what about the White person kicked out of McDs??

how come the CEO of McDs didn't visit this white guy who they BOOTED out of McDs??
what a huge difference in news coverage/etc
Video of homeless man kicked out of McDonald's after customer buys him food goes viral

2 black men waiting in starbucks for a friend who get arrested / kicked out for not buying anything is the same as someone bringing in a homeless man who has a history of being kicked out of this establishment several times before for violent behavior towards people in mcd's?

that's a reach from hell.

Correct. The white guy was a customer that had food in front of him. WHO HAS A HISTORY OF CAUSING PROBLEMS IN THIS MCDONALDS

While the black guys were not customers, and refused to leave.WHO HAD NO HISTORY OF CAUSING PROBLEMS AT THIS STARBUCKS

you left off part of your idiocy.

now go find me starbucks official loitering policy or that no one can be there that isn't buying something.

I kind of doubt they have in online, but I think it very likely they have it posted.

If I am by one I will stop in and look.

IN both cases the store told the person to leave, and both cases the cops came and made that happen.

The white guy left, the black guys refused and had to be arrested.

That was not racism, that was a difference caused by different behavior.
how come the CEO of McDs didn't visit this white guy who they BOOTED out of McDs??
what a huge difference in news coverage/etc
Video of homeless man kicked out of McDonald's after customer buys him food goes viral

2 black men waiting in starbucks for a friend who get arrested / kicked out for not buying anything is the same as someone bringing in a homeless man who has a history of being kicked out of this establishment several times before for violent behavior towards people in mcd's?

that's a reach from hell.

Correct. The white guy was a customer that had food in front of him. WHO HAS A HISTORY OF CAUSING PROBLEMS IN THIS MCDONALDS

While the black guys were not customers, and refused to leave.WHO HAD NO HISTORY OF CAUSING PROBLEMS AT THIS STARBUCKS

you left off part of your idiocy.

now go find me starbucks official loitering policy or that no one can be there that isn't buying something.

I kind of doubt they have in online, but I think it very likely they have it posted.

If I am by one I will stop in and look.

IN both cases the store told the person to leave, and both cases the cops came and made that happen.

The white guy left, the black guys refused and had to be arrested.

That was not racism, that was a difference caused by different behavior.

i'll wait til we see something posted that says you can't sit at a starbucks w/o buying something FROM STARBUCKS.

if there were no history with the white dude then i doubt the cashier would have reacted the way they did. when you have a history you have a short fuse. you're trying to make this the same thing just makes you look kinda agenda driven and foolish.
how come the CEO of McDs didn't visit this white guy who they BOOTED out of McDs??
what a huge difference in news coverage/etc
Video of homeless man kicked out of McDonald's after customer buys him food goes viral

2 black men waiting in starbucks for a friend who get arrested / kicked out for not buying anything is the same as someone bringing in a homeless man who has a history of being kicked out of this establishment several times before for violent behavior towards people in mcd's?

that's a reach from hell.

Correct. The white guy was a customer that had food in front of him. WHO HAS A HISTORY OF CAUSING PROBLEMS IN THIS MCDONALDS

While the black guys were not customers, and refused to leave.WHO HAD NO HISTORY OF CAUSING PROBLEMS AT THIS STARBUCKS

you left off part of your idiocy.

now go find me starbucks official loitering policy or that no one can be there that isn't buying something.

I kind of doubt they have in online, but I think it very likely they have it posted.

If I am by one I will stop in and look.

IN both cases the store told the person to leave, and both cases the cops came and made that happen.

The white guy left, the black guys refused and had to be arrested.

That was not racism, that was a difference caused by different behavior.

i'll wait til we see something posted that says you can't sit at a starbucks w/o buying something FROM STARBUCKS.

if there were no history with the white dude then i doubt the cashier would have reacted the way they did. when you have a history you have a short fuse. you're trying to make this the same thing just makes you look kinda agenda driven and foolish.

I have never seen a coffee shop, or similar, that allowed non customers to just hang out.

The point is the difference in reaction.

In both cases, there was just reason for the store to want the people gone. IN one the people were not customers, and in the other, the guy was a troublesome homeless person.

IN both cases the cops were called.

IN both cases, the people had to, or were forced to leave.

But one because a nationwise scandal and the other didn't.

Different strokes for different folks, based on skin color.
how come the CEO of McDs didn't visit this white guy who they BOOTED out of McDs??
what a huge difference in news coverage/etc
Video of homeless man kicked out of McDonald's after customer buys him food goes viral

Civil Rights are only for minority people and donot protect those in the majority, and that is according to many US Civil Rights legal minds and the Supreme Court in the EU, os it is not a fringe opinion.

You apparently have no knowledge of U.S. civil rights laws. They cover everybody.
how come the CEO of McDs didn't visit this white guy who they BOOTED out of McDs??
what a huge difference in news coverage/etc
Video of homeless man kicked out of McDonald's after customer buys him food goes viral

Civil Rights are only for minority people and donot protect those in the majority, and that is according to many US Civil Rights legal minds and the Supreme Court in the EU, os it is not a fringe opinion.

You apparently have no knowledge of U.S. civil rights laws. They cover everybody.

Correct, but white homeless people are not a protect class period. This is more American comedy, and white people passed the law.:TH_WAY~113: America.
The guys arrested at Starbucks were waiting for someone to hold a business meeting, who subsequently arrived. Many people wait to order when they are expecting someone else as a courtesy. It is by no means uncommon in our culture. While race could have been a factor in that incident, which occurred in Philadelphia, the circumstances of the man kicked out of McD's are totally different, in regard both to his alleged past history in this store, and the attitude in Myrtle Beach toward homeless people in general. In some communities, the attitude is to kick all homeless people out of town, rid the community of them.

Two separate communities, two separate states, two separate companies. And I did not see in that video one black face of a person involved in the situation in Myrtle Beach. How could this incident be connected to racism?
The guys arrested at Starbucks were waiting for someone to hold a business meeting, who subsequently arrived. Many people wait to order when they are expecting someone else as a courtesy. It is by no means uncommon in our culture. While race could have been a factor in that incident, which occurred in Philadelphia, the circumstances of the man kicked out of McD's are totally different, in regard both to his alleged past history in this store, and the attitude in Myrtle Beach toward homeless people in general. In some communities, the attitude is to kick all homeless people out of town, rid the community of them.

Two separate communities, two separate states, two separate companies. And I did not see in that video one black face of a person involved in the situation in Myrtle Beach. How could this incident be connected to racism?
Its racist to make it about racism just because of someones race. So good job.
....this is MORE evidence of the MSM bullshit that blacks are being discriminated because of their skin color 24/7 365
...more evidence the MSM doesn't show how whites are discriminated as much as they show blacks are
how come the CEO of McDs didn't visit this white guy who they BOOTED out of McDs??
what a huge difference in news coverage/etc
Video of homeless man kicked out of McDonald's after customer buys him food goes viral

Civil Rights are only for minority people and donot protect those in the majority, and that is according to many US Civil Rights legal minds and the Supreme Court in the EU, os it is not a fringe opinion.

You apparently have no knowledge of U.S. civil rights laws. They cover everybody.

Correct, but white homeless people are not a protect class period. This is more American comedy, and white people passed the law.:TH_WAY~113: America.

Neither are black homeless people a protected class. Race is a protected class, the condition of homelessness is not.
The guys arrested at Starbucks were waiting for someone to hold a business meeting, who subsequently arrived. Many people wait to order when they are expecting someone else as a courtesy. It is by no means uncommon in our culture. While race could have been a factor in that incident, which occurred in Philadelphia, the circumstances of the man kicked out of McD's are totally different, in regard both to his alleged past history in this store, and the attitude in Myrtle Beach toward homeless people in general. In some communities, the attitude is to kick all homeless people out of town, rid the community of them.

Two separate communities, two separate states, two separate companies. And I did not see in that video one black face of a person involved in the situation in Myrtle Beach. How could this incident be connected to racism?
Its racist to make it about racism just because of someones race. So good job.

One might, might be related to racism, particularly in view of our cultural customs regarding waiting for someone who has not yet arrived. We have a similar custom regarding refraining from beginning eating until all at the table have been served unless the un-served person tells everyone else to start.

The McD's incident obviously is not about racism at all. Are you upset that the CEO of McD's has not visited the homeless man to apologize?
how come the CEO of McDs didn't visit this white guy who they BOOTED out of McDs??
what a huge difference in news coverage/etc
Video of homeless man kicked out of McDonald's after customer buys him food goes viral

Civil Rights are only for minority people and donot protect those in the majority, and that is according to many US Civil Rights legal minds and the Supreme Court in the EU, os it is not a fringe opinion.

You apparently have no knowledge of U.S. civil rights laws. They cover everybody.

Correct, but white homeless people are not a protect class period. This is more American comedy, and white people passed the law.:TH_WAY~113: America.

Neither are black homeless people a protected class. Race is a protected class, the condition of homelessness is not.
The guys arrested at Starbucks were waiting for someone to hold a business meeting, who subsequently arrived. Many people wait to order when they are expecting someone else as a courtesy. It is by no means uncommon in our culture. While race could have been a factor in that incident, which occurred in Philadelphia, the circumstances of the man kicked out of McD's are totally different, in regard both to his alleged past history in this store, and the attitude in Myrtle Beach toward homeless people in general. In some communities, the attitude is to kick all homeless people out of town, rid the community of them.

Two separate communities, two separate states, two separate companies. And I did not see in that video one black face of a person involved in the situation in Myrtle Beach. How could this incident be connected to racism?
Its racist to make it about racism just because of someones race. So good job.

One might, might be related to racism, particularly in view of our cultural customs regarding waiting for someone who has not yet arrived. We have a similar custom regarding refraining from beginning eating until all at the table have been served unless the un-served person tells everyone else to start.

The McD's incident obviously is not about racism at all. Are you upset that the CEO of McD's has not visited the homeless man to apologize?
what a bunch of CRAP...all double talk nonsense
..a WHITE person was thrown out of a restaurant--but that's ok to screw over whites???!!
..the Starbucks incident has not been anywhere near proven to be racially motivated

please prove the Starbucks incident was racially motivated !!
..hey--the blacks asked to use the bathroom--rules--bathrooms for paying customers only
they started the silly shit
..you people make it seem like they went in there to wait for their friend, only!!
no--there is more to it --as usual with these BLACK men stories
False equivalencies? Arrested for being white? Kicked out for being poor? OP kicked your asses....
LOL you disingenuous hacks never cease making me lmao. One thing you guys are consistent at. Thanks dumbfucks
You have no idea what this is all about do you? You don't understand it at all.
understand WHAT?
A couple black dudes dont buy shit and refuse to leave, so they get arrested?
A white guy got kicked out of mcds while eating a meal that was purchased from them?
Somehow the black thingyyy is about race and the other isnt.
You disingenuous hacks make me sick with your divisive wedge issues.
Those black guys DESERVED to get kicked out. So did the white guy
Grow the fuck up
That's ok, someone like you never will. I don't blame you any more than I would blame a paraplegic person for not being able to walk. You are both handicapped in different ways.
False equivalencies? Arrested for being white? Kicked out for being poor? OP kicked your asses....
LOL you disingenuous hacks never cease making me lmao. One thing you guys are consistent at. Thanks dumbfucks
You have no idea what this is all about do you? You don't understand it at all.
understand WHAT?
A couple black dudes dont buy shit and refuse to leave, so they get arrested?
A white guy got kicked out of mcds while eating a meal that was purchased from them?
Somehow the black thingyyy is about race and the other isnt.
You disingenuous hacks make me sick with your divisive wedge issues.
Those black guys DESERVED to get kicked out. So did the white guy
Grow the fuck up
That's ok, someone like you never will. I don't blame you any more than I would blame a paraplegic person for not being able to walk. You are both handicapped in different ways.
how clever :rolleyes:
False equivalencies? Arrested for being white? Kicked out for being poor? OP kicked your asses....
LOL you disingenuous hacks never cease making me lmao. One thing you guys are consistent at. Thanks dumbfucks
You have no idea what this is all about do you? You don't understand it at all.
understand WHAT?
A couple black dudes dont buy shit and refuse to leave, so they get arrested?
A white guy got kicked out of mcds while eating a meal that was purchased from them?
Somehow the black thingyyy is about race and the other isnt.
You disingenuous hacks make me sick with your divisive wedge issues.
Those black guys DESERVED to get kicked out. So did the white guy
Grow the fuck up
That's ok, someone like you never will. I don't blame you any more than I would blame a paraplegic person for not being able to walk. You are both handicapped in different ways.
how clever :rolleyes:
Truth often is.
False equivalencies? Arrested for being white? Kicked out for being poor? OP kicked your asses....
LOL you disingenuous hacks never cease making me lmao. One thing you guys are consistent at. Thanks dumbfucks
You have no idea what this is all about do you? You don't understand it at all.
understand WHAT?
A couple black dudes dont buy shit and refuse to leave, so they get arrested?
A white guy got kicked out of mcds while eating a meal that was purchased from them?
Somehow the black thingyyy is about race and the other isnt.
You disingenuous hacks make me sick with your divisive wedge issues.
Those black guys DESERVED to get kicked out. So did the white guy
Grow the fuck up
That's ok, someone like you never will. I don't blame you any more than I would blame a paraplegic person for not being able to walk. You are both handicapped in different ways.
TN is right on....unequal/unfair bullshit and we don't buy it
there is no proof the Starbucks deal was racially motivated
even if it was, the MSM/you/blacks/leftists/ make it out that it's worse when blacks get discriminated/etc against
how come the CEO of McDs didn't visit this white guy who they BOOTED out of McDs??
what a huge difference in news coverage/etc
Video of homeless man kicked out of McDonald's after customer buys him food goes viral

Civil Rights are only for minority people and donot protect those in the majority, and that is according to many US Civil Rights legal minds and the Supreme Court in the EU, os it is not a fringe opinion.

You apparently have no knowledge of U.S. civil rights laws. They cover everybody.

Correct, but white homeless people are not a protect class period. This is more American comedy, and white people passed the law.:TH_WAY~113: America.

Neither are black homeless people a protected class. Race is a protected class, the condition of homelessness is not.

No shit, Black people are a protected class and, white people are not protected under the 1964 civil rights act.
Was anything done about the customer who bought that man his meal? If the people in charge of that building consider the homeless man to be such a detriment, what about those who only go out of their own way to stimulate such a thing?

God bless you and him and his savior always!!!


P.S. By the way, if they don't like what we do with their grub after it is bought and paid for, that is their own problem.

P.S. By the way, if they don't like what we do with their grub after it is bought and paid for, that is their own problem.

You're free to do what you want with their grub after you buy it.
The "good Samaritan" was free to buy it and give it to the disruptive homeless guy
outside, off of the McDonald's property.

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