First of all...there is absolutely no question that Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC paid for the Steele dossiers to be compiled and more importantly fed to the media and the FBI by Steele! They did so through a law firm "cut out" to hide where the funding was coming from! Let's address THAT first, WTP since you say you want to go over this point by point? Why would simple "research" on another candidate require hiding the fact that the Clinton campaign was paying for it? The rather obvious answer to that is the Clinton campaign didn't want anyone to be able to trace the smear campaign back to them! They went to great lengths to make the dossiers appear to be something credible...something coming from a "respected" former MI6 agent concerned about Trump possibly being controlled by the Kremlin!
Ha coward, look at this; Anonymous Trump official writes scathing New York Times editorial denouncing their own boss
Do you know what that is?

More of the same pathetic bullshit that the mainstream media has been pumping out about Trump since he beat Hillary? The New York Times is a partisan rag. It's editorial page is farce and it's reporting isn't much better.
It's the main stream law enforcement that is on to Trump now. And boy does he have a cocktail full of criminal liability.

Oh, main stream law enforcement is "on to" Trump now? I hate to break this to you, Sparky but law enforcement has been stating all along that they have found no evidence of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia! None! Nada! Zip! Zero! What part of that concept can't you grasp?

Trump has "criminal liability"? For what? Oh wait...you're one of those guys who thinks if you throw big words around...people will think you know something about the topic at hand? So what kind of "criminal liability does Trump have? I await your answer with baited breath! (eye roll)
That has been posted so many times, even Helen Keller would have known what it was by now.

Oh the denial! It's choking the stupidity out of them for all to see.

And by the way, I put explanation to this post for which you cowardly ignored.
You know what...I honestly don't think they realize that the Clinton "investigation" was the blatant sham that it was! I think they get their news from CNN and The New York Times and this is all new to them because it was never exposed for what it was.

There were two campaigns for the Presidency...Trump on the GOP side...and Clinton on the Democratic side.

The Trump campaign has been under a microscope for over two years so far and they've found no evidence of collusion with the Russian government to influence our election!

The Clinton campaign on the other hand colluded with Fusion GPS and Richard Steele to put out a series of "dossiers" to smear her opponent right before the election and hid the payment of the money to do that through a "cut out" legal firm to hide it's origin!

The Obama Administration used it's influence at the Justice Department and the FBI to whitewash the investigation into Clinton's email scandal. Barack Obama solemnly declared that he knew nothing about Clinton's use of a private email account to conduct official business which is rather amusing since he was sending her emails at that account! I guess he thought that since he used an alias that nobody would see through that blatant lie.

Obama's Attorney General held a private meeting with Bill Clinton...the husband of the person being investigated for a crime...hiding that meeting from the public and claiming when it was discovered that it was totally innocent because Clinton spent the entire time talking about his grandchildren. Anyone who believes THAT is congenitally brain dead!

Then Loretta Lynch's Justice Department started handing out immunity from prosecution deals to Clinton Staffers like Christmas bonuses at the company Christmas party! Immunity deals in return for nothing! Then Lynch doesn't recuse herself from making the decision on whether to prosecute Clinton...she does something completely unusual! She lets Comey decide whether or not to prosecute! For those of you that don't grasp the issue there...the FBI is an investigative branch. They investigate cases and then present their findings to the Justice Department and the prosecutors THERE make the call whether to bring charges! The FBI does NOT decide whether or not to bring a case to trial!

Then there is the use the Steele "dossiers" to obtain wire taps on people connected to the Trump campaign...withholding from FISA court judges information about who paid for those documents! That's an unheard of abuse of power by the Obama Administration but then why should anyone be shocked that they would do something like THAT when they had already demonstrated a willingness to weaponize the IRS against their political opponents!

Just to put context into your off topic Hillary nonsense, my response rebutted yours, and you dropped the ball by saying nothing in your defense. Still want to talk about Hillary now?

Start a new thread constitutes a "rebuttal"? You haven't had a real response to what I pointed out about all of the sleazy things that Hillary Clinton and the Obama White House did in this past election, WTP! You then finished painted yourself into the corner by claiming that "main stream law enforcement" has "criminal liability" on Trump now! Two different people have asked what criminal liability it is that you're talking about and you ignored both the questions because let's face it...you're just pulling things out of your nether regions in this string without a clue what you're talking about! So did you want to tell us all what criminal liability you think your imaginary "main stream law enforcement" (whatever THAT is!) has on Trump?
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: So now you want to dodge the Hillary topic. You are just too much fun. I rest my case about the Hillary deflection. you were proven to be all three. And here's the thing. Even your buddies can't help you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Damn, this is getting better and better.

You want to talk about criminal liability? Which one? The Trump Tower conspiracy, which has already been confirmed as a conspiracy, because there is no known defense, via the law, that I know about? Maybe you can help us? LOl!

Or what about Cambridge Analytica? Care to explain to the rest of us how that does not constitute a conspiracy? New Cambridge Analytica revelations connect Trump Russia dots

What about Sam Patten and his involvement with the Russians to use their money to help Trump? You going to show us how that isn't a conspiracy? Manafort associate to cooperate with prosecutors after guilty plea

And what about all the payoffs to porn stars to keep them quiet that Cohen said was to help Trump get elected, making those payments campaign violations, giving us an illegal election? You do know that Trump never reported that money right? You do know that is illegal right?

What about the Air Force One story that was concocted to tell one story, but ended up being a lie to tell another, only to be another lie on top of that one? Explain to us all, via how way the law is written, where this is not obstruction of justice?

Explain to us all again how Trump going to the Russians and explaining to them that he got rid of the top law enforcement agent investigating Russia because of Russia, is not obstruction of justice?

Can you present to us an intelligent explanation, as to how it would be that Trump has no criminal liability to worry about, when dozens of Russians have been indicted because of Trump, and when roughly ten to twelve Trump associates, are either in jail, going to jail, or are cooperating witnesses against him, and because of him?
More of the same pathetic bullshit that the mainstream media has been pumping out about Trump since he beat Hillary? The New York Times is a partisan rag. It's editorial page is farce and it's reporting isn't much better.
It's the main stream law enforcement that is on to Trump now. And boy does he have a cocktail full of criminal liability.

Oh, main stream law enforcement is "on to" Trump now? I hate to break this to you, Sparky but law enforcement has been stating all along that they have found no evidence of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia! None! Nada! Zip! Zero! What part of that concept can't you grasp?

Trump has "criminal liability"? For what? Oh wait...you're one of those guys who thinks if you throw big words around...people will think you know something about the topic at hand? So what kind of "criminal liability does Trump have? I await your answer with baited breath! (eye roll)
That has been posted so many times, even Helen Keller would have known what it was by now.

Oh the denial! It's choking the stupidity out of them for all to see.

And by the way, I put explanation to this post for which you cowardly ignored.
You know what...I honestly don't think they realize that the Clinton "investigation" was the blatant sham that it was! I think they get their news from CNN and The New York Times and this is all new to them because it was never exposed for what it was.

There were two campaigns for the Presidency...Trump on the GOP side...and Clinton on the Democratic side.

The Trump campaign has been under a microscope for over two years so far and they've found no evidence of collusion with the Russian government to influence our election!

The Clinton campaign on the other hand colluded with Fusion GPS and Richard Steele to put out a series of "dossiers" to smear her opponent right before the election and hid the payment of the money to do that through a "cut out" legal firm to hide it's origin!

The Obama Administration used it's influence at the Justice Department and the FBI to whitewash the investigation into Clinton's email scandal. Barack Obama solemnly declared that he knew nothing about Clinton's use of a private email account to conduct official business which is rather amusing since he was sending her emails at that account! I guess he thought that since he used an alias that nobody would see through that blatant lie.

Obama's Attorney General held a private meeting with Bill Clinton...the husband of the person being investigated for a crime...hiding that meeting from the public and claiming when it was discovered that it was totally innocent because Clinton spent the entire time talking about his grandchildren. Anyone who believes THAT is congenitally brain dead!

Then Loretta Lynch's Justice Department started handing out immunity from prosecution deals to Clinton Staffers like Christmas bonuses at the company Christmas party! Immunity deals in return for nothing! Then Lynch doesn't recuse herself from making the decision on whether to prosecute Clinton...she does something completely unusual! She lets Comey decide whether or not to prosecute! For those of you that don't grasp the issue there...the FBI is an investigative branch. They investigate cases and then present their findings to the Justice Department and the prosecutors THERE make the call whether to bring charges! The FBI does NOT decide whether or not to bring a case to trial!

Then there is the use the Steele "dossiers" to obtain wire taps on people connected to the Trump campaign...withholding from FISA court judges information about who paid for those documents! That's an unheard of abuse of power by the Obama Administration but then why should anyone be shocked that they would do something like THAT when they had already demonstrated a willingness to weaponize the IRS against their political opponents!

Just to put context into your off topic Hillary nonsense, my response rebutted yours, and you dropped the ball by saying nothing in your defense. Still want to talk about Hillary now?

Start a new thread constitutes a "rebuttal"? You haven't had a real response to what I pointed out about all of the sleazy things that Hillary Clinton and the Obama White House did in this past election, WTP! You then finished painted yourself into the corner by claiming that "main stream law enforcement" has "criminal liability" on Trump now! Two different people have asked what criminal liability it is that you're talking about and you ignored both the questions because let's face it...you're just pulling things out of your nether regions in this string without a clue what you're talking about! So did you want to tell us all what criminal liability you think your imaginary "main stream law enforcement" (whatever THAT is!) has on Trump?
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: So now you want to dodge the Hillary topic. You are just too much fun. I rest my case about the Hillary deflection. you were proven to be all three. And here's the thing. Even your buddies can't help you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Damn, this is getting better and better.

You want to talk about criminal liability? Which one? The Trump Tower conspiracy, which has already been confirmed as a conspiracy, because there is no known defense, via the law, that I know about? Maybe you can help us? LOl!

Or what about Cambridge Analytica? Care to explain to the rest of us how that does not constitute a conspiracy? New Cambridge Analytica revelations connect Trump Russia dots

What about Sam Patten and his involvement with the Russians to use their money to help Trump? You going to show us how that isn't a conspiracy? Manafort associate to cooperate with prosecutors after guilty plea

And what about all the payoffs to porn stars to keep them quiet that Cohen said was to help Trump get elected, making those payments campaign violations, giving us an illegal election? You do know that Trump never reported that money right? You do know that is illegal right?

What about the Air Force One story that was concocted to tell one story, but ended up being a lie to tell another, only to be another lie on top of that one? Explain to us all, via how way the law is written, where this is not obstruction of justice?

Explain to us all again how Trump going to the Russians and explaining to them that he got rid of the top law enforcement agent investigating Russia because of Russia, is not obstruction of justice?

Can you present to us an intelligent explanation, as to how it would be that Trump has no criminal liability to worry about, when dozens of Russians have been indicted because of Trump, and when roughly ten to twelve Trump associates, are either in jail, going to jail, or are cooperating witnesses against him, and because of him?

LOL...you "rest your case"? You just declared that you would go over this point by point...I bring up the FIRST point...and you "rest your case" without addressing it and then go off on a rant about Trump? When did you want to START your case?
What happened at Trump Tower that would even remotely be considered "criminal" and what law enforcement agency is calling that a crime? You've made the claim...now back it up.
You don't really HAVE anything that's illegal in the Trump campaign...do you, WTP? All you have are a bunch of vague accusations made by the same media outlets that have been after Trump since before the election. So do you have any REAL examples of a REAL law enforcement agency that is charging Trump with a crime or are you going to continue this barrage of "wishful thinking" that's been going on for the past two years?
First of all...there is absolutely no question that Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC paid for the Steele dossiers to be compiled and more importantly fed to the media and the FBI by Steele! They did so through a law firm "cut out" to hide where the funding was coming from! Let's address THAT first, WTP since you say you want to go over this point by point? Why would simple "research" on another candidate require hiding the fact that the Clinton campaign was paying for it? The rather obvious answer to that is the Clinton campaign didn't want anyone to be able to trace the smear campaign back to them! They went to great lengths to make the dossiers appear to be something credible...something coming from a "respected" former MI6 agent concerned about Trump possibly being controlled by the Kremlin!

Several things to unpack here. The cut out is not illegal for one. And two, Clinton claimed she knew nothing of the dossier in the truth test. Also, it is not a "smear campaign". Trump said that himself. It was opposition research, which by the way, Trump's was not. His opposition research came from Russian adversaries, who they recruited. Clinton's sources came from Russians who didn't know they were the victims of spying by Steele. The cut out was quite likely a ploy to protect Steele from exposure, because no one knew about Steele until after the election. Unless you can provide counter evidence of that claim and evidence that the cut out is illegal, your argument is dead in the water? Go!
You don't really HAVE anything that's illegal in the Trump campaign...do you, WTP? All you have are a bunch of vague accusations made by the same media outlets that have been after Trump since before the election. So do you have any REAL examples of a REAL law enforcement agency that is charging Trump with a crime or are you going to continue this barrage of "wishful thinking" that's been going on for the past two years?
Thanks for revealing to us all that you are all three. You are too ill prepared to mount an intelligent rebuttal to Trump's criminal liability. I presented the crimes, and you are totally moot. I'm the only one with an argument here. You will best be served to bail out while you can. You've already proven to us all that you are a liar, a coward, and an ignoramus. Get out of here. Your wasting my time.
You don't really HAVE anything that's illegal in the Trump campaign...do you, WTP? All you have are a bunch of vague accusations made by the same media outlets that have been after Trump since before the election. So do you have any REAL examples of a REAL law enforcement agency that is charging Trump with a crime or are you going to continue this barrage of "wishful thinking" that's been going on for the past two years?
The laws are not vague. Look them up yourself. But you won't, because you are too lazy, and you don't want to know.
First of all...there is absolutely no question that Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC paid for the Steele dossiers to be compiled and more importantly fed to the media and the FBI by Steele! They did so through a law firm "cut out" to hide where the funding was coming from! Let's address THAT first, WTP since you say you want to go over this point by point? Why would simple "research" on another candidate require hiding the fact that the Clinton campaign was paying for it? The rather obvious answer to that is the Clinton campaign didn't want anyone to be able to trace the smear campaign back to them! They went to great lengths to make the dossiers appear to be something credible...something coming from a "respected" former MI6 agent concerned about Trump possibly being controlled by the Kremlin!

Several things to unpack here. The cut out is not illegal for one. And two, Clinton claimed she knew nothing of the dossier in the truth test. Also, it is not a "smear campaign". Trump said that himself. It was opposition research, which by the way, Trump's was not. His opposition research came from Russian adversaries, who they recruited. Clinton's sources came from Russians who didn't know they were the victims of spying by Steele. The cut out was quite likely a ploy to protect Steele from exposure, because no one knew about Steele until after the election. Unless you can provide counter evidence of that claim and evidence that the cut out is illegal, your argument is dead in the water? Go!

Wow...was that ever a collection of nothing wrapped in a bun of bullshit!

I didn't claim that using a cut out to hide the fact that you were paying for a smear job was "illegal"...I simply pointed out that it wouldn't have been necessary if it was in fact simply "opposition research" as you Clinton defenders have attempted to portray it! The fact that they DID use a cut out to hide what they were doing tells you everything you need to know about their intent!

When did Trump say the dossiers weren't a smear campaign?

Trump didn't "recruit" the hackers who exposed what Hillary Clinton and her minions at the DNC were doing.

Steele needed the "cut out" to protect him from exposure? Now that's laughable for two reasons. Number one...his primary job was to be the front man for the dossiers...pushing them to the media and to the FBI as credible information! How could you possibly be MORE exposed than that? Secondly...Steele didn't even know that Clinton's campaign and the DNC were funding the Fusion GPS smear campaign...they hid their involvement from him as well!
You don't really HAVE anything that's illegal in the Trump campaign...do you, WTP? All you have are a bunch of vague accusations made by the same media outlets that have been after Trump since before the election. So do you have any REAL examples of a REAL law enforcement agency that is charging Trump with a crime or are you going to continue this barrage of "wishful thinking" that's been going on for the past two years?
The laws are not vague. Look them up yourself. But you won't, because you are too lazy, and you don't want to know.

Look what up? You haven't given a single example yet of a crime. All you've done is repeat the same vague accusations that Trump might be guilty of that have been bounced around by the left for the past two years! Simple question, WTP...what actual CRIME has Trump been charged with...and by what LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY?
Jackie Robinson (42) was universally hated initially when he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers, but he proved himself to be the greatest of them all. Donald Trump (45) will someday be proclaimed the greatest of them all.

45 = 42
What happened at Trump Tower that would even remotely be considered "criminal" and what law enforcement agency is calling that a crime? You've made the claim...now back it up.
The investigation is not yet completed, so no one in law enforcement is calling anything. LOl! The question remains, do you know anything, because it is obvious you have no clue how investigations operate? 18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments

Wait a minute! You claim that crimes have been committed...but when asked to state what crimes those are...you respond that the "investigation is not yet completed"?
So you're admitting that you have no crime committed at Trump Tower...you're simply hoping that they come up with one even though after two years of investigating that nothing has been found and it's generally accepted that the Mueller investigation has moved on to other things?

Are you sure you want to play this "point by point" game, WTP?
First of all...there is absolutely no question that Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC paid for the Steele dossiers to be compiled and more importantly fed to the media and the FBI by Steele! They did so through a law firm "cut out" to hide where the funding was coming from! Let's address THAT first, WTP since you say you want to go over this point by point? Why would simple "research" on another candidate require hiding the fact that the Clinton campaign was paying for it? The rather obvious answer to that is the Clinton campaign didn't want anyone to be able to trace the smear campaign back to them! They went to great lengths to make the dossiers appear to be something credible...something coming from a "respected" former MI6 agent concerned about Trump possibly being controlled by the Kremlin!

Several things to unpack here. The cut out is not illegal for one. And two, Clinton claimed she knew nothing of the dossier in the truth test. Also, it is not a "smear campaign". Trump said that himself. It was opposition research, which by the way, Trump's was not. His opposition research came from Russian adversaries, who they recruited. Clinton's sources came from Russians who didn't know they were the victims of spying by Steele. The cut out was quite likely a ploy to protect Steele from exposure, because no one knew about Steele until after the election. Unless you can provide counter evidence of that claim and evidence that the cut out is illegal, your argument is dead in the water? Go!

Wow...was that ever a collection of nothing wrapped in a bun of bullshit!

I didn't claim that using a cut out to hide the fact that you were paying for a smear job was "illegal"...I simply pointed out that it wouldn't have been necessary if it was in fact simply "opposition research" as you Clinton defenders have attempted to portray it! The fact that they DID use a cut out to hide what they were doing tells you everything you need to know about their intent!
I explained the very logical and understandable explanation for that, and you ignored it. That's on you. Anyone who cannot see the logic in that explanation is either an idiot or doesn't want to see it.

When did Trump say the dossiers weren't a smear campaign?
He claimed from his own Clinton lies that he got caught up with after he was exposed with the Air Force One lie, that his own work was opposition research. The problem with Trump is, he doesn't understand what opposition research is. He was throwing spaghetti up against the wall when he said that, when in fact, the real OR was what Clinton was doing, not what he was doing.

Trump didn't "recruit" the hackers who exposed what Hillary Clinton and her minions at the DNC were doing.
Talk to Cambridge Analytica. They were the ones who admitted in front of parliament, (Steve Nix), that the data they used that was paid for by Trump, came from Wikileaks, which came from Russia.

Steele needed the "cut out" to protect him from exposure? Now that's laughable for two reasons. Number one...his primary job was to be the front man for the dossiers...pushing them to the media and to the FBI as credible information!
Then if that is your explanation, then that explains perfectly the cut out. What better way to protect Steele than to do that? You do know they are after his head right now right?
How could you possibly be MORE exposed than that? Secondly...Steele didn't even know that Clinton's campaign and the DNC were funding the Fusion GPS smear campaign...they hid their involvement from him as well!
Says who? Maybe they hid their involvement from him for his own protection? A smear campaign with actual evidence of wrong doing, is no "smear campaign". They call it evidence. Which is something Trump apologists don't want.
What happened at Trump Tower that would even remotely be considered "criminal" and what law enforcement agency is calling that a crime? You've made the claim...now back it up.
The investigation is not yet completed, so no one in law enforcement is calling anything. LOl! The question remains, do you know anything, because it is obvious you have no clue how investigations operate? 18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments

Wait a minute! You claim that crimes have been committed...but when asked to state what crimes those are...you respond that the "investigation is not yet completed"?
Read the law. It's self explanatory; 18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments
What happened at Trump Tower that would even remotely be considered "criminal" and what law enforcement agency is calling that a crime? You've made the claim...now back it up.
The investigation is not yet completed, so no one in law enforcement is calling anything. LOl! The question remains, do you know anything, because it is obvious you have no clue how investigations operate? 18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments

Wait a minute! You claim that crimes have been committed...but when asked to state what crimes those are...you respond that the "investigation is not yet completed"?
Read the law. It's self explanatory; 18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments

That's your response to my asking what laws were broken at Trump Tower?
So you're admitting that you have no crime committed at Trump Tower...you're simply hoping that they come up with one even though after two years of investigating that nothing has been found and it's generally accepted that the Mueller investigation has moved on to other things?

Are you sure you want to play this "point by point" game, WTP?
18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments The law, point by point, explains everything. If it didn't, you would have picked it apart, and you didn't.
You don't have a clue what you're talking about...do you, WTP? This is getting pathetic...
What happened at Trump Tower that would even remotely be considered "criminal" and what law enforcement agency is calling that a crime? You've made the claim...now back it up.
The investigation is not yet completed, so no one in law enforcement is calling anything. LOl! The question remains, do you know anything, because it is obvious you have no clue how investigations operate? 18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments

Wait a minute! You claim that crimes have been committed...but when asked to state what crimes those are...you respond that the "investigation is not yet completed"?
Read the law. It's self explanatory; 18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments

That's your response to my asking what laws were broken at Trump Tower?
Yep! Now, rebut it. I'm waiting?

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