What are Gun control, and assault weapons banners saying to Ukraine citizens now?

You understand the Ukrainian military is almost useless against Russia, don't you? Which country do you think will outclass our military as much as Russia outclasses Ukrane?
I take it you missed Vietnam.
Every man (and most women) in the American colonies knew how to handle a firearm. Nobody had to teach Sgt York how to shoot in WW1, Most G.I.'s in WW2 knew how to use a rifle before they went into the military. You can't expect to protect the homeland by throwing a truck load of rifles at citizens who never held one due to a restrictive society, when the wolf is at the door. You will only get them killed.
More than half the country supports leftist tyranny.

The rest of us can lead our own lives. We don't need Big Daddy Government to make our decisions for us.

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Such a stark difference, isn’t it Dave, between those polar opposite mindsets? I always wonder, what kind of parents did these people have who think they should never question decisions made by their government? Or should I even blame the parents when these people are now adults?

Basically an individual choice for Americans, to either take personal responsibility or to believe I’m waiting on the government to save me, because I am helpless! I have a working body, but I prefer not to use it, I have a working mind but choose not to use it. I want to be told what to do and how to live my life! No thanks to that type of pitiful, self-defeating mindset!
Bet the Ukrainians were saying the same thing last month.
That's rediculous. The Ukraine military doesn't compare with Russia's in any way. Are you really too dumb to see the difference between them and us?
I take it you missed Vietnam.
Only because my lottery number was high. Some people I went to school weren't so lucky. That doesn't matter here anyway. The fighting was in Southeast Asia, and ownership of guns here had nothing to do with any of it.
That's rediculous. The Ukraine military doesn't compare with Russia's in any way. Are you really too dumb to see the difference between them and us?
I'm saying the same thing I've said since my first post on this board... I'd rather have it and not need than need it and not have it.

If an American can't own an AR15 then Putin wins.

Why do you continue to defend Putin?
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Only because my lottery number was high. Some people I went to school weren't so lucky.
Vietnam held its own against France and the U.S. for many years. So saying any country can not stand up on its own is not even close to accurate. I seem to remember Russia getting kicked out of another country that some swore they would walk all over.
Vietnam held its own against France and the U.S. for many years. So saying any country can not stand up on its own is not even close to accurate. I seem to remember Russia getting kicked out of another country that some swore they would walk all over.
I never said any of that. I said there is no need to arm American civilians to protect from invaders.
I never said any of that. I said there is no need to arm American civilians to protect from invaders.
The right is actually there primarily to defend against a tyrannical government. Believe it or not, the government is supposed to be afraid of the citizens, not the other way around.

It is a definite bonus that this also make America a no-go zone for any army considering occupying us as part of their plan.
I never said any of that. I said there is no need to arm American civilians to protect from invaders.
But exactly why do you think that our country can not be invaded? What makes us so special? Especially when we have so many that do not want to defend the country. Especially when we have so many that we know nothing about are entering our country. Especially when we have those that want to do away with things like the police, want to change things not to the best and brightest for any position?
Such a stark difference, isn’t it Dave, between those polar opposite mindsets? I always wonder, what kind of parents did these people have who think they should never question decisions made by their government? Or should I even blame the parents when these people are now adults?
People rise above their raising all the time. Hold the adults responsible for their choices.
Basically an individual choice for Americans, to either take personal responsibility or to believe I’m waiting on the government to save me, because I am helpless! I have a working body, but I prefer not to use it, I have a working mind but choose not to use it. I want to be told what to do and how to live my life! No thanks to that type of pitiful, self-defeating mindset!
Yes, indeed, ma'am. I can't imagine how the left has made being a perpetual baby a positive trait.

Not much self-respect in the world any more.

And it wouldn't be so bad, either, but they project their infantilism on everyone else. They feel threatened by people who don't need their hands held and their behinds powdered.

And they vote for us all to be babies. I have nothing but contempt for these people.
Nothing. The vast majority of people against Ukraine in America are against it because they want to sound like a good person and saying it because they think it's what they are supposed to say.

At the end of the day it won't change or alter their perception of anything or make them consider anything. Soon as this is no longer big news they will move on to the next thing they need to publicly approve of or disavow.
People rise above their raising all the time. Hold the adults responsible for their choices.

Yes, indeed, ma'am. I can't imagine how the left has made being a perpetual baby a positive trait.

Not much self-respect in the world any more.

And it wouldn't be so bad, either, but they project their infantilism on everyone else. They feel threatened by people who don't need their hands held and their behinds powdered.

And they vote for us all to be babies. I have nothing but contempt for these people.
Agreed 100 percent. Yes, self-respect or lack of directly involved. One reason individuals can’t take a joke is often because they lack self-confidence and self-respect. A person who feels confident about themselves and has done their own legwork to ensure that’s the case, they can take personal jokes.

Either hereditarily or environmentally, most likely both at play for most, a person without any self-respect doesn’t respect others.
Americans need to have the right to purchase fully automatic assault rifles.
Strange thread.

America is not being invaded, so you can let your balls descend back down.

The President of Ukraine forbade the citizens of Ukraine from owning weapons; that is until Russia came along and it was his ass on the line.

Now he is handing out guns like candy and telling them to go shoot and protect him.
Bullshit! Look it up: Ukrainians are allowed to own semi automatic rifles and shotguns as long as they are secured when not in use.
Bullshit! Look it up: Ukrainians are allowed to own semi automatic rifles and shotguns as long as they are secured when not in use.
Sure, that is why they have to hand them out. Fucking moron.
Sure, that is why they have to hand them out. Fucking moron.
From wikipedia:


Ukraine is the only country in Europe where firearms are not regulated by statute. Everything related to firearms is regulated by Order №622 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Citizens are permitted to own non-fully automatic rifles and shotguns as long as they are stored properly when not in use.

Handguns are illegal except for target shooting, those who hold concealed carry permits, and handguns awarded for service.[1] Concealed carry licenses are available, but are not normally issued unless a threat to life is present and can be proven.[2]

A license is required to own firearms, and a citizen may be issued a license if that person:

  • is 25 years of age for rifle ownership, 21 years of age for smoothbore weapon ownership, 18 years of age for cold or pneumatic weapon ownership;
  • has no criminal record;
  • has no history of domestic violence;
  • has no mental illness or history of mental illness;
  • has a good reason (target shooting, hunting, collection).

Once a license is issued, all guns must be kept unloaded and in a safe.

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