What A Shocker: Al Franken Defends / Supports Kathy Griffin's Sick 'Trump Beheading' Stunt

The statement she was making is-
"This is how I would like to see Trump"
It's well beyond infantile bad taste, it is suggestive of murder and criminal

It is not criminal.

WTF, the post said "suggestive of murder and criminal", learn to read.

I believe you are the in need of working on your reading comprehension...

He said, "...it is suggestive of murder and criminal."

To put it the only way the wording can be interpreted:

It is suggestive of murder and it is criminal.

To say it is suggestive of criminal makes no sense.
Word parse fail

It's not word parsing, it's the English language.
such language you are not fluent in because your dissection of the sentence is incorrect
OP is BS. Read it.

Question: why do you liars post something and then lie about what it says?

And where was your phony outrage when it was Obama? Especially since none of them apologized.

You are liars and hypocrites.

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I miss the good old days when RWnuts zealously defended the offensive, the politically incorrect,

as free speech.

The good old days of last week, lol.

You mean like the death threats and faux lynchings President Obama had to put up with? And, don't wait for any of them to have one decent word for his daughters and wife. Nope, all the can do is post lies about them.

Griffiths did go too far but the RWnutters are just their usual lying hypocrisy.

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It is not criminal.

WTF, the post said "suggestive of murder and criminal", learn to read.

I believe you are the in need of working on your reading comprehension...

He said, "...it is suggestive of murder and criminal."

To put it the only way the wording can be interpreted:

It is suggestive of murder and it is criminal.

To say it is suggestive of criminal makes no sense.
Word parse fail

It's not word parsing, it's the English language.
such language you are not fluent in because your dissection of the sentence is incorrect

:rolleyes: says you.
It is not criminal.

WTF, the post said "suggestive of murder and criminal", learn to read.

I believe you are the in need of working on your reading comprehension...

He said, "...it is suggestive of murder and criminal."

To put it the only way the wording can be interpreted:

It is suggestive of murder and it is criminal.

To say it is suggestive of criminal makes no sense.
Word parse fail

It's not word parsing, it's the English language.
such language you are not fluent in because your dissection of the sentence is incorrect

this post is suggestive of your lack of comprehension ^

in Griffin's case, there is no question the photo of her holding a mock Trump head is protected speech, said Stanford University Law Professor Nathaniel Persily.

The photograph did not directly threaten the president and it didn't urge other people to harm him, Persily said.

"People are allowed to wish the president dead," up to the point they express a real intent to harm him, Persily said.

"To threaten someone you need words that encourage some sort of action," and those words are absent in Griffin's photo, he said.

Did Kathy Griffin break the law with her photo of a decapitated Trump?

In a 1969 ruling, the Supreme Court overturned the conviction of Robert Watts, a young man accused of threatening former president Lyndon Johnson. Watts said at a 1966 political rally that he was "not going" if he was drafted to serve in Vietnam and added that "if they ever make me carry a rifle, the first man I want to get in my sights is L.B.J."

The Supreme Court ruled Watts' statement, which is much closer to meeting the definition of a threat than Griffin's photos, was merely "crude political hyperbole."

"In light of its context and conditional nature," Watts speech "did not constitute a knowing and willful threat against the President," the court ruled, citing the importance of the First Amendment.

"A statute such as this one, which makes criminal a form of pure speech, must be interpreted with the commands of the First Amendment clearly in mind," said the court. "What is a threat must be distinguished from what is constitutionally protected speech."
It is not criminal.

WTF, the post said "suggestive of murder and criminal", learn to read.

I believe you are the in need of working on your reading comprehension...

He said, "...it is suggestive of murder and criminal."

To put it the only way the wording can be interpreted:

It is suggestive of murder and it is criminal.

To say it is suggestive of criminal makes no sense.
Word parse fail

It's not word parsing, it's the English language.
such language you are not fluent in because your dissection of the sentence is incorrect

In your post the use of the word "criminal" after the words "suggestive of murder and..." is incorrect if your intent was to do anything other than imply Griffin's photo was criminal. The word you should have used is "criminality".

"It is suggestive of murder and criminality."

Again, your original post, as written, can only lead one to believe that you think the photo was criminal.

It's okay to be wrong. It happens to everyone from time to time...
Gee, why the double standard...?

Funny How Trump Was Fine With Ted Nugent Joking About Killing The President

Trump never endorsed Nugents comments
Nice lie try
"Endorsed?" Possibly not. But then, you're apparently too rightarded to notice nothing in that article claimed Trump "endorsed" Nugent's disturbed comments. Just that Trump didn't seem to mind and even blamed Obama...

This is much ado about nothing. If that is all we have to worry about then this country has no problems.
Kathy Griffin managed to find out what offends people who aren't offended by racism, mocking the handicapped, misogyny,sexual assault, fraud, treason and homophobia.
"Al Franken is stepping up to support his friend Kathy Griffin after she sparked public outrage with a controversial photo shoot where she is seen holding a bloodied mask of President Donald Trump.

The 66-year-old senator and former “Saturday Night Live” writer told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day” that while he believed the images went too far, the 56-year-old comedienne can survive the backlash."

TO HIS CREDIT, At least 'Stuart Smalley' acknowledged what Griffin did 'went too far'.


"Shields told Fox News on Tuesday that Griffin was hoping to create a bold message. “Kathy and I are friends and we work together before, so when we started doing this shoot, she said, ‘I’d love to do something political. I’d love to make a statement,’” he explained. “We kind of figured out what would be the best image to make out of that.”

What the hell was 'the message'? That liberal snowflakes, who called for Trump's assassination after he won the election, are engulfed in so much bitter hate that they would like to see the President beheaded in terrorist ISIS fashion?

It is made clear by this comment that the decision to do this stunt was not a 'spur-of-the-moment' / 'off-the-cuff' decision. Shields and Griffin spent a good bit of time coming up with their 'bold message' and supporting image/props chosen. That tells me Griffin is not at all apologetic about the message she chose to portray and how she did so - It tells me she is apologetic as hell her actions resulted in such swift repercussions over the intense backlash for her sick, pathetic stunt.

"Shields added the image was meant to serve as art and he’s aware that it could make some viewers uncomfortable."

Only sick, seditious, f*ed up, partisan snowflakes could consider holding a mock, bloody severed head of the President of the United States 'art'. I am sure ISIS agrees with them and appreciates what Democrats consider 'art', but TRUE AMERICANS consider that 'UN-ACCEPTABLE'!

Kathy Griffin gets support from Al Franken: 'I think she can recover'

Al, there is no defense for what Griffin did.....
You're FOS I heard the whole interview and he said he condemned what she did He DID say he believes in forgiveness
Bottom line is that Kathy Griffin is an attention whore who nobody was paying attention to. So she decided to do something controversial and shocking knowing EXACTLY what the response would be! Her "apology" was nothing more than crocodile tears.
Franken only has the support of the Twin Cities. A leftist loon bin completely out of touch with the rest of the state. He would never win in my district just 40 miles north of metro. 75,000 more votes last election and state would have also turned red. Franken is an embarrassment and the tide is turning here.
"Al Franken is stepping up to support his friend Kathy Griffin after she sparked public outrage with a controversial photo shoot where she is seen holding a bloodied mask of President Donald Trump.

The 66-year-old senator and former “Saturday Night Live” writer told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day” that while he believed the images went too far, the 56-year-old comedienne can survive the backlash."

TO HIS CREDIT, At least 'Stuart Smalley' acknowledged what Griffin did 'went too far'.


"Shields told Fox News on Tuesday that Griffin was hoping to create a bold message. “Kathy and I are friends and we work together before, so when we started doing this shoot, she said, ‘I’d love to do something political. I’d love to make a statement,’” he explained. “We kind of figured out what would be the best image to make out of that.”

What the hell was 'the message'? That liberal snowflakes, who called for Trump's assassination after he won the election, are engulfed in so much bitter hate that they would like to see the President beheaded in terrorist ISIS fashion?

It is made clear by this comment that the decision to do this stunt was not a 'spur-of-the-moment' / 'off-the-cuff' decision. Shields and Griffin spent a good bit of time coming up with their 'bold message' and supporting image/props chosen. That tells me Griffin is not at all apologetic about the message she chose to portray and how she did so - It tells me she is apologetic as hell her actions resulted in such swift repercussions over the intense backlash for her sick, pathetic stunt.

"Shields added the image was meant to serve as art and he’s aware that it could make some viewers uncomfortable."

Only sick, seditious, f*ed up, partisan snowflakes could consider holding a mock, bloody severed head of the President of the United States 'art'. I am sure ISIS agrees with them and appreciates what Democrats consider 'art', but TRUE AMERICANS consider that 'UN-ACCEPTABLE'!

Kathy Griffin gets support from Al Franken: 'I think she can recover'

Al, there is no defense for what Griffin did.....

Why are the mods letting you pollute the forum over and over with bullshit headlines? You are making it sound like Franken is supporting the image -- and he's doing no such thing. Saying that she'll recover is NOT the same thing as supporting the image you fucking hack.

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