What are Republican's domestic policy's?

Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?
I knew when I clicked that you'd answer your own question......But about that "free" stuff you say you're not proposing - everything you started with the word "help" is the exact things you tell your sheep that you're giving them for free
So American infrastructure, education, helping parents to work is "free stuff"?????

To me, these are national security issues. Imagine the entire country was made up of the most ignorant southern states like Alabama and Mississippi. Would America be a super power? Would it be a world leader? Or would it be a banana Republic?
The infrastructure point didn't start with help. Childcare isn't free and neither is education
There is an abundant, non-stop, deep, wide & varied amount of information on what the GOP thinks and wants. From the media to the internet to actually talking with living, breathing human beings, it's just about impossible not to know, unless a person just doesn't want to.

The only people who say they really don't know what they are, are either (1) being transparently and dishonestly obtuse, or (2) so completely and tightly wrapped in their ideological cocoon that they have somehow managed to avoid exposing themselves to any contrary thought.

Which one of those are you, rdean?
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Rubio's domestic policy is to import as many uneducated socialist democrat voters so his billionaire donors will allow him to lick thier slimy candy asses.
Why can't we get any Republicans to say what GOP domestic policies are? Don't they have any beyond let him die and cut education?

Our domestic policy is that everybody that is physically and mentally able to work--work. Get people off of the dole because they are getting fat and lazy eating Doritoe's in front of their big screen. Our idea of taxation is everybody pay the same rate and get rid of the thousands of tax law pages that our IRS uses to F you. Get rid of Commie Care. It was the worst idea in the last 100 years. Promote family unity. The black community now has a 73% out of wedlock birth rate, and poverty is directly related to single-parent households.
Why can't we get any Republicans to say what GOP domestic policies are? Don't they have any beyond let him die and cut education?

Our domestic policy is that everybody that is physically and mentally able to work--work. Get people off of the dole because they are getting fat and lazy eating Doritoe's in front of their big screen. Our idea of taxation is everybody pay the same rate and get rid of the thousands of tax law pages that our IRS uses to F you. Get rid of Commie Care. It was the worst idea in the last 100 years. Promote family unity. The black community now has a 73% out of wedlock birth rate, and poverty is directly related to single-parent households.

Thats not rubio's policy. He wants to swell the welfare rolls by importing the poorest most crime ridden people from south of the border.
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?
I asked them that in a thread I started. I asked them for reasons I should vote Republican.

And I don't want to hear lower taxes because Republicans have proved they raise our taxes in order to give the rich tax breaks. Republicans do not lower the tax burden on the middle class.

And I don't want to hear the same old less regulations tort reform or less government.

Why should I vote GOP? I'm a middle class middle age white and I don't see the benefit of the GOP.

Why do I vote Republican? Because Republicans are slime balls, they are just less of slime balls than Democrats.

Unfortunately you only have two logical choices when it comes to voting: Democrats or Republicans.

If you believe in a massive welfare state, vote Democrat. If you believe the more people that depend on the government--the better, vote Democrat. If you believe Americans should be disarmed because that will make all the criminals want to give up their guns, vote Democrat. If you believe that it's better to kill unborn babies than it is violent murderers sitting on death row, vote Democrat.

If you believe that the productive should be rewarded and not penalized for their accomplishments, vote Republican. If you believe that we need more God in our society, vote Republican. If you believe that you have the constitutional right to protect yourself and family, vote Republican. If you believe that tough love is a better solution to poverty than pandering, vote Republican. If you believe that just about every American has the option to be successful, vote Republican.
Why can't we get any Republicans to say what GOP domestic policies are? Don't they have any beyond let him die and cut education?

Our domestic policy is that everybody that is physically and mentally able to work--work. Get people off of the dole because they are getting fat and lazy eating Doritoe's in front of their big screen. Our idea of taxation is everybody pay the same rate and get rid of the thousands of tax law pages that our IRS uses to F you. Get rid of Commie Care. It was the worst idea in the last 100 years. Promote family unity. The black community now has a 73% out of wedlock birth rate, and poverty is directly related to single-parent households.

Thats not rubio's policy. He wants to swell the welfare rolls by importing the poorest most crime ridden people from south of the border.

So what Republican candidate besides Trump believes in closing down the borders and kicking all the illegals out of the country?

If not for Trump, all our candidates would be preaching immigration reform. And what does immigration reform mean? It means Hispanics from the south don't like our laws, and therefore we must make it easier for them to sneak into the country.
Why can't we get any Republicans to say what GOP domestic policies are? Don't they have any beyond let him die and cut education?

Our domestic policy is that everybody that is physically and mentally able to work--work. Get people off of the dole because they are getting fat and lazy eating Doritoe's in front of their big screen. Our idea of taxation is everybody pay the same rate and get rid of the thousands of tax law pages that our IRS uses to F you. Get rid of Commie Care. It was the worst idea in the last 100 years. Promote family unity. The black community now has a 73% out of wedlock birth rate, and poverty is directly related to single-parent households.

Thats not rubio's policy. He wants to swell the welfare rolls by importing the poorest most crime ridden people from south of the border.

So what Republican candidate besides Trump believes in closing down the borders and kicking all the illegals out of the country?

If not for Trump, all our candidates would be preaching immigration reform. And what does immigration reform mean? It means Hispanics from the south don't like our laws, and therefore we must make it easier for them to sneak into the country.

I agree. T rump is the only candidate to vote for.
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?
I asked them that in a thread I started. I asked them for reasons I should vote Republican.

And I don't want to hear lower taxes because Republicans have proved they raise our taxes in order to give the rich tax breaks. Republicans do not lower the tax burden on the middle class.

And I don't want to hear the same old less regulations tort reform or less government.

Why should I vote GOP? I'm a middle class middle age white and I don't see the benefit of the GOP.

Why do I vote Republican? Because Republicans are slime balls, they are just less of slime balls than Democrats.

Unfortunately you only have two logical choices when it comes to voting: Democrats or Republicans.

If you believe in a massive welfare state, vote Democrat. If you believe the more people that depend on the government--the better, vote Democrat. If you believe Americans should be disarmed because that will make all the criminals want to give up their guns, vote Democrat. If you believe that it's better to kill unborn babies than it is violent murderers sitting on death row, vote Democrat.

If you believe that the productive should be rewarded and not penalized for their accomplishments, vote Republican. If you believe that we need more God in our society, vote Republican. If you believe that you have the constitutional right to protect yourself and family, vote Republican. If you believe that tough love is a better solution to poverty than pandering, vote Republican. If you believe that just about every American has the option to be successful, vote Republican.
If you believe your government should be the ultimate decision maker not corporations, vote democratic.

Who's for a massive welfare state? Be more specific in what exactly you're against. Because I'm a liberal progressive and I'm not for a "massive welfare state". What do you want to eliminate?

Productivity should be rewarded. You want to pay workers less not me.

Poor Republicans like you don't realize you vote against your own financial interests. Kentucky is a great example. You want to turn California Detroit and NY into kuntucky.
What are the Republicans' domestic policies?

Pretend that they're still the Grand Old Party, rather than the present-day Reality that they are a political organ of the Corporatists.

Hoodwink the Sheep into believing that Trickle-Down Economics is a viable means to grow and sustain the Middle Class, despite decades of evidence to the contrary.

Send American jobs overseas at the speed of light.

Shelter as many corporate assets and profits offshore as is practicable.

Cut social and welfare programming to the absolute bare bone.

Privatize what's left of social and welfare programming after they hacked it to the bone.

Privatize the schools.

Keep the floodgates of Illegal Immigration open in order to exploit the Wretched Refuse at near slave-labor wages.

Give the Worker Bees just enough to keep them from undertaking open rebellion.

Stay in power.


The phukkers in the Democratic Party are just as bad, in different ways.
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What are the Republicans domestic policies?

Pretend that they're still the Grand Old Party, rather than the present-day Reality that they are a political organ of the Corporatists.

Hoodwink the Sheep into believing that Trickle-Down Economics is a viable means to grow and sustain the Middle Class.

Send American jobs overseas at the speed of light.

Shelter as many corporate assets and profits offshore as is practicable.

Cut social and welfare programming to the absolute bare bone.

Privatize what's left of social and welfare programming after they hacked it to the bone.

Privatize the schools.

Keep the floodgates of Illegal Immigration open in order to exploit the Wretched Refuse at near slave-labor wages.

Give the Worker Bees just enough to keep them from undertaking open rebellion.

Stay in power.


The phukkers in the Democratic Party are just as bad, in different ways.
Fantastic post!
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?

Deport the Illegals and malcontents

Bye-bye Frank. But, maybe I'm too hasty, what country would take a malcontent like you?
It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?

What are Conservatives "for"?.....

Personal Responsibility, Independence, self-sufficuency and making people deal with the consequences of their decisions.

A return to the Traditional reading of the US Constitution as the Foundation of American Government, not as a "living document" or a set of "suggestions".

A return to Traditional American Mirals abd Values. That includes an America First mentality and a push for English First/English Only legislation.

A return to Law and Order as the main purpose of Government, and Legal Justice rather than Social Justice as the goal of our Legal System.
This is all fluff and no substance. Don't you see why that's an issue? We are talking about specific policy ideas here.

Read article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution, it gives you all the domestic policy substance you need, everything not mentioned there is left to the States.

Explain clause one in the aforementioned article. What meaning do you apply to the general Welfare?
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?
Get you a job.
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?
I asked them that in a thread I started. I asked them for reasons I should vote Republican.

And I don't want to hear lower taxes because Republicans have proved they raise our taxes in order to give the rich tax breaks. Republicans do not lower the tax burden on the middle class.

And I don't want to hear the same old less regulations tort reform or less government.

Why should I vote GOP? I'm a middle class middle age white and I don't see the benefit of the GOP.

Why do I vote Republican? Because Republicans are slime balls, they are just less of slime balls than Democrats.

Unfortunately you only have two logical choices when it comes to voting: Democrats or Republicans.

If you believe in a massive welfare state, vote Democrat. If you believe the more people that depend on the government--the better, vote Democrat. If you believe Americans should be disarmed because that will make all the criminals want to give up their guns, vote Democrat. If you believe that it's better to kill unborn babies than it is violent murderers sitting on death row, vote Democrat.

If you believe that the productive should be rewarded and not penalized for their accomplishments, vote Republican. If you believe that we need more God in our society, vote Republican. If you believe that you have the constitutional right to protect yourself and family, vote Republican. If you believe that tough love is a better solution to poverty than pandering, vote Republican. If you believe that just about every American has the option to be successful, vote Republican.
If you believe your government should be the ultimate decision maker not corporations, vote democratic.

Who's for a massive welfare state? Be more specific in what exactly you're against. Because I'm a liberal progressive and I'm not for a "massive welfare state". What do you want to eliminate?

Productivity should be rewarded. You want to pay workers less not me.

Poor Republicans like you don't realize you vote against your own financial interests. Kentucky is a great example. You want to turn California Detroit and NY into kuntucky.

Well did you ever consider that maybe.....just maybe too many people are voting for their self-interest instead of the interest of the entire country; that maybe that's why we are 19 trillion dollars in debt?

Who is for a massive welfare state? Democrats, that's who. Democrats know that the more government dependents in this country, the more likely Democrat voters. Do you really think some politician gives a shit whether you have health insurance of not? By the White House's own admission, Commie Care created 12 million more new government dependents alone, and that's not to say how many millions more we created on the SNAP's program that DumBama expanded. Think this is an accident????

Go back and watch the first Democrat debate. The theme of the night was who could expand the welfare state the most. Free this and free that, Sanders with his take every last dollar away from the rich, Hillary with free college and so on. All programs designed to make more Americans dependent on government; government taking as much money as they can and redistributing it the way THEY feel necessary--not you.

What would I eliminate in our government? Bureaucracies.....all of them. Bureaucracies and lifelong appointed judges are the greatest threats to our freedom. That's because both can enact law without any accountability and we have no redress.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, to expend on article of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
From the start, Bush embraced a governing philosophy of deregulation. That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on banks and mortgage brokers. Bush did push early on for tighter controls over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but he failed to move Congress. After the Enron scandal, Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But SEC head William Donaldson tried to boost regulation of mutual and hedge funds, he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the White House as well as other powerful Republicans and quit. Plus, let's face it, the meltdown happened on Bush's watch.

See Bush's biggest economic mistakes.

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME

Under Clinton with a Republican congress, deregulation started to take hold with this idea that if only we had fewer unnecessary regulations, business could flourish. But it was under Bush that deregulation really took off on steroids.

If you ever learned how to use Google, you could actually spend some time learning through some very interesting reading. Don't listen to what you've heard about learning from the GOP. Education is for everyone, not just for snobs.

You could start with:

deregulated wall street and the 2009 crash - Google Search

check out:

what are financial derivatives - Google Search

maybe move on to:

why did lehman bros collapse - Google Search

Believe me, ignorance isn't comforting. It's better to "know".

Making comments like:
I must have missed it, when was the first time they were deregulated?
What did that supposed deregulation do to cause the crash?

should make you embarrassed. I don't know why it didn't, make you embarrassed I mean.

After the Enron scandal, Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

So Bush added more regulations, the opposite of deregulation.

But it was under Bush that deregulation really took off on steroids.

Which regulations did he eliminate? Gotta list?
regulations abolished under Bush - Google Search

You don't want a real discussion when you won't even bother to look anything up.

You don't want a real discussion when you won't even bother to look anything up.

You made the claim, why can't you back it up?
I did. You point out a single regulation by Bush and then say SEE? HE MADE REGULATIONS. Well, congress did and he signed. But so what? He made a regulation. He is a Republican and you have no idea of what else he did? Why did you vote for him? And what did he do to help the economy? Make it good. :popcorn:

You said, "But it was under Bush that deregulation really took off on steroids"

I'm not interested in proving your claim.
And apparently you're unable to prove your claim.

It's common knowledge, see: Did Derivatives Cause The Recession?

Form the link:

Determining the cause of the financial collapse has been sought by everyone from Congress to the small business owner. This question has brought people to conclusions that range from Wall Street greed to a poorly regulated system. Responses are based primarily on opinion because there have been very few verified facts that one can point to as the cause. This may be because the answer is that a confluence of factors, many of which are poorly understood, caused the collapse. One of these factors is financial innovation, which created derivative securities that purportedly produced safe instruments by removing or diversifying away the inherent risk in the underlying assets. The question is: did these instruments really reduce the underlying risk or in fact increase it? (Learn more about derivatives in The Barnyard Basics of Derivativesand Are Derivatives Safe For Retail Investors?)
Derivatives: An Overview
Derivative instruments were created after the 1970s as a way to manage risk and create insurance against downside. They were created in response to the recent experience of the oil shock, high inflation and a 50% drop in the U.S. stock market. As a result, instruments, such as options, which are a way to benefit from the upside without owning the security or protect against the downside by paying a small premium, were invented. Pricing these derivatives was, at first, a difficult task until the creation of the Black Scholes model. Other instruments include credit default swaps, which protect against a counterparty defaulting, and collateralized debt obligations, which is a form of securitization where loans with underlying collateral (such as mortgages) are pooled. Pricing was also difficult with these instruments, but unlike options, a reliable model was not developed.

2003-2007 - The Real Use (or Overuse!)
The initial intention was to defend against risk and protect against the downside. However, derivatives became speculative tools often used to take on more risk in order to maximize profits and returns. There were two intertwined issues at work here: securitized products, which were difficult to price and analyze, were traded and sold, and many positions were leveraged in order to reap the highest possible gain.

Read more: Did Derivatives Cause The Recession? Did Derivatives Cause The Recession?
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There is an abundant, non-stop, deep, wide & varied amount of information on what the GOP thinks and wants. From the media to the internet to actually talking with living, breathing human beings, it's just about impossible not to know, unless a person just doesn't want to.

The only people who say they really don't know what they are, are either (1) being transparently and dishonestly obtuse, or (2) so completely and tightly wrapped in their ideological cocoon that they have somehow managed to avoid exposing themselves to any contrary thought.

Which one of those are you, rdean?

Too many words for an ad hominem, and no words in response to the question in the OP.

What Domestic Policy do the R's want?

  • They want to protect the 2nd Amendment no matter how often reality demands a common sense response to gun violence in America;
  • They want to cut taxes, believing lowering revenue will lower the annual deficits;
  • They want to have a balanced budget amendment but fail to acknowledge a budget is just a plan, and cannot be set in concrete;
  • They want to ban abortion, and cut entitlements to children's health coverage (see link below);
  • They want to privatize as much as they possibly can;
  • The want to reduce / eliminate the power of Unions and the right of workers to bargain collectively;
  • They want to cut regulations to protect our water, air and soil;
  • They want to cut regulations to coal and oil production, and cut investments in green and renewable energy sources;
  • They want to build a pipeline from Canada, across the US, to be sold on the world market;
  • The want to repeal the PPACA.
Hatch-Upton CHIP Proposal Moves Backward on Children’s Health Coverage | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

The Congress is:
  • Opposed to renewing, rebuilding and reparing our nations infrastructure;
  • Opposed to expanding public transportation within and between major metro areas;
  • Opposed to comprehensive immigration reform.

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