So, What Sentence Will Trump Get?

So What Sentence Will Trump Get?

  • Jail Time?

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • Probation?

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Community Service?

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Work Release

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A Slap On the Wrist

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters
I’d sentence Trump to a One year suspended sentence with 100 hours of community service scrubbing toilets at a homeless shelter and picking up trash on Fifth Avenue.
Due to KARMA YOU will receive that exact same sentence at some point in the future.

What Sentence Will Trump Get?​

Nothing of any consequence .

It is a standard CIA Show Trial and anybody above moron American level will see that .
That lady knows how the Idiots are manipulated
The ironic part is that if Trump does receive jail time it may not be because of the underlying charges it will be because of his contempt of court and gag order violations.
Exactly. If trump doesnt keep his mouth shut the judge will have no choice but to throw his dumb ass in jail. Also, the usual path to receiving a lighter sentence is to be contrite or explain to the judge how you've changed your ways. And we all know none of that isn't going to happen with Trump.
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Look if you think Democrats won't pounce on the media shitstorm of Trump being cuffed and hauled off to a jail cell then you don't know evil POS Democrats.
Trump, political prisoner of the evil Dem regime will probably get 100 years from the corrupt Dem judge who railroaded him.
Due to KARMA YOU will receive that exact same sentence at some point in the future.
Lol..Karma is what struck Trump in the ass. He treated Michael Cohen like trash and Cohen returned the favor by nailing and turning in Trump. Remember there is no honor among thieves.
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Trump won't spend a day in jail.
His lawyers are going to file a ton of appeals that will take years to make it thru the courts.
in the meantime, Trump can legally run for office; and if the voters elect him. Occupy the White House as our 47th President.
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Lol..Karma is what struck Trump in the ass. He treated Michael Cohen like trash and Cohen returned the favor by nailing Trump. Remember there is no honor among criminals.
You dipshits have nothing, this turd conviction gets tossed on appeal then the Trump lawsuits begin.
Did he falsify business records in an attempt to influence an election?

Because if so, you'd be correct.
Did Hillary falsify business records to influence an election? Yep, got fined as has been the norm in these matters. Come closer...OH SNAP!
Did Hillary falsify business records to influence an election? Yep, got fined as has been the norm in these matters. Come closer...OH SNAP!

So prosecute her. IDGAF.

Here's your problem - for DECADES, your media has lied to you, and you no longer can differentiate between reality and fantasy.

That's why you are constantly angry. You are told lies. And when those lies don't come to fruition - because they are lies - you get angry.

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