WH Tells Trans Kids To 'Fight Back' After Tn Trans Domestic Terrorist Attack / Trans-Violence

Excuse? Of course not. But we don't make them equivalent to every crime epidemic in every major city that affects tens of thousands like magaturds do. If false equivalence didn't exist, magaturds wouldn't have any salient points.
If being bad at handling finances is an excuse to deny firearms then transgender should be too.
Like you? Yeah, you sure are low IQ "winger"
No, not like me. Focus, magaturd. Yes, I said winger, dipshit. I am saying I'm very much anti-winger. If you can't figure out what I'm describing, maybe you're what I'm describing. If you can't connect dots, I don't know what more to tell you, magaturd. :dunno:
No, not like me. Focus, magaturd. Yes, I said winger, dipshit. I am saying I'm very much anti-winger. If you can't figure out what I'm describing, maybe you're what I'm describing. If you can't connect dots, I don't know what more to tell you, magaturd. :dunno:
Yes you're a winger fan and a faggot what else should we expect from a left winger
Deflection. You're pathetic. I heard you blow goats. Care to comment on the fact that you blow goats?

Or would you prefer to stay silent while I open a new OP detailing the many, many times you blew goats?

Or you could be honest, and try to defend your vile goat blowing ways, like the filthy goat blower many sources are saying you are.

Just admit it. You just suck (and blow) out loud. What else can we expect from a goat blower?
Wow I thought vitamin man was this boards biggest fag but you go and say some shit like this LOL make whatever posts you want so I can laugh at you more
Wow I thought vitamin man was this boards biggest fag but you go and say some shit like this LOL make whatever posts you want so I can laugh at you more
No idea where you're going with that, so I'll just say I don't need your permission to do shit, bud. :itsok: We're tourists. I'm evil, you're a moron. :dunno:

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