These "best people" say he's incompetent, but don't worry, THEY'VE got it under control. According to your conspiracy theory he MUST have hired really GREAT people.
Can't have it both ways, but you want it that way.

lol lol lol good point. these sicko deviants just can't ever be taken seriously. Following the last Fake News Story o the Week, one of their faggot media rags suddenly has an 'Anonymous Writer of an Editorial!!!!' poop up, and we're supposed to be worried about this stupid innuendo bullshit scam of theirs.

Their outing of their general stupidity and incompetence just makes me more and more relieved Trump won, not less, and he's jut appointed his second Supreme Court nominee, also a great relief in view of what these low life fake news vermin wanted in the White House making those appointments.
It's a fake news story? Really? What evidence do you have that it is fake?

What evidence? Ah, the two plus years of stories put out by the main stream media that turned out to be based on nothing? Russian collusion that doesn't exist? Phony "dossiers" paid for by liberals to smear their political opponents? At this point why would anyone with half a brain believe ANYTHING that the liberal media is putting out? It's obvious that they have a "The end justifies the means!" mentality that makes it OK to run stories based on rumors and innuendo!

To be quite blunt...they have no credibility!

Oh, Trump has already admitted to collusion. After lying for months about his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative in Trump Tower, Trump admitted that the purpose of that meeting was to receive information on Hillary.

This *after* his campaign was informed that the information came from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump. The same Russian government that was attacking the United States in an effort to support Trump.

That's collusion.

With Trump lying about the meeting repeatedly, fraudulently insisting it was about 'adoption'. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for his son that pushed the same fake 'adoption' story. With Trump then trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Nothing an innocent man would do.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting with the Russians, this time with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

Sessions had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after lying twice before contacts about (wait for it)....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's Foreign policy advisor plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (wait for it).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (say it with me!).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians.

And that's just what we know. Papodopolous, Flynn, Comey, Gates, McGahn and many others have given statements to Mueller. None of which we know yet. Making your claim of what evidence Mueller has on Trump a statement of blatant ignorance. As you don't know what Mueller has until he releases his report.

What we *do* know clearly establishes Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government. And that Trump lied to try to cover that collusion up.
Too bad none of this is true.
Yea? According to what evidence? How is it not true?

Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss


05 SEP 2018 AT 15:50 ET

a scathing editorial in the New York Times denouncing his own boss.

In the editorial, the unnamed official describes themselves as a member of “The Resistance,” despite the fact that they are working inside Trump’s White House.

The official says that they — and many other members inside the Trump White House — see it as their job “to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”

The official adds that they “would know” because “I am one of them.”

The official goes on to document the reasons that they have to stop Trump from behaving in ways that damage the United States.

The root of the problem is the president’s amorality,” they write. “Anyone who works with him knows he is not moored to any discernible first principles that guide his decision making.”

The official says that they are proud of the work they’ve done within the White House to enact tax cuts, regulatory rollbacks and increased military spending — but they say that “these successes have come despite — not because of — the president’s leadership style, which is impetuous, adversarial, petty and ineffective.”

The official even says that Trump’s own administration has had to work very hard to prevent the president from capitulating to the Russian government, as the official says that Trump has been opposed to taking any actions to punish Russia f

Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss

Amorality? Since when is the atheist Christian bashing left care about morality?

Oh, that's right, only when the GOP are smoking cigars in the Oval Orifice.

Paying off whores? Well at least Trump used his own money and not the tax payers money, and he did not sexually assault anyone. Conversely, it was recently revealed that members of Congress were sexually assaulting women and then using taxpayer money to buy their silence.

Morality? Really? In DC?

He did use our tax payer money. He stole it, because he never reported the money.
Here comes the Claudette coward who can't debate anything. Lol!

Oh nobody debates with you because you know it all. Even if you don't know shit.

Carry on dumbass.
Only democrats can see all that evidence. It's like the Emperor's New Clothes. If you can't see the evidence you are unwise. You don't want to be unwise, do you?
Are you so desperate to apologize for Trump, that you're willing to sacrifice your own dignity, by playing the stupid card? You're playing the brainless dope for this criminal. Do you have any idea the sheer amount of legal liability baggage this goon is carrying around? Do you have any idea the trouble many from his goon squad who are already in trouble, with more to come are in? This was/is a criminal conspiracy on a massive scale. These criminals had and still do have plans to set up the presidency as a mafia money making operation. Get your head out of your ass and wake up. And that goes for the rest of you card carrying willful idiots for Trump. Stop being his apology stooge. It's embarrassing and disgusting.

You ARE a democrat. Therefore nothing you say has any credibiiity and is nothing but anal exhalations.
But, but, he said he had the "best people." :auiqs.jpg:
These "best people" say he's incompetent, but don't worry, THEY'VE got it under control. According to your conspiracy theory he MUST have hired really GREAT people.
Can't have it both ways, but you want it that way.

lol lol lol good point. these sicko deviants just can't ever be taken seriously. Following the last Fake News Story o the Week, one of their faggot media rags suddenly has an 'Anonymous Writer of an Editorial!!!!' poop up, and we're supposed to be worried about this stupid innuendo bullshit scam of theirs.

Their outing of their general stupidity and incompetence just makes me more and more relieved Trump won, not less, and he's jut appointed his second Supreme Court nominee, also a great relief in view of what these low life fake news vermin wanted in the White House making those appointments.
It's a fake news story? Really? What evidence do you have that it is fake?
You can’t even tell us who wrote it you fool!

Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss


05 SEP 2018 AT 15:50 ET

a scathing editorial in the New York Times denouncing his own boss.

In the editorial, the unnamed official describes themselves as a member of “The Resistance,” despite the fact that they are working inside Trump’s White House.

The official says that they — and many other members inside the Trump White House — see it as their job “to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”

The official adds that they “would know” because “I am one of them.”

The official goes on to document the reasons that they have to stop Trump from behaving in ways that damage the United States.

The root of the problem is the president’s amorality,” they write. “Anyone who works with him knows he is not moored to any discernible first principles that guide his decision making.”

The official says that they are proud of the work they’ve done within the White House to enact tax cuts, regulatory rollbacks and increased military spending — but they say that “these successes have come despite — not because of — the president’s leadership style, which is impetuous, adversarial, petty and ineffective.”

The official even says that Trump’s own administration has had to work very hard to prevent the president from capitulating to the Russian government, as the official says that Trump has been opposed to taking any actions to punish Russia f

Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss

Amorality? Since when is the atheist Christian bashing left care about morality?

Oh, that's right, only when the GOP are smoking cigars in the Oval Orifice.

Paying off whores? Well at least Trump used his own money and not the tax payers money, and he did not sexually assault anyone. Conversely, it was recently revealed that members of Congress were sexually assaulting women and then using taxpayer money to buy their silence.

Morality? Really? In DC?

He did use our tax payer money. He stole it, because he never reported the money.

No dumbass. Cohen paid and he paid Cohen back. He used his own money.

Jesus are you stupid.
And this is why you are only good for stupid funny faces you idiot. The money that was paid was never reported. www.vox.com/2018/8/21/17765348/michael-cohen-guilty-plea-stormy-daniels-hush-money

It is also an individual using an in kind campaign contribution. That's illegal.
A coward who cannot back up his own bs and lies with the made up, "we don't get it line." lol! You Trump apologists are a trip.
But you are peeing yourself with excitement over Anonymous Coward and buying every word - hook, line and sinker.

Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss


05 SEP 2018 AT 15:50 ET

a scathing editorial in the New York Times denouncing his own boss.

In the editorial, the unnamed official describes themselves as a member of “The Resistance,” despite the fact that they are working inside Trump’s White House.

The official says that they — and many other members inside the Trump White House — see it as their job “to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”

The official adds that they “would know” because “I am one of them.”

The official goes on to document the reasons that they have to stop Trump from behaving in ways that damage the United States.

The root of the problem is the president’s amorality,” they write. “Anyone who works with him knows he is not moored to any discernible first principles that guide his decision making.”

The official says that they are proud of the work they’ve done within the White House to enact tax cuts, regulatory rollbacks and increased military spending — but they say that “these successes have come despite — not because of — the president’s leadership style, which is impetuous, adversarial, petty and ineffective.”

The official even says that Trump’s own administration has had to work very hard to prevent the president from capitulating to the Russian government, as the official says that Trump has been opposed to taking any actions to punish Russia f

Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss

Amorality? Since when is the atheist Christian bashing left care about morality?

Oh, that's right, only when the GOP are smoking cigars in the Oval Orifice.

Paying off whores? Well at least Trump used his own money and not the tax payers money, and he did not sexually assault anyone. Conversely, it was recently revealed that members of Congress were sexually assaulting women and then using taxpayer money to buy their silence.

Morality? Really? In DC?

He did use our tax payer money. He stole it, because he never reported the money.

No dumbass. Cohen paid and he paid Cohen back. He used his own money.

Jesus are you stupid.
And this is why you are only good for stupid funny faces you idiot. The money that was paid was never reported. www.vox.com/2018/8/21/17765348/michael-cohen-guilty-plea-stormy-daniels-hush-money

It is also an individual using an in kind campaign contribution. That's illegal.

Oh so his own money wasn't reported so its a campaign contributions??

How bout the money that Hitlery and the DNC paid Steele. Was that reported?? That must be a campaign contribution as well.

Jesus are you stupid.

Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss


05 SEP 2018 AT 15:50 ET

a scathing editorial in the New York Times denouncing his own boss.

In the editorial, the unnamed official describes themselves as a member of “The Resistance,” despite the fact that they are working inside Trump’s White House.

The official says that they — and many other members inside the Trump White House — see it as their job “to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”

The official adds that they “would know” because “I am one of them.”

The official goes on to document the reasons that they have to stop Trump from behaving in ways that damage the United States.

The root of the problem is the president’s amorality,” they write. “Anyone who works with him knows he is not moored to any discernible first principles that guide his decision making.”

The official says that they are proud of the work they’ve done within the White House to enact tax cuts, regulatory rollbacks and increased military spending — but they say that “these successes have come despite — not because of — the president’s leadership style, which is impetuous, adversarial, petty and ineffective.”

The official even says that Trump’s own administration has had to work very hard to prevent the president from capitulating to the Russian government, as the official says that Trump has been opposed to taking any actions to punish Russia f

Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss
It's probably the Russians

Do you still think the Russians support Trump????


Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss


05 SEP 2018 AT 15:50 ET

a scathing editorial in the New York Times denouncing his own boss.

In the editorial, the unnamed official describes themselves as a member of “The Resistance,” despite the fact that they are working inside Trump’s White House.

The official says that they — and many other members inside the Trump White House — see it as their job “to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”

The official adds that they “would know” because “I am one of them.”

The official goes on to document the reasons that they have to stop Trump from behaving in ways that damage the United States.

The root of the problem is the president’s amorality,” they write. “Anyone who works with him knows he is not moored to any discernible first principles that guide his decision making.”

The official says that they are proud of the work they’ve done within the White House to enact tax cuts, regulatory rollbacks and increased military spending — but they say that “these successes have come despite — not because of — the president’s leadership style, which is impetuous, adversarial, petty and ineffective.”

The official even says that Trump’s own administration has had to work very hard to prevent the president from capitulating to the Russian government, as the official says that Trump has been opposed to taking any actions to punish Russia f

Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss

Amorality? Since when is the atheist Christian bashing left care about morality?

Oh, that's right, only when the GOP are smoking cigars in the Oval Orifice.

Paying off whores? Well at least Trump used his own money and not the tax payers money, and he did not sexually assault anyone. Conversely, it was recently revealed that members of Congress were sexually assaulting women and then using taxpayer money to buy their silence.

Morality? Really? In DC?

He did use our tax payer money. He stole it, because he never reported the money.
Here comes the Claudette coward who can't debate anything. Lol!

Oh nobody debates with you because you know it all. Even if you don't know shit.

Carry on dumbass.
I definitely do not know it all.

But, if you did yourself a favor every once and awhile, and didn't debate things you don't know about, maybe you would avoid getting yourself boxed in?

No one knows everything. But there is one thing you can take to the bank, that would help anyone be a winning debater. Gather as much credible information from the best credible sources that you can, then tell the truth. If you do those two things, those who debate you, are going to show you the funny faces, because, at that point, knowledge and the truth will have already done them in. But you have to be willing to be truthful to yourself, and very diligent in acquiring accurate information.
A coward who cannot back up his own bs and lies with the made up, "we don't get it line." lol! You Trump apologists are a trip.
But you are peeing yourself with excitement over Anonymous Coward and buying every word - hook, line and sinker.
Two things here. One, how is this person a coward for coming forward to warn us? And two, I'm not buying every word. I already bought every word long before this guy showed up to blow the whistle. This WH official didn't tell us anything we didn't already know. I appreciate the fact that there are some in the WH who are pushing back, because they know, just as anyone who has kept up knows, Trump is mentally unhinged. He is totally unfit, unprepared, and morally bankrupt to do this job.

Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss


05 SEP 2018 AT 15:50 ET

a scathing editorial in the New York Times denouncing his own boss.

In the editorial, the unnamed official describes themselves as a member of “The Resistance,” despite the fact that they are working inside Trump’s White House.

The official says that they — and many other members inside the Trump White House — see it as their job “to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”

The official adds that they “would know” because “I am one of them.”

The official goes on to document the reasons that they have to stop Trump from behaving in ways that damage the United States.

The root of the problem is the president’s amorality,” they write. “Anyone who works with him knows he is not moored to any discernible first principles that guide his decision making.”

The official says that they are proud of the work they’ve done within the White House to enact tax cuts, regulatory rollbacks and increased military spending — but they say that “these successes have come despite — not because of — the president’s leadership style, which is impetuous, adversarial, petty and ineffective.”

The official even says that Trump’s own administration has had to work very hard to prevent the president from capitulating to the Russian government, as the official says that Trump has been opposed to taking any actions to punish Russia f

Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss

Amorality? Since when is the atheist Christian bashing left care about morality?

Oh, that's right, only when the GOP are smoking cigars in the Oval Orifice.

Paying off whores? Well at least Trump used his own money and not the tax payers money, and he did not sexually assault anyone. Conversely, it was recently revealed that members of Congress were sexually assaulting women and then using taxpayer money to buy their silence.

Morality? Really? In DC?

He did use our tax payer money. He stole it, because he never reported the money.

No dumbass. Cohen paid and he paid Cohen back. He used his own money.

Jesus are you stupid.
And this is why you are only good for stupid funny faces you idiot. The money that was paid was never reported. www.vox.com/2018/8/21/17765348/michael-cohen-guilty-plea-stormy-daniels-hush-money

It is also an individual using an in kind campaign contribution. That's illegal.

Oh so his own money wasn't reported so its a campaign contributions??

How bout the money that Hitlery and the DNC paid Steele. Was that reported?? That must be a campaign contribution as well.

Jesus are you stupid.
See what I mean? You can't keep it honest. You asked me about the money Clinton and DNC paid Steele. You asked "was it reported". Why are you asking me? Are you planning on getting that answer off the top of your head, or are you going to research the truth about it, then honestly tell us if it was or wasn't reported?
But, but, he said he had the "best people." :auiqs.jpg:
These "best people" say he's incompetent, but don't worry, THEY'VE got it under control. According to your conspiracy theory he MUST have hired really GREAT people.
Can't have it both ways, but you want it that way.

lol lol lol good point. these sicko deviants just can't ever be taken seriously. Following the last Fake News Story o the Week, one of their faggot media rags suddenly has an 'Anonymous Writer of an Editorial!!!!' poop up, and we're supposed to be worried about this stupid innuendo bullshit scam of theirs.

Their outing of their general stupidity and incompetence just makes me more and more relieved Trump won, not less, and he's jut appointed his second Supreme Court nominee, also a great relief in view of what these low life fake news vermin wanted in the White House making those appointments.
It's a fake news story? Really? What evidence do you have that it is fake?

What evidence? Ah, the two plus years of stories put out by the main stream media that turned out to be based on nothing? Russian collusion that doesn't exist? Phony "dossiers" paid for by liberals to smear their political opponents? At this point why would anyone with half a brain believe ANYTHING that the liberal media is putting out? It's obvious that they have a "The end justifies the means!" mentality that makes it OK to run stories based on rumors and innuendo!

To be quite blunt...they have no credibility!

Oh, Trump has already admitted to collusion. After lying for months about his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative in Trump Tower, Trump admitted that the purpose of that meeting was to receive information on Hillary.

This *after* his campaign was informed that the information came from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump. The same Russian government that was attacking the United States in an effort to support Trump.

That's collusion.

With Trump lying about the meeting repeatedly, fraudulently insisting it was about 'adoption'. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for his son that pushed the same fake 'adoption' story. With Trump then trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Nothing an innocent man would do.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting with the Russians, this time with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

Sessions had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after lying twice before contacts about (wait for it)....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's Foreign policy advisor plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (wait for it).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (say it with me!).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians.

And that's just what we know. Papodopolous, Flynn, Comey, Gates, McGahn and many others have given statements to Mueller. None of which we know yet. Making your claim of what evidence Mueller has on Trump a statement of blatant ignorance. As you don't know what Mueller has until he releases his report.

What we *do* know clearly establishes Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government. And that Trump lied to try to cover that collusion up.

How can you have "collusion" (which isn't illegal to start with for God's sake!) when a meeting was held to get "dirt" on Hillary Clinton and the meeting turned out to be a complete scam which was over in no time at all with no "dirt" on Clinton being offered? If the Russian government really WAS trying to collude with the Trump campaign to affect our elections then why didn't they provide what was expected? This whole narrative has made no sense right from the start.
An anonymous high ranking official in the Dem party told me that they are working with the fake press to overthrow our form of government, and establish Obama as King Most High.
The Holy Trinity of Trumpian conspiracies! Anonymous, Deep State and The New York Times!
A coward who cannot back up his own bs and lies with the made up, "we don't get it line." lol! You Trump apologists are a trip.
But you are peeing yourself with excitement over Anonymous Coward and buying every word - hook, line and sinker.
Two things here. One, how is this person a coward for coming forward to warn us? And two, I'm not buying every word. I already bought every word long before this guy showed up to blow the whistle. This WH official didn't tell us anything we didn't already know. I appreciate the fact that there are some in the WH who are pushing back, because they know, just as anyone who has kept up knows, Trump is mentally unhinged. He is totally unfit, unprepared, and morally bankrupt to do this job.
S/he isn’t ‘coming forward’ - they are doing precisely the OPPOSITE - hiding behind anonymity.

Anyone can say anything when they know they won’t be held to account - nor have the veracity of their allegations debated if they hide behind anonymity.

It’s simply spineless backstabbing whilst spitting on everyone who voted for the ELECTED POTUS.

It is the act of a coward - nothing more - so it’s no surprise you are all for it.
A coward who cannot back up his own bs and lies with the made up, "we don't get it line." lol! You Trump apologists are a trip.
But you are peeing yourself with excitement over Anonymous Coward and buying every word - hook, line and sinker.
Two things here. One, how is this person a coward for coming forward to warn us? And two, I'm not buying every word. I already bought every word long before this guy showed up to blow the whistle. This WH official didn't tell us anything we didn't already know. I appreciate the fact that there are some in the WH who are pushing back, because they know, just as anyone who has kept up knows, Trump is mentally unhinged. He is totally unfit, unprepared, and morally bankrupt to do this job.
S/he isn’t ‘coming forward’ - they are doing precisely the OPPOSITE - hiding behind anonymity.

Anyone can say anything when they know they won’t be held to account - nor have the veracity of their allegations debated if they hide behind anonymity.

It’s simply spineless backstabbing whilst spitting on everyone who voted for the ELECTED POTUS.

It is the act of a coward - nothing more - so it’s no surprise you are all for it.
Just to give you a heads up, this hero, isn't the only one. They, collectively are trying to keep this president in the road before he is gone. That is how bad it is. So no, it isn't spineless back stabbing, when more than one official is trying hard for this fake president, who was elected illegally, doesn't do something really stupid, until they get him out of there. W.H. official's NYT screed on Trump sets up crisis for Americans

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