Whaddya know! obama was really born in Kenya!

Man, posting something about this man that happens to be true, coming from his OWN literary agent, and people blow a gasket..

No one said this was suppose to help Romney..This is all about a fraud that was pulled on people

No kidding! Ya...literary agents are a bastion of truthiness.:lol: They hardly ever say anything that might fudge the facts a scosh to sell thier clients books. Ya..THAT hardly EVER happens..

Stefunny...you are such an idiot.

True story.
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So a "fact checking error" led them to say he was born in Kenya???

Ooops, my employer had a "fact checking" error and said I was born in Madagascar and not Charlotte, NC. Dammit. Hate it when that happens dont you?

Oh, shit, someone had a "fact checking" error and said Mitt Romney was born in the Soviet Union. Dammit, silly fact checking errors.

Lefties, GET OVER IT. Your boy was either born in Kenya (not as likely) or he LIED ABOUT being born there so he could seem more unique and precious to the left (more likely) while at Harvard.

Remember, the only thing left wing elitists love more than a non-white is a NON-US BORN non-white.
Man, posting something about this man that happens to be true, coming from his OWN literary agent, and people blow a gasket..

No one said this was suppose to help Romney..This is all about a fraud that was pulled on people

No kidding! Ya...literary agents are a bastion of truthiness.:lol: They hardly ever say anything that might fuge the facts a scosh to seel thier clients books. Ya..THAT hardly EVER happens..

Stefunny...you are such an idiot.

True story.

blaa blaa blaa
So a "fact checking error" led them to say he was born in Kenya???

Ooops, my employer had a "fact checking" error and said I was born in Madagascar and not Charlotte, NC. Dammit. Hate it when that happens dont you?

Oh, shit, someone had a "fact checking" error and said Mitt Romney was born in the Soviet Union. Dammit, silly fact checking errors.

Lefties, GET OVER IT. Your boy was either born in Kenya (not as likely) or he LIED ABOUT being born there so he could seem more unique and precious to the left (more likely) while at Harvard.

Remember, the only thing left wing elitists love more than a non-white is a NON-US BORN non-white.

Problem is? Americans are finding out that Obama isn't what he said he was nor did he intend on giving what he portrayed.

*He Lied*.

Who IS Obama anyway?
If he was an average soldier in the military, he wouldn't get a clearance with the drugs in his past and his shady background with lies and half-truths.
So a "fact checking error" led them to say he was born in Kenya???

An assistant made an error when writing a blurb about some unknown guy no one had ever heard of.

I can see how birfers find that difficult to comprehend. It does not jibe with what the voices in their heads want to believe.
And by the way. If everyone who was not a birfer was a liberal Democrat who loves Obama, that would mean 75 percent of the country would be liberal Democrats who love Obama.

I am a conservative who hates Obama with a passion. I just don't believe the Earth is flat, storks bring babies, or Obama was born in Kenya.

I am greatly annoyed that the GOP power structure willfully uses rubes like the birfers to get their votes rather than show some integrity and work vigorously at dismantling the birfer lunacy. The only reason 25 percent of Americans think Obama was born in Kenya is because the GOP power structure likes it that way. They want their voters to be magical thinkers as much as possible. Until the GOP shows some integrity and returns to the days when intelligence was rewarded and a prerequisite to get ahead in the party, people like me will stay home every election day and watch Apollo drive the sun across the sky in his chariot instead.
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He was forced to register for the draft to get his student loans.

He would've gone to Mexico, Canada, Kenya, etc if we had a draft when he was younger.

If he was an average soldier in the military, he wouldn't get a clearance with the drugs in his past and his shady background with lies and half-truths.

Didn't he state he considered it...but registered for the Draft instead?
He was forced to register for the draft to get his student loans.

He would've gone to Mexico, Canada, Kenya, etc if we had a draft when he was younger.

If he was an average soldier in the military, he wouldn't get a clearance with the drugs in his past and his shady background with lies and half-truths.

Didn't he state he considered it...but registered for the Draft instead?

But gets in power and says we need a force to RIVAL the military instead...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtDSwyCPEsQ"]Obama's Plan for The Draft- MANDATORY SERVICE everyone 18-25 - YouTube[/ame]
Who IS Obama anyway?

He's our President. Hope that helps!

Some birfers just cannot stand it that a negro is in the White House. It drives them crazy.

Why was the left so mean to Herman Cain, who had two black parents? Maybe they are the racists. Cain had a lot of support from the right and many, including myself, are still greatly disappointed that he didn't get the nod. It is about the issues, more so how to fix the problems our country faces.
Who IS Obama anyway?

He's our President. Hope that helps!

Some birfers just cannot stand it that a negro is in the White House. It drives them crazy.

Why was the left so mean to Herman Cain, who had two black parents? Maybe they are the racists. Cain had a lot of support from the right and many, including myself, are still greatly disappointed that he didn't get the nod. It is about the issues, more so how to fix the problems our country faces.

The Left had to opt for bimbo eruption...note it ceased when Herman got out?

Obama just couldn't be challanged from a REAL American.
So a "fact checking error" led them to say he was born in Kenya???

Ooops, my employer had a "fact checking" error and said I was born in Madagascar and not Charlotte, NC. Dammit. Hate it when that happens dont you?

Oh, shit, someone had a "fact checking" error and said Mitt Romney was born in the Soviet Union. Dammit, silly fact checking errors.

Lefties, GET OVER IT. Your boy was either born in Kenya (not as likely) or he LIED ABOUT being born there so he could seem more unique and precious to the left (more likely) while at Harvard.

Remember, the only thing left wing elitists love more than a non-white is a NON-US BORN non-white.

I think he's either a liar (highly likely) or renounced his citizenship when his stepfather adopted him. Indonesia wouldn't allow non-citizens at the time Obama lived there as a child, so how did he get in if he wasn't a citizen?

The birth certificate released has been proven to be a fake. I was highly skeptical of all the birther claims until I saw Obama's reaction and several videos taking a close look at the birth certificate posted on Obama's website. It just doesn't add up, so he should explain a great many things. Snopes had a lame explanation as to why Obama got a social security number in a state he never lived in. They claimed sloppy writing with the address made it look like a different zip, yet the ss card was mailed to Hawaii with the same incorrect zip. And he obtained the ss after he had supposedly worked as a teen, so how was that possible?

Did he receive scholarships by claiming he was a foreign student and that is why he won't release college transcripts?

There are just too many inconsistencies and they beg explanations. Even the selective service card has a date that doesn't match others sent at the same time. It has only 2 digits, off center, while everyone elses has 4 digits. How many things are we supposed to ignore?

I realize some have taken the bait and refuse to say anything because the left applies the Alinsky tactic of belittling those who speak out against the leader and it has made some hesitant to say what they think. I don't give a damn about the lefts' stupid labels. There are some damn good questions without satisfactory answers and any real reporter would have pressed him on this.
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Nice to see you haven't walked away from your racist roots.

Ever notice that when one of the legion of Obamabots cannot handle a criticism of The ONE, they tend to call the opponent of the moment a "racist?"
No dude, thats shit. This crap the right is trying to pull is unfair and has ONLY been done for the black President. If Romney wins this year and you guys go through this same sad display, I'll withdraw the comment and apologize. We all know it won't happen.

Noting that young Barack's OWN literary agent told this tale is not even remotely akin to saying anything racist.

Right, it's a tale. But since it may paint the President in a bad light, the usual suspects show up.

You can't seriously think this helps Romney out in any way shape or form, do you? I would hope you're smarter than this.

Are you trying to tell us Romney was born in Kenya?
Ever notice that when one of the legion of Obamabots cannot handle a criticism of The ONE, they tend to call the opponent of the moment a "racist?"
No dude, thats shit. This crap the right is trying to pull is unfair and has ONLY been done for the black President. If Romney wins this year and you guys go through this same sad display, I'll withdraw the comment and apologize. We all know it won't happen.

Noting that young Barack's OWN literary agent told this tale is not even remotely akin to saying anything racist.

Right, it's a tale. But since it may paint the President in a bad light, the usual suspects show up.

You can't seriously think this helps Romney out in any way shape or form, do you? I would hope you're smarter than this.

Are you trying to tell us Romney was born in Kenya?
Nice to see you haven't walked away from your racist roots.

Ever notice that when one of the legion of Obamabots cannot handle a criticism of The ONE, they tend to call the opponent of the moment a "racist?"
No dude, thats shit. This crap the right is trying to pull is unfair and has ONLY been done for the black President. If Romney wins this year and you guys go through this same sad display, I'll withdraw the comment and apologize. We all know it won't happen.

Noting that young Barack's OWN literary agent told this tale is not even remotely akin to saying anything racist.

Right, it's a tale. But since it may paint the President in a bad light, the usual suspects show up.

You can't seriously think this helps Romney out in any way shape or form, do you? I would hope you're smarter than this.

Bullshit corny. Any time anybody finds any shit on any Republican President, your looney "journalists" breathlessly report it.

Reporting THAT story, about how Barack's OWN fucking literary agent wrote about young Barack having come from Kenya is simply factual.

When Dan hitman & fuck the truth Rather "reported" the bogus "story" about President Bush's Air National Guard service, which included faked documents, was THAT "racist?" :cuckoo:

Seriously. Cut the shit.

The current President is black. We get it. That doesn't give him immunity from criticism or scrutiny. It's not racist to note that he lacks credibility. And he lacks credibility.

He is also a failure as President. Hint: that's not "racist" either. It's just the truth.
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Ever notice that when one of the legion of Obamabots cannot handle a criticism of The ONE, they tend to call the opponent of the moment a "racist?"
No dude, thats shit. This crap the right is trying to pull is unfair and has ONLY been done for the black President. If Romney wins this year and you guys go through this same sad display, I'll withdraw the comment and apologize. We all know it won't happen.

Noting that young Barack's OWN literary agent told this tale is not even remotely akin to saying anything racist.

Right, it's a tale. But since it may paint the President in a bad light, the usual suspects show up.

You can't seriously think this helps Romney out in any way shape or form, do you? I would hope you're smarter than this.

Bullshit corny. Any time anybody finds any shit on any Republican President, your looney "journalists" breathlessly report it.

Reporting THAT story, about how Barack's OWN fucking literary agent wrote about young Barack having come from Kenya is simply factual.

When Dan hitman & fuck the truth Rather "reported" the bogus "story" about President Bush's Air National Guard service, which included faked documents, was THAT "racist?" :cuckoo:

Seriously. Cut the shit.

The current President is black. We get it. That doesn't give him immunity from criticism of scrutiny. It's not racist to note that he lacks credibility. And he lacks credibility.

He is also a failure as President. Hint: that's not "racist" either. It's just the truth.

Amen. CandyCornHole just never can make it past her racial crap with the rest of us that have grown beyond it.
this piece of trash paper proves nothing you idiots.

He has all the paper work to document his birth you lying sacks of pig shit

Looks to me that you might be a little worried about being RIGHT? You can't comment without calling names, that makes you sound a little DESPERATE! Lol!

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