TIME Mag: “Trump Was Right. There WAS A Conspiracy”, “Well-Funded Cabal, Powerful People Changing Laws, Steering Media And Controlling The Flow Of Inf

"In a way, Trump was right.

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance"

They don't even care that we know at this point apparently
The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.
Yes, would-be totalitarians always believe they have a good reason to take control.
That is why they choke and get fools to try and overthrow Congress.
A hundred people tried to overthrow Congress?

You have no idea how stupid that sounds.

Fear not Dave. I had an idea how stupid it sounded as soon as you plopped "A hundred people".

I get it. You're doing Ray from Rain Man. Ask him what something costs and everything is "hunnerd dollars. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd dollars".

"How much does a sports car cost, Ray?"
"Hunnerd dollars. 'Bout a hunnerd dollars"

"How many Insurrectionistas sacked the Capitol building on January 6th Ray?"

"'Bout a hunnerd. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd insurrectionistas".
I thought it was especially terrifying how the "insurrectionists" stayed in the velvet ropes.


The horror!

Ya...they were so polite and respectful...

View attachment 453677View attachment 453678View attachment 453679View attachment 453680View attachment 453681View attachment 453683View attachment 453682
Oh, no! Windows were broken! The Republic has fallen!
So your cool with riots then? Damn, who would have guessed.
I'm okay with peaceful protests, no matter who's doing them.

The idiots who burned Democrat cities last year and the idiots who committed vandalism in the Capitol this year all need to be punished.

But can we stop pretending what happened at the Capitol was an attack on democracy? Because -- it wasn't.

Yuh huh. Them thar storm troopers were literally going in for the purpose of arresting the electoral process. That is LITERALLY what was going on at the time.

Scenarios don't really come in a more antidemocratic size than that, dear.

That is a lie.....they walked around taking selfies...while antifa and blm terrorists hidden among the Trump supporters vandalized the building.

"In a way, Trump was right.

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance"

They don't even care that we know at this point apparently
The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.
Yes, would-be totalitarians always believe they have a good reason to take control.
That is why they choke and get fools to try and overthrow Congress.
A hundred people tried to overthrow Congress?

You have no idea how stupid that sounds.

Fear not Dave. I had an idea how stupid it sounded as soon as you plopped "A hundred people".

I get it. You're doing Ray from Rain Man. Ask him what something costs and everything is "hunnerd dollars. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd dollars".

"How much does a sports car cost, Ray?"
"Hunnerd dollars. 'Bout a hunnerd dollars"

"How many Insurrectionistas sacked the Capitol building on January 6th Ray?"

"'Bout a hunnerd. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd insurrectionistas".
I thought it was especially terrifying how the "insurrectionists" stayed in the velvet ropes.


The horror!

Ya...they were so polite and respectful...

View attachment 453677View attachment 453678View attachment 453679View attachment 453680View attachment 453681View attachment 453683View attachment 453682
Oh, no! Windows were broken! The Republic has fallen!
So your cool with riots then? Damn, who would have guessed.
I'm okay with peaceful protests, no matter who's doing them.

The idiots who burned Democrat cities last year and the idiots who committed vandalism in the Capitol this year all need to be punished.

But can we stop pretending what happened at the Capitol was an attack on democracy? Because -- it wasn't.

Yuh huh. Them thar storm troopers were literally going in for the purpose of arresting the electoral process. That is LITERALLY what was going on at the time.

Scenarios don't really come in a more antidemocratic size than that, dear.

That is a lie.....they walked around taking selfies...while antifa and blm terrorists hidden among the Trump supporters vandalized the building.

Umh...no. Out of those arrested (I think it's several hundred) - including those seen, in videos, actively vandalizing...none were Antifa. Damn man, just for once, denounce your extremists.
“Trump Was Right. There WAS A Conspiracy”… “Well-Funded Cabal, Powerful People Changing Laws, Steering Media And Controlling The Flow Of Information.”

TIME Mag: "Trump Was Right. There WAS A Conspiracy"... "Well-Funded Cabal, Powerful People Changing Laws, Steering Media and Controlling the Flow of Information." (thenationalpulse.com)
5 Feb 2021 ~~ By Raheem Kassam
Time Magazine has published intricate details of what they deem “a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans.”
The article even confirms both The National Pulse’s reporting on former Obama lawyer Ian Bassin, as well as Revolver.news’s assertion of the involvement of Norm Eisen in what amounted to a major admission of a globalist set up to leverage the coronavirus, mail-in voting, and corporate interest to oust President Trump from office.
The rationale for the article is simple, and even contained within the piece:
As I was reporting this article in November and December, I heard different claims about who should get the credit for thwarting Trump’s plot.
Liberals argued the role of bottom-up people power shouldn’t be overlooked, particularly the contributions of people of color and local grassroots activists.
Others stressed the heroism of GOP officials like Van Langevelde and Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger, who stood up to Trump at considerable cost. The truth is that neither likely could have succeeded without the other.
In other words, now the constituent parts are trying to claim credit, and along they way, they’ve said the quiet part out loud.

They're in your face, but with the increasingly thin veneer/excuse of "protecting democracy".
They're going to come for the guns on the guise and excuse of National Security.
As long as theProgressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left and the 'Deep State" can create boogiemen myths to supposedly save the gullible sheep, they’ll retain absolute power to do so. Currently, the two most important and dangerous boogiemen are the Chinese Wuhan Covid-19 and middle class ‘Systemic White Racists’ aka Domestic Terrorists, while using Antifa and BLM to actually do the racist and terroristic bidding of the PM/DSA Commie Left.
The Deep State is not going to allow We The People to keep our country.
Donald Trump was doing real damage to their plan to turn the USA into North Mexico that is why he has to be destroyed.
Who is capable of masterminding an operation as vast as this?
I think it was a coordinated effort led by Marc Elias, to use the "boots on the ground," managed by the local political leaders, to manipulate the election results in all of the battleground states. I point to the sophistication of the Hillary "Russia Hoax" disinformation campaign to deflect from her illegal server as evidence that Elias is capable of this kind of deep coordinated effort.
I'll suggest prime a culprit:
  • There is one name that stands out to me, and was prominent in the news as well. That name is Marc Elias of Perkins Coie. Elias is a long-time Clinton crony.
  • Mark Elias was also the lawyer who brokered the Hillary Clinton campaign's deal in 2016 to pay off the DNC debt from the Obama 2012 campaign in exchange for taking control of the DNC fundraising machine. This was detailed by Donna Brazile in her report to Bernie Sanders on what happened in the DNC 2016 primary.
  • Elias/Perkins Coie was also the cutout between the Hillary Clinton campaign and the "Steele Dossier" that accused the Trump campaign of Russian collusion.
  • Marc Elias is the person who coordinated all the lawsuits prior to the 2020 election in the battleground states.
  • Marc Elias is the person who is still challenging the Republican House win in the Iowa CD-2 race.
  • Marc Elias is the "go to" expert for the MSM whenever they report on Republican election lawsuit challenges. Google his name; he's all over the election news.
  • There is your mastermind -- it is Marc Elias.

Just saw this was going to post it...good job....

The election was stolen, and now, with the puppet on the throne, they feel like bragging about what they did......

How long have the left wing assholes here on U.S.message pretended to think the election wasn't stolen?

Here ..... the players actually admit it......

Well, the leftist douche weasels on this board aren't going to admit it until their talking points memo tells them to.
The whole theft was so obvious. Nobody even knows Biden is president

That's because he's not, no more than 9-year-old Prince Edward VI was "king" after Henry VIII died, just because his nobles let him sit on a throne and sign his name on stuff.

"In a way, Trump was right.

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance"

They don't even care that we know at this point apparently
The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.
Yes, would-be totalitarians always believe they have a good reason to take control.
That is why they choke and get fools to try and overthrow Congress.
A hundred people tried to overthrow Congress?

You have no idea how stupid that sounds.

Fear not Dave. I had an idea how stupid it sounded as soon as you plopped "A hundred people".

I get it. You're doing Ray from Rain Man. Ask him what something costs and everything is "hunnerd dollars. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd dollars".

"How much does a sports car cost, Ray?"
"Hunnerd dollars. 'Bout a hunnerd dollars"

"How many Insurrectionistas sacked the Capitol building on January 6th Ray?"

"'Bout a hunnerd. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd insurrectionistas".
I thought it was especially terrifying how the "insurrectionists" stayed in the velvet ropes.


The horror!

Ya...they were so polite and respectful...

View attachment 453677View attachment 453678View attachment 453679View attachment 453680View attachment 453681View attachment 453683View attachment 453682
Oh, no! Windows were broken! The Republic has fallen!
So your cool with riots then? Damn, who would have guessed.
I'm okay with peaceful protests, no matter who's doing them.

The idiots who burned Democrat cities last year and the idiots who committed vandalism in the Capitol this year all need to be punished.

But can we stop pretending what happened at the Capitol was an attack on democracy? Because -- it wasn't.

Yuh huh. Them thar storm troopers were literally going in for the purpose of arresting the electoral process. That is LITERALLY what was going on at the time.

Scenarios don't really come in a more antidemocratic size than that, dear.
And yet, oddly, you couldn't seem to work up a second's outrage when a few blocks of Seattle violently seceded from the Union, destroyed property and murdered people.

So it looks like you can just eat shit, Slappy.

Linkie dinkie?


So it looks like you'll be eating alone, Handjob.
You didn't. Period. If you disagree, post a link condemning the secession of Seattle by violent leftists.

It ain't my job to do your homework for ya Skipples. You're gonna have to get down in the dirt and break a sweat for once. It's YOUR claim, not mine.

Happy huntin'.
...would-be totalitarians always believe they have a good reason to take control.
True... which is exactly why your Baboon-God was impeached a second time.
My God is the Creator of the Universe. I really wish you leftists would stop projecting your moral and intellectual failings on others.

And here's a little hint for you, Slappy -- if you can silence him and vote him out of office, he's not a totalitarian. Retard.

What if you go ahead and vote him out, but he insists he wasn't voted out, and then sends his gaggle of gullible goons to shut down the Congress? Whelp, you may not have an authoritarian but you certainly have something that thinks he is and doesn't hesitate to send fire extinguisher-swinging, Molotov cocktail wielding, window-breaking, Confederate flag-waving, bomb-placing yahoos to make that point. Literally with the point of an American flag flagpole....
Goodness, you're a simple-minded buffoon. Now there were Molotov cocktails? I think you're misremembering leftist riots last summer...that still seem to be going on even now.

But you don't dare go against your Groupthink and condemn them.

No Dimwit, not "NOW" there were Molotov cocktails---- THEN.
Here's news that blew right by you a friggin' month ago while you were cleaning your uh, "hands".

>> Of the Molotov cocktails found in his possession, prosecutors noted they were created to be "particularly lethal" and with "a napalm substance inside that would stick to the target and continue to burn." <<​
Wanna see 'em?


You know how dangerous Molotov cocktails are when they're left in the vehicle and not actually lit and thrown?

Hint: Not at all.

And you've had yet another opportunity to condemn leftist antifa/BLM riots -- and chose pretend they simply didn't happen.

You're an idiot, and not a very useful one, either.

Hey, I ain't the yahoo who just got exposed (again) for his ignorance, now am I Sugarplum?

Happy to help but next time try doing your frickin' homework. Saves embarrassment.
You really suck at condescension. Perhaps you should stop trying.

So, the Capitol insurrectionists broke some windows and you go into full-on Drama Queen mode.

But you're okay with leftist domestic terrorists committing murder and arson.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here we go AGAIN, just seconds later having learnt nothing from the last smackdown.

All righty then, assume the position, here it comes.

---------------------------- Linkie?
The whole theft was so obvious. Nobody even knows Biden is president

That's because he's not, no more than 9-year-old Prince Edward VI was "king" after Henry VIII died, just because his nobles let him sit on a throne and sign his name on stuff.

Member about five years ago when you were that rabid anti-Rumper?

I do.

In fact you and I both felt kinda weird about having the same position.

Whelp, I'm still here. You caved and sold out.


"In a way, Trump was right.

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance"

They don't even care that we know at this point apparently
The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.
Yes, would-be totalitarians always believe they have a good reason to take control.
That is why they choke and get fools to try and overthrow Congress.
A hundred people tried to overthrow Congress?

You have no idea how stupid that sounds.

Fear not Dave. I had an idea how stupid it sounded as soon as you plopped "A hundred people".

I get it. You're doing Ray from Rain Man. Ask him what something costs and everything is "hunnerd dollars. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd dollars".

"How much does a sports car cost, Ray?"
"Hunnerd dollars. 'Bout a hunnerd dollars"

"How many Insurrectionistas sacked the Capitol building on January 6th Ray?"

"'Bout a hunnerd. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd insurrectionistas".
I thought it was especially terrifying how the "insurrectionists" stayed in the velvet ropes.


The horror!

Ya...they were so polite and respectful...

View attachment 453677View attachment 453678View attachment 453679View attachment 453680View attachment 453681View attachment 453683View attachment 453682
Oh, no! Windows were broken! The Republic has fallen!
So your cool with riots then? Damn, who would have guessed.
I'm okay with peaceful protests, no matter who's doing them.

The idiots who burned Democrat cities last year and the idiots who committed vandalism in the Capitol this year all need to be punished.

But can we stop pretending what happened at the Capitol was an attack on democracy? Because -- it wasn't.

Yuh huh. Them thar storm troopers were literally going in for the purpose of arresting the electoral process. That is LITERALLY what was going on at the time.

Scenarios don't really come in a more antidemocratic size than that, dear.

That is a lie.....they walked around taking selfies...while antifa and blm terrorists hidden among the Trump supporters vandalized the building.

Linkydink, Twink?

Lemme essplain sump'm about "selfies", dickhole. A "selfie" is a picture you take of yourself. There's NO -- ZERO -- requirement to bust into the Capitol to do it. So you're a fucking liar apologist for Insurrectionista Assholes and, as such, dismissed.
Last edited:

"In a way, Trump was right.

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance"

They don't even care that we know at this point apparently
The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.
Yes, would-be totalitarians always believe they have a good reason to take control.
That is why they choke and get fools to try and overthrow Congress.
A hundred people tried to overthrow Congress?

You have no idea how stupid that sounds.

Fear not Dave. I had an idea how stupid it sounded as soon as you plopped "A hundred people".

I get it. You're doing Ray from Rain Man. Ask him what something costs and everything is "hunnerd dollars. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd dollars".

"How much does a sports car cost, Ray?"
"Hunnerd dollars. 'Bout a hunnerd dollars"

"How many Insurrectionistas sacked the Capitol building on January 6th Ray?"

"'Bout a hunnerd. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd insurrectionistas".
I thought it was especially terrifying how the "insurrectionists" stayed in the velvet ropes.


The horror!

Ya...they were so polite and respectful...

View attachment 453677View attachment 453678View attachment 453679View attachment 453680View attachment 453681View attachment 453683View attachment 453682
Oh, no! Windows were broken! The Republic has fallen!
So your cool with riots then? Damn, who would have guessed.
I'm okay with peaceful protests, no matter who's doing them.

The idiots who burned Democrat cities last year and the idiots who committed vandalism in the Capitol this year all need to be punished.

But can we stop pretending what happened at the Capitol was an attack on democracy? Because -- it wasn't.

Yuh huh. Them thar storm troopers were literally going in for the purpose of arresting the electoral process. That is LITERALLY what was going on at the time.

Scenarios don't really come in a more antidemocratic size than that, dear.
And yet, oddly, you couldn't seem to work up a second's outrage when a few blocks of Seattle violently seceded from the Union, destroyed property and murdered people.

So it looks like you can just eat shit, Slappy.

Linkie dinkie?


So it looks like you'll be eating alone, Handjob.
You didn't. Period. If you disagree, post a link condemning the secession of Seattle by violent leftists.

It ain't my job to do your homework for ya Skipples. You're gonna have to get down in the dirt and break a sweat for once. It's YOUR claim, not mine.

Happy huntin'.
We both know you've never condemned leftist domestic terrorists. No point in looking for what doesn't exist.
...would-be totalitarians always believe they have a good reason to take control.
True... which is exactly why your Baboon-God was impeached a second time.
My God is the Creator of the Universe. I really wish you leftists would stop projecting your moral and intellectual failings on others.

And here's a little hint for you, Slappy -- if you can silence him and vote him out of office, he's not a totalitarian. Retard.

What if you go ahead and vote him out, but he insists he wasn't voted out, and then sends his gaggle of gullible goons to shut down the Congress? Whelp, you may not have an authoritarian but you certainly have something that thinks he is and doesn't hesitate to send fire extinguisher-swinging, Molotov cocktail wielding, window-breaking, Confederate flag-waving, bomb-placing yahoos to make that point. Literally with the point of an American flag flagpole....
Goodness, you're a simple-minded buffoon. Now there were Molotov cocktails? I think you're misremembering leftist riots last summer...that still seem to be going on even now.

But you don't dare go against your Groupthink and condemn them.

No Dimwit, not "NOW" there were Molotov cocktails---- THEN.
Here's news that blew right by you a friggin' month ago while you were cleaning your uh, "hands".

>> Of the Molotov cocktails found in his possession, prosecutors noted they were created to be "particularly lethal" and with "a napalm substance inside that would stick to the target and continue to burn." <<​
Wanna see 'em?


You know how dangerous Molotov cocktails are when they're left in the vehicle and not actually lit and thrown?

Hint: Not at all.

And you've had yet another opportunity to condemn leftist antifa/BLM riots -- and chose pretend they simply didn't happen.

You're an idiot, and not a very useful one, either.

Hey, I ain't the yahoo who just got exposed (again) for his ignorance, now am I Sugarplum?

Happy to help but next time try doing your frickin' homework. Saves embarrassment.
You really suck at condescension. Perhaps you should stop trying.

So, the Capitol insurrectionists broke some windows and you go into full-on Drama Queen mode.

But you're okay with leftist domestic terrorists committing murder and arson.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here we go AGAIN, just seconds later having learnt nothing from the last smackdown.

All righty then, assume the position, here it comes.

---------------------------- Linkie?
How am I supposed to link to something that doesn't exist, you moron?

Again...if you disagree, show me a link where you've done it.

Hop to it, boy.

"In a way, Trump was right.

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance"

They don't even care that we know at this point apparently
The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.
Yes, would-be totalitarians always believe they have a good reason to take control.
That is why they choke and get fools to try and overthrow Congress.
A hundred people tried to overthrow Congress?

You have no idea how stupid that sounds.

Fear not Dave. I had an idea how stupid it sounded as soon as you plopped "A hundred people".

I get it. You're doing Ray from Rain Man. Ask him what something costs and everything is "hunnerd dollars. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd dollars".

"How much does a sports car cost, Ray?"
"Hunnerd dollars. 'Bout a hunnerd dollars"

"How many Insurrectionistas sacked the Capitol building on January 6th Ray?"

"'Bout a hunnerd. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd insurrectionistas".
I thought it was especially terrifying how the "insurrectionists" stayed in the velvet ropes.


The horror!

Ya...they were so polite and respectful...

View attachment 453677View attachment 453678View attachment 453679View attachment 453680View attachment 453681View attachment 453683View attachment 453682
Oh, no! Windows were broken! The Republic has fallen!
So your cool with riots then? Damn, who would have guessed.
I'm okay with peaceful protests, no matter who's doing them.

The idiots who burned Democrat cities last year and the idiots who committed vandalism in the Capitol this year all need to be punished.

But can we stop pretending what happened at the Capitol was an attack on democracy? Because -- it wasn't.

Yuh huh. Them thar storm troopers were literally going in for the purpose of arresting the electoral process. That is LITERALLY what was going on at the time.

Scenarios don't really come in a more antidemocratic size than that, dear.
And yet, oddly, you couldn't seem to work up a second's outrage when a few blocks of Seattle violently seceded from the Union, destroyed property and murdered people.

So it looks like you can just eat shit, Slappy.

Linkie dinkie?


So it looks like you'll be eating alone, Handjob.
You didn't. Period. If you disagree, post a link condemning the secession of Seattle by violent leftists.

It ain't my job to do your homework for ya Skipples. You're gonna have to get down in the dirt and break a sweat for once. It's YOUR claim, not mine.

Happy huntin'.
We both know you've never condemned leftist domestic terrorists. No point in looking for what doesn't exist.

Excellent. Right to the ol'reliable "Everybody Knows" fallacy. You could set your watch by it.

Sloppiest concession speech EVAH.
...would-be totalitarians always believe they have a good reason to take control.
True... which is exactly why your Baboon-God was impeached a second time.
My God is the Creator of the Universe. I really wish you leftists would stop projecting your moral and intellectual failings on others.

And here's a little hint for you, Slappy -- if you can silence him and vote him out of office, he's not a totalitarian. Retard.

What if you go ahead and vote him out, but he insists he wasn't voted out, and then sends his gaggle of gullible goons to shut down the Congress? Whelp, you may not have an authoritarian but you certainly have something that thinks he is and doesn't hesitate to send fire extinguisher-swinging, Molotov cocktail wielding, window-breaking, Confederate flag-waving, bomb-placing yahoos to make that point. Literally with the point of an American flag flagpole....
Goodness, you're a simple-minded buffoon. Now there were Molotov cocktails? I think you're misremembering leftist riots last summer...that still seem to be going on even now.

But you don't dare go against your Groupthink and condemn them.

No Dimwit, not "NOW" there were Molotov cocktails---- THEN.
Here's news that blew right by you a friggin' month ago while you were cleaning your uh, "hands".

>> Of the Molotov cocktails found in his possession, prosecutors noted they were created to be "particularly lethal" and with "a napalm substance inside that would stick to the target and continue to burn." <<​
Wanna see 'em?


You know how dangerous Molotov cocktails are when they're left in the vehicle and not actually lit and thrown?

Hint: Not at all.

And you've had yet another opportunity to condemn leftist antifa/BLM riots -- and chose pretend they simply didn't happen.

You're an idiot, and not a very useful one, either.

Hey, I ain't the yahoo who just got exposed (again) for his ignorance, now am I Sugarplum?

Happy to help but next time try doing your frickin' homework. Saves embarrassment.
You really suck at condescension. Perhaps you should stop trying.

So, the Capitol insurrectionists broke some windows and you go into full-on Drama Queen mode.

But you're okay with leftist domestic terrorists committing murder and arson.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here we go AGAIN, just seconds later having learnt nothing from the last smackdown.

All righty then, assume the position, here it comes.

---------------------------- Linkie?
How am I supposed to link to something that doesn't exist, you moron?

Again...if you disagree, show me a link where you've done it.

Hop to it, boy.

Once AGAIN --- and again only seconds later ---- ain't my job to go do YOUR homework for you, Dinky.

You were the kid who leaned over to copy off everybody else's test paper in school. Look where it got you.

"In a way, Trump was right.

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance"

They don't even care that we know at this point apparently
The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.
Yes, would-be totalitarians always believe they have a good reason to take control.
That is why they choke and get fools to try and overthrow Congress.
A hundred people tried to overthrow Congress?

You have no idea how stupid that sounds.

Fear not Dave. I had an idea how stupid it sounded as soon as you plopped "A hundred people".

I get it. You're doing Ray from Rain Man. Ask him what something costs and everything is "hunnerd dollars. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd dollars".

"How much does a sports car cost, Ray?"
"Hunnerd dollars. 'Bout a hunnerd dollars"

"How many Insurrectionistas sacked the Capitol building on January 6th Ray?"

"'Bout a hunnerd. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd insurrectionistas".
I thought it was especially terrifying how the "insurrectionists" stayed in the velvet ropes.


The horror!

Ya...they were so polite and respectful...

View attachment 453677View attachment 453678View attachment 453679View attachment 453680View attachment 453681View attachment 453683View attachment 453682
Oh, no! Windows were broken! The Republic has fallen!
So your cool with riots then? Damn, who would have guessed.
I'm okay with peaceful protests, no matter who's doing them.

The idiots who burned Democrat cities last year and the idiots who committed vandalism in the Capitol this year all need to be punished.

But can we stop pretending what happened at the Capitol was an attack on democracy? Because -- it wasn't.

Yuh huh. Them thar storm troopers were literally going in for the purpose of arresting the electoral process. That is LITERALLY what was going on at the time.

Scenarios don't really come in a more antidemocratic size than that, dear.
And yet, oddly, you couldn't seem to work up a second's outrage when a few blocks of Seattle violently seceded from the Union, destroyed property and murdered people.

So it looks like you can just eat shit, Slappy.

Linkie dinkie?


So it looks like you'll be eating alone, Handjob.
You didn't. Period. If you disagree, post a link condemning the secession of Seattle by violent leftists.

It ain't my job to do your homework for ya Skipples. You're gonna have to get down in the dirt and break a sweat for once. It's YOUR claim, not mine.

Happy huntin'.
We both know you've never condemned leftist domestic terrorists. No point in looking for what doesn't exist.

Excellent. Right to the ol'reliable "Everybody Knows" fallacy. You could set your watch by it.

Sloppiest concession speech EVAH.
Gee, look at all the time you wasted smelling your own farts when you could have been looking for posts where you condemned leftist domestic terrorists.

And, by the way, "we both" isn't "everybody", dumbass.
...would-be totalitarians always believe they have a good reason to take control.
True... which is exactly why your Baboon-God was impeached a second time.
My God is the Creator of the Universe. I really wish you leftists would stop projecting your moral and intellectual failings on others.

And here's a little hint for you, Slappy -- if you can silence him and vote him out of office, he's not a totalitarian. Retard.

What if you go ahead and vote him out, but he insists he wasn't voted out, and then sends his gaggle of gullible goons to shut down the Congress? Whelp, you may not have an authoritarian but you certainly have something that thinks he is and doesn't hesitate to send fire extinguisher-swinging, Molotov cocktail wielding, window-breaking, Confederate flag-waving, bomb-placing yahoos to make that point. Literally with the point of an American flag flagpole....
Goodness, you're a simple-minded buffoon. Now there were Molotov cocktails? I think you're misremembering leftist riots last summer...that still seem to be going on even now.

But you don't dare go against your Groupthink and condemn them.

No Dimwit, not "NOW" there were Molotov cocktails---- THEN.
Here's news that blew right by you a friggin' month ago while you were cleaning your uh, "hands".

>> Of the Molotov cocktails found in his possession, prosecutors noted they were created to be "particularly lethal" and with "a napalm substance inside that would stick to the target and continue to burn." <<​
Wanna see 'em?


You know how dangerous Molotov cocktails are when they're left in the vehicle and not actually lit and thrown?

Hint: Not at all.

And you've had yet another opportunity to condemn leftist antifa/BLM riots -- and chose pretend they simply didn't happen.

You're an idiot, and not a very useful one, either.

Hey, I ain't the yahoo who just got exposed (again) for his ignorance, now am I Sugarplum?

Happy to help but next time try doing your frickin' homework. Saves embarrassment.
You really suck at condescension. Perhaps you should stop trying.

So, the Capitol insurrectionists broke some windows and you go into full-on Drama Queen mode.

But you're okay with leftist domestic terrorists committing murder and arson.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand here we go AGAIN, just seconds later having learnt nothing from the last smackdown.

All righty then, assume the position, here it comes.

---------------------------- Linkie?
How am I supposed to link to something that doesn't exist, you moron?

Again...if you disagree, show me a link where you've done it.

Hop to it, boy.

Once AGAIN --- and again only seconds later ---- ain't my job to go do YOUR homework for you, Dinky.

You were the kid who leaned over to copy off everybody else's test paper in school. Look where it got you.

"In a way, Trump was right.

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance"

They don't even care that we know at this point apparently
The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.
Yes, would-be totalitarians always believe they have a good reason to take control.
That is why they choke and get fools to try and overthrow Congress.
A hundred people tried to overthrow Congress?

You have no idea how stupid that sounds.

Fear not Dave. I had an idea how stupid it sounded as soon as you plopped "A hundred people".

I get it. You're doing Ray from Rain Man. Ask him what something costs and everything is "hunnerd dollars. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd dollars".

"How much does a sports car cost, Ray?"
"Hunnerd dollars. 'Bout a hunnerd dollars"

"How many Insurrectionistas sacked the Capitol building on January 6th Ray?"

"'Bout a hunnerd. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd insurrectionistas".
I thought it was especially terrifying how the "insurrectionists" stayed in the velvet ropes.


The horror!

Ya...they were so polite and respectful...

View attachment 453677View attachment 453678View attachment 453679View attachment 453680View attachment 453681View attachment 453683View attachment 453682
Oh, no! Windows were broken! The Republic has fallen!
So your cool with riots then? Damn, who would have guessed.
I'm okay with peaceful protests, no matter who's doing them.

The idiots who burned Democrat cities last year and the idiots who committed vandalism in the Capitol this year all need to be punished.

But can we stop pretending what happened at the Capitol was an attack on democracy? Because -- it wasn't.

Yuh huh. Them thar storm troopers were literally going in for the purpose of arresting the electoral process. That is LITERALLY what was going on at the time.

Scenarios don't really come in a more antidemocratic size than that, dear.
And yet, oddly, you couldn't seem to work up a second's outrage when a few blocks of Seattle violently seceded from the Union, destroyed property and murdered people.

So it looks like you can just eat shit, Slappy.

Linkie dinkie?


So it looks like you'll be eating alone, Handjob.
You didn't. Period. If you disagree, post a link condemning the secession of Seattle by violent leftists.

It ain't my job to do your homework for ya Skipples. You're gonna have to get down in the dirt and break a sweat for once. It's YOUR claim, not mine.

Happy huntin'.
We both know you've never condemned leftist domestic terrorists. No point in looking for what doesn't exist.

Excellent. Right to the ol'reliable "Everybody Knows" fallacy. You could set your watch by it.

Sloppiest concession speech EVAH.
Gee, look at all the time you wasted smelling your own farts when you could have been looking for posts where you condemned leftist domestic terrorists.

And, by the way, "we both" isn't "everybody", dumbass.

"Everybody Knows" is the (English) name of the fallacy, Dimbulb. It doesn't mean literally Every Body, any more than the word "everybody" does.

Everybody Knows or Argumentum ad Populum, it's fallacious either way and as such invalid as argument. Because no Stupid, Everybody DOESN'T know.

"In a way, Trump was right.

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance"

They don't even care that we know at this point apparently
The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.
Yes, would-be totalitarians always believe they have a good reason to take control.
That is why they choke and get fools to try and overthrow Congress.
A hundred people tried to overthrow Congress?

You have no idea how stupid that sounds.

Fear not Dave. I had an idea how stupid it sounded as soon as you plopped "A hundred people".

I get it. You're doing Ray from Rain Man. Ask him what something costs and everything is "hunnerd dollars. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd dollars".

"How much does a sports car cost, Ray?"
"Hunnerd dollars. 'Bout a hunnerd dollars"

"How many Insurrectionistas sacked the Capitol building on January 6th Ray?"

"'Bout a hunnerd. Yah, 'bout a hunnerd insurrectionistas".
I thought it was especially terrifying how the "insurrectionists" stayed in the velvet ropes.


The horror!

Ya...they were so polite and respectful...

View attachment 453677View attachment 453678View attachment 453679View attachment 453680View attachment 453681View attachment 453683View attachment 453682
Oh, no! Windows were broken! The Republic has fallen!
So your cool with riots then? Damn, who would have guessed.
I'm okay with peaceful protests, no matter who's doing them.

The idiots who burned Democrat cities last year and the idiots who committed vandalism in the Capitol this year all need to be punished.

But can we stop pretending what happened at the Capitol was an attack on democracy? Because -- it wasn't.

Yuh huh. Them thar storm troopers were literally going in for the purpose of arresting the electoral process. That is LITERALLY what was going on at the time.

Scenarios don't really come in a more antidemocratic size than that, dear.
And yet, oddly, you couldn't seem to work up a second's outrage when a few blocks of Seattle violently seceded from the Union, destroyed property and murdered people.

So it looks like you can just eat shit, Slappy.

Linkie dinkie?


So it looks like you'll be eating alone, Handjob.
You didn't. Period. If you disagree, post a link condemning the secession of Seattle by violent leftists.

It ain't my job to do your homework for ya Skipples. You're gonna have to get down in the dirt and break a sweat for once. It's YOUR claim, not mine.

Happy huntin'.
We both know you've never condemned leftist domestic terrorists. No point in looking for what doesn't exist.

Excellent. Right to the ol'reliable "Everybody Knows" fallacy. You could set your watch by it.

Sloppiest concession speech EVAH.
Gee, look at all the time you wasted smelling your own farts when you could have been looking for posts where you condemned leftist domestic terrorists.

And, by the way, "we both" isn't "everybody", dumbass.

"Everybody Knows" is the (English) name of the fallacy, Dimbulb. It doesn't mean literally Every Body, any more than the word "everybody" does.

Everybody Knows or Argumentum ad Populum, it's fallacious either way and as such invalid as argument. Because no Stupid, Everybody DOESN'T know.
Oh, gosh, you wasted even more time.

Meanwhile, tell me about argumentum ad lapidem and ipse-dixit.

You're well-acquainted with them. You use them all the time.

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