Zone1 What a Difference a Day Makes: Vivek Ramaswamy Calls Juneteenth a 'useless' Holiday Suggests Canceling It


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
Yesterday I saw this video of Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy calling Juneteenth a 'useless' holiday and thinks it should be cancelled. He also made some derogatory remarks about some of "the religious" holidays which he stated aren't really about religion but instead are cults. On top of calling Juneteenth useless he indicated that the only reason it is now a holiday is because of those who gave in to political pressure and that making it a federal holiday was not necessary.

And while he's certainly entitled to his own opinion, it wears on my nerves when people from other countries come to the U.S. and take advantage of all of the things that the U.S. has to offer that obviously weren't available to them in their country of origin and then turn around and talk crap about some of the citizens here or our customs in the manner that he has just demonstrated.

Even more astounding, is that today he's now apparently walking back his statement since someone has found an old post of his in which he was stating something entirely different about Juneteenth. I believe this is called "talking out of both sides of his mouth".


Yesterday I saw this video of Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy calling Juneteenth a 'useless' holiday and thinks it should be cancelled. He also made some derogatory remarks about some of "the religious" holidays which he stated aren't really about religion but instead are cults. On top of calling Juneteenth useless he indicated that the only reason it is now a holiday is because of those who gave in to political pressure and that making it a federal holiday was not necessary.

And while he's certainly entitled to his own opinion, it wears on my nerves when people from other countries come to the U.S. and take advantage of all of the things that the U.S. has to offer that obviously weren't available to them in their country of origin and then turn around and talk crap about some of the citizens here or our customs in the manner that he has just demonstrated.

Even more astounding, is that today he's now apparently walking back his statement since someone has found an old post of his in which he was stating something entirely different about Juneteenth. I believe this is called "talking out of both sides of his mouth".


Yesterday I saw this video of Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy calling Juneteenth a 'useless' holiday and thinks it should be cancelled. He also made some derogatory remarks about some of "the religious" holidays which he stated aren't really about religion but instead are cults. On top of calling Juneteenth useless he indicated that the only reason it is now a holiday is because of those who gave in to political pressure and that making it a federal holiday was not necessary.

And while he's certainly entitled to his own opinion, it wears on my nerves when people from other countries come to the U.S. and take advantage of all of the things that the U.S. has to offer that obviously weren't available to them in their country of origin and then turn around and talk crap about some of the citizens here or our customs in the manner that he has just demonstrated.

Even more astounding, is that today he's now apparently walking back his statement since someone has found an old post of his in which he was stating something entirely different about Juneteenth. I believe this is called "talking out of both sides of his mouth".


You know, he has some decent ideas, but he's not really from America like me and you are.
Not aware of our traditions. Especially the Christian ones.

When I was growing up, every Christmas was Nat King Cole and Bing Crosby.

And school Christmas plays about the birth of Christ.

Yesterday I saw this video of Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy calling Juneteenth a 'useless' holiday and thinks it should be cancelled. He also made some derogatory remarks about some of "the religious" holidays which he stated aren't really about religion but instead are cults. On top of calling Juneteenth useless he indicated that the only reason it is now a holiday is because of those who gave in to political pressure and that making it a federal holiday was not necessary.

And while he's certainly entitled to his own opinion, it wears on my nerves when people from other countries come to the U.S. and take advantage of all of the things that the U.S. has to offer that obviously weren't available to them in their country of origin and then turn around and talk crap about some of the citizens here or our customs in the manner that he has just demonstrated.

Even more astounding, is that today he's now apparently walking back his statement since someone has found an old post of his in which he was stating something entirely different about Juneteenth. I believe this is called "talking out of both sides of his mouth".



Keep Juneteenth

Ditch Kwanzaa. Please.

The end.
Vivek is being attacked by the establishment MSM because they're afraid of him. Vivek thinks outside the box. I'm sure he would bring honesty and discipline to our government, which has neither now. I'd like to see him be Trump's AG before he becomes President.
I think we should get rid of Black History Month and instead make it a single day, and keep MLK Day and Juneteenth. I also think we should rid of President’s Day and go back to GW birthday (the father of the country) and Lincoln BD (the best president and the one who fought against slavery).

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