What are the democrats going to do now?

i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?
I know I know Find a racist pedophile pervert married 3 or 4 times a lying scumbag and then run him against the Republican To have a chance that's what dems need to do

B Clinton can't run again.
If you seriously think nothing is going on you have your head in the sand.
List the accomplishments.
why is that important? is the economy doing better than when obummer was president or not? simple question.

Following the same trends. Trump gets credit for not making it worse. Which is a big deal in politics, but unimpressive to me.
well the GDP is much much better and is no longer stagnate. still doesn't answer the question, what exactly is wrong if he is doing nothing? the economy while he is president is soaring. you claim he did nothing. that makes him a fking genius.

They said Coolidge did nothing too. Best economy that century
hey, I give a bucket of shit what the hell he does or doesn't do and the economy is booming, the stock market is up like it is and the swamp is getting cleaned out. I'm all good with nothing.
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?

All they can do now is alternate between the "He's not fit" narrative and the "He grabbed a pussy" tactic.

The latter is the main reason the Democrats are having a circular firing squad over the "sexual harassment" issue. Like I said, their entire playbook comes from Saul Alinsky's rules, number 4 being "Make the enemy live up to it's own book of rules."

Alinsky's rules have been the strategy used for ever major Democrat campaign for the last 50 years. That's all they have to go on and by shoving some of their own off the cliff, they think Trump will respond by jumping too.

But he won't. Trump is much smarter than they are: The left has tried everything imaginable and nothing seems to stick. That is also the reason they lost the election: The left keeps trying to use the same old routines they've used against Republican politicians. But they can't seem to understand that Trump is not a politician and the same rules of engagement simply don't work against him.

It's really pretty damned hilarious when you stand back and watch the Democrat's shit show, their posturing, and the cheesy Kabuki theater they're putting on. What's even funnier, is that they'll most likely try to emulate Trump by running some rich white guy in 2020. Or they'll just triple down on their stupidity, and continue pandering to the fringe element of society, like they usually do. We'll see.
It isn't that Trump is smarter, it's that he is amoral and shameless. His cult followers will support him no matter what.

Setting your immature butthurt aside, he’s smarter and more capable that any president in our lifetime.
You mean slimier and more culpable than any president in our lifetime?

No you illiterate fuck, I meant exactly what I said. Read it again, slower.
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?
Yeah from now on pussy grabbing perverts and child molesters are all dems will run for office Repubs have shone us the way FN SCHMUCKS
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?

We are going to continue to point out the obvious, that trump is the worst president ever and work to build on the Virginia election results.

James Buchanan continues to hold the honor of worst president. Though Obama did try to challenge that claim

Buchanan worse than Wilson?

Time has proven those two to be very bad, we will see that the best thing 0bama did was usher in the Trump years. I think he will be proven to be the worst of all time.

Buchannan sent the military to put down a non existent rebellion in Utah.

He essentially ignored the fight between pro and anti slavery groups.

Before he left office the civil war began.

Wilson, as atrocious as he was at least won world war 1. Sure he set up the inevitability of world war 2 and might have kept us out of the first one... Ok Wilson might be worse

And Wilson was the beginning of the progressive movement.
It's pretty obvious that Trump does know what he's doing. The jobs report came out today:

+228,000 NOVEMBER
2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election...
Record low unemployment rate for manufacturing...
Hispanic unemployment rate drops to 4.7% - LOWEST in history of USA

Of course, some Obama-lover will be along to give the Purple-lipped Messiah all the credit in 3...2...1...

Republicans haven't passed anything to change the economy...

They spent the first part of the year repealing regulations Obama slapped on at the end that hurt businesses

The tax cuts will benefit businesses.

The end of the Obamacare mandate, if it remains in the tax bill will help too.

The economy hasn't gotten your analysis.

Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

The economy is trending the same as it was with Obama.

Hundreds of regulations have been repealed.

Trump administration cancels hundreds of Obama-era regulations
The list, issued as part of a semiannual report on the entire government’s regulatory agenda, shows the extent to which this administration is determined to erase many of the Obama administration’s policy priorities. In several instances, the administration is dropping rules aimed at tightening worker safety standards or omitting species the government had pledged to protect under the Endangered Species Act. In other cases, it is proposing new regulations that provide employers with more leeway in how they run their businesses or report their activities to federal officials.

The Trump administration said it was pulling or suspending 860 pending regulations. Of those, 469 were being completely withdrawn. Another 391 were being set aside or reevaluated. These proposed regulations could be revisited at some point or dropped altogether.

52 Environmental regulations
52 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump

Carbon Emissions rules repealed
E.P.A. Announces Repeal of Major Obama-Era Carbon Emissions Rule

Climate regulations
Trump EPA to propose repealing Obama's climate regulation: document

Take your pick of which repeal is the most substantial and beneficial.
Yay, more pollution.
so the regulations were going to do away with pollution? wow, didn't know that. it wasn't working. so they failed, let's start over.
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?

The Russian collusion 'angle' gets worse for Trump every day - except within the rightwing propaganda machine's denialism.

Lol, that only exists in your “mind”.
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?
Yeah from now on pussy grabbing perverts and child molesters are all dems will run for office Repubs have shone us the way FN SCHMUCKS
still have no fking idea who you're referring to. Clinton's not around.
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?
The Democratic strategy for 2018/2020 is pretty clear now: Try to damage Trump as much as possible and make those elections a referendum on him.

It looks like they're also going to try to make inter-party structural changes, such as changing caucuses and primary setups, and maybe get rid of superdelegates: How Democrats win the future (Opinion) - CNN

One thing they won't be doing is looking in the mirror and realizing what they've done to turn so many voters off, meaning their core strategies of PC, Identity Politics and insulting/mocking conservatives are not going anywhere, and they'll depend on demographics to support them there.

Could work, we'll see soon enough.
there is the mere fact that after one year there is nothing on trump and that was their golden ticket. so misleading the public may back fire.

It is backfiring on them now. Just like a cheap dime store loaded cigar. everything the left has tried against Trump, is blowing up in their own faces.


I’m sure republics can win any election which becomes a referendum on trump.

Just look at the 32% approval rating during good economic times.

For someone who considers themselves a "progressive", you just can't seem to progress much, can you?

Approval ratings mean nothing any more. You're still basing your entire political fantasies on polls like the ones that stated "Trump will never win", and "There no real clear way to 270 electoral votes."

Sincerely now, I may be a Republican but that doesn't mean I'm an uncaring and unfeeling person. So let me give you some advice: You Dems really need to re-evaluate your political strategies, your platform, and your stated goals. If you ever plan on winning another election in this country, you might want to take a long look at yourselves in the mirror and ask yourselves "Why did I fail?"

I'm just saying this because I'm concerned and caring person. You're welcome.
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?
Yeah from now on pussy grabbing perverts and child molesters are all dems will run for office Repubs have shone us the way FN SCHMUCKS
still have no fking idea who you're referring to. Clinton's not around.
JC with trump and moore you have just showed the world you have no problems with electing degenerates and perverts to office Your party is no better than them
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?
Yeah from now on pussy grabbing perverts and child molesters are all dems will run for office Repubs have shone us the way FN SCHMUCKS
still have no fking idea who you're referring to. Clinton's not around.
JC with trump and moore you have just showed the world you have no problems with electing degenerates and perverts to office Your party is no better than them
I did elect trump into office with the knowledge of the NBC tape. so did the majority of the country. and yet here you are whining like the country cares. If they cared, he would have lost don't you think? I mean really what is this about? mature people understood what happened in the tape.

Oh and on Moore, he isn't a child molester. so don't know what to tell you unless you have the court documents.
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?
The Democratic strategy for 2018/2020 is pretty clear now: Try to damage Trump as much as possible and make those elections a referendum on him.

It looks like they're also going to try to make inter-party structural changes, such as changing caucuses and primary setups, and maybe get rid of superdelegates: How Democrats win the future (Opinion) - CNN

One thing they won't be doing is looking in the mirror and realizing what they've done to turn so many voters off, meaning their core strategies of PC, Identity Politics and insulting/mocking conservatives are not going anywhere, and they'll depend on demographics to support them there.

Could work, we'll see soon enough.

You may be correct. The problem is that it didn’t work for them in the run up to November 2016. I guess they keep doing the same things over and over and expect different results.
Of course, some Obama-lover will be along to give the Purple-lipped Messiah all the credit in 3...2...1...

"Purple Lipped" Messiah? :rolleyes-41:

How wonderfully racist!
I loved it.

I accidentally left out some parts: Obama is a purple-lipped jug-eared illegitimate crack-smoking dick-sucking Marxist bastard whose mommie posed for nekkid pictures when he was a little boy.

Yeah, I know "illegitimate" and "Bastard" are redundant, but I felt the need to stress that point for some reason.
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?

Well that was the most awesomely stupid OP I've seen around these parts in quite some time. Been on vacation in San Diego .. should have just stayed their as opposed to catching up on your "nothingburger" fantasies.

Coming from a left wing nutter, that’s like a complement. The only time I question myself is when I agree with you idiots.
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?
The Democratic strategy for 2018/2020 is pretty clear now: Try to damage Trump as much as possible and make those elections a referendum on him.

It looks like they're also going to try to make inter-party structural changes, such as changing caucuses and primary setups, and maybe get rid of superdelegates: How Democrats win the future (Opinion) - CNN

One thing they won't be doing is looking in the mirror and realizing what they've done to turn so many voters off, meaning their core strategies of PC, Identity Politics and insulting/mocking conservatives are not going anywhere, and they'll depend on demographics to support them there.

Could work, we'll see soon enough.
there is the mere fact that after one year there is nothing on trump and that was their golden ticket. so misleading the public may back fire.

It is backfiring on them now. Just like a cheap dime store loaded cigar. everything the left has tried against Trump, is blowing up in their own faces.


I’m sure republics can win any election which becomes a referendum on trump.

Just look at the 32% approval rating during good economic times.

Polls! You retards never ever learn do you?
You might better hope that Congress doesn't release the names of those representatives who had to pay American taxpayer's money as settlement for sexual harassment cases. Should they ever do that, you can say "goodbye" to a very large number of Democratic representatives.

Sure, there might be a couple Republicans in the list, but we're talking about something liberals and Democrats here. Everyone knows how they have no morals.
Cool story, bro. Do you want to talk about an actual case of a Republican using taxpayer money to settle sexual harassment claims, or your wishes that Democrats will be exposed for doing the same?
well we already have conyer's.
And he deserves the door for doing it. Are you going to say the same for Rep Farenthold, or continue to deflect?
sure, don't let it hit his sorry ass, or any other fking abuser. stealing our money. yep all of them. let's see the list. sure seemed you didn't think there were demolosers in the list. hmmmmm are you sincere or not?
Oh I’m sincere. I’m not a a Democrat. I lean left. But fuck all of them. The dirt needs to get out of Congress. I don’t care which party it falls from
nor me. It's why I voted Trump!!! And damn look at the catch he got on the corruption and sex abuse. scandal after scandal swamp creatures them all. just like he said.
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?
The Democratic strategy for 2018/2020 is pretty clear now: Try to damage Trump as much as possible and make those elections a referendum on him.

It looks like they're also going to try to make inter-party structural changes, such as changing caucuses and primary setups, and maybe get rid of superdelegates: How Democrats win the future (Opinion) - CNN

One thing they won't be doing is looking in the mirror and realizing what they've done to turn so many voters off, meaning their core strategies of PC, Identity Politics and insulting/mocking conservatives are not going anywhere, and they'll depend on demographics to support them there.

Could work, we'll see soon enough.

You may be correct. The problem is that it didn’t work for them in the run up to November 2016. I guess they keep doing the same things over and over and expect different results.
They're gonna hope for deterioration in the Trump vote and a more attractive candidate.

Outside of offering the electorate a better alternate view of the future, that could work. They don't need much.

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