What A Shocker: Al Franken Defends / Supports Kathy Griffin's Sick 'Trump Beheading' Stunt

Can you imagine the massive, mind-blowing, rabid reaction that would have come from the Left had a Conservative posed for 'ART' holding a mock bloody severed Obama head?

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Thank you for those pictures. The assholes who made these should be condemned just as strongly as Griffin.
well, finally.
"Al Franken is stepping up to support his friend Kathy Griffin after she sparked public outrage with a controversial photo shoot where she is seen holding a bloodied mask of President Donald Trump.

The 66-year-old senator and former “Saturday Night Live” writer told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day” that while he believed the images went too far, the 56-year-old comedienne can survive the backlash."

TO HIS CREDIT, At least 'Stuart Smalley' acknowledged what Griffin did 'went too far'.


"Shields told Fox News on Tuesday that Griffin was hoping to create a bold message. “Kathy and I are friends and we work together before, so when we started doing this shoot, she said, ‘I’d love to do something political. I’d love to make a statement,’” he explained. “We kind of figured out what would be the best image to make out of that.”

What the hell was 'the message'? That liberal snowflakes, who called for Trump's assassination after he won the election, are engulfed in so much bitter hate that they would like to see the President beheaded in terrorist ISIS fashion?

It is made clear by this comment that the decision to do this stunt was not a 'spur-of-the-moment' / 'off-the-cuff' decision. Shields and Griffin spent a good bit of time coming up with their 'bold message' and supporting image/props chosen. That tells me Griffin is not at all apologetic about the message she chose to portray and how she did so - It tells me she is apologetic as hell her actions resulted in such swift repercussions over the intense backlash for her sick, pathetic stunt.

"Shields added the image was meant to serve as art and he’s aware that it could make some viewers uncomfortable."

Only sick, seditious, f*ed up, partisan snowflakes could consider holding a mock, bloody severed head of the President of the United States 'art'. I am sure ISIS agrees with them and appreciates what Democrats consider 'art', but TRUE AMERICANS consider that 'UN-ACCEPTABLE'!

Kathy Griffin gets support from Al Franken: 'I think she can recover'

Al, there is no defense for what Griffin did.....
You crybabies are STILL on this bullshit?
"Al Franken is stepping up to support his friend Kathy Griffin after she sparked public outrage with a controversial photo shoot where she is seen holding a bloodied mask of President Donald Trump.

The 66-year-old senator and former “Saturday Night Live” writer told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day” that while he believed the images went too far, the 56-year-old comedienne can survive the backlash."

TO HIS CREDIT, At least 'Stuart Smalley' acknowledged what Griffin did 'went too far'.


"Shields told Fox News on Tuesday that Griffin was hoping to create a bold message. “Kathy and I are friends and we work together before, so when we started doing this shoot, she said, ‘I’d love to do something political. I’d love to make a statement,’” he explained. “We kind of figured out what would be the best image to make out of that.”

What the hell was 'the message'? That liberal snowflakes, who called for Trump's assassination after he won the election, are engulfed in so much bitter hate that they would like to see the President beheaded in terrorist ISIS fashion?

It is made clear by this comment that the decision to do this stunt was not a 'spur-of-the-moment' / 'off-the-cuff' decision. Shields and Griffin spent a good bit of time coming up with their 'bold message' and supporting image/props chosen. That tells me Griffin is not at all apologetic about the message she chose to portray and how she did so - It tells me she is apologetic as hell her actions resulted in such swift repercussions over the intense backlash for her sick, pathetic stunt.

"Shields added the image was meant to serve as art and he’s aware that it could make some viewers uncomfortable."

Only sick, seditious, f*ed up, partisan snowflakes could consider holding a mock, bloody severed head of the President of the United States 'art'. I am sure ISIS agrees with them and appreciates what Democrats consider 'art', but TRUE AMERICANS consider that 'UN-ACCEPTABLE'!

Kathy Griffin gets support from Al Franken: 'I think she can recover'

Al, there is no defense for what Griffin did.....
you see that piece of shit old lady? what a fking wreck. I fking was laughing at her skinny red haired wrinkled skinned old lady body. I didn't even see what she was holding.
I miss the good old days when RWnuts zealously defended the offensive, the politically incorrect,

as free speech.

The good old days of last week, lol.
curious, you yell bomb on airplanes do you?
"Al Franken is stepping up to support his friend Kathy Griffin after she sparked public outrage with a controversial photo shoot where she is seen holding a bloodied mask of President Donald Trump.

The 66-year-old senator and former “Saturday Night Live” writer told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day” that while he believed the images went too far, the 56-year-old comedienne can survive the backlash."

TO HIS CREDIT, At least 'Stuart Smalley' acknowledged what Griffin did 'went too far'.


"Shields told Fox News on Tuesday that Griffin was hoping to create a bold message. “Kathy and I are friends and we work together before, so when we started doing this shoot, she said, ‘I’d love to do something political. I’d love to make a statement,’” he explained. “We kind of figured out what would be the best image to make out of that.”

What the hell was 'the message'? That liberal snowflakes, who called for Trump's assassination after he won the election, are engulfed in so much bitter hate that they would like to see the President beheaded in terrorist ISIS fashion?

It is made clear by this comment that the decision to do this stunt was not a 'spur-of-the-moment' / 'off-the-cuff' decision. Shields and Griffin spent a good bit of time coming up with their 'bold message' and supporting image/props chosen. That tells me Griffin is not at all apologetic about the message she chose to portray and how she did so - It tells me she is apologetic as hell her actions resulted in such swift repercussions over the intense backlash for her sick, pathetic stunt.

"Shields added the image was meant to serve as art and he’s aware that it could make some viewers uncomfortable."

Only sick, seditious, f*ed up, partisan snowflakes could consider holding a mock, bloody severed head of the President of the United States 'art'. I am sure ISIS agrees with them and appreciates what Democrats consider 'art', but TRUE AMERICANS consider that 'UN-ACCEPTABLE'!

Kathy Griffin gets support from Al Franken: 'I think she can recover'

Al, there is no defense for what Griffin did.....
You crybabies are STILL on this bullshit?
you like defending a piece of old shit like that? here have some:

Al, there is no defense for what Griffin did...

Except perhaps the defense of free speech.

Look, what she did was over the line and reprehensible. Disgusting. I like Griffin even less than I like Trump. But... you know, that whole free speech thing. I have always maintained that I don't have to like what someone says, but I will defend to the death their right to say it. Of course, there are consequences for some speech, as Griffin is finding out...
Al, there is no defense for what Griffin did...

Except perhaps the defense of free speech.

Look, what she did was over the line and reprehensible. Disgusting. I like Griffin even less than I like Trump. But... you know, that whole free speech thing. I have always maintained that I don't have to like what someone says, but I will defend to the death their right to say it. Of course, there are consequences for some speech, as Griffin is finding out...
no that violates free speech, that is a threat. sorry bubba, I can't wait to see that skinny fk taken away in hand cuffs. and everyone that was with her.
told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day” that while he believed the images went too far, the 56-year-old comedienne can survive the backlash."

where is the quote which shows where senator franken DEFENDED or SUPPORTED what she did??
Inappropriate or not, the First Amendment protects her right to free speech to the very same extent it does conservatives.

Conservatives just cannot understand, or accept the fact that the Constitution protects all Americans equally. It does NOT belong to them exclusively.

If a conservative comic had a prop showing the lynching of Obama, the righties would have been cheering wildly.

And in fact, many conservatives here defended their fellow yahoos who depicted images of Obama with a noose around his neck.
"Al Franken is stepping up to support his friend Kathy Griffin after she sparked public outrage with a controversial photo shoot where she is seen holding a bloodied mask of President Donald Trump.

The 66-year-old senator and former “Saturday Night Live” writer told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day” that while he believed the images went too far, the 56-year-old comedienne can survive the backlash."

TO HIS CREDIT, At least 'Stuart Smalley' acknowledged what Griffin did 'went too far'.


"Shields told Fox News on Tuesday that Griffin was hoping to create a bold message. “Kathy and I are friends and we work together before, so when we started doing this shoot, she said, ‘I’d love to do something political. I’d love to make a statement,’” he explained. “We kind of figured out what would be the best image to make out of that.”

What the hell was 'the message'? That liberal snowflakes, who called for Trump's assassination after he won the election, are engulfed in so much bitter hate that they would like to see the President beheaded in terrorist ISIS fashion?

It is made clear by this comment that the decision to do this stunt was not a 'spur-of-the-moment' / 'off-the-cuff' decision. Shields and Griffin spent a good bit of time coming up with their 'bold message' and supporting image/props chosen. That tells me Griffin is not at all apologetic about the message she chose to portray and how she did so - It tells me she is apologetic as hell her actions resulted in such swift repercussions over the intense backlash for her sick, pathetic stunt.

"Shields added the image was meant to serve as art and he’s aware that it could make some viewers uncomfortable."

Only sick, seditious, f*ed up, partisan snowflakes could consider holding a mock, bloody severed head of the President of the United States 'art'. I am sure ISIS agrees with them and appreciates what Democrats consider 'art', but TRUE AMERICANS consider that 'UN-ACCEPTABLE'!

Kathy Griffin gets support from Al Franken: 'I think she can recover'

Al, there is no defense for what Griffin did.....
I just picture you crying non-stop all the time.
Al, there is no defense for what Griffin did...

Except perhaps the defense of free speech.

Look, what she did was over the line and reprehensible. Disgusting. I like Griffin even less than I like Trump. But... you know, that whole free speech thing. I have always maintained that I don't have to like what someone says, but I will defend to the death their right to say it. Of course, there are consequences for some speech, as Griffin is finding out...
no that violates free speech, that is a threat. sorry bubba, I can't wait to see that skinny fk taken away in hand cuffs. and everyone that was with her.

That's a bit of a stretch when one considers the source...

If what that silly twat did was a threat, then the movie Death of a President would have seen the entire cast and crew imprisoned.

You'd be surprised by what is covered under free speech... Unless the bitch said, "This is what I'm going to do to you!" followed with specifics, she's in the clear...

If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure the Secret Service has already paid her a visit...
"Al Franken is stepping up to support his friend Kathy Griffin after she sparked public outrage with a controversial photo shoot where she is seen holding a bloodied mask of President Donald Trump.

The 66-year-old senator and former “Saturday Night Live” writer told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day” that while he believed the images went too far, the 56-year-old comedienne can survive the backlash."

TO HIS CREDIT, At least 'Stuart Smalley' acknowledged what Griffin did 'went too far'.


"Shields told Fox News on Tuesday that Griffin was hoping to create a bold message. “Kathy and I are friends and we work together before, so when we started doing this shoot, she said, ‘I’d love to do something political. I’d love to make a statement,’” he explained. “We kind of figured out what would be the best image to make out of that.”

What the hell was 'the message'? That liberal snowflakes, who called for Trump's assassination after he won the election, are engulfed in so much bitter hate that they would like to see the President beheaded in terrorist ISIS fashion?

It is made clear by this comment that the decision to do this stunt was not a 'spur-of-the-moment' / 'off-the-cuff' decision. Shields and Griffin spent a good bit of time coming up with their 'bold message' and supporting image/props chosen. That tells me Griffin is not at all apologetic about the message she chose to portray and how she did so - It tells me she is apologetic as hell her actions resulted in such swift repercussions over the intense backlash for her sick, pathetic stunt.

"Shields added the image was meant to serve as art and he’s aware that it could make some viewers uncomfortable."

Only sick, seditious, f*ed up, partisan snowflakes could consider holding a mock, bloody severed head of the President of the United States 'art'. I am sure ISIS agrees with them and appreciates what Democrats consider 'art', but TRUE AMERICANS consider that 'UN-ACCEPTABLE'!

Kathy Griffin gets support from Al Franken: 'I think she can recover'

Al, there is no defense for what Griffin did.....
You crybabies are STILL on this bullshit?
What? You still want to talk about Russia?
Inappropriate or not, the First Amendment protects her right to free speech to the very same extent it does conservatives.

Conservatives just cannot understand, or accept the fact that the Constitution protects all Americans equally. It does NOT belong to them exclusively.

If a conservative comic had a prop showing the lynching of Obama, the righties would have been cheering wildly.

Fucking liar!
What she did isn't a violation of law. But that doesn't mean anyone is obligated to praise her or is stopped from speaking out against her.

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