What a Shock=> Trump Implosion Stories Completely Fabricated by Liberal Media Hacks

Seems the BIG SECRET has been outed....Poor subversives!

Gateway Pundit ^ | August 4, 2016 | Jim Hoft
The liberal media and Never Trumpers are cheering a Trump campaign “implosion.” This comes after nonstop liberal attacks on Trump for responding to a Sharia supporting lawyer at the DNC Convention. Trump was supposed to know you are not allowed to respond to attacks by Sharia supporting lawyers who support mass immigration from Muslim countries. So now the media is cheering this “implosion.” GOP officials are reportedly plotting alternative options to Trump A Trump “intervention”: With his campaign on the brink of implosion, GOP officials reportedly plot alternative options — Salon (@Salon) August 4, 2016 Even the Never Trumpers are cheering the latest headlines. By the way, and needless to say, the "Clinton bounce" is far...


Is this a Fantasy Island thread...?

Dreaming about LITTLE MEN again..... your pathetic!
You conservatives are outdoing your 2012 selves, you've taken it to a whole new level of stupid.

It's the advancement of personal electronic communications. As it turns out twitter and the other instant chats can spread stupidity just as easily and as fast as knowledge. The echo chamber can block unwanted input so the message is uninterrupted. AND...The core supporters can receive their marching orders on the cheap. 140 characters or less suits low information people to a T.

Intelligent people prefer more information and the means to research. The knuckle daggers not so much. They only get their information(brain washing) from a minimum of sources so the need for additional info or fact checking does not exist.
Intelligent people prefer more information and the means to research. The knuckle daggers not so much. They only get their information(brain washing) from a minimum of sources so the need for additional info or fact checking does not exist.
Lol, that is a laugh.

So tell me, Mr More Information, what specific sentence did Trump utter that was an attack on Mr Khan?

Tell me when the so-called Jobs Report came out today, what also went up that kind of gave away the type of jobs that the 255k new jobs actually were?

What is also included in the calculations of the GDP that kind of makes it easy for the Federal government to end a recession as officially defined by the same said government?

I doubt you know the answers but perhaps you do.

Either way I doubt you will answer because that is what retards like you do; waste everyone's time with your horse shit then simply ignore any reciprocity in answering OUR questions put to YOU.
Build the wall.
Enforce the law.
Deport illegal immigrants.
End sanctuary cities.
End anchor babies.
Slap a moratorium on muslim immigration.
Cut the taxes.
Cut the spending.
Cut the regulations.
Cut the government.
Cut the debt.
Cut the EPA.
Repeal ObamaCare.
Get the feds out and allow health insurance to be sold over state lines.
Send education back to states.
Get a handle on trade.
Make trade deals in our own best interests.
Bring back capital.
Bring back manufacturing.
Bring back jobs.
Strengthen the economy.
Defend the second amendment.
Defend religious freedom.
Appoint constitutional conservative judges.
Rebuild our military.
Bomb ISIS (and take their oil).
End political correctness.
Redo the horrid Iran deal.
Take a serious look at NATO.
Require our allies to pay more for their defense
Take the media head-on.
Take the liberals head-on.
All of the above on a shoestring budget compared to most of the 16 competitors he’s defeated (after they spent 100's of millions of donor bucks).
No PACs.
No big donors.
Rebuild the Reagan Coalition and attract blue collar workers by making America first again on manufacturing, trade, secure borders, economy and jobs, jobs, jobs!

Make America Great Again!
All on his own? With no experience in governing? He won't have congress on his side. He hardly has 40% of the electorate on his side.

You have set him up as a political superhero in your imaginings.

Back in 1976 this country was in a mess. We had just come out of the meat grinder of Vietnam. We had just been battered and bruised by the most severe constitutional crisis in our history with the stupidly tragic Watergate affair. Domestic terrorism was rampant with 1,000 bombings a year in 1974. The Symbionese Liberation Army, the Weather Underground, Philadelphia's PUSH movement and th Yippies were constant features on nightly newscasts. Inflation was in double digits. Oil shortages, lines for gasoline and supermarkets were offering horse meat as an affordable alternative to beef.

America wanted an outsider, someone of impeccable character, someone who could fight against the appearant imbecility of Washington. And we got someone who fit the bill in Jimmy Carter.

But he was stubborn, had no insight as to the apparatchik of Washington, unable or unwilling to build legislative coalitions.

Be ever so careful what you wish for, because you may just get it. Failure to learn from history ultimately means repeating it.

And then we got our superstar.
Intelligent people prefer more information and the means to research. The knuckle daggers not so much. They only get their information(brain washing) from a minimum of sources so the need for additional info or fact checking does not exist.
Lol, that is a laugh.

So tell me, Mr More Information, what specific sentence did Trump utter that was an attack on Mr Khan?

Tell me when the so-called Jobs Report came out today, what also went up that kind of gave away the type of jobs that the 255k new jobs actually were?

What is also included in the calculations of the GDP that kind of makes it easy for the Federal government to end a recession as officially defined by the same said government?

I doubt you know the answers but perhaps you do.

Either way I doubt you will answer because that is what retards like you do; waste everyone's time with your horse shit then simply ignore any reciprocity in answering OUR questions put to YOU.

Did I say I was the smartest man in the room? Well, yes I have stated my I Q is somewhere North of 140 but that does not mean I spend THAT much time on every politically related topic. I have other interests. I do like to independently research specific topics so I have a better understanding of what the hell I am reading and replying to. As for the jobs report you have me there. Not a clue.

You know Jimmy, I COULD have supported Trump before he exposed his personality issues. Why you cling to a candidate that is so clearly obviously not emotionally qualified is beyond me. I can't stand Clinton. She is a phony twat. She has lied to cover for her sexual predator husband.

Too bad Trump can't control himself. I will not vote for either candidate. I learned my lesson with Bush.
Too bad Trump can't control himself. I will not vote for either candidate. I learned my lesson with Bush.
I didnt think you would answer my questions. Thanks for confirming that you are a mental coward.

And Trump controls himself, but he cannot control the media from lying about him or prevent idiots like you from believing the lies.
Too bad Trump can't control himself. I will not vote for either candidate. I learned my lesson with Bush.
I didnt think you would answer my questions. Thanks for confirming that you are a mental coward.

And Trump controls himself, but he cannot control the media from lying about him or prevent idiots like you from believing the lies.

WTF is a "mental coward"? This is not a grand jury or a formal deposition. We are not required to answer any or all questions.

You spew so much negativity it is difficult to read your posts at all without laughing. Every time I just start to take you seriously you go and blow it with some total nonsense... Not unlike Trump.
Seems the BIG SECRET has been outed....Poor subversives!

Gateway Pundit ^ | August 4, 2016 | Jim Hoft
The liberal media and Never Trumpers are cheering a Trump campaign “implosion.” This comes after nonstop liberal attacks on Trump for responding to a Sharia supporting lawyer at the DNC Convention. Trump was supposed to know you are not allowed to respond to attacks by Sharia supporting lawyers who support mass immigration from Muslim countries. So now the media is cheering this “implosion.” GOP officials are reportedly plotting alternative options to Trump A Trump “intervention”: With his campaign on the brink of implosion, GOP officials reportedly plot alternative options — Salon (@Salon) August 4, 2016 Even the Never Trumpers are cheering the latest headlines. By the way, and needless to say, the "Clinton bounce" is far...


"My feelings - as usual - we will slaughter them all"
Trump wins in a landslide in November. Mark it on your calendars boys and girls. If he nails the first debate its all but over for her.

UPDATE: If he endorses Paul Ryan tonight (8/5/2016) I retract that statement.
Trump wins in a landslide in November. Mark it on your calendars boys and girls. If he nails the first debate its all but over for her.

"If he nails the first debate its all but over for her."

Alternatively, if Hillary starts barking like a dog in the first debate, it's all but over for her :smoke:


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