What Animals Do You Keep As Household Pets…?

What animals do you keep as household pets…?

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I thought I was a dog person, and I am. When I was a kid, Dad allowed us to have a little cranky cocker spaniel. I tried a couple of times to bring home kittens I'd found, but he threatened to kill them if they got in his way. Scared me.

Years later, first apartment, dog. Lab mix. Sweetie. Yes, I love dogs. But when he died, I figured apartment dwellers didn't need pets. Wrong.

A boyfriend, shortly before exiting, got me a cat. I liked the cat way better than the boyfriend, actually, so it was a good deal. Since, I've loved five more cats, three still with me. I would love to have a dog, but I work too many hours for a dog and don't have a secure back yard. For now, I love my kitties. When I retire, I'm getting a lap dog.
LOL. All sorta shit. 3 Keel billed toucans, a collared aracari,scarlet macaw, 2 murki...errr American bulldogs, a 6 foot boa, a mica, a Guatusa ( tepisquintle-agouti),a coati, Koi.......
Then there is livestock...........too much shit !
I need a 1 BR apartment in Rio.
I have 5 dogs at my house right now.

Four of them are mine and I'm fostering the 5th for a Rescue group.

My dogs are:

1. Jake my 14yr old BC. He can still run the legs off a sheep. He's a rescue

2. Abbey by GSD mix that I'm currently doing obedience with. She's a pound puppy.

3. Zip my little Border Terrier mix. My pal. He's a pound puppy.

4. Murph my little Poodle/Schnauzer, Schnoodle, mix. Exercise ain't on his agenda. No way. No How. Pound puppy.

5. Is Jango. Jango is an 8 month GSD/Pit mix. He was rescued from the North shelter by the rescue group. Jango's a sweetie. he's a dark brindle with a splash of white on the chest. He's housebroken, neutered and UTD with shots. Great inside dog and Abbey's best pal and playmate. Great dog. I sure will miss the dufus when he gets adopted.

I also have a horse. He eats quite well.
I have a spoiled rotten poodle that thinks she is royalty and an ancient cat that belonged to my husband. I had five cats, but when I moved I had to give them away, except for old Bubba because I promised my husband on his death bed to care for Bubba for the rest of his life. He is COMPLETELY obnoxious.
Growing up my parents always had pets of all kinds. We had dogs, cats, a bald eagle, a porcupine, parrots, white rats, a monkey, rabbits, a goat...that I remember.

My husband and I now have five dogs and six cats.

We have two red Dobermans, two Miniature Pinschers and a Chinese Sharpei.

In the cat family we have an Abyssinian, a silver-shaded Persian, a calico, a black persian-mix, a Maine Coon, and a fat orange tabby.

The two Dobermans, the Abyssinian cat and the Persian are "on purpose," all purchased as young puppies or kittens. That was the plan...two dogs and two cats.

All the rest are rescues. Right off the streets, poor abandoned critters, with the exception of one min pin, who came from a shelter.

I also feed stray cats...I've been putting food out for them for three years now, never miss a day. I wouldn't be able to sleep if I missed a day. : )
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I have none in my apartment, they are not allowed.
But my son has a zoo......

1 ball python snake
2 tarantula spiders
1 VERY large snapping turtle
3 smaller turtles
3 lizards
2 parakeets
3 cats
2 hound dogs
1 pit bull
1 Yorkie

No partridges?
Home? 2 dogs only. At work? All of the above except cats. :D
Burmese pythons banned due to threat to Florida wildlife...
US Bans Snakes Plaguing Florida Everglades
January 17, 2012 - The United States is banning the import of Burmese pythons and three other species of giant constrictor snakes due to the danger they pose to local wildlife.
U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar made the announcement Tuesday as he visited the Everglades National Park in Florida, saying the ban will take effect in about 60 days. The move will make it illegal to import the snakes or transport them across state lines. In addition to the python, the new policy refers to the yellow anaconda as well as the northern and southern African pythons as injurious wildlife. Salazar said in a statement that the nonnative, invasive snakes pose a real and immediate threat to the Everglades and other ecosystems in the United States. He said the Burmese python has already gained a foothold in the Everglades.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe says the pythons have already caused substantial harm in Florida. He said Tuesday's action will help prevent further harm from these large constrictor snakes to native wildlife, especially in habitats that can support constrictor snake populations across the southern United States and U.S. territories. Authorities say people who own these reptiles as pets will be allowed to keep them if state law allows, but cannot take, send or sell them across state lines. Officials say people who wish to export the snakes have to do from a designated port within their state and obtain the appropriate permits.

Five other nonnative snakes remain under consideration for listing as injurious. They include the reticulated python, boa constrictor, DeSchauensee's anaconda, green anaconda and Beni anaconda. It is estimated that the Everglades is now home to thousands of Burmese pythons, which have preyed on everything from small mammals to large wading birds. The pythons are native to Southeast Asia.

Pinky the resident polecat
I have a Siberian Husky named Desdemona....shhhh..she doesn't know she is a D...O...G!
Such a diva LOL
I have a spoiled rotten poodle that thinks she is royalty and an ancient cat that belonged to my husband. I had five cats, but when I moved I had to give them away, except for old Bubba because I promised my husband on his death bed to care for Bubba for the rest of his life.
He is COMPLETELY obnoxious.

:eusa_eh: Bubba or the husband?
right now, we've got two dogs (a 65-pound Catahoula mix and a 13-pound rat terrier... the Catahoula brought the rat terrier home one day and looked at me as if to say "he followed me home... can we keep him..?)

two cats from the pound (thought at first they were litter mates, but they're obviously not... the one being a slight 9-pound shorthair with obvious Siamese influences... the other being a large fluffy 14+ pounder with classic Maine Coon Cat characteristics...)

two Zebra Finches... 'cept that they mated and we now have four Zebra Finches...

two Guinea Pigs... separately given to my daughter, which we allowed to happen in a weak moment...

a red-eared slider turtle that showed up a coupla years ago in our little under-maintained backyard pond and has since stayed...

occasionally: spiders (especially jumping spiders) that show up in the house and require that I intercede and put them outside before my wife smites them...

occasionally: garter snakes, green anoles, geckos, fledgling wild birds, baby squirrels, baby possums, baby raccoons, other li'l creatures that get caught by our dogs and cats... and are released as soon as they're able to make it on their own...

Catahoulas are nice dogs, I bet the Rat alerts the Catahoula if there's an "intruder". My neighbor has a Jack/Rat mix and man that little SOB will bark at the drop of a hat!
Over the years we've had a slew of animals and rodents living inside and outside out house. It was then I would refer to my husband as Dr. Doolittle. With my children getting older the need or want for a variety of pets has lessened. Thankfully. We've had gerbils, hamsters, fish, guinea pig, society finches, leopard geckos, a baby ground hog, bunnies and cats.

Currently we have 3 cats, two bunnies and wow ... that's it! Would it be horrible to say that I look forward to the day when the bunnies meet their maker?

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