' because when they got to Detroit they found a lot more registered Democrats than there were people actually living there.

Lol lol lol poor WTP, too stupid to troll without proving he/she/it/mutant is an idiot. Wonder whose sock the little tard is?
***Rant Alert***
OMG Some disgruntled asshole alleges anonymously of course, that the white house in in chaos. Tell the anonymous dickhead to actually come forward and say it to America's face or this bullshit never happened. Two years of this babyish disruptive crap because you don't like the guy the American People put into office has grown old. Here's the real problem, established politicians don't like the fact they can't control Trump. Every time one of these bitches try's to get rid of Trump with misinformation, using witch hunt tactics and out and out bull shit, it's a slap in the face to every voter. Everyday they spend time bashing Trump, is a day of lost work. They need to shut their mouths and do the job they were elected for. They are getting nothing done and we are paying for it. So what if the white house is in Chaos, so is Congress and that's decades long. Seriously any politician in Washington has nerve complaining about Trump when they have been feckless twits long before Trump ever got elected. Time to clean house America and establish term limits for all Washington politicians.

Who says its 'misinformation'?

If Trump were a corrupt incompetent, what would it look like? And how would you ever know? As you ignore anyone who criticizes the president. From any party. In any position. Named, or unnamed.

If the critic is not a republican, they are a 'liberal', and thus ignored.
If the critic is a member of the press they are the 'enemies of the people' and thus ignored.
If the critic is a republican, they are the 'swamp' and thus ignored.
If the critic works for the government, they are the 'deep state' and thus ignored.
If the critic worked for Trump, they are 'disgruntled' and thus ignored.

You have left yourself literally NO avenue for criticism of the President. As the only sources you accept as valid are those effusively praising the President. Or Trump himself.

If Trump were amoral and incompetent.....we'd expect these exact kind of criticisms being delivered the way they are. As Trump even now rages that they should be 'turned over to the government' and accuses them of 'treason'.

Please:eusa_hand: you are in denial. The left has been trying to pin something on Trump for almost two years and what have we got for it?

Can you please read us Comey's statements to Mueller.

And while you're at it, Papodapolous and Flynn's statements to the Mueller investigation.

With links please.
They will soon be out as they have been declassified.... Your going to be so butt hurt...
You'll need that "dear God" if these heroes are not allowed to keep putting a check on this mad man who conceivably poses the most serious threat to this nation in our history.
What’s your hero’s name?

The irony in the op-ed from the NYT's anonymous WH coward is glaring and massive: s/he accuses Trump of being "anti-democratic" while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency

10:21 PM - Sep 5, 2018

Let that sink in. Think about it^^^^^^ and if you still view the coward loser as a hero - then you’re a coward loser too.
Trump is anti-democratic. Trump is anti-American everything, using the position for his own enrichment. He's proven that with his own criminality. The heroes are doing the right thing.
Trump was voted for by the people. And you’ve confirmed you’re a coward loser.
Trump was illegally placed in that office, and it has been proven. And in time, that illegal office, with his mentally incapacitated state will no longer be tolerated.
We don't even know who is running the WH any more; Who is running the White House?
Trump is... You fucking left wing retard... A He will continue too for 7 more years,,,
***Rant Alert***
OMG Some disgruntled asshole alleges anonymously of course, that the white house in in chaos. Tell the anonymous dickhead to actually come forward and say it to America's face or this bullshit never happened. Two years of this babyish disruptive crap because you don't like the guy the American People put into office has grown old. Here's the real problem, established politicians don't like the fact they can't control Trump. Every time one of these bitches try's to get rid of Trump with misinformation, using witch hunt tactics and out and out bull shit, it's a slap in the face to every voter. Everyday they spend time bashing Trump, is a day of lost work. They need to shut their mouths and do the job they were elected for. They are getting nothing done and we are paying for it. So what if the white house is in Chaos, so is Congress and that's decades long. Seriously any politician in Washington has nerve complaining about Trump when they have been feckless twits long before Trump ever got elected. Time to clean house America and establish term limits for all Washington politicians.

Who says its 'misinformation'?

If Trump were a corrupt incompetent, what would it look like? And how would you ever know? As you ignore anyone who criticizes the president. From any party. In any position. Named, or unnamed.

If the critic is not a republican, they are a 'liberal', and thus ignored.
If the critic is a member of the press they are the 'enemies of the people' and thus ignored.
If the critic is a republican, they are the 'swamp' and thus ignored.
If the critic works for the government, they are the 'deep state' and thus ignored.
If the critic worked for Trump, they are 'disgruntled' and thus ignored.

You have left yourself literally NO avenue for criticism of the President. As the only sources you accept as valid are those effusively praising the President. Or Trump himself.

If Trump were amoral and incompetent.....we'd expect these exact kind of criticisms being delivered the way they are. As Trump even now rages that they should be 'turned over to the government' and accuses them of 'treason'.

Please:eusa_hand: you are in denial. The left has been trying to pin something on Trump for almost two years and what have we got for it?

Can you please read us Comey's statements to Mueller.

And while you're at it, Papodapolous and Flynn's statements to the Mueller investigation.

With links please.
And that has produced what in regards to Trump? Has he been arrested? Impeached?

You're telling us what the Mueller investigation has found on Trump.

Show us the Comey's statements to Mueller. And Flynns. And Papadopolous'.

Its really rather simple. Either you can show us the statements. Or you have to admit that you don't know what the Mueller investigation has found, rendering your assessment that Mueller has 'found' as imaginary nonsense.

Pick one.
I never mentioned Mueller or Comey, Papodapolous and Flynn, You did. You didn't post the info you are talking about and I'm not doing your work for you. This thread is about Trump and what some turncoat in his administration allegedly said. So far it's unsubstantiated hear say, one person's opinion and quite possibly a complete fabrication. You need Proof and there is no Proof because Anonymous is a coward and won't come forward. Everyone's got an opinion,that doesn't make it true. This crap wouldn't stand up in a court of law, so why is anyone buying this BS?

Regardless I don't need to post what the reports found because the result is still the same. Trump has not been arrested or impeached. Logic dictates that if something that was an arrestable offense or impeachable offense had been found one would assume with the level of hatred in Washington for Trump, action would have been done by now. It hasn't happened.I know that's disappoints many but you can't kick a sitting President out because you don't like him,his policy's or the way he goes about things. You have to have prosecutable evidence and two years later they still haven't found it. So if you want to talk reports you may post them however the facts are still the facts. The President is still in the White House, that should tell you something.
Just now: Information is being put out that the Secret Service is requesting a warrant for all NYTimes information on Op-ed author and writings citing his thinly veiled threats within the Op-ed to the presidents personal safety.

Wonder how far this will go?
No "WE" don't. He is a criminal and a danger to this republic. He is desperately trying to thwart the truth and the rule of law, and the indictments and the convictions of his fellow criminals are falling all around him, tightening his own noose.
There you go projecting your own faults on someone else again... The only noose tightening is on democrats..
No "WE" don't. He is a criminal and a danger to this republic. He is desperately trying to thwart the truth and the rule of law, and the indictments and the convictions of his fellow criminals are falling all around him, tightening his own noose.
There you go projecting your own faults on someone else again... The only noose tightening is on democrats..
Sure it is. He goes to Montana to campaign for a candidate, but instead talks about the NYT's and himself. He said he wasn't going to bring it up. But he brought it up anyway. Lol! Trump realizes he has multiple criminal investigations against him where those investigations have already revealed criminality. And now that members of his own staff realize he is not only a criminal, but a danger to our nation, because of his reckless impulses. The recklessness is beginning to have an effect on proper decision making, which is a danger to our security.
WTP, you are beyond help and reason.

Maybe one day the same will happen to a POTUS you vote for (Leftards are busy setting bad precedents here) and you’ll have an epiphany and understand how dangerous and anti democratic this deranged behaviour is.
I don’t really have anything more to add on this matter as it is clearly falling on the deaf ears of the severely TDS afflicted.

It’s really sad that the fact that Trump was elected fairly and squarely means nothing to you because of your personal animosity and dislike.
It’s very damning that you have no problem whatsoever crapping over all the people who did vote for him in a free and fair election.
But that’s leftards for you. SMH.
I wouldn't be that stupid to vote for a criminal who has mentally ill tendencies to run the highest office in the land, and was not legitimately elected.

In Trump's case, you have not countered any of the claims with counter rebuttals. That said, we can conclude that none exist. Therefore, he is holding that office illegally.

Hahaha mentally ill fake news spammers claims it woudn't vote for another mentally ill loon; tht's rich. and it claims Trump wasn't 'legally elected'. Bad news for the loon, though: It wasn't Trump who had to suddenly drop ballot recount in Michigan after making all kinds of Big Noises of 'rooting out voter fraud' because when they got to Detroit they found a lot more registered Democrats than there were people actually living there.

Lol lol lol poor WTP, too stupid to troll without proving he/she/it/mutant is an idiot. Wonder whose sock the little tard is?
For those who are still too ignorant to actually know what Cross Check is, the chart I presented were purged voters who lost their right to vote based on an illegal purge by Kris Kobach. Who took those voters off the roles, mostly minority voters, while claiming they were double voting, when it was proven they were not. That is how and why Michigan was lost. Through an illegal purge. That is not what "rooting voter fraud" is about. That is taking voters out of the loop for bogus and illegal reasons.

Oh , and tell us you can find the link that there were "more registered Democrats than there were people actually living there." I'll be waiting.
Last edited:
These "best people" say he's incompetent, but don't worry, THEY'VE got it under control. According to your conspiracy theory he MUST have hired really GREAT people.
Can't have it both ways, but you want it that way.
It's not a theory, and there are no "both ways." Trump hired and fired them didn't he? That isn't me having it "both ways." That is Trump and who he hired.
Cat got your typewriter Picaro?

Trying to cover up for being too much of moron to know what Death Angel said?

No need to panic; your fellow tards don't get it , either, so you're safe, and they will still let you hang out with them and lick their feet n stuff.
At this point, with your cowardly non explanation, I'm not too sure you do either?

It's not a theory, and there are no "both ways." Trump hired and fired them didn't he? That isn't me having it "both ways." That is Trump and who he hired.

lol lol lol you don't even know what he said. Go to school with Rosie O Donnell ?
And so, are you too scared to clarify for us, since you said I didn't get it? Working around the edges like a good little coward are we?

Now it my fault you're a moron??? lol lol lol typical Snowflake.
A coward who cannot back up his own bs and lies with the made up, "we don't get it line." lol! You Trump apologists are a trip.

Sigh......More pizzagate dipshittery?

More mentally ill, diseased faggotry?
Why don't you head on over to the homophobic section. You can spread your off topic cowardly hate over there.

Gee , it tosses out a fake word as well as fake hews. You think you faggots scare people?
You still never answered my question coward?

Lol triggered another Angry Faggot into stark raving stupidity again. Third one this week.
I've often wondered if people with your kind of homophobic insanity and hate, actually has a soul?
WTP, you are beyond help and reason.

Maybe one day the same will happen to a POTUS you vote for (Leftards are busy setting bad precedents here) and you’ll have an epiphany and understand how dangerous and anti democratic this deranged behaviour is.
I don’t really have anything more to add on this matter as it is clearly falling on the deaf ears of the severely TDS afflicted.

It’s really sad that the fact that Trump was elected fairly and squarely means nothing to you because of your personal animosity and dislike.
It’s very damning that you have no problem whatsoever crapping over all the people who did vote for him in a free and fair election.
But that’s leftards for you. SMH.
I wouldn't be that stupid to vote for a criminal who has mentally ill tendencies to run the highest office in the land, and was not legitimately elected.

In Trump's case, you have not countered any of the claims with counter rebuttals. That said, we can conclude that none exist. Therefore, he is holding that office illegally.

Hahaha mentally ill fake news spammers claims it woudn't vote for another mentally ill loon; tht's rich. and it claims Trump wasn't 'legally elected'. Bad news for the loon, though: It wasn't Trump who had to suddenly drop ballot recount in Michigan after making all kinds of Big Noises of 'rooting out voter fraud' because when they got to Detroit they found a lot more registered Democrats than there were people actually living there.

Lol lol lol poor WTP, too stupid to troll without proving he/she/it/mutant is an idiot. Wonder whose sock the little tard is?
For those who are still too ignorant to actually know what Cross Check is, the chart I presented were purged voters who lost their right to vote based on an illegal purge by Kris Kobach. Who took those voters off the roles, mostly minority voters, while claiming they were double voting, when it was proven they were not. That is how and why Michigan was lost. Through an illegal purge. That is not what "rooting voter fraud" is about. That is taking voters out of the loop for bogus and illegal reasons.

Oh , and tell us you can find the link that there were "more registered Democrats than there were people actually living there." I'll be waiting.

Now the loser thinks it can demand we educate it. lol lol lol it thinks it's being taken seriously here.
It's not a theory, and there are no "both ways." Trump hired and fired them didn't he? That isn't me having it "both ways." That is Trump and who he hired.
Cat got your typewriter Picaro?

Trying to cover up for being too much of moron to know what Death Angel said?

No need to panic; your fellow tards don't get it , either, so you're safe, and they will still let you hang out with them and lick their feet n stuff.
At this point, with your cowardly non explanation, I'm not too sure you do either?

lol lol lol you don't even know what he said. Go to school with Rosie O Donnell ?
And so, are you too scared to clarify for us, since you said I didn't get it? Working around the edges like a good little coward are we?

Now it my fault you're a moron??? lol lol lol typical Snowflake.
A coward who cannot back up his own bs and lies with the made up, "we don't get it line." lol! You Trump apologists are a trip.

More mentally ill, diseased faggotry?
Why don't you head on over to the homophobic section. You can spread your off topic cowardly hate over there.

Gee , it tosses out a fake word as well as fake hews. You think you faggots scare people?
You still never answered my question coward?

Lol triggered another Angry Faggot into stark raving stupidity again. Third one this week.
I've often wondered if people with your kind of homophobic insanity and hate, actually has a soul?

Oh now it's repeating the fake word again, and offical official tard 'comebacks'. These clowns really are totally dependent on their Hive for literally everything. No wonder they can't follow obvious stuff like Death Angel's mockery of their 'logic'.
Just to give you a heads up, this hero, isn't the only one.

Dear God. Only a tard could consider a COWARD hiding behind anonymity a ‘hero’.
You'll need that "dear God" if these heroes are not allowed to keep putting a check on this mad man who conceivably poses the most serious threat to this nation in our history.
What’s your hero’s name?

The irony in the op-ed from the NYT's anonymous WH coward is glaring and massive: s/he accuses Trump of being "anti-democratic" while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency

10:21 PM - Sep 5, 2018

Let that sink in. Think about it^^^^^^ and if you still view the coward loser as a hero - then you’re a coward loser too.
The irony is that you're so caught up in your own ideological construct that you can't acknowledge common sense moves to contain the impulses of a visibly unstable president. Having adults in the room is not a conspiracy.
Just to give you a heads up, this hero, isn't the only one.

Dear God. Only a tard could consider a COWARD hiding behind anonymity a ‘hero’.
You'll need that "dear God" if these heroes are not allowed to keep putting a check on this mad man who conceivably poses the most serious threat to this nation in our history.
What’s your hero’s name?

The irony in the op-ed from the NYT's anonymous WH coward is glaring and massive: s/he accuses Trump of being "anti-democratic" while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency

10:21 PM - Sep 5, 2018

Let that sink in. Think about it^^^^^^ and if you still view the coward loser as a hero - then you’re a coward loser too.
The irony is that you're so caught up in your own ideological construct that you can't acknowledge common sense moves to contain the impulses of a visibly unstable president. Having adults in the room is not a conspiracy.
There are processes in place to address such issues.
This vvvvvvvv isn’t one of them:

while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency

If Trump is incompetent and amoral, we're gonna need more incompetence and amorality.
WTP, you are beyond help and reason.

Maybe one day the same will happen to a POTUS you vote for (Leftards are busy setting bad precedents here) and you’ll have an epiphany and understand how dangerous and anti democratic this deranged behaviour is.
I don’t really have anything more to add on this matter as it is clearly falling on the deaf ears of the severely TDS afflicted.

It’s really sad that the fact that Trump was elected fairly and squarely means nothing to you because of your personal animosity and dislike.
It’s very damning that you have no problem whatsoever crapping over all the people who did vote for him in a free and fair election.
But that’s leftards for you. SMH.
I wouldn't be that stupid to vote for a criminal who has mentally ill tendencies to run the highest office in the land, and was not legitimately elected.

In Trump's case, you have not countered any of the claims with counter rebuttals. That said, we can conclude that none exist. Therefore, he is holding that office illegally.

Hahaha mentally ill fake news spammers claims it woudn't vote for another mentally ill loon; tht's rich. and it claims Trump wasn't 'legally elected'. Bad news for the loon, though: It wasn't Trump who had to suddenly drop ballot recount in Michigan after making all kinds of Big Noises of 'rooting out voter fraud' because when they got to Detroit they found a lot more registered Democrats than there were people actually living there.

Lol lol lol poor WTP, too stupid to troll without proving he/she/it/mutant is an idiot. Wonder whose sock the little tard is?
For those who are still too ignorant to actually know what Cross Check is, the chart I presented were purged voters who lost their right to vote based on an illegal purge by Kris Kobach. Who took those voters off the roles, mostly minority voters, while claiming they were double voting, when it was proven they were not. That is how and why Michigan was lost. Through an illegal purge. That is not what "rooting voter fraud" is about. That is taking voters out of the loop for bogus and illegal reasons.

Oh , and tell us you can find the link that there were "more registered Democrats than there were people actually living there." I'll be waiting.

Now the loser thinks it can demand we educate it. lol lol lol it thinks it's being taken seriously here.
So you lied then. You couldn't prove there were more Democrats than voters. Thanks! You are a liar. Sucks getting caught being a liar doesn't it?
Just to give you a heads up, this hero, isn't the only one.

Dear God. Only a tard could consider a COWARD hiding behind anonymity a ‘hero’.
You'll need that "dear God" if these heroes are not allowed to keep putting a check on this mad man who conceivably poses the most serious threat to this nation in our history.
What’s your hero’s name?

The irony in the op-ed from the NYT's anonymous WH coward is glaring and massive: s/he accuses Trump of being "anti-democratic" while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency

10:21 PM - Sep 5, 2018

Let that sink in. Think about it^^^^^^ and if you still view the coward loser as a hero - then you’re a coward loser too.
The irony is that you're so caught up in your own ideological construct that you can't acknowledge common sense moves to contain the impulses of a visibly unstable president. Having adults in the room is not a conspiracy.
There are processes in place to address such issues.
This vvvvvvvv isn’t one of them:

while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency

Those processes don't exist in that WH, because there is too much incompetency. And why is that?. Because those WH officials don't know whether they are coming or going? And why is that? Because their leader doesn't have a clue. That's the whole problem.

When Trump makes the order to assassinate Assad, and all his military chiefs ignore what he says, that's dysfunction. That is a non functioning WH.

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