WH Reminds trump that he is NOT President

trump seems to be diving deeper over the edge of acceptable behavior. His family may need to step in before it is too late.
Neither is the senile individual in the Oval Office.
Yet another example of Trump’s contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people.
Said while Biden's administration has and continues to violate his oath of office, the Constitution, and the rule of law while trampling civil and Constitutional rights...

Nope they are right. Trump is not our President.

Our current President is a corrupt, life long politician in the early stages of dementia. Consequently gasoline and groceries prices are skyrocketing and we left a bunch of people behind in Afghanistan.

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View attachment 562981
I doubt if Joe Biden can destroy the United States in one term but I might be wrong.
I don’t think early stages is accurate. He’s well into dementia.
I think at this point, most of the planet is aware that the "real president" shits his pants in front of the pope, took showers with his 11-year old daughter and was installed by Dominion....
Nah. That's just you and your fellow tinfoil hat retards.

trump seems to be diving deeper over the edge of acceptable behavior. His family may need to step in before it is too late.
You may like having shit for brains and shit in his diaper Biden as YOUR leader, but others have better taste. You may think shit for brains and shit in his diaper got more votes than Obama winning less than 1/2 the counties that he did, but smarter people see the problem.
Let's say this is accurate, which since it's a PROG piece that's never possible. It's a little payback for circumventing his election from Obama to the FBI, and then circumventing the next election to ensure Trump cannot win from BS impeachments to BS COVID to the BS appointment of Xiden.
Easy to tell that website if full of fake stories, and hate pieces. However, Allsides rates/states....

AlterNet has been given a mixed rating by Snopes.com fact checks, and was included in an initial index of "unreliable" news websites crafted by numerous media scientists and fact-checking groups.
I'm pretty sure a lot of the filthy fucking marxist parasites are aware of the stuttering fuck's level of depravity. You, in particular, may be a little slower than the rest of them, but that's your problem.
Someone has a severe case of BDS.

Might want to get that treated.

trump seems to be diving deeper over the edge of acceptable behavior. His family may need to step in before it is too late.

Yeah he is
He won Bigly everyone knows it ...the whole world knows it


trump seems to be diving deeper over the edge of acceptable behavior. His family may need to step in before it is too late.

Ivanka and Jarrod have avoided him since Jan 6th.

trump seems to be diving deeper over the edge of acceptable behavior. His family may need to step in before it is too late.

Every failed policy
Every violation of Oath of Office
Every violation of Constitution
Every violation of US Law
Every American left behind in Afghanistsn
Every terrorist brought here from Afghanistsn
Every vehicle, weapon, & uniform left behind
Every one of the 2 Million illegals let in
Every crime committed by one of them
Every minority-owned small business gone
Every civil & Constitutional right violated
Every Un-Constitutional/illegal mandate
Every American forced out of a job
Every rise in inflation
Every dollar the cost of goods go up
Every day less and less goods are on shelves
Every time a store is looted
Every time antifa / BLM destroys property
Every day we lose more allies
Every day our enemies are made stronger
Every day the US is made weaker
Every day another Biden scandal emerges
Every day enemies exploit Biden's weakness
Every day we are dragged closer to Socialism
Every day Psaki lies her ass off
Every day Biden humiliates himself & us
Every day more Americans die from COVID
Every day Biden shits on Americans

...we are all reminded Trump is no longer President...
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