These "best people" say he's incompetent, but don't worry, THEY'VE got it under control. According to your conspiracy theory he MUST have hired really GREAT people.
Can't have it both ways, but you want it that way.

lol lol lol good point. these sicko deviants just can't ever be taken seriously. Following the last Fake News Story o the Week, one of their faggot media rags suddenly has an 'Anonymous Writer of an Editorial!!!!' poop up, and we're supposed to be worried about this stupid innuendo bullshit scam of theirs.

Their outing of their general stupidity and incompetence just makes me more and more relieved Trump won, not less, and he's jut appointed his second Supreme Court nominee, also a great relief in view of what these low life fake news vermin wanted in the White House making those appointments.
It's a fake news story? Really? What evidence do you have that it is fake?

What evidence? Ah, the two plus years of stories put out by the main stream media that turned out to be based on nothing? Russian collusion that doesn't exist? Phony "dossiers" paid for by liberals to smear their political opponents? At this point why would anyone with half a brain believe ANYTHING that the liberal media is putting out? It's obvious that they have a "The end justifies the means!" mentality that makes it OK to run stories based on rumors and innuendo!

To be quite blunt...they have no credibility!

Oh, Trump has already admitted to collusion. After lying for months about his campaign's meeting with a Russian operative in Trump Tower, Trump admitted that the purpose of that meeting was to receive information on Hillary.

This *after* his campaign was informed that the information came from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump. The same Russian government that was attacking the United States in an effort to support Trump.

That's collusion.

With Trump lying about the meeting repeatedly, fraudulently insisting it was about 'adoption'. Worse, Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for his son that pushed the same fake 'adoption' story. With Trump then trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

Nothing an innocent man would do.

With the Spanish authorities turning over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting with the Russians, this time with Russian Intelligence handler Alexander Torshin.

Sessions had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after lying twice before contacts about (wait for it)....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's Foreign policy advisor plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (wait for it).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about (say it with me!).....secret contacts between the Trump team and the Russians.

And that's just what we know. Papodopolous, Flynn, Comey, Gates, McGahn and many others have given statements to Mueller. None of which we know yet. Making your claim of what evidence Mueller has on Trump a statement of blatant ignorance. As you don't know what Mueller has until he releases his report.

What we *do* know clearly establishes Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government. And that Trump lied to try to cover that collusion up.

How can you have "collusion" (which isn't illegal to start with for God's sake!) when a meeting was held to get "dirt" on Hillary Clinton and the meeting turned out to be a complete scam which was over in no time at all with no "dirt" on Clinton being offered? If the Russian government really WAS trying to collude with the Trump campaign to affect our elections then why didn't they provide what was expected? This whole narrative has made no sense right from the start.
This has already been explained about 10,000 times. Where have you been?
A coward who cannot back up his own bs and lies with the made up, "we don't get it line." lol! You Trump apologists are a trip.
But you are peeing yourself with excitement over Anonymous Coward and buying every word - hook, line and sinker.
Two things here. One, how is this person a coward for coming forward to warn us? And two, I'm not buying every word. I already bought every word long before this guy showed up to blow the whistle. This WH official didn't tell us anything we didn't already know. I appreciate the fact that there are some in the WH who are pushing back, because they know, just as anyone who has kept up knows, Trump is mentally unhinged. He is totally unfit, unprepared, and morally bankrupt to do this job.
S/he isn’t ‘coming forward’ - they are doing precisely the OPPOSITE - hiding behind anonymity.

Anyone can say anything when they know they won’t be held to account - nor have the veracity of their allegations debated if they hide behind anonymity.

It’s simply spineless backstabbing whilst spitting on everyone who voted for the ELECTED POTUS.

It is the act of a coward - nothing more - so it’s no surprise you are all for it.
Just to give you a heads up, this hero, isn't the only one. They, collectively are trying to keep this president in the road before he is gone. That is how bad it is. So no, it isn't spineless back stabbing, when more than one official is trying hard for this fake president, who was elected illegally, doesn't do something really stupid, until they get him out of there. W.H. official's NYT screed on Trump sets up crisis for Americans
You keep illustrating that you are totally devoid of logic.
Here’s a clue, if more than one person alleges or agrees with something it doesn’t make it true. If that were the case you shouldn’t be trying to unseat the ELECTED POTUS as millions of people agree with and voted for him.
No "WE" don't. He is a criminal and a danger to this republic. He is desperately trying to thwart the truth and the rule of law, and the indictments and the convictions of his fellow criminals are falling all around him, tightening his own noose.
Yeah, we’ve all seen how the constant attempts by you tards to criminalise Trump has worked out. You are all such petulant embarrassing babies and so very sad.
Just to give you a heads up, this hero, isn't the only one.

Dear God. Only a tard could consider a COWARD hiding behind anonymity a ‘hero’.
You'll need that "dear God" if these heroes are not allowed to keep putting a check on this mad man who conceivably poses the most serious threat to this nation in our history.
A coward who cannot back up his own bs and lies with the made up, "we don't get it line." lol! You Trump apologists are a trip.
But you are peeing yourself with excitement over Anonymous Coward and buying every word - hook, line and sinker.
Two things here. One, how is this person a coward for coming forward to warn us? And two, I'm not buying every word. I already bought every word long before this guy showed up to blow the whistle. This WH official didn't tell us anything we didn't already know. I appreciate the fact that there are some in the WH who are pushing back, because they know, just as anyone who has kept up knows, Trump is mentally unhinged. He is totally unfit, unprepared, and morally bankrupt to do this job.
S/he isn’t ‘coming forward’ - they are doing precisely the OPPOSITE - hiding behind anonymity.

Anyone can say anything when they know they won’t be held to account - nor have the veracity of their allegations debated if they hide behind anonymity.

It’s simply spineless backstabbing whilst spitting on everyone who voted for the ELECTED POTUS.

It is the act of a coward - nothing more - so it’s no surprise you are all for it.
Just to give you a heads up, this hero, isn't the only one. They, collectively are trying to keep this president in the road before he is gone. That is how bad it is. So no, it isn't spineless back stabbing, when more than one official is trying hard for this fake president, who was elected illegally, doesn't do something really stupid, until they get him out of there. W.H. official's NYT screed on Trump sets up crisis for Americans
You keep illustrating that you are totally devoid of logic.
Here’s a clue, if more than one person alleges or agrees with something it doesn’t make it true. If that were the case you shouldn’t be trying to unseat the ELECTED POTUS as millions of people agree with and voted for him.
And his criminality has been proven on multiple fronts. This country cannot stand for that, nor will it. The number of people who voted for a criminal is irrelevant in the eyes of the Constitution and the rule of law.
Just to give you a heads up, this hero, isn't the only one.

Dear God. Only a tard could consider a COWARD hiding behind anonymity a ‘hero’.
You'll need that "dear God" if these heroes are not allowed to keep putting a check on this mad man who conceivably poses the most serious threat to this nation in our history.
What’s your hero’s name?

The irony in the op-ed from the NYT's anonymous WH coward is glaring and massive: s/he accuses Trump of being "anti-democratic" while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency

10:21 PM - Sep 5, 2018

Let that sink in. Think about it^^^^^^ and if you still view the coward loser as a hero - then you’re a coward loser too.
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There is no anonymous white house official.

What do people like you teach your kids?? I wanna know.
To think critically and never hate someone so much you'll fall for anything.

What about you? Teach them any thinking skills at all?
Telling us you are "thinking critically" is not the same thing as actually doing it. You have presented us with zero examples of the "thinking" process, as it applies to this dangerously unhinged, mentally incapacitated person, who by the way, is also a criminal. Apply your thinking hat to that reality, and get back to us with something the brain can fix there. Because I certainly don't see it.
Aaaand the world keeps spinning, and the economy keeps thriving.

The left are caught between their claims that he is an incompetent buffoon or an evil genius that managed to steal the election from their sweet innocent kunnnt in a parachute dress. All right from under their black marxist messiah who controlled the fbi, nsa, cia, homeland security, and irs.

They just cannot tell.
Just to give you a heads up, this hero, isn't the only one.

Dear God. Only a tard could consider a COWARD hiding behind anonymity a ‘hero’.
You'll need that "dear God" if these heroes are not allowed to keep putting a check on this mad man who conceivably poses the most serious threat to this nation in our history.
What’s your hero’s name?

The irony in the op-ed from the NYT's anonymous WH coward is glaring and massive: s/he accuses Trump of being "anti-democratic" while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency

10:21 PM - Sep 5, 2018

Let that sink in. Think about it^^^^^^ and if you still view the coward loser as a hero - then you’re a coward loser too.
Trump is anti-democratic. Trump is anti-American everything, using the position for his own enrichment. He's proven that with his own criminality. The heroes are doing the right thing.
Just to give you a heads up, this hero, isn't the only one.

Dear God. Only a tard could consider a COWARD hiding behind anonymity a ‘hero’.
You'll need that "dear God" if these heroes are not allowed to keep putting a check on this mad man who conceivably poses the most serious threat to this nation in our history.
What’s your hero’s name?

The irony in the op-ed from the NYT's anonymous WH coward is glaring and massive: s/he accuses Trump of being "anti-democratic" while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency

10:21 PM - Sep 5, 2018

Let that sink in. Think about it^^^^^^ and if you still view the coward loser as a hero - then you’re a coward loser too.
Trump is anti-democratic. Trump is anti-American everything, using the position for his own enrichment. He's proven that with his own criminality. The heroes are doing the right thing.
Trump was voted for by the people. And you’ve confirmed you’re a coward loser.
Aaaand the world keeps spinning, and the economy keeps thriving.

The left are caught between their claims that he is an incompetent buffoon or an evil genius that managed to steal the election from their sweet innocent kunnnt in a parachute dress. All right from under their black marxist messiah who controlled the fbi, nsa, cia, homeland security, and irs.

They just cannot tell.
Obama left things well intact when Trump arrived, and he is still riding on that wave. In time, that will change with the tax cuts and the ballooning debt he said wouldn't happen. As a matter of fact, things are getting more expensive right now. Like HC, gas, food, and vehicle cost. And the wages stay the same as inflation rises. That's because of the tax cuts. It's the same old dance for Republicans. Reward their donors while the 99% stay the same, or just above water, living pay check to paycheck, never knowing when the lights are going to get turned off because of an unexpected bill or illness, that would ruin most of us tomorrow if it happened.
Just to give you a heads up, this hero, isn't the only one.

Dear God. Only a tard could consider a COWARD hiding behind anonymity a ‘hero’.
You'll need that "dear God" if these heroes are not allowed to keep putting a check on this mad man who conceivably poses the most serious threat to this nation in our history.
What’s your hero’s name?

The irony in the op-ed from the NYT's anonymous WH coward is glaring and massive: s/he accuses Trump of being "anti-democratic" while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency

10:21 PM - Sep 5, 2018

Let that sink in. Think about it^^^^^^ and if you still view the coward loser as a hero - then you’re a coward loser too.
Trump is anti-democratic. Trump is anti-American everything, using the position for his own enrichment. He's proven that with his own criminality. The heroes are doing the right thing.
Trump was voted for by the people. And you’ve confirmed you’re a coward loser.
Trump was illegally placed in that office, and it has been proven. And in time, that illegal office, with his mentally incapacitated state will no longer be tolerated. He's got to go; https://media1.s-nbcnews.com/j/MSNB...s_painter_180905_1920x1080.760;380;7;70;5.jpg
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Just to give you a heads up, this hero, isn't the only one.

Dear God. Only a tard could consider a COWARD hiding behind anonymity a ‘hero’.
You'll need that "dear God" if these heroes are not allowed to keep putting a check on this mad man who conceivably poses the most serious threat to this nation in our history.
What’s your hero’s name?

The irony in the op-ed from the NYT's anonymous WH coward is glaring and massive: s/he accuses Trump of being "anti-democratic" while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency

10:21 PM - Sep 5, 2018

Let that sink in. Think about it^^^^^^ and if you still view the coward loser as a hero - then you’re a coward loser too.
Trump is anti-democratic. Trump is anti-American everything, using the position for his own enrichment. He's proven that with his own criminality. The heroes are doing the right thing.
Trump was voted for by the people. And you’ve confirmed you’re a coward loser.
This was an illegal election: The Election Was Stolen – Here’s How... - Greg Palast



There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act
Dear God. Only a tard could consider a COWARD hiding behind anonymity a ‘hero’.
You'll need that "dear God" if these heroes are not allowed to keep putting a check on this mad man who conceivably poses the most serious threat to this nation in our history.
What’s your hero’s name?

The irony in the op-ed from the NYT's anonymous WH coward is glaring and massive: s/he accuses Trump of being "anti-democratic" while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency

10:21 PM - Sep 5, 2018

Let that sink in. Think about it^^^^^^ and if you still view the coward loser as a hero - then you’re a coward loser too.
Trump is anti-democratic. Trump is anti-American everything, using the position for his own enrichment. He's proven that with his own criminality. The heroes are doing the right thing.
Trump was voted for by the people. And you’ve confirmed you’re a coward loser.
Trump was illegally placed in that office, and it has been proven. And in time, that illegal office, with his mentally incapacitated state will no longer be tolerated.
We don't even know who is running the WH any more; Who is running the White House?
WTP, you are beyond help and reason.

Maybe one day the same will happen to a POTUS you vote for (Leftards are busy setting bad precedents here) and you’ll have an epiphany and understand how dangerous and anti democratic this deranged behaviour is.
I don’t really have anything more to add on this matter as it is clearly falling on the deaf ears of the severely TDS afflicted.

It’s really sad that the fact that Trump was elected fairly and squarely means nothing to you because of your personal animosity and dislike.
It’s very damning that you have no problem whatsoever crapping over all the people who did vote for him in a free and fair election.
But that’s leftards for you. SMH.
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WTP, you are beyond help and reason.

Maybe one day the same will happen to a POTUS you vote for (Leftards are busy setting bad precedents here) and you’ll have an epiphany and understand how dangerous and anti democratic this deranged behaviour is.
I don’t really have anything more to add on this matter as it is clearly falling on the deaf ears of the severely TDS afflicted.

It’s really sad that the fact that Trump was elected fairly and squarely means nothing to you because of your personal animosity and dislike.
It’s very damning that you have no problem whatsoever crapping over all the people who did vote for him in a free and fair election.
But that’s leftards for you. SMH.
I wouldn't be that stupid to vote for a criminal who has mentally ill tendencies to run the highest office in the land, and was not legitimately elected.

In Trump's case, you have not countered any of the claims with counter rebuttals. That said, we can conclude that none exist. Therefore, he is holding that office illegally.
But, but, he said he had the "best people." :auiqs.jpg:
These "best people" say he's incompetent, but don't worry, THEY'VE got it under control. According to your conspiracy theory he MUST have hired really GREAT people.
Can't have it both ways, but you want it that way.
It's not a theory, and there are no "both ways." Trump hired and fired them didn't he? That isn't me having it "both ways." That is Trump and who he hired.
Cat got your typewriter Picaro?

Trying to cover up for being too much of moron to know what Death Angel said?

No need to panic; your fellow tards don't get it , either, so you're safe, and they will still let you hang out with them and lick their feet n stuff.
At this point, with your cowardly non explanation, I'm not too sure you do either?

These "best people" say he's incompetent, but don't worry, THEY'VE got it under control. According to your conspiracy theory he MUST have hired really GREAT people.
Can't have it both ways, but you want it that way.
It's not a theory, and there are no "both ways." Trump hired and fired them didn't he? That isn't me having it "both ways." That is Trump and who he hired.

lol lol lol you don't even know what he said. Go to school with Rosie O Donnell ?
And so, are you too scared to clarify for us, since you said I didn't get it? Working around the edges like a good little coward are we?

Now it my fault you're a moron??? lol lol lol typical Snowflake.
A coward who cannot back up his own bs and lies with the made up, "we don't get it line." lol! You Trump apologists are a trip.

A pedo-friendly faggot trying to be clever.


Sigh......More pizzagate dipshittery?

More mentally ill, diseased faggotry?
Why don't you head on over to the homophobic section. You can spread your off topic cowardly hate over there.

Gee , it tosses out a fake word as well as fake hews. You think you faggots scare people?
You still never answered my question coward?

Lol triggered another Angry Faggot into stark raving stupidity again. Third one this week.

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