Whale dies with stomach full of plastic, trash

Someone explain how banning plastic bags in California will keep a whale from ingesting plastic sheeting from Grenada?

Those plastic bags end up in my creek.

Are you volunteering to come clean them up after every storm that washes them in?

if not, can you tell me who I'm supposed to file a lawsuit against (lawsuits being the libertarian solution that supposedly solves all problems), so that I can be compensated for my damages?

You've incurred no damages so shut your corn hole, drama queen.
That is so sickening. Whales live for well over a hundred years and to have random plastic in our oceans that can shorten their lives like that is criminal.

I agree. The problem is this is being perpetuated by people in third world shit holes who don't give a damn, so I'm not entirely sure what the solution is other than an organized boycott and who knows how effective that would even be.
Christians would say it's gods will.

Quote one

Gismys thinks god is coming in our lifetime. If that is true, she doesn't believe or care about pollution or global warming. So any christian who believes in the rapture or end days.

Was global warming proficized in the bible? Then it's not happening, right? :cuckoo:

That is quite an ill founded extrapolation you've made there. You're not showing yourself to be any more intellectual than Gismys, yet you have the nerve to criticize his idiocy using your own.
Someone explain how banning plastic bags in California will keep a whale from ingesting plastic sheeting from Grenada?

Those plastic bags end up in my creek.

Are you volunteering to come clean them up after every storm that washes them in?

if not, can you tell me who I'm supposed to file a lawsuit against (lawsuits being the libertarian solution that supposedly solves all problems), so that I can be compensated for my damages?

You've incurred no damages so shut your corn hole, drama queen.

In one post, you say its the third world who throws away plastic but here you say plastic doesn't harm our own waterways when clearly it does.

Its not just major rivers emptying out into the oceans either. Its like mamooth said - his small creek is impacted. So is the lake I live on.

I agree that other countries are a huge problem but that's no reason or excuse for us to do nothing. When we see the word "disposable", we should think "permanent" because that's what it is. We need to change our attitude and take responsibility for our role in this mess.

In France, we tried to buy a bottle of wine in a restaurant to take back to our hotel room. The owner said he couldn't do that because he was responsible for every bottle and that they had to be returned to be reused.

Why can't the US do that?

Why can't we recycle the way much of the rest of the world does?
Quote one

Gismys thinks god is coming in our lifetime. If that is true, she doesn't believe or care about pollution or global warming. So any christian who believes in the rapture or end days.

Was global warming proficized in the bible? Then it's not happening, right? :cuckoo:

That is quite an ill founded extrapolation you've made there. You're not showing yourself to be any more intellectual than Gismys, yet you have the nerve to criticize his idiocy using your own.

What makes you the decider? I suspect you are a christian who is embarrassed of Gismys. Similar to all the Republicans who defended Bush for 8 yeas but then as soon as Obama got in you couldn't find any Bush supporters anymore.

They just wanted to know when we would stop blaming bush??? While in the same breath reminding us Carter was the worst president in US history.

Anyways, same thing here. It is Christians that are causing global warming. If you pay attention they are the biggest GW deniers. No coincidence there BRO.
That is so sickening. Whales live for well over a hundred years and to have random plastic in our oceans that can shorten their lives like that is criminal.

You should stop buying plastic.


Why should I do that, asshole? I dispose of plastics properly, ever heard of recycling? Solutions don't always have to be so drastic.

Pretty sensitive about the subject, huh?

I suspect you've not recyled every single plastic bag you've ever used and you are projecting the guilt you share with all Whale Killers.

The libertarian solution would be to allow YOU to clean YOUR Creek.

No, that's the liberal solution, simply expending my labor to clean up the environmental damage that somebody else caused. Because shit happens. I'd rather just kick back, but grownups ... that is, the liberals ... know that sometimes, you just don't get to do what you want.

However, libertarians see it differently. My property is being damaged by the actions of others. According to the libertarians and the rules of the libertarian utopia, I can stop that damage from happening if I sue those responsible. Hence, I'm asking who I'm supposed to sue over the plastic bags littering my land.

The point? Libertarian policy fails completely at controlling pollution from diffuse sources, where there's no specific entity to sue. Hence, government needs to step in. And the libertarians don't have the honesty to address that obvious failure of their utopian system.

Sadly, you are confused.

Liberal describes a modern, less conservative interpretation of the constitution.

Thus your right to the pursuit of happiness is an entitlement supported by the Department of Interior and Environmental Protection Agency, as well as countless Federal and State bureaucracies designed to "help you" through your little plastic bag crisis.

I suggest giving them a call. No doubt, given the vast budgets devoted to these well-oiled, publically sponsored entities, you will quickly and efficiently find satisfaction.


Let us know how it works out.
You should stop buying plastic.


Why should I do that, asshole? I dispose of plastics properly, ever heard of recycling? Solutions don't always have to be so drastic.

Pretty sensitive about the subject, huh?

I suspect you've not recyled every single plastic bag you've ever used and you are projecting the guilt you share with all Whale Killers.


Why should I do that, asshole? I dispose of plastics properly, ever heard of recycling? Solutions don't always have to be so drastic.

Pretty sensitive about the subject, huh?

I suspect you've not recyled every single plastic bag you've ever used and you are projecting the guilt you share with all Whale Killers.



I bet one that you don't even know about, blew out of your recycling container and flew into the ocean where a baby whale ate it.

Perhaps if human beings stopped shitting in their living rooms and where they eat and sleep, other creatures that inhabit this world would survive. After all, a bear shits in the woods..it doesn't bring it home.

Oh. Wait. Human beings are pigs and care nothing about anything else. Cruise ships that dump their crap overboard, pigs that go to fairs or circuses, even going to the beach. Ever see a beach after a major holiday? It looks like a land fill. So why should anyone care a whale died from ingesting the shit they dumped in the ocean? If it doesn't affect them directly, it doesn't exist.
Perhaps if human beings stopped shitting in their living rooms and where they eat and sleep, other creatures that inhabit this world would survive......


Gracie, the rest of us have toilets......
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Gray whale dies bringing us a message ? with stomach full of plastic trash | The Mind Unleashed

July 29, 2013, a sperm whale was stranded on Tershelling, a northern island in the Netherlands. There was a rescue attempt, but unfortunately the whale died. A young adult at 13.5 meters was taken for a necropsy at the port of Harlington. The sperm whale had plastic in its stomach, an increasing common phenomenon say researchers at the Biodiversity Centre Naturalis. In March of last year, a 10 meter long sperm whale washed up on Spain’s South Coast. This whale had swallowed 59 different plastic items totaling over 37 pounds. Most of this plastic consisted of transparent sheeting used to build greenhouses in Almeria and Grenada for the purpose of tomatoes for the European market. The rest was plastic bags, nine meters of rope, two stretches of hosepipe, two small flower pots, and a plastic spray canister. Cause of death was intestinal blockage.

These are not uncommon incidents. In 1989, a stranded sperm whale in the Lavezzi Islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea died of a stomach obstruction after accidentally ingesting plastic bags and 100 feet of plastic sheeting. In 1990, a sperm whale examined for pathology in Iceland died of an obstruction of the gut with plastic marine debris. In August of 2008, a sperm whale washed up in Point Reyes, California with 450 pounds of fishing net, rope, and plastic bags in its stomach. The California Marine Mammal Stranding Database tells of another sperm whale stranded in 2008 with stomach contents that included an extensive amount of netting from discarded fishing gear.


stoopid-ass whale........

Maybe we should ban humans!!!:D
Our local recycling operations will not take plastic bags of any size, nor sheeting, not nets.
The OP has a plate in her head. What the fuck goes wrong in the course of a lifetime that people get mental about shit like this? With all the multitudes of human tragedies going on, these mental cases are getting fucked up over a fucking whale inhaling some bags. Holy fuck:eek::eek:......and one wonders how the culture is devolving into utter chaos?

These people are the most dangerous on the face of the planet. Thank God they don't put them in charge of anything!!:D
There will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans by 2050...

Report: Plastic to Outweigh Fish in Oceans by 2050
January 19, 2016 - There will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans by 2050, according to a report by the World Economic Forum released Tuesday.
Plastic has become the most used material everywhere and every day in the modern economy for its combination of functionality and very low production costs. Its use, especially in packaging, which is the focus of the report, has increased 20 times in the past 50 years, to 311 million tons in 2014, and is expected to double again in 20 years.


Steve Masoner, co-fonder of the non-profit "Save Our Beach," removes a plastic bucket and other debris following a storm in Seal Beach, California​

Most plastic packaging is used only once and 95 percent of its value, worth $80 billion to $120 billion annually, is lost to the economy. The report predicts that with the current pace, oceans will contain more plastic than fish by 2050 in terms of weight, estimating that by then, the amount of plastic produced globally will have increased three times to more than one billion tons.

The report considered more problematic the fact that almost a third of all plastic packaging escapes collection systems and ends up in nature or clogging infrastructure. The World Economic Forum offers a vision for a global economy in which plastic never become waste, but is systematically collected and recycled.

That means offering people incentives to recycle plastic, use reusable packaging, and encourage countries to improve their waste collection infrastructure to prevent the material from leaking into nature. The report is based on interviews with more than 180 experts and on analysis of more than 200 reports.

Report: Plastic to Outweigh Fish in Oceans by 2050

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