What are Republican's domestic policy's?

Illegals get the hell out of our country! At the rate illegals are killing Americans we'll have to build a memorial in Washington next to the Vietnam memorial.
What rate is that?
These people never have anything to offer besides overly emotional fluff that gives them the warm and fuzzies. They don't care about objective, factual information when it comes to political issues.
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Heard that for years now. It's not happening. No shovel-ready jobs after all.

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Heard that for years now. It's not happening. Democrats have raised two generations of barely-functional idiots, and are working on the third.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Heard that for years now. It's not happening. Costs are rising, Obamacare is failing.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Heard that for years now. It's not happening. The kids throw the crap in the trash. A vulture wouldn't eat it.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

By taking money out of the pockets of other young parents who both work and pay for daycare.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?

Re-educate unproductive people on the need for individual ambition and determination in order to facilitate survival, and wean them off the poor old shrunken taxpayer teat they've been sucking dry for far too long.

Just for starters.
I'll clue you in on what the Repugnant, Repugs, and the Bagger agenda will be::

No healthcare reform, ACA is stripped if some poor guy gets sick just go to the ER, or just die.

Forget about the EPA, let's have everyone just get sick and maybe cancer, so corporate fat cats can get richer..

You get laid off forget about unemployment , the Repugs will just say oh well go live in a box under a bridge..

We will probably be in about 5 or 6: wars and lose them all, LOL..

The banks will be deregulated again making another 2007-2008 crash inevitable..

Every state will be that right to work bullshit, let's have everybody working for 10 bucks an hour no benefits of course..

More cops will be killing unarmed Blacks and Hispanics, of course a Repug AG will just sweep it under the rug..

Abortion will be ILLEGAL all over the country, Women will have to go to the back alley just like in the 60's..

They will try to lock up all the pot smokers to please their Cuntservative base, especially the Blacks and the Browns. Repugs love to send folks of color to prison...

I can think of many more but I'm getting depressed here..

Fortunately we won't have to worry about it, a Repug or. Tea Maggot isn't gonna beat Clinton..

Basically a Repug will turn the country into Mississippi...

Sounds like DisneyLand to me. As for Mrs Clinton. . If she is ekected, you better hope she has the abilities of Mr. Lincoln to undertake a war on American soil. Possibly two at once.
Illegals get the hell out of our country! At the rate illegals are killing Americans we'll have to build a memorial in Washington next to the Vietnam memorial.
What rate is that?
These people never have anything to offer besides overly emotional fluff that gives them the warm and fuzzies. They don't care about objective, factual information when it comes to political issues.

Pick a side, raping murdering illegals or your fellow Americans.
This is all fluff and no substance. Don't you see why that's an issue? We are talking about specific policy ideas here.

Mostly fluff and very little substance is EXACTLY what the Federal Government was intended to be.

You want specifics..... Conservatives want to destroy everything you stupid ass Liberals believe in.

We're for Nationalism, Isolationism and telling all the lazy, stupid fuckers to figure out how to support themselves or DIE.

Is that specific enough for you
Lol no It really isn't. I want specific policy ideas.
This is all fluff and no substance. Don't you see why that's an issue? We are talking about specific policy ideas here.

Mostly fluff and very little substance is EXACTLY what the Federal Government was intended to be.

You want specifics..... Conservatives want to destroy everything you stupid ass Liberals believe in.

We're for Nationalism, Isolationism and telling all the lazy, stupid fuckers to figure out how to support themselves or DIE.

Is that specific enough for you
Lol no It really isn't. I want specific policy ideas.

Yes, we know you want some ideas...that work.

Yours suck.
I'll clue you in on what the Repugnant, Repugs, and the Bagger agenda will be::

No healthcare reform, ACA is stripped if some poor guy gets sick just go to the ER, or just die.

Forget about the EPA, let's have everyone just get sick and maybe cancer, so corporate fat cats can get richer..

You get laid off forget about unemployment , the Repugs will just say oh well go live in a box under a bridge..

We will probably be in about 5 or 6: wars and lose them all, LOL..

The banks will be deregulated again making another 2007-2008 crash inevitable..

Every state will be that right to work bullshit, let's have everybody working for 10 bucks an hour no benefits of course..

More cops will be killing unarmed Blacks and Hispanics, of course a Repug AG will just sweep it under the rug..

Abortion will be ILLEGAL all over the country, Women will have to go to the back alley just like in the 60's..

They will try to lock up all the pot smokers to please their Cuntservative base, especially the Blacks and the Browns. Repugs love to send folks of color to prison...

I can think of many more but I'm getting depressed here..

Fortunately we won't have to worry about it, a Repug or. Tea Maggot isn't gonna beat Clinton..

Basically a Repug will turn the country into Mississippi...

The banks will be deregulated again making another 2007-2008 crash inevitable..

I must have missed it, when was the first time they were deregulated?
What did that supposed deregulation do to cause the crash?
Be specific.
From the start, Bush embraced a governing philosophy of deregulation. That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on banks and mortgage brokers. Bush did push early on for tighter controls over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but he failed to move Congress. After the Enron scandal, Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But SEC head William Donaldson tried to boost regulation of mutual and hedge funds, he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the White House as well as other powerful Republicans and quit. Plus, let's face it, the meltdown happened on Bush's watch.

See Bush's biggest economic mistakes.

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME

Under Clinton with a Republican congress, deregulation started to take hold with this idea that if only we had fewer unnecessary regulations, business could flourish. But it was under Bush that deregulation really took off on steroids.

If you ever learned how to use Google, you could actually spend some time learning through some very interesting reading. Don't listen to what you've heard about learning from the GOP. Education is for everyone, not just for snobs.

You could start with:

deregulated wall street and the 2009 crash - Google Search

check out:

what are financial derivatives - Google Search

maybe move on to:

why did lehman bros collapse - Google Search

Believe me, ignorance isn't comforting. It's better to "know".

Making comments like:
I must have missed it, when was the first time they were deregulated?
What did that supposed deregulation do to cause the crash?

should make you embarrassed. I don't know why it didn't, make you embarrassed I mean.
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?

Deport the Illegals and malcontents
I'll clue you in on what the Repugnant, Repugs, and the Bagger agenda will be::

No healthcare reform, ACA is stripped if some poor guy gets sick just go to the ER, or just die.

Forget about the EPA, let's have everyone just get sick and maybe cancer, so corporate fat cats can get richer..

You get laid off forget about unemployment , the Repugs will just say oh well go live in a box under a bridge..

We will probably be in about 5 or 6: wars and lose them all, LOL..

The banks will be deregulated again making another 2007-2008 crash inevitable..

Every state will be that right to work bullshit, let's have everybody working for 10 bucks an hour no benefits of course..

More cops will be killing unarmed Blacks and Hispanics, of course a Repug AG will just sweep it under the rug..

Abortion will be ILLEGAL all over the country, Women will have to go to the back alley just like in the 60's..

They will try to lock up all the pot smokers to please their Cuntservative base, especially the Blacks and the Browns. Repugs love to send folks of color to prison...

I can think of many more but I'm getting depressed here..

Fortunately we won't have to worry about it, a Repug or. Tea Maggot isn't gonna beat Clinton..

Basically a Repug will turn the country into Mississippi...

The banks will be deregulated again making another 2007-2008 crash inevitable..

I must have missed it, when was the first time they were deregulated?
What did that supposed deregulation do to cause the crash?
Be specific.
From the start, Bush embraced a governing philosophy of deregulation. That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on banks and mortgage brokers. Bush did push early on for tighter controls over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but he failed to move Congress. After the Enron scandal, Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But SEC head William Donaldson tried to boost regulation of mutual and hedge funds, he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the White House as well as other powerful Republicans and quit. Plus, let's face it, the meltdown happened on Bush's watch.

See Bush's biggest economic mistakes.

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME

Under Clinton with a Republican congress, deregulation started to take hold with this idea that if only we had fewer unnecessary regulations, business could flourish. But it was under Bush that deregulation really took off on steroids.

If you ever learned how to use Google, you could actually spend some time learning through some very interesting reading. Don't listen to what you've heard about learning from the GOP. Education is for everyone, not just for snobs.

You could start with:

deregulated wall street and the 2009 crash - Google Search

check out:

what are financial derivatives - Google Search

maybe move on to:

why did lehman bros collapse - Google Search

Believe me, ignorance isn't comforting. It's better to "know".

Making comments like:
I must have missed it, when was the first time they were deregulated?
What did that supposed deregulation do to cause the crash?

should make you embarrassed. I don't know why it didn't, make you embarrassed I mean.


Remember when the government set the price of all derivatives and Bush put an end to all that?
I'll clue you in on what the Repugnant, Repugs, and the Bagger agenda will be::

No healthcare reform, ACA is stripped if some poor guy gets sick just go to the ER, or just die.

Forget about the EPA, let's have everyone just get sick and maybe cancer, so corporate fat cats can get richer..

You get laid off forget about unemployment , the Repugs will just say oh well go live in a box under a bridge..

We will probably be in about 5 or 6: wars and lose them all, LOL..

The banks will be deregulated again making another 2007-2008 crash inevitable..

Every state will be that right to work bullshit, let's have everybody working for 10 bucks an hour no benefits of course..

More cops will be killing unarmed Blacks and Hispanics, of course a Repug AG will just sweep it under the rug..

Abortion will be ILLEGAL all over the country, Women will have to go to the back alley just like in the 60's..

They will try to lock up all the pot smokers to please their Cuntservative base, especially the Blacks and the Browns. Repugs love to send folks of color to prison...

I can think of many more but I'm getting depressed here..

Fortunately we won't have to worry about it, a Repug or. Tea Maggot isn't gonna beat Clinton..

Basically a Repug will turn the country into Mississippi...

Sounds like DisneyLand to me. As for Mrs Clinton. . If she is ekected, you better hope she has the abilities of Mr. Lincoln to undertake a war on American soil. Possibly two at once.
First, get spell check.

install spell check - Google Search

I admit, I'm not very good at spelling, but misspelled words detract from your message.

But I have to admit, your message seems a little strange.
I'll clue you in on what the Repugnant, Repugs, and the Bagger agenda will be::

No healthcare reform, ACA is stripped if some poor guy gets sick just go to the ER, or just die.

Forget about the EPA, let's have everyone just get sick and maybe cancer, so corporate fat cats can get richer..

You get laid off forget about unemployment , the Repugs will just say oh well go live in a box under a bridge..

We will probably be in about 5 or 6: wars and lose them all, LOL..

The banks will be deregulated again making another 2007-2008 crash inevitable..

Every state will be that right to work bullshit, let's have everybody working for 10 bucks an hour no benefits of course..

More cops will be killing unarmed Blacks and Hispanics, of course a Repug AG will just sweep it under the rug..

Abortion will be ILLEGAL all over the country, Women will have to go to the back alley just like in the 60's..

They will try to lock up all the pot smokers to please their Cuntservative base, especially the Blacks and the Browns. Repugs love to send folks of color to prison...

I can think of many more but I'm getting depressed here..

Fortunately we won't have to worry about it, a Repug or. Tea Maggot isn't gonna beat Clinton..

Basically a Repug will turn the country into Mississippi...

The banks will be deregulated again making another 2007-2008 crash inevitable..

I must have missed it, when was the first time they were deregulated?
What did that supposed deregulation do to cause the crash?
Be specific.
From the start, Bush embraced a governing philosophy of deregulation. That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on banks and mortgage brokers. Bush did push early on for tighter controls over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but he failed to move Congress. After the Enron scandal, Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But SEC head William Donaldson tried to boost regulation of mutual and hedge funds, he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the White House as well as other powerful Republicans and quit. Plus, let's face it, the meltdown happened on Bush's watch.

See Bush's biggest economic mistakes.

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME

Under Clinton with a Republican congress, deregulation started to take hold with this idea that if only we had fewer unnecessary regulations, business could flourish. But it was under Bush that deregulation really took off on steroids.

If you ever learned how to use Google, you could actually spend some time learning through some very interesting reading. Don't listen to what you've heard about learning from the GOP. Education is for everyone, not just for snobs.

You could start with:

deregulated wall street and the 2009 crash - Google Search

check out:

what are financial derivatives - Google Search

maybe move on to:

why did lehman bros collapse - Google Search

Believe me, ignorance isn't comforting. It's better to "know".

Making comments like:
I must have missed it, when was the first time they were deregulated?
What did that supposed deregulation do to cause the crash?

should make you embarrassed. I don't know why it didn't, make you embarrassed I mean.


Remember when the government set the price of all derivatives and Bush put an end to all that?
I don't remember that.
I'll clue you in on what the Repugnant, Repugs, and the Bagger agenda will be::

No healthcare reform, ACA is stripped if some poor guy gets sick just go to the ER, or just die.

Forget about the EPA, let's have everyone just get sick and maybe cancer, so corporate fat cats can get richer..

You get laid off forget about unemployment , the Repugs will just say oh well go live in a box under a bridge..

We will probably be in about 5 or 6: wars and lose them all, LOL..

The banks will be deregulated again making another 2007-2008 crash inevitable..

Every state will be that right to work bullshit, let's have everybody working for 10 bucks an hour no benefits of course..

More cops will be killing unarmed Blacks and Hispanics, of course a Repug AG will just sweep it under the rug..

Abortion will be ILLEGAL all over the country, Women will have to go to the back alley just like in the 60's..

They will try to lock up all the pot smokers to please their Cuntservative base, especially the Blacks and the Browns. Repugs love to send folks of color to prison...

I can think of many more but I'm getting depressed here..

Fortunately we won't have to worry about it, a Repug or. Tea Maggot isn't gonna beat Clinton..

Basically a Repug will turn the country into Mississippi...


Don't forget about sending all the darkies back to Africa and mooooslims back to the middle east :)
But I have to admit, your message seems a little strange.

My message is very simple..... what America needs us a wakeup call and a return to a much more Traditional way of life. Since the end of the 1950s, we've lost our way Morally and Socially. Until and Unless we correct these issues this nation is just waiting for these chronic diseases to finish us off.

Liberals and Leftists are screaming to pull the plug on the nation and replace it with a new Union of Socialist States of America; while Conservatives fight to save it. It's as simple as that.
I'll clue you in on what the Repugnant, Repugs, and the Bagger agenda will be::

No healthcare reform, ACA is stripped if some poor guy gets sick just go to the ER, or just die.

Forget about the EPA, let's have everyone just get sick and maybe cancer, so corporate fat cats can get richer..

You get laid off forget about unemployment , the Repugs will just say oh well go live in a box under a bridge..

We will probably be in about 5 or 6: wars and lose them all, LOL..

The banks will be deregulated again making another 2007-2008 crash inevitable..

Every state will be that right to work bullshit, let's have everybody working for 10 bucks an hour no benefits of course..

More cops will be killing unarmed Blacks and Hispanics, of course a Repug AG will just sweep it under the rug..

Abortion will be ILLEGAL all over the country, Women will have to go to the back alley just like in the 60's..

They will try to lock up all the pot smokers to please their Cuntservative base, especially the Blacks and the Browns. Repugs love to send folks of color to prison...

I can think of many more but I'm getting depressed here..

Fortunately we won't have to worry about it, a Repug or. Tea Maggot isn't gonna beat Clinton..

Basically a Repug will turn the country into Mississippi...

The banks will be deregulated again making another 2007-2008 crash inevitable..

I must have missed it, when was the first time they were deregulated?
What did that supposed deregulation do to cause the crash?
Be specific.
From the start, Bush embraced a governing philosophy of deregulation. That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on banks and mortgage brokers. Bush did push early on for tighter controls over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but he failed to move Congress. After the Enron scandal, Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act. But SEC head William Donaldson tried to boost regulation of mutual and hedge funds, he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the White House as well as other powerful Republicans and quit. Plus, let's face it, the meltdown happened on Bush's watch.

See Bush's biggest economic mistakes.

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME

Under Clinton with a Republican congress, deregulation started to take hold with this idea that if only we had fewer unnecessary regulations, business could flourish. But it was under Bush that deregulation really took off on steroids.

If you ever learned how to use Google, you could actually spend some time learning through some very interesting reading. Don't listen to what you've heard about learning from the GOP. Education is for everyone, not just for snobs.

You could start with:

deregulated wall street and the 2009 crash - Google Search

check out:

what are financial derivatives - Google Search

maybe move on to:

why did lehman bros collapse - Google Search

Believe me, ignorance isn't comforting. It's better to "know".

Making comments like:
I must have missed it, when was the first time they were deregulated?
What did that supposed deregulation do to cause the crash?

should make you embarrassed. I don't know why it didn't, make you embarrassed I mean.

After the Enron scandal, Bush backed and signed the aggressively regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

So Bush added more regulations, the opposite of deregulation.

But it was under Bush that deregulation really took off on steroids.

Which regulations did he eliminate? Gotta list?
Illegals get the hell out of our country! At the rate illegals are killing Americans we'll have to build a memorial in Washington next to the Vietnam memorial.
What rate is that?
These people never have anything to offer besides overly emotional fluff that gives them the warm and fuzzies. They don't care about objective, factual information when it comes to political issues.

Pick a side, raping murdering illegals or your fellow Americans.
Uh well you should know that crime among illegals is statistically low so your dichotomy is fallacious.
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?

Considering none of those things are the feds roll constitutionally, it's absolutely conservative to run against them. Those are States responsibilities if they chose to do them.
It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?

What are Conservatives "for"?.....

Personal Responsibility, Independence, self-sufficuency and making people deal with the consequences of their decisions.

A return to the Traditional reading of the US Constitution as the Foundation of American Government, not as a "living document" or a set of "suggestions".

A return to Traditional American Mirals abd Values. That includes an America First mentality and a push for English First/English Only legislation.

A return to Law and Order as the main purpose of Government, and Legal Justice rather than Social Justice as the goal of our Legal System.
This is all fluff and no substance. Don't you see why that's an issue? We are talking about specific policy ideas here.

Read article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution, it gives you all the domestic policy substance you need, everything not mentioned there is left to the States.
Illegals get the hell out of our country! At the rate illegals are killing Americans we'll have to build a memorial in Washington next to the Vietnam memorial.
What rate is that?
These people never have anything to offer besides overly emotional fluff that gives them the warm and fuzzies. They don't care about objective, factual information when it comes to political issues.

Pick a side, raping murdering illegals or your fellow Americans.
Uh well you should know that crime among illegals is statistically low so your dichotomy is fallacious.

100% is statistically low, really?
Someone said the Democrats domestic policy is just giving away free stuff. Why would they think that? Here are a few "give a ways" Democrats are running on:

Build and update America's infrastructure to provide jobs and make America competitive..

Help people get an education that targets actually getting a well paying job.

Help people get health care that manages good health for a longer and more productive life and drops the cost of care.

Help poor children have at least one nutritious meal a day so they can concentrate on school and not be distracted with the feeling of being hungry.

Help young parents with affordable day care so both parents can work and create the kind of life they want their children to have.

It's easy to prove that Republicans are against all these things. So what are they for. They can't run on "stop everything". That's not even conservative. What are they actually planning on doing to help the country?

1. the two huge stimulus' were supposed to help.

2. school isnt free.

3. hc was rammed down are throats and millions lost their HC they were very happy with because of a few.

4. its not our job to feed the poors children in school. Besides if lib big gov. weren't daddy to millions of black kids MAYBE black daddies and mamas might stay together. PS. cons already pay for their meals and rent and clothes and entertainment through taxes- called welfare.

5. more handouts.

6. no its not easy. libs want to use other peoples hard earned money for themselves.
Slash, cut, abolish and burn.

Science = no more funding
Education = no more funding!!!!
Unemployment = get the fuck to work!!!!
Infrastructure = learn to drive on dirt roads, sucka!!!
= Go work for a fortune 500 company and be a nigga!!! No tax payer funded of anykind...
Clean air and water = suck it up, bitch!


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