What are Obamas Foreign Policy Achievements?

We'll see about Iran, but McCain or Romney would've probably started another stupid war. They're ready to be a lot different...the youngest, best educated country in the ME...SCREWED BY THE WEST FOR 70 YEARS, HAVEN'T ATTACKED ANYONE IN OVER 2000...

They were a product of the cold war. The question was not if a ruthless dictator was going to run Iran but exactly who that dictator would be loyal to. Ruthless dictators and kings were the standard in the ME anyway. Screwed? No, just an objective natural product of the geopolitical times. I hope this level of thinking isn't beyond you.
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So, is the terrorist Assad AND terrorist SYRIA BOTHERING ANYONE, ANYMORE...LOL...

EVERYTHING will improve when this Pub world economic disaster ends, and jihad is no longer a good career move- so get the feg out of the way of the recovery, mindless, brainwashed obstructionist a-holes.

Thank you.

Where exactly? The democracy. WHERE!!??

And you may thank the Russians for Assad. Even if it were true that Obama is responsible for Assad cooperation, the world views it as an embarrassment for the US, a victory for the Russia and, and the civil war is now allowed to continue against the whishes of Obama.

Jihad is no longer a good career huh? here's your democracy>>> Al-Qaeda hasn't gone away, and is gaining

Obama cranked out f Iraq with the understanding that it would be blamed on Bush if anything went wrong yes. Bush, however, would have broke some noses getting the Status of Forces Agreement, of which, Obama wanted (Because he knew it was necessary) but failed to achieve. The current state of Iraq is his foreign policy failure.

Whatever you think of Bush, he was respected. Whatever you think of Obama, he is liked. Liked is not good when seeking your foreign interests! In fact, it is very bad! Worse than loathed and worse than hated (because you can respect someone you hate). If you are liked it means people are walking all over you and getting you to complete their interests over your own.

Bush was respected by no one. As for being walked all over? How much power did China and Russia have in the 90's? Hmm? Bush gift-wrapped them a weakened America. And they are continuing to use that new power in the middle east.

Has Obama's foreign policy been great? No! But it certainly hasn't been helped by the republicans in congress who swore to make his presidency a failure before he was even inaugurated.


Who's running weapons through Iraq right now? Iran
Who's taken over the cities of Fallujah and Ramadi? AQ
Who's using Iraq as a safe haven to mobilize against Syria? The Syrian Rebels
Who's drilling in Iraq right now? The British and the Chinese.
Who has Iraq turned to geopolitically? Iran

Got rid of Khadafi? Indeed he did. But there was a time when we should have gotten rid of Khadafi. After he started to cooperate with the United States because he feared Bush was not the time. Libya is more dangerous to US interests today than it was before we intervened and it will continue to be so for the foreseeable future.

Iran to the table? Iran is playing Obama for the weak fool he is. This is the classic difference between liberal and conservative foreign policy. Liberals actually believe that if you tuck your tail between your legs and nicely open your heart to brutal regimes they will get a warm fuzzy and give up their nasty ways. The last president who held such a foreign policy was Carter. It didn't work for him and it wont work for Obama. Obama is liked around the world. He is not respected. People like those they can walk over. People respect those they can't.

Got our good name back in the world? Once again, revert the previous statement. Obama is liked, not respected.

Inspired democracy's? Where?

So Iraq ended up how liberals predicted and Obama is liked not respected. That's what I got from your post.

"Liked and not possibly not respected" is better than "hated and openly disrespected" so whatever the next administration is it should have a better starting point than Obama had.

Obama cranked out f Iraq with the understanding that it would be blamed on Bush if anything went wrong yes. Bush, however, would have broke some noses getting the Status of Forces Agreement, of which, Obama wanted (Because he knew it was necessary) but failed to achieve. The current state of Iraq is his foreign policy failure.

Whatever you think of Bush, he was respected. Whatever you think of Obama, he is liked. Liked is not good when seeking your foreign interests! In fact, it is very bad! Worse than loathed and worse than hated (because you can respect someone you hate). If you are liked it means people are walking all over you and getting you to complete their interests over your own.
Bush was a total idiot and a catastrophe in evey possible way. Maybe feared- seeing as he killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis for NOTHING. TURNED 100 aL qAEDA INTO HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF JIHADIS...NOT TO MENTION WRECKING THE WORLD ECONOMY...AY CARAMBA.
Obama cranked out f Iraq with the understanding that it would be blamed on Bush if anything went wrong yes. Bush, however, would have broke some noses getting the Status of Forces Agreement, of which, Obama wanted (Because he knew it was necessary) but failed to achieve. The current state of Iraq is his foreign policy failure.

Whatever you think of Bush, he was respected. Whatever you think of Obama, he is liked. Liked is not good when seeking your foreign interests! In fact, it is very bad! Worse than loathed and worse than hated (because you can respect someone you hate). If you are liked it means people are walking all over you and getting you to complete their interests over your own.

Bush was respected by no one. As for being walked all over? How much power did China and Russia have in the 90's? Hmm? Bush gift-wrapped them a weakened America. And they are continuing to use that new power in the middle east.

Has Obama's foreign policy been great? No! But it certainly hasn't been helped by the republicans in congress who swore to make his presidency a failure before he was even inaugurated.

I thought a while of how I was to respond to the above. This video sums it up better than I ever could. And no, you can't blame Bush for Obamas failures.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfYJsQAhl0]Billy Madison - Ultimate Insult (Academic Decathlon)[Forum Weapon][How To Troll][Ignorance Is Bliss] - YouTube[/ame]
So Iraq ended up how liberals predicted and Obama is liked not respected. That's what I got from your post.

"Liked and not possibly not respected" is better than "hated and openly disrespected" so whatever the next administration is it should have a better starting point than Obama had.

Obama cranked out f Iraq with the understanding that it would be blamed on Bush if anything went wrong yes. Bush, however, would have broke some noses getting the Status of Forces Agreement, of which, Obama wanted (Because he knew it was necessary) but failed to achieve. The current state of Iraq is his foreign policy failure.

Whatever you think of Bush, he was respected. Whatever you think of Obama, he is liked. Liked is not good when seeking your foreign interests! In fact, it is very bad! Worse than loathed and worse than hated (because you can respect someone you hate). If you are liked it means people are walking all over you and getting you to complete their interests over your own.
Bush was a total idiot and a catastrophe in evey possible way. Maybe feared- seeing as he killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis for NOTHING. TURNED 100 aL qAEDA INTO HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF JIHADIS...NOT TO MENTION WRECKING THE WORLD ECONOMY...AY CARAMBA.

He can't be responsible for what he couldn't see till the end. Iraq is therefore Obamas mess. Need I remind you ...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cwqh4wQPoQk]Democrats on Iraq + WMD's (Weapons of Mass Destruction) - YouTube[/ame]

Obviously the spread of terror has come from all of the new terror safe havens opened up due to Obamas excellent efforts to spread democracy huh?


So, is the terrorist Assad AND terrorist SYRIA BOTHERING ANYONE, ANYMORE...LOL...

EVERYTHING will improve when this Pub world economic disaster ends, and jihad is no longer a good career move- so get the feg out of the way of the recovery, mindless, brainwashed obstructionist a-holes.

Thank you.

Where exactly? The democracy. WHERE!!??

And you may thank the Russians for Assad. Even if it were true that Obama is responsible for Assad cooperation, the world views it as an embarrassment for the US, a victory for the Russia and, and the civil war is now allowed to continue against the whishes of Obama.

Jihad is no longer a good career huh? here's your democracy>>> Al-Qaeda hasn't gone away, and is gaining



Where- Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Sudan. Sorry it's messy, ESPECIALLY IN A PUB WORLD DEPRESSION...

And the world hates Putin- sorry, Foxbots.

So, is the terrorist Assad AND terrorist SYRIA BOTHERING ANYONE, ANYMORE...LOL...

EVERYTHING will improve when this Pub world economic disaster ends, and jihad is no longer a good career move- so get the feg out of the way of the recovery, mindless, brainwashed obstructionist a-holes.

Thank you.

Where exactly? The democracy. WHERE!!??

And you may thank the Russians for Assad. Even if it were true that Obama is responsible for Assad cooperation, the world views it as an embarrassment for the US, a victory for the Russia and, and the civil war is now allowed to continue against the whishes of Obama.

Jihad is no longer a good career huh? here's your democracy>>> Al-Qaeda hasn't gone away, and is gaining



Where- Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Sudan. Sorry it's messy, ESPECIALLY IN A PUB WORLD DEPRESSION...

And the world hates Putin- sorry, Foxbots.

The question is not whether the world hates Putin or not, it whether the world respect Putin over Obama. I think this is an easy question to answer, especially in Europe. Once again, Obama is liked, not respected around the world.

And since when has Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Yemen, and the Sudan ever been party to the worlds thriving economies? They need to establish security before they can ever think about economics and Obama has only poured fuel on that fire.
Obama cranked out f Iraq with the understanding that it would be blamed on Bush if anything went wrong yes. Bush, however, would have broke some noses getting the Status of Forces Agreement, of which, Obama wanted (Because he knew it was necessary) but failed to achieve. The current state of Iraq is his foreign policy failure.

Whatever you think of Bush, he was respected. Whatever you think of Obama, he is liked. Liked is not good when seeking your foreign interests! In fact, it is very bad! Worse than loathed and worse than hated (because you can respect someone you hate). If you are liked it means people are walking all over you and getting you to complete their interests over your own.

Bush was respected by no one. As for being walked all over? How much power did China and Russia have in the 90's? Hmm? Bush gift-wrapped them a weakened America. And they are continuing to use that new power in the middle east.

Has Obama's foreign policy been great? No! But it certainly hasn't been helped by the republicans in congress who swore to make his presidency a failure before he was even inaugurated.

I thought a while of how I was to respond to the above. This video sums it up better than I ever could. And no, you can't blame Bush for Obamas failures.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfYJsQAhl0]Billy Madison - Ultimate Insult (Academic Decathlon)[Forum Weapon][How To Troll][Ignorance Is Bliss] - YouTube[/ame]

Pretty much the vapid, cop-out of a response that I expected.

Keep on peddling your BS you'll find plenty other blithering idiots to agree with your simple nonsense
Bush was respected by no one. As for being walked all over? How much power did China and Russia have in the 90's? Hmm? Bush gift-wrapped them a weakened America. And they are continuing to use that new power in the middle east.

Has Obama's foreign policy been great? No! But it certainly hasn't been helped by the republicans in congress who swore to make his presidency a failure before he was even inaugurated.

I thought a while of how I was to respond to the above. This video sums it up better than I ever could. And no, you can't blame Bush for Obamas failures.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfYJsQAhl0]Billy Madison - Ultimate Insult (Academic Decathlon)[Forum Weapon][How To Troll][Ignorance Is Bliss] - YouTube[/ame]

Pretty much the vapid, cop-out of a response that I expected.

Keep on peddling your BS you'll find plenty other blithering idiots to agree with your simple nonsense

It's the only reply you deserve.
You stated the following as read in the context of the subject of the OP

1. Bush was respected by no one. = Bush Bad
2. As for being walked all over? How much power did China and Russia have in the 90's? Hmm? Bush gift-wrapped them a weakened America. And they are continuing to use that new power in the middle east. = Obamas failures are Bushes fault.
3. Has Obama's foreign policy been great? No! But it certainly hasn't been helped by the republicans in congress who swore to make his presidency a failure before he was even inaugurated. = Obamas failures are the Republicans fault.

Your reply to me is easy to understand. It just doesn't make sense. I ask for Obamas foreign policy achievements and people give me "Bush=Bad, Obama=Good, and Obamas failures = Bush's fault." So what are Obamas achievements? No one knows. Hell, if you looked in the OP you will see that I named one. This is because I am intellectually honest. I give credit where credit is due. You can't get past Bush so as to answer the question. Why? Bush is the crutch that every liberal reverts to when their boy is under fire. It's sad really.
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Where exactly? The democracy. WHERE!!??

And you may thank the Russians for Assad. Even if it were true that Obama is responsible for Assad cooperation, the world views it as an embarrassment for the US, a victory for the Russia and, and the civil war is now allowed to continue against the whishes of Obama.

Jihad is no longer a good career huh? here's your democracy>>> Al-Qaeda hasn't gone away, and is gaining



Where- Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Sudan. Sorry it's messy, ESPECIALLY IN A PUB WORLD DEPRESSION...

And the world hates Putin- sorry, Foxbots.

The question is not whether the world hates Putin or not, it whether the world respect Putin over Obama. I think this is an easy question to answer, especially in Europe. Once again, Obama is liked, not respected around the world.

And since when has Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Yemen, and the Sudan ever been party to the worlds thriving economies? They need to establish security before they can ever think about economics and Obama has only poured fuel on that fire.


Their economies were hurt WORSE than ours...despite your ugly American ignorance/arrogance...

Where- Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Sudan. Sorry it's messy, ESPECIALLY IN A PUB WORLD DEPRESSION...

And the world hates Putin- sorry, Foxbots.

The question is not whether the world hates Putin or not, it whether the world respect Putin over Obama. I think this is an easy question to answer, especially in Europe. Once again, Obama is liked, not respected around the world.

And since when has Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Yemen, and the Sudan ever been party to the worlds thriving economies? They need to establish security before they can ever think about economics and Obama has only poured fuel on that fire.


Their economies were hurt WORSE than ours...despite your ugly American ignorance/arrogance...

looks like you need to clean out your keyboard?

Putin is an ass, but he's a respected ass.
Obama is liked, but only because he works more toward the favor of others than ourselves.

Their economies were hurt worse than ours? How do you qualify that statement? We could go into a double did recession/depression and their median income could only go down 20 cents and they would still be hurt worse than us.
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Acually, Bush and Reaganism were such a catastrophe we'll be trying to fix their messes for years to come. Nite

I would be so bold as to say that since the end of WWII the only major unnatural changes in foreign policy has been under Carter and Obama. Perhaps Kennedy (Almost). We know Carter was a disaster. Panama, South America, Cold war retreats, a crappy state department, giving Africa to the Soviets on a silver platter, Iran, and so on. Obama will be no different.
He let the Seals kill the Head Lunatic Muslim. That's about it. And that's not foreign policy...its just all I could think of.

The most embarrassing was that Reset Button with Russia. Putin realized right then that he was dealing with rank amateurs....and he has toyed with them ever since.

The most damaging will likely be the deal he has made with Iran. Its not surprising that he would make it. He will tell the American people that Iran must not be allowed to have a nuclear bomb...but that is exactly what he means to allow. He is a Liar you see.

He particularly likes to lie to the American people. He has learned that they are stupid enough to believe him.

Tough three years coming up with America's foreign policy.

An excellent and accurate post. All true. And what president would have said, "no" to the SEALs when they had OBL in a hole? I mean, he HAD to, even though Biden didn't want him to...:lmao:
He kept our troops out of Egypt, Libya, and Syria.

That's a big step up from the previous administrations foreign policy of finding any reason they could to put our soldiers into danger.

But to be fair, Obama... wtf are we still doing in Afghanistan?

So his accomplishments are doing nothing.
He let the Seals kill the Head Lunatic Muslim. That's about it. And that's not foreign policy...its just all I could think of.

The most embarrassing was that Reset Button with Russia. Putin realized right then that he was dealing with rank amateurs....and he has toyed with them ever since.

The most damaging will likely be the deal he has made with Iran. Its not surprising that he would make it. He will tell the American people that Iran must not be allowed to have a nuclear bomb...but that is exactly what he means to allow. He is a Liar you see.

He particularly likes to lie to the American people. He has learned that they are stupid enough to believe him.

Tough three years coming up with America's foreign policy.

An excellent and accurate post. All true. And what president would have said, "no" to the SEALs when they had OBL in a hole? I mean, he HAD to, even though Biden didn't want him to...:lmao:

Are you Russian? I only ask because you have about the same number of posts as I do, but your rep power is ten times higher.....still trying to figure this out....

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