What are some of the things the CIA can do to get back at Trump without hurting the United States?

They could do things like embarrass him:

US caught Russian officials cheering Trump win: report

For people who understand the danger of Russia, this is very embarrassing for Trump. And you know the CIA publishing this was a shot across the Trump bow.

Another thing, if there is a report of an imminent attack on a Trump Hotel, say in Istanbul, they could withhold the information.

What else could the Intel agencies do to make Trump's ride very rough indeed?
Why would they want to piss off the new boss?
You said: Why would they want to piss off the new boss?

These are people who put their lives in danger to protect this country. Trump is not only a pu$$y but a Manchurian candidate. They aren't scared of him.
Instead of being outraged that Russians attacked our democracy, he's angry that the optics don't look good. When it comes to Trump, it's all about Trump. Him caring about this country comes in at probably 15th or 16th. Right now, he's only worried about his image. You know it to be true. We are watching him. We see it. Some things you can deny, but not this.
I give Trump one year or less before he's taken down by somebody. Maybe many some bodies. And he will squawk, "Et tu, Pence?" because Pence has the most to gain from Trump's fall.
You lefties are sick in the head. America is tired of being drug down into your cesspool. Your filthy whining is like music for my eyes. It's proof we are heading in the right direction.
These are people who put their lives in danger to protect this country.

You mean like those FBI agents who put in their resignations after Comey decided to politicize the Hillary investigation and recommend that she not be charged?

nstead of being outraged that Russians attacked our democracy, he's angry that the optics don't look good.

They didn't attack our democracy, they attacked the DNC's email. Instead of YOU being outraged that your big-eared bozo did nothing to secure our country from cyber attacks his last failed 8 years, you're mad at Trump instead. You're not mad at Hillary's toy server in her closet, and you're not mad at Podesta who's email password was P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D, you're going to be pissed at a guy who isn't even in our government yet.
They could do things like embarrass him:

US caught Russian officials cheering Trump win: report

For people who understand the danger of Russia, this is very embarrassing for Trump. And you know the CIA publishing this was a shot across the Trump bow.

Another thing, if there is a report of an imminent attack on a Trump Hotel, say in Istanbul, they could withhold the information.

What else could the Intel agencies do to make Trump's ride very rough indeed?
Well deano why don't you tell us the danger Russia presents to US interests. Tell us deano. Good for the left wing they have a boogie man in Russia. If not then maybe the sane democrats would be looking at the faults of their own party and the failures of 8 years of Obama.

Take advice from your mentor Obama, this isn't 1980 and we are not in a cold war with Russia, yet. Given a little more time and I bet we would be.
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Are we getting to the point your party affiliation needs to be on your application so we can purge you for treason in advance
Since Trump is the new boss, I doubt the CIA will be "getting back" at anybody. If anything, Trump will clean house if need be.

Rdean forgets just who is NOW the CIA's boss.
And I suspect there will be a purge leaving a weakened agency.

Yeah, like it hasn't been weakened with Obama!

When we have another terrorist attack right here in the US, what good is Obama's "intelligence?"

Investigators seek motive in Florida airport shooting
Still waiting for the nutter OP to tell us what they want the C.I.A. to do to Trump.
Still waiting for the nutter OP to tell us what they want the C.I.A. to do to Trump.

Take him to Court on some "Trumped" (Get it?) up charge, so that went he says something that the Left doesn't like the Liberal judge can scream; "BAILIFF, Whack his pee pee!!!
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They could do things like embarrass him:

US caught Russian officials cheering Trump win: report

For people who understand the danger of Russia, this is very embarrassing for Trump. And you know the CIA publishing this was a shot across the Trump bow.

Another thing, if there is a report of an imminent attack on a Trump Hotel, say in Istanbul, they could withhold the information.

What else could the Intel agencies do to make Trump's ride very rough indeed?
Why would they want to piss off the new boss?
You said: Why would they want to piss off the new boss?

These are people who put their lives in danger to protect this country. Trump is not only a pu$$y but a Manchurian candidate. They aren't scared of him.
Instead of being outraged that Russians attacked our democracy, he's angry that the optics don't look good. When it comes to Trump, it's all about Trump. Him caring about this country comes in at probably 15th or 16th. Right now, he's only worried about his image. You know it to be true. We are watching him. We see it. Some things you can deny, but not this.
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is a train wreck waiting to happen.

Nolo contendere.

What does that have to do with this particular question?

He will be their commander-in-chief in 13 days.

He will have the power to hire and fire and re-task and de-fund and yadda, yadda, yadda...

Why would they want to piss off their new boss?
They could do things like embarrass him:

US caught Russian officials cheering Trump win: report

For people who understand the danger of Russia, this is very embarrassing for Trump. And you know the CIA publishing this was a shot across the Trump bow.

Another thing, if there is a report of an imminent attack on a Trump Hotel, say in Istanbul, they could withhold the information.

What else could the Intel agencies do to make Trump's ride very rough indeed?
Why would they want to piss off the new boss?
You said: Why would they want to piss off the new boss?

These are people who put their lives in danger to protect this country. Trump is not only a pu$$y but a Manchurian candidate. They aren't scared of him.
Instead of being outraged that Russians attacked our democracy, he's angry that the optics don't look good. When it comes to Trump, it's all about Trump. Him caring about this country comes in at probably 15th or 16th. Right now, he's only worried about his image. You know it to be true. We are watching him. We see it. Some things you can deny, but not this.
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is a train wreck waiting to happen.

Nolo contendere.

What does that have to do with this particular question?

He will be their commander-in-chief in 13 days.

He will have the power to hire and fire and re-task and de-fund and yadda, yadda, yadda...

Why would they want to piss off their new boss?
People that put their lives in danger to protect the country aren't scared of a boss. That's stupid beyond belief.

When Assange released classified info in the past, he put covert Americans in danger.

Since that's OK with Republicans, why the big deal about Benghazi?
...People that put their lives in danger to protect the country aren't scared of a boss...
Do the words "You're fired" mean anything to you?

Do the words "You're transferred to Anchorage" mean anything to you?

Do the words "Kiss your pension goodbye" mean anything to you?

Do the words "I'm de-funding your agency - or throttling back your funds and transferring your personnel elsewhere - and giving your role and money to somebody else" mean anything to you?

...That's stupid beyond belief...
Only for someone like you who doesn't know what-the-hell he-she-it's talking about in the context of Federal government agency politics and administration.

...When Assange released classified info in the past, he put covert Americans in danger...
What has that got to do with your delusion that US Intelligence agencies should work to frustrate the incoming President?

What has that got to do with the related question...

"Why piss off the new boss?"

...Since that's OK with Republicans, why the big deal about Benghazi?
1. False conclusion

2. Faulty correlation

3. Unrelated to the topic at-hyand

4. Failed attempt at distraction, when pressed

You really aren't very good at this, are you?
They could do things like embarrass him:

US caught Russian officials cheering Trump win: report

For people who understand the danger of Russia, this is very embarrassing for Trump. And you know the CIA publishing this was a shot across the Trump bow.

Another thing, if there is a report of an imminent attack on a Trump Hotel, say in Istanbul, they could withhold the information.

What else could the Intel agencies do to make Trump's ride very rough indeed?
The CIA has already done serious damage to its own credibility both here in the US and abroad, but fortunately the traitors within the CIA who chose to sacrifice the agency's credibility to support Obama's political agenda will all be gone after Jan. 20.
They could do things like embarrass him:

US caught Russian officials cheering Trump win: report

For people who understand the danger of Russia, this is very embarrassing for Trump. And you know the CIA publishing this was a shot across the Trump bow.

Another thing, if there is a report of an imminent attack on a Trump Hotel, say in Istanbul, they could withhold the information.

What else could the Intel agencies do to make Trump's ride very rough indeed?
Yeah, its SOOOO embarrassing. EVERYONE is talking about this now... oh wait, no one is talking about this, so i guess it isnt embarrassing at all. :laugh:
Release his tax returns

You see Trump's not saying stuff to piss off IRS employees, don't you?
Do you really think billionaires arent being audited every fucking year? The IRS is well aware of Trump tax returns, and if there was a problem, we would already know about it.
Release his tax returns

You see Trump's not saying stuff to piss off IRS employees, don't you?
Do you really think billionaires arent being audited every fucking year? The IRS is well aware of Trump tax returns, and if there was a problem, we would already know about it.

What are you talking about that you think is related and relevant to what I wrote?

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