WH Tells Trans Kids To 'Fight Back' After Tn Trans Domestic Terrorist Attack / Trans-Violence

actually, you made it sound like all mass murders were white men not even close to true. we know you are an idiot, but do you have to be so easy to be made a fool?
Statistically all mass murderers in the US are white males. If you are going to try to exclude LGBTQ from the Second Amendment then logically you have to exclude white males first.
There is also the issue of lying to people and then having sex with them. Some trans people will lie about being a woman and try to seduce a man. When the man finds out he is with another man violence often ensues. This is not justification for killing someone of course but it is counted as a hate crime or transphobia which of course it is not.

That's probably so. I've only been intimate with one woman, and only after I married her, after spending about a year getting to know her. I don't suppose that it is completely impossible, in a situation like mine, that a “trans woman” could fool a man with whom “she” is in a relationship as close as mine was with my fiancée over that year, only to find out the horrible truth on the wedding night, but it surely would be very unlikely.

A man who is of sufficiently low character to be having sex with strange women, without even getting to know them, is probably someone who is more likely to resort to violence if he finds he's been tricked in such a manner.

Not having any hope of a real relationship anyone of any character, “trans women” are probably trolling for exactly the sort of guy that's going to end up killing or seriously harming them when he finds out how he's being played.

One again, mental disorder leads to dangerous and self-destructive behavior. But somehow, we sane people are supposed to be blamed for it, for being “transphobic”.
Statistically all mass murderers in the US are white males. If you are going to try to exclude LGBTQ from the Second Amendment then logically you have to exclude white males first.
We're doing statistics now are we? Ok riddle me this when is 13% the same as 52%

WH Tells Trans Kids To 'Fight Back' After Tn Trans Domestic Terrorist Attack / Trans-Violence​

The WH is occupied by morons and fucktards so that has to be taken in consideration
Statistically all mass murderers in the US are white males. If you are going to try to exclude LGBTQ from the Second Amendment then logically you have to exclude white males first.
Liar there are a lot of black men in that list some Hispanics and at least one Asian. Keep on lying it suits you.
It stands to reason that “trans” freaks, being mentally fucked-up as they are, are more likely to get themselves into dangerous situations involving drugs and crime, than sane people are. Insanity is not exactly conducive to good judgement.

They are also more likely to get killed by haters like you.

So here's a simple solution. Make the killing of a trans person a more serious crime. Life in prison, no parole, hate crime enhancer, no matter what the circumstances.
Being a law and order type, I'm sure you'll be all on board for this.
That's probably so. I've only been intimate with one woman, and only after I married her, after spending about a year getting to know her. I don't suppose that it is completely impossible, in a situation like mine, that a “trans woman” could fool a man with whom “she” is in a relationship as close as mine was with my fiancée over that year, only to find out the horrible truth on the wedding night, but it surely would be very unlikely.

A man who is of sufficiently low character to be having sex with strange women, without even getting to know them, is probably someone who is more likely to resort to violence if he finds he's been tricked in such a manner.

You realize the vast majority of people have sex before marriage, right?
If fact, it would be kind of stupid not to. How would you know if you satisfy the other person?

75% of married couples even LIVE together before marriage now, and frankly, it's a positive development.
So here's a simple solution. Make the killing of a trans person a more serious crime. Life in prison, no parole, hate crime enhancer, no matter what the circumstances.
Being a law and order type, I'm sure you'll be all on board for this.

That should be the absolute minimum penalty for any murder, unless there are major mitigating circumstances.

Most murderers should be put to death.
That should be the absolute minimum penalty for any murder, unless there are major mitigating circumstances.

Most murderers should be put to death.

Real world, we treat the guy who killed someone in a barfight differently than the serial killer who has 10 dead bodies in his crawlspace.

Executing people is impractical because it costs millions of dollars to litigate these cases to prove they actually got the right guy.

So dodging and weaving aside, Bob, should we treat the hateful murder of a trans person more seriously than the guy who shot his wife's boyfriend?
So dodging and weaving aside, Bob, should we treat the hateful murder of a trans person more seriously than the guy who shot his wife's boyfriend?

Murder is murder.

Nothing about either of those two examples makes one very much more or less serious than the other.
There's the real objective of the Left. Attack the last vestige of morality and righteousness in America.
When you really break down their agenda ... you'll note that every, single thing they're opposed to reflects biblical morality.

Bible: Protect children.
Woke: Murder unborn babies.

Bible: Men and women to marry.
Woke: Gay marriage

Bible: Treat your body like a temple.
Woke: Mutilate kids; smoke, drink, and do drugs.

Bible: Honor Jesus
Woke: Spit at the very sound of His name.

And the list goes on. It's why I continually share my belief that Satan (and satanism) is behind it all.
When you really break down their agenda ... you'll note that every, single thing they're opposed to reflects biblical morality.

Bible: Protect children.
Woke: Murder unborn babies.

Bible: Men and women to marry.
Woke: Gay marriage

Bible: Treat your body like a temple.
Woke: Mutilate kids; smoke, drink, and do drugs.

Bible: Honor Jesus
Woke: Spit at the very sound of His name.

And the list goes on. It's why I continually share my belief that Satan (and satanism) is behind it all.
Oh that's a given.
Murder is murder.

Nothing about either of those two examples makes one very much more or less serious than the other.

The law says differently.

It's why we have different degrees of Murder and Manslaughter laws on the book.

When you really break down their agenda ... you'll note that every, single thing they're opposed to reflects biblical morality.

You might have a point.

Bible: Murder Witches and unbelievers.
Woke: People should be able to worship whoever they want.

Bible: Murder people who work on the Sabbath
Woke: Hey, dude, that seems a bit harsh and I have stuff I need to do on Sunday, it's my only day off.

Bible: Murder Rape victims for not crying out.
Woke: Uh, no, we don't do that.

Bible: Murder your own children if they talk back or aren't virgins on their wedding nights.
Woke: Uh, no, that would be child abuse.

So you have a point. We don't follow the bible, being all woke.
Because God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.
The law says differently.

It's why we have different degrees of Murder and Manslaughter laws on the book.

You might have a point.

Bible: Murder Witches and unbelievers.
Woke: People should be able to worship whoever they want.

Bible: Murder people who work on the Sabbath
Woke: Hey, dude, that seems a bit harsh and I have stuff I need to do on Sunday, it's my only day off.

Bible: Murder Rape victims for not crying out.
Woke: Uh, no, we don't do that.

Bible: Murder your own children if they talk back or aren't virgins on their wedding nights.
Woke: Uh, no, that would be child abuse.

So you have a point. We don't follow the bible, being all woke.
Because God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.
Well ... you're sorta wrong about God "not changing His mind." The Old Covenant was harsh and rigid. The New Covenant is far more forgiving and gentle (although Christ will return with His angels and do some serious house cleaning). A woman was found committing adultery. Under the Old Covenant ... death was required as long as there were two witnesses. But under the New Covenant, Christ said, "He who is without sin ... cast the first stone." Of course ... nobody did.

But ultimately ... you are correct. People who willingly rebel against God will end up in a hot place.
The law says differently.

It's why we have different degrees of Murder and Manslaughter laws on the book.

You might have a point.

Bible: Murder Witches and unbelievers.
Woke: People should be able to worship whoever they want.

Bible: Murder people who work on the Sabbath
Woke: Hey, dude, that seems a bit harsh and I have stuff I need to do on Sunday, it's my only day off.

Bible: Murder Rape victims for not crying out.
Woke: Uh, no, we don't do that.

Bible: Murder your own children if they talk back or aren't virgins on their wedding nights.
Woke: Uh, no, that would be child abuse.

So you have a point. We don't follow the bible, being all woke.
Because God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.
And therein lies your problem. You refuse to repent and trust G-d who NEVER changes.

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