Did you want to take a crack at explaining how Natalia Veselnitskaya got into the US to attend that meeting at Trump Tower after being refused entry in June of that year? Oh, my gosh...a special parole visa issued by the State Department allowed her in? Why the change of heart by the State Department?
Don't know. Good thing for the law, that has nothing to do with the meeting, or your cowardice to answer my question. Was the meeting authorized? What statute authorizes such a meeting?

You have to have "authorization" to have a meeting to discuss "dirt" on a political opponent? Who would one get this "authorization" from, WTP? Natalia Veselnitskaya appears to have gotten "authorization" to attend that meeting from the Obama State Department! Wonder why?
So let's look at this whole scenario...

The Russian lawyer meets with Glenn Simpson the night before the Trump Tower meeting and the night after the Trump Tower meeting. Gee, wonder what they discussed? How they were going to try and set up Trump? How it went?

What's the definition of "conspiracy" again? Every time you peel back a layer of this onion...you find Fusion GPS...the group Hillary Clinton was paying money to...working yet another scam to smear Trump. But you don't see that...do you, WTP?
You are definitely an off topic coward. I'll concede to that.

It was YOUR topic, WTP...I'm simply the guy shoving it down your throat at the moment!
You aren't doing anything but making a total fool of yourself. You were the one insisting on talking about Clinton. Remember?
You're the one who brought up the Trump Tower meeting as an example of a crime that Trump committed. I've simply responded to why that's such a joke! The only conspiracy that I see being committed there was between the Russian lawyer and Glenn Simpson. Or do you think that they were discussing their "grand kids" like Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch? (eye roll)
You continue to make yourself into a laughing stock. What statute authorizes a meeting with the Trump campaign and Russians to intentionally discuss foreign policy behind the back of a sitting president?

The meeting was to discuss "dirt" that Natalia Veselnitskaya alleged to have on Hillary Clinton...not to discuss foreign policy behind Barack Obama's back! When it became clear that there was no dirt...the meeting ended. So what statute would that have violated?
It was behind his back, because they had no authority to hold such a meeting to discuss dirt on Clinton or foreign policy to get rid of the Magnitsky Act.

Seriously? You're now claiming that Trump needed authorization from Obama to have a meeting about dirt on Hillary Clinton? Have you been smoking crack this morning?
Did you want to take a crack at explaining how Natalia Veselnitskaya got into the US to attend that meeting at Trump Tower after being refused entry in June of that year? Oh, my gosh...a special parole visa issued by the State Department allowed her in? Why the change of heart by the State Department?
Don't know. Good thing for the law, that has nothing to do with the meeting, or your cowardice to answer my question. Was the meeting authorized? What statute authorizes such a meeting?

You have to have "authorization" to have a meeting to discuss "dirt" on a political opponent? Who would one get this "authorization" from, WTP? Natalia Veselnitskaya appears to have gotten "authorization" to attend that meeting from the Obama State Department! Wonder why?
Are you kidding? What rock have you been hiding under? Do you think in your wildest dreams that Obama is going to tell the Trump campaign, uh, okay, talk to the Russians about the Magnitsky Act, and while your there, see if you can get dirt on Hillary while I continue issuing sanctions. Boss are you high?
You're the one who brought up the Trump Tower meeting as an example of a crime that Trump committed. I've simply responded to why that's such a joke! The only conspiracy that I see being committed there was between the Russian lawyer and Glenn Simpson. Or do you think that they were discussing their "grand kids" like Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch? (eye roll)
You continue to make yourself into a laughing stock. What statute authorizes a meeting with the Trump campaign and Russians to intentionally discuss foreign policy behind the back of a sitting president?

The meeting was to discuss "dirt" that Natalia Veselnitskaya alleged to have on Hillary Clinton...not to discuss foreign policy behind Barack Obama's back! When it became clear that there was no dirt...the meeting ended. So what statute would that have violated?
It was behind his back, because they had no authority to hold such a meeting to discuss dirt on Clinton or foreign policy to get rid of the Magnitsky Act.

Seriously? You're now claiming that Trump needed authorization from Obama to have a meeting about dirt on Hillary Clinton? Have you been smoking crack this morning?
Trump wouldn't get authorization from anyone, because the law wouldn't allow it. You are talking crazy now.
So let's look at this whole scenario...

The Russian lawyer meets with Glenn Simpson the night before the Trump Tower meeting and the night after the Trump Tower meeting. Gee, wonder what they discussed? How they were going to try and set up Trump? How it went?

What's the definition of "conspiracy" again? Every time you peel back a layer of this onion...you find Fusion GPS...the group Hillary Clinton was paying money to...working yet another scam to smear Trump. But you don't see that...do you, WTP?
You are definitely an off topic coward. I'll concede to that.

It was YOUR topic, WTP...I'm simply the guy shoving it down your throat at the moment!
You aren't doing anything but making a total fool of yourself. You were the one insisting on talking about Clinton. Remember?

I don't really have much choice. You bring up the Trump Tower meeting as a crime. I point out that there was no crime on the part of the Trump campaign and then further point out that Natalia Veselnitskaya meeting with the head of Fusion GPS on the night before the meeting and the night after the meeting...after getting a special visa from the Obama State Department when she was banned from travel to the US just a month earlier SMELLS TO HIGH HEAVENS!!!
Did you want to take a crack at explaining how Natalia Veselnitskaya got into the US to attend that meeting at Trump Tower after being refused entry in June of that year? Oh, my gosh...a special parole visa issued by the State Department allowed her in? Why the change of heart by the State Department?
Don't know. Good thing for the law, that has nothing to do with the meeting, or your cowardice to answer my question. Was the meeting authorized? What statute authorizes such a meeting?

You have to have "authorization" to have a meeting to discuss "dirt" on a political opponent? Who would one get this "authorization" from, WTP? Natalia Veselnitskaya appears to have gotten "authorization" to attend that meeting from the Obama State Department! Wonder why?
Are you kidding? What rock have you been hiding under? Do you think in your wildest dreams that Obama is going to tell the Trump campaign, uh, okay, talk to the Russians about the Magnitsky Act, and while your there, see if you can get dirt on Hillary while I continue issuing sanctions. Boss are you high?

You keep trying to claim that the meeting was taken by the Trump people to discuss the Magnitsky Act! It wasn't! That meeting was set up to discuss dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Now did you want to take a crack at explaining Natalia Veselnitskaya meeting with Glenn Simpson the night before and the night after the Trump Tower meeting? Did you want to explain how she got the visa from the Obama State Department to even be in the country when she was banned from doing so just a month earlier?
Or are you going to continue to falsely claim that the meeting was set up to discuss Russian foreign policy behind Barack Obama's back? (The guy who's State Department OK'd the visa parole so that Natalia Veselnitskaya could be there in the first place!)
Did you want to take a crack at explaining how Natalia Veselnitskaya got into the US to attend that meeting at Trump Tower after being refused entry in June of that year? Oh, my gosh...a special parole visa issued by the State Department allowed her in? Why the change of heart by the State Department?
Don't know. Good thing for the law, that has nothing to do with the meeting, or your cowardice to answer my question. Was the meeting authorized? What statute authorizes such a meeting?

You have to have "authorization" to have a meeting to discuss "dirt" on a political opponent? Who would one get this "authorization" from, WTP? Natalia Veselnitskaya appears to have gotten "authorization" to attend that meeting from the Obama State Department! Wonder why?
Are you kidding? What rock have you been hiding under? Do you think in your wildest dreams that Obama is going to tell the Trump campaign, uh, okay, talk to the Russians about the Magnitsky Act, and while your there, see if you can get dirt on Hillary while I continue issuing sanctions. Boss are you high?

You keep trying to claim that the meeting was taken by the Trump people to discuss the Magnitsky Act! It wasn't! That meeting was set up to discuss dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Wow, the stupidity never ends. One's motive, may not be the others motive. Another totally moot argument. What statute authorized this meeting? Answer, none! Seeing that you are too cowardly to answer it.
Or are you going to continue to falsely claim that the meeting was set up to discuss Russian foreign policy behind Barack Obama's back? (The guy who's State Department OK'd the visa parole so that Natalia Veselnitskaya could be there in the first place!)
Has nothing whatsoever to do with the price of apples. Wow, you're desperate. Another moot point that means nothing. Boss get a life. This argument has been long lost, while you're desperately trying to switch to other narratives. Let it go. You have no other place to hide. You can't argue around the law. Trump's trying to do that, and look at the mess he's got himself into.
Did you want to take a crack at explaining how Natalia Veselnitskaya got into the US to attend that meeting at Trump Tower after being refused entry in June of that year? Oh, my gosh...a special parole visa issued by the State Department allowed her in? Why the change of heart by the State Department?
Don't know. Good thing for the law, that has nothing to do with the meeting, or your cowardice to answer my question. Was the meeting authorized? What statute authorizes such a meeting?

You have to have "authorization" to have a meeting to discuss "dirt" on a political opponent? Who would one get this "authorization" from, WTP? Natalia Veselnitskaya appears to have gotten "authorization" to attend that meeting from the Obama State Department! Wonder why?
Are you kidding? What rock have you been hiding under? Do you think in your wildest dreams that Obama is going to tell the Trump campaign, uh, okay, talk to the Russians about the Magnitsky Act, and while your there, see if you can get dirt on Hillary while I continue issuing sanctions. Boss are you high?

You keep trying to claim that the meeting was taken by the Trump people to discuss the Magnitsky Act! It wasn't! That meeting was set up to discuss dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Wow, the stupidity never ends. One's motive, may not be the others motive. Another totally moot argument. What statute authorized this meeting? Answer, none! Seeing that you are too cowardly to answer it.

What statute authorized the meeting? Since when do you need authorization to hold a meeting?

I ask again...why did Natalia Veselnitskaya have dinner with the founder of Fusion GPS on the night before the Trump Tower meeting and again the night after the meeting? I ask again...how did Natalia Veselnitskaya get a visa parole from the Obama State Department to come to New York and have that meeting when just a month earlier she'd been banned from entering the country?

You don't want to touch either of those questions though...do you? You know why? Because you don't have a logical explanation for either of them and you know the whole thing REEKS of another sleazy attempt by the Clinton camp to smear Trump!
Don't know. Good thing for the law, that has nothing to do with the meeting, or your cowardice to answer my question. Was the meeting authorized? What statute authorizes such a meeting?

You have to have "authorization" to have a meeting to discuss "dirt" on a political opponent? Who would one get this "authorization" from, WTP? Natalia Veselnitskaya appears to have gotten "authorization" to attend that meeting from the Obama State Department! Wonder why?
Are you kidding? What rock have you been hiding under? Do you think in your wildest dreams that Obama is going to tell the Trump campaign, uh, okay, talk to the Russians about the Magnitsky Act, and while your there, see if you can get dirt on Hillary while I continue issuing sanctions. Boss are you high?

You keep trying to claim that the meeting was taken by the Trump people to discuss the Magnitsky Act! It wasn't! That meeting was set up to discuss dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Wow, the stupidity never ends. One's motive, may not be the others motive. Another totally moot argument. What statute authorized this meeting? Answer, none! Seeing that you are too cowardly to answer it.

What statute authorized the meeting? Since when do you need authorization to hold a meeting?
Holy cow! You seriously cannot debate this subject informatively, or intelligently.

I ask again...why did Natalia Veselnitskaya have dinner with the founder of Fusion GPS on the night before the Trump Tower meeting and again the night after the meeting?
I have no idea? Nor do I care, because it has nothing to do with anything, unless you have information that proves otherwise. Foraging for things you know nothing about is a fools game. And it is why you have successfully done that over and over in this debate.
I ask again...how did Natalia Veselnitskaya get a visa parole from the Obama State Department to come to New York and have that meeting when just a month earlier she'd been banned from entering the country?
Looks like it had a lot to do with a money case, that stated way back in 2015. Sounds like you are chasing a ghost, and using it as another distraction that takes you and your fantasies no where; Why did Obama's DOJ let Natalia Veselnitskaya into U.S.?

You don't want to touch either of those questions though...do you? You know why? Because you don't have a logical explanation for either of them and you know the whole thing REEKS of another sleazy attempt by the Clinton camp to smear Trump!
We'll, seeing that all you can do now is change the narrative, because you were unsuccessful in the two or three before, it is understandable that you retreat to another one. The article that addresses this matter is broad, long, and really does not suggest much of anything to do wit Fusion GPS. You are throwing spaghetti around again, except it's a different wad this time.
Just to give you a heads up, this hero, isn't the only one.

Dear God. Only a tard could consider a COWARD hiding behind anonymity a ‘hero’.
You'll need that "dear God" if these heroes are not allowed to keep putting a check on this mad man who conceivably poses the most serious threat to this nation in our history.
What’s your hero’s name?

The irony in the op-ed from the NYT's anonymous WH coward is glaring and massive: s/he accuses Trump of being "anti-democratic" while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency

10:21 PM - Sep 5, 2018

Let that sink in. Think about it^^^^^^ and if you still view the coward loser as a hero - then you’re a coward loser too.
The irony is that you're so caught up in your own ideological construct that you can't acknowledge common sense moves to contain the impulses of a visibly unstable president. Having adults in the room is not a conspiracy.
There are processes in place to address such issues.
This vvvvvvvv isn’t one of them:

while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency

Repeating your plagiarized nonsense doesn’t dislodge the irony.
You don't have a clue what you're talking about...do you, WTP? This is getting pathetic...
Once again you are making a total fool of yourself. Rebut or leave; 18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments
Explain how the law does not apply to the conspiracy of this meeting. "EXACTLY"! Your stalling has run its course.
Let me help you moron...

The President ELECT may engage in all matters off communications with foreign governments and open doors off communication with his core staff.

Your Law does nothing to criminalize his statutory authority to conduct this business...

You look stupid as a damn rock. Keep on running in circles with sharp objects looking for a non-crime.. Your a fucking idiot..
Basically what you've admitted is that you have no crimes yet...but you're really hopeful that Mueller can find some after two plus years of looking?
Conspiracy is a crime. The law says so.
Again to help you MORON... Conspiracy is a MITIGATOR not a crime in and of itself, it requires a base crime. You really should stop before you hurt yourself,,,,
Or are you going to continue to falsely claim that the meeting was set up to discuss Russian foreign policy behind Barack Obama's back? (The guy who's State Department OK'd the visa parole so that Natalia Veselnitskaya could be there in the first place!)
Has nothing whatsoever to do with the price of apples. Wow, you're desperate. Another moot point that means nothing. Boss get a life. This argument has been long lost, while you're desperately trying to switch to other narratives. Let it go. You have no other place to hide. You can't argue around the law. Trump's trying to do that, and look at the mess he's got himself into.
One more time to help the moron... WHAT CRIME have you discovered? You are ignorant of the law...
Don't know. Good thing for the law, that has nothing to do with the meeting, or your cowardice to answer my question. Was the meeting authorized? What statute authorizes such a meeting?

You have to have "authorization" to have a meeting to discuss "dirt" on a political opponent? Who would one get this "authorization" from, WTP? Natalia Veselnitskaya appears to have gotten "authorization" to attend that meeting from the Obama State Department! Wonder why?
Are you kidding? What rock have you been hiding under? Do you think in your wildest dreams that Obama is going to tell the Trump campaign, uh, okay, talk to the Russians about the Magnitsky Act, and while your there, see if you can get dirt on Hillary while I continue issuing sanctions. Boss are you high?

You keep trying to claim that the meeting was taken by the Trump people to discuss the Magnitsky Act! It wasn't! That meeting was set up to discuss dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Wow, the stupidity never ends. One's motive, may not be the others motive. Another totally moot argument. What statute authorized this meeting? Answer, none! Seeing that you are too cowardly to answer it.

What statute authorized the meeting? Since when do you need authorization to hold a meeting?

I ask again...why did Natalia Veselnitskaya have dinner with the founder of Fusion GPS on the night before the Trump Tower meeting and again the night after the meeting? I ask again...how did Natalia Veselnitskaya get a visa parole from the Obama State Department to come to New York and have that meeting when just a month earlier she'd been banned from entering the country?

You don't want to touch either of those questions though...do you? You know why? Because you don't have a logical explanation for either of them and you know the whole thing REEKS of another sleazy attempt by the Clinton camp to smear Trump!
I would dare ask why are those two meetings with DEMOCRATS not a crime but that one with Trumps staff was? Their lack of cognitive thought is stunning... Their stupidity is painful to watch, even for me..
You don't have a clue what you're talking about...do you, WTP? This is getting pathetic...
Once again you are making a total fool of yourself. Rebut or leave; 18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments
Explain how the law does not apply to the conspiracy of this meeting. "EXACTLY"! Your stalling has run its course.
Let me help you moron...

The President ELECT may engage in all matters off communications with foreign governments and open doors off communication with his core staff.
You know, you couldn't be any dumber. Do you ever think when you type? You do know that when the Trump Tower meeting occurred, there was no "president elect" right? Lol!

Your Law does nothing to criminalize his statutory authority to conduct this business...
It absolutely 100% does. It is illegal. Here is more proof; ABA Legal Fact Check: When Is It Illegal for Foreign Nationals to Influence U.S. Elections?

By the way coward, you ignored my question again. What is the legal precedence for this meeting? Telling me "it does not criminalize ",is not an answer. It tells me nothing. It's an idiots way of not answering, when that idiot has no answer.

You look stupid as a damn rock. Keep on running in circles with sharp objects looking for a non-crime.. Your a fucking idiot..
Yea, we'll, if we knew what that non-crime was, the explanation certainly won't be coming from you. With your non-answer, and my statutes, it appears that you have no where else to go, and those sharp objects you talk about, seemed to have found there way stuck straight up your ass.

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