What are the odds that Kavanaugh Will Withdraw and sue?

this vast left wing conspiracy to torpedo kavanaugh is pathetic.

i said Toto!

And when Hillary copped the 'vast right wing conspiracy' line......Bill had actually done it.

When your best argument is a batshit conspiracy theory, you've clearly exhausted your other options. And Kavanaugh doubled down on his conspiracy theory, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

And changed his answers from TV interview to testimony.

And refused to call for an FBI investigation.

None of which an innocent person is likely to do. I know if someone made false accusations against me, the first thing I'd call for is a thorough investigation. And I'd jump on a polygraph test with both feet.

Kavanaugh did neither. Ford did both.

Ford can go fuck her lying self

Or....the FBI can do as she asked.

Exactly as they are doing.


The FBI will use the Roswell time machine to get back to the "incident". If only Ford knew where and when this life altering attack occurred

Or they can interview the people involved. Including Mark Judge....who has agreed to cooperate, but wants confidentiality for what he shares.

He has something to tell the FBI about the incident that he doesn't want anyone else to know about.

Or the FBI can interview any of Kavanaugh's other 3 accusors.

Oh, yeah. They'll just learn ALL KINDS of new things by asking people who've already said, "It never happened" to repeat themselves.

I'm sorry, how exactly is that going to happen? Perhaps NOW that you've managed to subvert the law in pursuit of your own selfish agenda, you can finally explain to us what the fuck you think this charade is going to accomplish and how. You've parroted "FBI investigation! FBI investigation! No, really, THEY'LL find everything out!" in answer to any and every question for weeks now. Is it finally time you pull your head out of your colon and respond to REAL people, instead of your own delusions?
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Way to yell old white conservative piece of shit as loud as you can!!!

I'm a young white conservative and see a railroad job when I see one

Pull your head outa your ass and cease listening to your masters and you might also

A rail road job.....with a passed polygraph test and a demand for more investigation by the FBI?

That doesn't make much sense at all.

Oh, yeah. I forgot that not only do you believe the FBI has some mysterious, magical power, you ALSO believe that polygraphs are real science.

Speaking of things that don't make sense . . . do you also still believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy?
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

And she would file a countersuit.

Apparently you are not familiar with civil law. In a civil case, she doesn't have to prove him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Just by a preponderance of the evidence. By presenting file footage of her testimony, ass com pared to his in front of a civil court judge, he's dead meat, all day long and twice on Sunday.

And let the FBI find even an iota of evidence he lied at any time at any level.

Go ahead, bring that lawsuit. Make my day.

What the hell is she going to "countersue" for? Apparently, YOU are not familiar with ANY law. She doesn't HAVE any evidence, not beyond a reasonable doubt, not a preponderance, not even enough to pass the laugh test. Your fantasies to the contrary do not constitute "evidence", so you need to get past that notion. You can sit there and fap to the idea of "Ooooh, maybe the FBI will find something, and THEN we'll have something!" until you have carpal tunnel syndrome, and it's still not going to mean anything except that you need to buy another box of tissues.

Go ahead, tell yourself that presenting footage of her testimony is somehow a benefit to her, because you're just SURE that everyone else is as pantingly desperate to believe her as you are, and will therefore see her testimony the way you did. I frankly wish he would sue her just so that YOU would have your little daydream crushed when the testimony you're convinced was so brilliant turns out to be as contradiction-ridden as everyone EXCEPT you knows it to be.

You are Exhibit A of why stupid people give me hives.
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

I agree that he won't withdraw, but suing her for defamation runs into exactly the same problem her own case has: how in the hell do you prove it?

I agree. The whole thing is a he said, she said. Not witnesses. No proof.

He won't sue her because there is no way to prove it either way.

He's a Federal Judge and a lawyer so you know he's smart enough to know a suit would go no where. He won't waste the effort or the time.
Denial of civil rights(presumption of innocence until proven guilty and right to confront their accusers and many others.)

Calumny( the legal term for character assassination)

Perjury and solicitation of perjury

Admissability of repressed memory uncovered by use of a therapist is considered suspect in all courts and is normally thrown out if corraberation is lacking. The above range from constitutional rights in all cases including the UCMJ to some degree to common law and on to general practices.

Kavanaugh knows that ripping the Ds a new one is the best way to clear his name.

Will he do it?
He will never sue.

Isn't it clear why he was against an FBI investigation?

Think about it. You'll figure it out.

And his answers from the Fox interview changed substantially from his testimony under oath.

With Marc Judge agreeing to cooperate with the FBI if his testimony can remain confidential.

This does not bode well for Kavanaugh. Which is probably why he didn't want an FBI investigation and refused to call for one.

Ford did. With Ford also passing a polygraph test. Something Kavanaugh has never even attempted on this issue.

Polygraph tests aren't even admissible in a court of law. Oh and he won't withdraw.

Hell I know people who have passed a poly while lying through their teeth.

Judge has already stated he was so drunk he didn't remember the party or anything else.

Oh and BK never said anything about not wanting an FBI investigation. They have already investigated the man six times. They found nothing.

The won't find anything with a 7th either.

The FBI has already talked to three witnesses. Neither of them remembered the party at all.

Three Witnesses Interviewed By FBI In Kavanaugh Probe Don’t Remember The Party In Ford’s Testimony

The two witnesses Ford provided said they were never at the party.

He said. She said and the whole thing stinks like week old dead fish.

So you tell me who's full of shit??
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Denial of civil rights(presumption of innocence until proven guilty and right to confront their accusers and many others.)

Calumny( the legal term for character assassination)

Perjury and solicitation of perjury

Admissability of repressed memory uncovered by use of a therapist is considered suspect in all courts and is normally thrown out if corraberation is lacking. The above range from constitutional rights in all cases including the UCMJ to some degree to common law and on to general practices.

Kavanaugh knows that ripping the Ds a new one is the best way to clear his name.

Will he do it?

Probably not.
And when Hillary copped the 'vast right wing conspiracy' line......Bill had actually done it.

When your best argument is a batshit conspiracy theory, you've clearly exhausted your other options. And Kavanaugh doubled down on his conspiracy theory, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

And changed his answers from TV interview to testimony.

And refused to call for an FBI investigation.

None of which an innocent person is likely to do. I know if someone made false accusations against me, the first thing I'd call for is a thorough investigation. And I'd jump on a polygraph test with both feet.

Kavanaugh did neither. Ford did both.

Ford can go fuck her lying self

Or....the FBI can do as she asked.

Exactly as they are doing.


The FBI will use the Roswell time machine to get back to the "incident". If only Ford knew where and when this life altering attack occurred

Or they can interview the people involved. Including Mark Judge....who has agreed to cooperate, but wants confidentiality for what he shares.

He has something to tell the FBI about the incident that he doesn't want anyone else to know about.

Or the FBI can interview any of Kavanaugh's other 3 accusors.


After Kavanaugh is confirmed we need to boot Feinstein out of the Senate

Sadly, there's not a great deal that anyone other than the voters of California can do about that, and far too many of them are too piss-stupid to recognize what a blight she is on America.
Ford can go fuck her lying self

Or....the FBI can do as she asked.

Exactly as they are doing.


The FBI will use the Roswell time machine to get back to the "incident". If only Ford knew where and when this life altering attack occurred

Or they can interview the people involved. Including Mark Judge....who has agreed to cooperate, but wants confidentiality for what he shares.

He has something to tell the FBI about the incident that he doesn't want anyone else to know about.

Or the FBI can interview any of Kavanaugh's other 3 accusors.


After Kavanaugh is confirmed we need to boot Feinstein out of the Senate

Sadly, there's not a great deal that anyone other than the voters of California can do about that, and far too many of them are too piss-stupid to recognize what a blight she is on America.

I agree. She and Waters keep getting elected. They sure do have some stupid people in the districts those two live in.

Voters know Kavanaugh is dealing with desperate democrats. He also knows this country has its share of crazy people.

Democrats are digging themselves a hole. A hole of depths we’ll be seeing in November.
Desperate Democrats? Did you see his performance last Thursday? Look up "desperate" in the dictionary and you see his picture.
Ford can go fuck her lying self

Or....the FBI can do as she asked.

Exactly as they are doing.


The FBI will use the Roswell time machine to get back to the "incident". If only Ford knew where and when this life altering attack occurred

Or they can interview the people involved. Including Mark Judge....who has agreed to cooperate, but wants confidentiality for what he shares.

He has something to tell the FBI about the incident that he doesn't want anyone else to know about.

Or the FBI can interview any of Kavanaugh's other 3 accusors.


After Kavanaugh is confirmed we need to boot Feinstein out of the Senate

Sadly, there's not a great deal that anyone other than the voters of California can do about that, and far too many of them are too piss-stupid to recognize what a blight she is on America.
Hopefully we will be trashcanning Hunter, Rohrbacher, and Nunes this November.
Or....the FBI can do as she asked.

Exactly as they are doing.


The FBI will use the Roswell time machine to get back to the "incident". If only Ford knew where and when this life altering attack occurred

Or they can interview the people involved. Including Mark Judge....who has agreed to cooperate, but wants confidentiality for what he shares.

He has something to tell the FBI about the incident that he doesn't want anyone else to know about.

Or the FBI can interview any of Kavanaugh's other 3 accusors.


After Kavanaugh is confirmed we need to boot Feinstein out of the Senate

Sadly, there's not a great deal that anyone other than the voters of California can do about that, and far too many of them are too piss-stupid to recognize what a blight she is on America.

I agree. She and Waters keep getting elected. They sure do have some stupid people in the districts those two live in.
In your opinion....let's talk Louie Gohmert.....

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